Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Control Urination In Diabetes

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Monitor Blood Sugar Levels Regularly

Urinary incontinence – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Checking your blood sugar levels at home is an important part of diabetes management. Monitoring blood sugar regularly helps provide insight into your blood sugar trends, including how your blood sugar responds to different lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and exercise.

People who check their blood sugar between visits with their healthcare providers tend to have better blood sugar control.

What Causes Diabetes Insipidus

In general, diabetes insipidus is caused by problems with how your body makes or uses antidiuretic hormone , which helps your kidneys balance the amount of fluid in your body. The exact causes vary for the different types of diabetes insipidus. Sometimes, healthcare providers cant determine the cause.

Causes of central diabetes insipidus

Central diabetes insipidus happens when theres an issue with your hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Specific causes include:

  • Damage to your hypothalamus or your pituitary gland from surgery.
  • Damage to your hypothalamus or pituitary gland from a head injury, particularly basal skull fractures.
  • Inflammation from sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.
  • Tumors that affect your hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
  • An autoimmune reaction that causes your immune system to damage healthy cells that make an antidiuretic hormone .
  • An inherited gene mutation on chromosome 20.

Causes of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus happens when your kidneys dont use antidiuretic hormone properly. Specific causes include:

Causes of dipsogenic diabetes insipidus

Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus happens when theres an issue with your hypothalamus unrelated to ADH production that causes you to feel thirsty and drink more liquids. Specific causes include:

Pregnancy Concerns And Fertility Problems

If you have diabetes and plan to become pregnant, its important to get your blood glucose levels close to your target range before you get pregnant. High blood glucose can harm your baby during the first weeks of pregnancy, even before you know youre pregnant.

If you have diabetes and are already pregnant, see your doctor as soon as possible to make a plan to manage your diabetes. Working with your health care team and following your diabetes management plan can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Health problems such as obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome that are linked to diabetes can make it harder to conceive a child. Talk with a health care professional, such as a gynecologist or a fertility specialist, if youre having problems conceiving a child.

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How To Know If Its Diabetes

Peeing a lot is a hallmark sign of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, as the elimination of bodily fluids is sometimes your bodys only way of flushing excess blood sugar.

But urinating more than usual is just one of many signs and can be caused by any number of health conditions. If youre worried about diabetes, its important to look out for some of these other common diabetes symptoms:

  • Fatigue. The cells inability to draw on glucose for energy can leave people with diabetes feeling depleted and exhausted much of the time. Dehydration only makes the fatigue worse.
  • Weight loss. A combination of low insulin levels and an inability to absorb sugar from the blood can lead to rapid weight loss in people with diabetes.
  • Blurred vision. A side effect of the dehydration caused by diabetes can be a severe drying of the eyes, which may affect vision.
  • Swollen gums. Those with diabetes are at higher risk for infections, swelling, or buildup of pus in the gums.
  • Tingling. A loss in sensation in the limbs, fingers, or toes is a common side effect of excess blood sugar.

If youre frequently urinating and worry it might be diabetes, keep an eye out for some of these other classic symptoms. If you notice several of them, or just want to be sure, consult a doctor.

Polyuria And Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes and Urinary Tract Infections  Things You Need To Know # ...

What causes frequent urination with diabetes? Polyuria occurs when your body urinates more frequentlyand often in larger amountsthan normal. Frequent urination is also a symptom of undiagnosed type 1 diabetes that can lead to extreme dehydration and eventually affect your kidney function. Polyuria in diabetes occurs when you have excess levels of sugar in the blood. Normally, when your kidneys create urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar and direct it back to the bloodstream. With type 1 diabetes, excess glucose ends up in the urine, where it pulls more water and results in more urine. What should I do if I think Im experiencing type 1 diabetes-related polyuria? If you find you are suddenly urinating more frequentlyespecially if its accompanied by other symptomsits important to see your doctor. As we mentioned above the dehydration that results from polyuria, or excessive urination, can lead to kidney problemsor even diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be life-threatening.Continue reading > >

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Low Sexual Desire And Response

Low sexual desire and sexual response can include

  • being unable to become or stay aroused
  • not having enough vaginal lubrication
  • having little to no feeling in your genitals

With diabetes, your body and mind will likely go through many changes. For example, both high and low blood glucose levels can affect how and if you become aroused. Or, you may find yourself more tired than usual or depressed and anxious, making you less interested in sex.

Your health care team can help you make changes to your diabetes care plan so that youre back on track. Women who keep blood glucose levels in their target range are less likely to have nerve damage, which can lead to low sexual desire and response.

What Is Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes insipidus is a rare but treatable condition in which your body produces too much urine and isnt able to properly retain water. Diabetes insipidus can be chronic or temporary and mild or severe depending on the cause.

Diabetes insipidus is mostly caused by an issue with a hormone called antidiuretic hormone either your body doesnt make enough of ADH or your kidneys dont use it properly.

