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How Can I Tell I Have Diabetes

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How Do I Know I Have Diabetes Check This Diabetes Symptoms List

How do I know if I have diabetes?

The only way to know with certainty if you have diabetes is by visiting your doctor. Diabetes must be diagnosed by a physician who will ask you questions about your lifestyle and any symptoms you might be having, and then he or she will order lab tests to check your blood sugar level. Diabetes involves hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, and the only way to know if you have it is with lab tests.

Of course, there are symptoms and risk factors that can serve as warning signs, alerting you to the possibility that you have diabetes. Consider this diabetes symptoms list to see if you have some of them:

  • Increased thirst
  • Weight gain
  • Blurred vision
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Dry skin, itchy skin
  • Acanthosis, or darkening of the skin on the neck, armpits, or other areas of the body

Unfortunately, many of these symptoms dont appear until your blood glucose levels have climbed high enough for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. If you have any of the above symptoms , its a good idea to have a medical check-up .

You dont have to passively wait for symptoms to appear, however. Because symptoms dont appear immediately, you might wonder, How do I know I have diabetes? Knowing the risk factors can help you take action if you are concerned about having diabetes.

What Colour Is Urine If You Have Diabetes

Can Cloudy Urine Be a Sign of Diabetes? Diabetes can cause cloudy urine when too much sugar builds up in your urine. Your urine may also smell sweet or fruity. Diabetes can also lead to kidney complications or increase risk of infections of the urinary tract, both of which can also make your urine appear cloudy.

Youve Got Weird Dark Spots On Your Skin

Darkening skin around the nape of your neck, under your armpits, or even in your groin area is a surprising and common early sign of insulin resistance, the precursor to diabetesthe medical name for the condition is acanthosis nigricans .

We see this often in women with polycystic ovary syndrome , says Kellis, who notes that women with PCOS are at an increased risk of insulin issues. If you notice new dark spots on your skin, theyre worth checking out with your doctor.

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Other Signs Of Diabetes

Pay attention if you find yourself feeling drowsy or lethargic pain or numbness in your extremities vision changes fruity or sweet-smelling breath which is one of the symptoms of high ketones and experiencing nausea or vomitingas these are additional signs that something is not right. If theres any question, see your doctor immediately to ensure that your blood sugar levels are safe and rule out diabetes.

When To Call Your Doctor

type 2 diabetes symptoms

If you’re older than 45 or have other risks for diabetes, it’s important to get tested. When you spot the condition early, you can avoid nerve damage, heart trouble, and other complications.

As a general rule, call your doctor if you:

  • Feel sick to your stomach, weak, and very thirsty
  • Are peeing a lot
  • Have a bad belly ache
  • Are breathing more deeply and faster than normal
  • Have sweet breath that smells like nail polish remover

Show Sources

Cleveland Clinic: “Diabetes: Frequently Asked Questions” and “What Is Diabetes?”à ââ¬ÅDiabetes: Preventing Complications,ââ¬ï¿½ ââ¬ÅHyperglycemia .ââ¬ï¿½

University of Michigan Health System: “Type 1 Diabetes.”

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: “Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes.”

Baylor Scott & White Healthcare: “Urinary Frequency” and “Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy Hard-to-Heal Wounds.”

Sutter Health: “Question & Answer: Is Sudden Weight Loss a Sign of Diabetes? If So, Why?”

Neithercott, T. Diabetes Forecast, August 2013.

University of Rochester Medical Center: “Diabetic Skin Troubles.”

Joslin Diabetes Center: “Diseases of the Eye” and “Diabetic Neuropathy: What You Need to Know.”

The Nemours Foundation: “When Blood Sugar Is Too High.”

Virginia Mason Medical Center: “Complications.”

Carolinas Health System: “Diabetes: Yeast Infections and Diabetes: What You Should Know.”

Geisinger Health: ââ¬Å3 reasons diabetic wounds are slow to heal.ââ¬ï¿½

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Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

The signs and symptoms of diabetes are disregarded by many because of the chronic progression of the disease. People do not consider this as a serious problem because unlike many other diseases the consequences of hyperglycaemia are not manifested immediately. People are not aware that damage can start several years before symptoms become noticeable. This is unfortunate because recognition of early symptoms can help to get the disease under control immediately and to prevent vascular complications.

How Can I Tell If I Have Type 2 Diabetes

Do you suspect you have diabetes? Perhaps you know someone with diabetes and youre beginning to see the symptoms they experienced in yourself. Whatever the case may be, its extremely vital to pay attention to the symptoms and seek treatment as soon as possible. This can help reduce your condition and protect other aspects of your health that diabetes will ultimately affect.

