Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Diabetes Make Your Blood Pressure Go Up

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Tips For Managing Medication That Affects Blood Glucose

Diabetes and blood pressure | How it works | Diabetes UK

Despite these risks, you may find yourself needing to take one of these drugs while managing diabetes. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to help keep your blood sugar controlled, including the following:

Pause before immediately taking a new medication. Patients should always consult the pharmacist or their doctor before they start any new over-the-counter medication, Vivian says.

Clear it with your main diabetes doctor. If a specialist, like an orthopedist or psychiatrist, prescribes a new medication, check in with your certified diabetes educator or primary care doctor to ensure that its okay to take and to coordinate any necessary adjustments to your diabetes medication, Hsieh says.

Take care of yourself. Prioritize diet and exercise if youre taking a medication that may affect your blood sugar control. Physical activity and healthy nutrition help to prevent as significant of a spike, so we may not have to make an aggressive change in the medication regimen, says Vivian.

If You Have Diabetes And Get Sick With Covid

Its critically important for people with diabetes to understand that COVID-19 illness can raise their blood pressure levels, and high blood pressure can lead to dehydration. If you get sick, drink plenty of fluids and check your blood pressure regularly. Ask your doctor for instructions on how to watch your blood pressure and adjust for changes.

In addition, check your blood sugar more frequently and contact your doctor if it stays above 250 mg/dL. If you have type 1 diabetes and your blood sugar rises above 250, you could be at risk for ketoacidosis, which occurs when the body burns fat for energy and creates high levels of blood acids, known as ketones. Eventually these ketones can poison the body. During the coronavirus outbreak, its especially important to keep your ketone levels down and avoid trips to the ER, when possible.

Overall, having diabetes does put you at risk for COVID-19 complications, including the need for hospitalization and a ventilator. Do your best to avoid getting sick and needing care at the hospital.

Diabetes And High Blood Pressure: What Is The Relationship

Your blood pressure is one of the most important markers of health especially as a person with any type of diabetes.

High blood pressure is very common in people with diabetes. In fact, the two conditions often go hand-in-hand because they can both result from the same lifestyle factors.

In this article, well discuss what high blood pressure is and what causes it, what is a healthy blood pressure measurement, the link between diabetes and high blood pressure, and what you can do to prevent or lower high blood pressure levels.

  • Consider medication
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    Target Blood Pressure Levels

    The first number in a blood pressure reading is known as the systolic reading, which is the pressure of your blood when your heart beats.

    The second number is the diastolic reading, which is the blood pressure between heart beats.

    The blood pressure targets set by NICE are slightly different depending on your type of diabetes.

    • Type 1 diabetes : Below 135/85 mmHg

    If you have diabetic nephropathy or two signs of metabolic syndromen, the target is 130/80 mmHg

    • Type 2 diabetes: Below 140/80 mmHg

    If you have nephropathy, retinopathy or have cerebrovascular disease the target is 130/80 mmHg

    The NHS regards an ideal blood pressure reading as being below 120/80mmHg

    The target is to get your blood pressure below both of these numbers.

    How To Prevent Hyperglycaemia

    Low blood pressure could be a culprit in dementia, studies ...

    There are simple ways to reduce your risk of severe or prolonged hyperglycaemia:

    • Be careful what you eat be particularly aware of how snacking and eating sugary foods or carbohydrates can affect your blood sugar level.
    • Stick to your treatment plan remember to take your insulin or other diabetes medications as recommended by your care team.
    • Be as active as possible getting regular exercise can help stop your blood sugar level rising, but you should check with your doctor first if you’re taking diabetes medication, as some medicines can lead to hypoglycaemia if you exercise too much
    • Take extra care when you’re ill your care team can provide you with some “sick day rules” that outline what you can do to keep your blood sugar level under control during an illness.
    • Monitor your blood sugar level your care team may suggest using a device to check your level at home, so you can spot an increase early and take steps to stop it.

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    How Long Is Medication Needed For

    In most cases, medication is needed for life. However, in some people whose blood pressure has been well controlled for a period of time, medication may be able to be stopped. In particular, in people who have made significant changes to their lifestyle . Your doctor will be able to advise you if you can reduce any of your medication.