People with diabetes insipidus pee large volumes of urine several times a day and drink large amounts of water because they feel constantly thirsty. If you have diabetes insipidus and dont drink enough fluid to replace water loss through urine, you can become dehydrated, which is dangerous to your health.

Because of this, diabetes insipidus is a serious condition that requires medical treatment.

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When To Seek Medical Help

There is a wide range of reasons due to which frequent urination can occur. They range from casual to severe conditions. Therefore, if you notice a change in the frequency and pattern of urination, you should consult a doctor.1 However, if you notice the following symptoms along with frequent urination, please get in touch with your doctor immediately as it might be an indicator of a more serious problem:

  • Pain in the lower back region, towards the sides, over the kidneys

How To Treat Or Manage Incontinence

Urinary Frequency, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Incontinence treatment depends on the type. If your medications are causing incontinence, your doctor may be able to discuss different treatment options or ways to manage it. Or you may need antibiotics if you have a UTI. Your doctor may also recommend a dietitian that can plan a suitable diet to incorporate more soluble fiber. This can help with regulating bowel movements and reducing constipation.

Keeping blood sugar levels within the targets set by you and your doctor can also help. Well-controlled blood sugar can reduce the risk of complications, such as nerve damage, that can lead to incontinence. It can also reduce the symptoms of high blood sugar, such as excessive thirst and excessive urination.

If theres no underlying cause, lifestyle changes are the most effective ways to manage incontinence, even if you have diabetes.

These lifestyle changes include:

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Treatments And Management Of Frequent Urination

Frequent urination can be managed by treating its underlying cause. If diabetes is the reason youre peeing more often than usual, your healthcare provider will develop a treatment plan to help control your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes treatments are designed to balance blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms of the condition. Common diabetes treatments include:

  • Insulin: This is the most common diabetes treatment, prescribed to lower blood sugar levels. Insulin may be administered via injection, through a pump, or by using an inhaler.
  • Oral medications:Many different medications can be taken by mouth to treat diabetes. Most people with type 2 diabetes are prescribed metformin in pill or liquid form to help the body use insulin better and lower blood sugar levels.

Certain lifestyle modifications may help manage frequent urination caused by diabetes, such as:

  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption: These beverages are diuretics and cause water loss through urine.
  • Eating a healthy diet: Eating a diabetes-friendly diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein and low in carbohydrates and processed sugar can help manage blood sugar levels. Minimizing acidic or spicy food may also help.
  • Exercising: Regular physical activity can help control blood sugar levels and lower the risk of diabetes-related complications. Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise each week.

What Are The Treatment Options For Frequent Urination

If high blood sugars are to blame for frequent urination, youll work with your health care provider to explore strategies to maintain better control of your diabetes. Perhaps its time to switch up your medication, adjust your eating habits, increase your exercise level, or find better ways to manage stress.

Other treatments for frequent urination will vary based on the cause, such as antibiotics to clear up a UTI or surgery to fix incontinence from a weak pelvic floor. For an overactive bladder, there are medications to relax the muscles and nerves for better control.

Additional interventions that can help manage frequent urination in diabetes may include:

  • Bladder retraining or timed voiding, where you urinate at set intervals to develop more self-regulation
  • Pelvic floor exercises to improve bladder and bowel control
  • Self-catheterization, which entails inserting a tube into your bladder to fully empty it to reduce the risk of infection

Dont hesitate to tell your doctor if youre experiencing symptoms like frequent urination. Whether its a new symptom of diabetes or something thats been going on in the background for years, its important to know why its happening and what you can do about it. If you feel like you arent satisfied with the first attempts at treatment, you can seek a referral to a urologist for further testing.

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How To Stop Frequent Urination In Diabetes

In order to lower the number of times you need to use the bathroom, follow these tips:

Increase Fluid Intake: Increasing fluid intake when you have diabetes is not a good idea in general. However, if its causing frequent urination, then you should increase your fluid intake by at least six 8-ounce glasses per day.

This will ensure that you are having enough fluids to make up for the urine loss.

It is important to note that not all beverages are created equally, so its best to stick to water.

Avoid Carbonated drinks, coffee, and tea containing caffeine: Caffeinated beverages can increase the frequency of urination. The caffeine in coffee and tea as well as the carbonation in soda makes you go to the bathroom more often. If you have diabetes, its best to avoid these types of drinks when youre trying to stop frequent urination.

Avoid alcohol: Alcohol can also lead to frequent urination. If you do drink, the safest bet is to stop if youre trying to stop this problem.

Avoid fruit juices: While fresh fruit juice is a good source of nutrients, many commercial fruit juices can be high in sugar and contain preservatives that will increase the number of trips you make to the bathroom.

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Increase Physical Activity: In general, increasing physical activity will help lower blood sugar levels and stabilize insulin levels, both of which can help prevent frequent urination in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

What Is The Difference Between Diabetes Insipidus And Diabetes Mellitus

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Diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are two distinct conditions with different causes and treatments. They share the name diabetes because they both cause increased thirst and frequent urination. Diabetes comes from the Greek word diabainein, which means go through much like the liquids that quickly go through your body in these conditions.