If you do have diabetes, youre not alone. According to the CDC, a 2017 report concluded that a little more than 30 million adults in America are living with diabetes. But whats even more alarming is that roughly 80 million adults in the U.S. have prediabetes.

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You Feel Really Itchy All The Time

Those with diabtetes often experience itching due to yeast infections , dry skin, or poor circulation, according to the American Diabetes Association. If poor circulation is to blame, your legs will be the itchiest area.

Per the ADA, you can try to treat the itching yourself by limiting how much you bathe , using soap with a built-in moisturizer, and remembering to apply lotion immediately after washing up.

What Is The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Tips : How to Tell If You Have Diabetes

Before you can know if you have diabetes, you need to know the difference between the two main types. There are other conditions which fall under the banner group of diabetes mellitus , but type 1 and type 2 diabetes make up the majority. One, gestational diabetes, happens during pregnancy and is something which should be monitored for during pregnancy check-ups.

  • Type 1 diabetes: this is when the pancreas does not produce insulin to regulate your blood sugar. It is diagnosed most commonly earlier in life, usually during childhood. Genetics play a part in whether or not you will get type 1 diabetes, but many genes can affect it.
  • Type 2 diabetes: this is when the body develops resistance to and creates a lack of insulin leading to inability to control blood sugar levels. It is usually diagnosed later in life and is very related to lifestyle, particularly obesity.

Insulin is a hormone which regulates our metabolism, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and protein into the blood stream. This is essential to our survival as these nutrients keep our body functioning and help our immune system to function properly. It is created in the pancreas, so damage to this organ can have a drastic effect on our ability to produce insulin.

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Importance Of Early Diagnosis

An early diagnosis may help prevent complications.

Recognizing the early signs of type 2 diabetes can allow a person to get a diagnosis and treatment sooner. Getting appropriate treatment, making lifestyle changes, and controlling blood sugar levels can greatly improve a persons health and quality of life and reduce the risk of complications.

Without treatment, persistently high blood sugar levels can lead to severe and sometimes life-threatening complications, including:

People With Type 1 Diabetes And Covid

Younger people who have type 1 diabetes and dont have diabetes complications are at lower risk of developing severe COVID-19, according to a 2021 study in the journal Diabetologia. But based on a new study published this past September in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, adults with type 1 diabetes over the age of 40 have worse outcomes from COVID-19 compared to children and young adults. These outcomes included severe hypoglycemia , diabetic ketoacidosis , and death. Of note, these adults also had a higher prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure or heart disease, and chronic kidney disease.

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Your Hand And/or Feet Experience Daily Tingling Or Numbness

Another effect of poor blood circulation is how it affects the bodys nerves. High blood sugar levels will cause a feeling of tingling in the hands and feet. You may also notice numbness in your hands and feet as well. If your condition worsens or is left untreated, you may be at risk of a condition known as neuropathy, which affects your central nervous system.

You’ve Got Weird Dark Spots On Your Skin

I Have Type 2 Diabetes

Darkening skin around the nape of your neck, under your armpits, or even in your groin area is a surprising and common early sign of insulin resistance, the precursor to diabetesthe medical name for the condition is acanthosis nigricans .

We see this often in women with polycystic ovary syndrome , says Kellis, who notes that women with PCOS are at an increased risk of insulin issues. If you notice new dark spots on your skin, they’re worth checking out with your doctor.

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Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes

You might notice:

  • Unplanned weight loss. If your body can’t get energy from your food, it will start burning muscle and fat for energy instead. You may lose weight even though you haven’t changed how you eat. See which foods are high in trans fatty acids.
  • Nausea and vomiting. When your body resorts to burning fat, it makes ketones. These can build up in your blood to dangerous levels, a possibly life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Ketones can make you feel sick to your stomach.

You Notice Tingling And Numbness In Your Hands Or Feet

As mentioned, uncontrolled blood sugar can cause nerve damage, also known as diabetic neuropathy. What you may notice is a tingling sensation or even numbness in your hands and feet. Some people experience pain in their hands and feet as well. Though neuropathy is most common in people who have had diabetes for a long time, it can occur in anyone with poorly controlled diabetes.

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Early Signs Of Diabetes

Both types of diabetes have some of the same telltale warning signs.

  • Hunger and fatigue. Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to take in glucose. If your body doesn’t make enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body makes, the glucose can’t get into them and you have no energy. This can make you hungrier and more tired than usual.
  • Peeing more often and being thirstier. The average person usually has to pee between four and seven times in 24 hours, but people with diabetes may go a lot more. Why? Normally, your body reabsorbs glucose as it passes through your kidneys. But when diabetes pushes your blood sugar up, your kidneys may not be able to bring it all back in. This causes the body to make more urine, and that takes fluids. The result: You’ll have to go more often. You might pee out more, too. Because you’re peeing so much, you can get very thirsty. When you drink more, you’ll also pee more.
  • Dry mouth and itchy skin. Because your body is using fluids to make pee, there’s less moisture for other things. You could get dehydrated, and your mouth may feel dry. Dry skin can make you itchy.
  • Blurred vision. Changing fluid levels in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and canââ¬â¢t focus.