Diabetes mellitus, most commonly known as Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes, happens when your pancreas doesnt make any or enough insulin or your body doesnt use the insulin it makes properly. Your body needs insulin to transform the food you eat into energy.

If your body doesnt have insulin to transform glucose into energy, it starts breaking down fat and muscle for energy instead, which produces a substance called ketones. Too many ketones can turn your blood acidic, so your body tries to get rid of them through your urine. Because of this, symptoms of diabetes often include extreme thirst and frequent urination.

Diabetes insipidus happens when your body doesnt make enough antidiuretic hormone or your kidneys dont use it properly. Your body needs ADH to retain appropriate amounts of water. Without ADH, your body loses water through urine.

Diabetes mellitus is much more common than diabetes insipidus.

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Other Reasons You Pee At Night

Diabetes is just one reason you might be waking often to use the bathroom. There are lots of others, including:

Age. As years pass, your body makes less of a hormone that limits the amount of urine you make at night. So there’s more in your bladder. Aging also affects how much urine your bladder can hold.

Drinking too much. Whether itâs water or drinks with caffeine or alcohol, too much before bedtime can fill your bladder and wake you up.

Diabetes insipidus. Unrelated to type 1 or 2 diabetes, this condition causes your kidneys to make too much urine.

Other things that could have you up often to pee include:

  • Tingly or numb feeling in your hands or feet
  • More infections and slower healing

See your doctor if you notice any of these.

Frequency Impact And Prevention Of Urologic Complications Of Type 1 Diabetes

There are some very widely talked about and avoided complications of Type 1 diabetes such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy and cardiovascular disease. However there are other complications that get relatively little notice but have major impacts on not just our health, but our quality of life.

Urological complications such as urinary tract infections sexual dysfunction, dysuria and urinary incontinence are some of the most commonly reported diabetes related issues reported among both men and women. In a recent analysis of data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial it was found that 65% of women and 68% of men reported urologic complication symptoms. Most common among women being UTI and most common among men and women being sexual dysfunction and difficulty urinating.

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Aim For Sustainable Weight Loss

Losing weight if youre overweight can help improve blood sugar levels and reduce frequent urination.

You might notice weight loss just by making some healthy lifestyle changes. Sustainable, non-restrictive habit changes resulting in weight loss are the best way to lose weight.

Weight loss of 5-10% of your initial body weight can help people with prediabetes avoid developing diabetes and can improve blood glucose control in people with existing diabetes. For a 200-pound person, that would equate to a 10-20 pound weight loss.

Is Peeing Every Hour Normal

Urinary Incontinence (Stress, Urge, Overflow & Functional) | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the average person should urinate somewhere between between six and eight times in a 24-hour period. While an individual is occasionally likely go more frequently than that, daily incidences of urinating more than eight times may signal a concern for too-frequent urination.

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What Causes Frequent Urination In Diabetics

The average person has a urine output of around 800-2,000 milliliters per day, but polyuria is a urine output of greater than 3,000 ml per day.

Very high blood sugar levels cause frequent urination in people with diabetes. If you have diabetes and your blood sugar levels are well-controlled, you shouldnt suffer from frequent urination unless you have other health conditions that cause it.

When your blood sugar is high, there is more glucose in your urine. High glucose in urine pulls water from the body, increasing the volume of urine output. This is part of your bodys way of getting rid of excess sugar when there isnt enough insulin to do the job.

The kidneys usually filter and reabsorb glucose in your urine. With type 2 diabetes, the kidneys have to work harder than normal and cant keep up with the high sugar levels, causing it to be excreted in the urine.

When blood sugar levels are high and youre urinating more, it causes dehydration. Dehydration stimulates thirst, causing you to drink more fluids. Drinking more fluids can cause more urination on top of the already increased urination from diabetes. These two issues can cycle off each other in a continuous loop.

What Does Diabetes Doto Your Bladder

  • Urinary Retention

The diabetic bladder can lead to urinary retention, which means the bladder cannot void completely. Diabetes has damaged the bladder nerves ability to signal when the bladder is full. Once the diabetic bladder develops to an advanced stage, bladder fullness is not sensed until the bladder if overfilled to two or three times its normal size.

Paradoxically, excess glucose in the blood leads to excessive thirst and urination, which make people urinate more frequently because they drink more fluid. Once nerve damage sets in, the sensation to void is diminished, causing the bladder to overfill with urine. The overfilling stretches the muscle in the bladder, which can weaken it leading to decreased contractility. Because the bladder doesnt have enough strength to expel all the urine out, some urine is retained in the bladder. Retained urine increases the risk of infections, which are more common in people with diabetes in the first place.

  • Involuntary Leakage of Urine

The bladder can also become overactive: the damaged nerves can send wrong signals to the bladder, making it squeeze and expel fluids without warning.

If the involuntary leakage of urine has caused the sleeping issues, one may consider using an incontinence pad at night.

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