How Can You Tell If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

How to tell if you have Diabetes type II

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What Is Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes, sometimes known as juvenile diabetes, is a chronic autoimmune condition in which your pancreas loses the ability to produce insulin. It can be triggered by a virus, such as the common cold or flu, and there is evidence that it has a genetic component as well.

Following a viral infection, your body can sometimes malfunction and respond by attacking its own cells. This process is known as an autoimmune response. In type 1 diabetes, your bodys immune system specifically attacks cells in your pancreas called beta cells, which produce the hormone insulin. In that case, damaged beta cells mean your body either stops producing enough insulin, or it cant produce insulin at all.

Youre Hungrier Than Usual But Losing Weight

Many people with uncontrolled high blood sugar find that theyre hungrier than usual, which signals a symptom called polyphagia, MedlinePlus notes. And although youre eating more, you may be losing weight for no apparent reason if your blood sugar levels are too high, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Since your body is not getting energy from the preferred source, glucose, it has to turn to muscle and fat, Zanini explains. When your body starts breaking down muscle and fat for energy, you experience unintentional and unhealthy weight loss. In addition to these changes in weight and appetite, you may notice weakness in your muscles and experience more frequent falls, Emanuele adds.

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A Short History Of Types

Described and treated since ancient times, diabetes has specific characteristics that were recognized long ago. Before the discovery of insulin, people found to have sugar in their urine under the age of 20 usually died in their youth. In contrast, those diagnosed when over the age of 40 could live for many years with this condition.

Beginning in the mid-1920s, those who got diabetes when young started on insulin, and those who got it when older often were not. However, the mechanisms that led to this difference in treatment were unknown. The only marker that differentiated the two types at that time was the presence in the urine of moderate or large levels of ketones when blood sugars were high. When significant ketones were present because the person could no longer make enough insulin, injected insulin was needed to control the glucose, and they were called insulin-dependent.

Differences In The Three Major Types Of Diabetes
Type 1
insulin is vital, diet & exercise changes helpful pills or insulin vital, diet & exercise changes helpful pills helpful, diet & increased activity essential
Late treatment insulin, diet, exercise insulin, pills, diet, exercise insulin, pills, diet, exercise
* may occur at any age if all antibody-positive cases are included, i.e. Type 1 and Type 1.5

When To See A Diabetes Healthcare Specialist

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Its a good idea to go to your primary care provider if you have any of the early warning signs of diabetes.

If you suspect you have diabetes, the first step would be to make an appointment with your primary care physician, such as your family practitioner, internist or pediatrician, says Soma Mandal, MD, of Summit Medical Group in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. They would speak with you about what symptoms you are having, discuss your family medical history, and what your lifestyle is like.

Its important to note: If someone has been having increased thirst and urination, then develops nausea and vomiting, they may need to go to the hospital because very high sugars can be dangerous, Dr. Weitzner says.

Prediabetes and an early stage of Type 2 diabetes is typically managed by your primary care provider, says Dr. Weitzner, but they will likely send you for diabetes testing, which includes a blood test that is typically done twice to confirm the results. During pregnancy, or at other times, testing for diabetes may involve drinking something very sweet and having your blood sugar checked before you drink it and a few times after you drink it, she explains.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, there are a few different specialists that you may see, including an endocrinologist, a healthcare provider that specializes in treating diabetes.

If youre experiencing symptoms, dont wait for your annual visitcall your healthcare provider right away.

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What Are The Different Types Of Diabetes

Normally, the body uses insulin to help muscle and fat cells take up glucose to use as energy, says Erica Weitzner, MD, an endocrinologist at Summit Medical Group in New Jersey. When you develop diabetes, your body stops using insulin effectively, which allows sugar to build up in your bloodstream.

  • Type 1 diabetes occurs when your pancreas fails to produce insulinthe immune system destroys the cells that produce it. Previously known as juvenile diabetes, it can occur at any age.
  • Type 2 diabetes occurs when your cells do not respond as well to insulin as they should, and additional insulin is required to achieve the same effect as before, Dr. Weitzner explains. It mainly affects adults.
  • Prediabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes occurs when a pregnant womans hormones affect her ability to produce enough insulin for her body. Around 7% of women develop gestational diabetes.

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