    Certain Antibiotics To Address Infections Such As Utis And Pneumonia

    A class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones, used to treat illnesses like pneumonia and urinary tract infections , has been shown to cause both very low and high blood sugar, a study published in October 2013 in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found. In addition, pentamidine, an antimicrobial drug used to treat a certain kind of pneumonia, can also cause a rise in blood sugar.

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    Papers Of Particular Interest Published Recently Have Been Highlighted As: Of Importance

    This is a brief review of the overlap between hypertension and type 2 diabetes that proposes there is a spectrum ranging from hypertension without dysglycemia to type 2 diabetes without elevated blood pressureThis article showed that somatic gene conversion could be a significant causative factor in seven diseases, including hypertension, type 1 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes. There are some common SNPs identified in some of the seven diseasesThis article argued that consequences of fetal adaptive responses might be evident later in life rather than at birth. Risk factors in pregnancy might predispose the fetus to hypertension, diabetes, or the metabolic syndrome in adulthoodThis was a cross-sectional study of over 5000 people in the community in Shanghai showing that obesity was associated with a higher risk of both hypertension and type 2 diabetesThis article showed that even small efforts to improve diet and physical activity could influence biomarkers of inflammation. Such efforts may improve vascular function reducing the risk of diabetes and hypertensionThis article reported that in the GENESIS study, FTO genotype was only related to obesity in physically inactive males, highlighting physical activity as an important factor modifying the effect of FTO genotype

    May Lower Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    What Foods Make Your Blood Pressure Go Up?

    Some research suggests that frequent ejaculation in males may be linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. But more research is needed to fully understand the connection.

    In a 2016 study published in European Urology, researchers surveyed a group of 31,925 men about their ejaculation frequency between 1992 and 2010.

    The researchers found that men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month were less likely to have developed prostate cancer 10 years later than men who ejaculated only 4 to 7 times.

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    Its Strange That Blood Sugar In A Diabetic Can Rise Despite Not Having Eaten Anything Since Typically Eating Causes Blood Sugar To Go Up

    But its no uncommon occurrence that in diabetes, glucose or blood sugar levels can actually rise in the absence of eating.

    When we dont take food into our body for energy, our liver will try to help us by releasing glucose into our blood so we have the energy we need to stay alive, says Lucille Hughes, RN, CDE, director of diabetes education at South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, NY.

    For people with diabetes, the liver may release too much glucose, causing blood sugar to go up.

    This is why its so important for diabetics to regularly take blood sugar readings, even if they feel fine.

    The liver has hundreds of jobs. One of those jobs is to release glucose into the bloodstream for energy because the body requires energy to function, even when at rest.

    Basic bodily functions require energy and glucose provides that energy.

    In diabetes, things are out of whack in the body. The liver in the diabetic may sometimes overestimate how much sugar to release into the bloodstream.

    Or, to put it another way, the liver over-corrects the problem.

    The only way that a diabetic can stay ahead of this curve is to monitor their glucose levels on a regular basis throughout the day to make sure that the sugar level doesnt sneak its way into getting into a dangerously high range.

    What Causes Hyperglycemia In People With Diabetes

    • The dose of insulin or oral diabetes medication that you are taking is not the most helpful dose for your needs.
    • Your body isnt using your natural insulin effectively .
    • The amount of carbohydrates you are eating or drinking is not balanced with the amount of insulin your body is able to make or the amount of insulin you inject.
    • You are less active than usual.
    • Physical stress is affecting you.
    • Emotional stress is affecting you.
    • You are taking steroids for another condition.
    • The dawn phenomenon is affecting you.

    Other possible causes

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    American Heart Association News Stories

    American Heart Association News covers heart disease, stroke and related health issues. Not all views expressed in American Heart Association News stories reflect the official position of the American Heart Association. Statements, conclusions, accuracy and reliability of studies published in American Heart Association scientific journals or presented at American Heart Association scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the American Heart Associations official guidance, policies or positions.

    Copyright is owned or held by the American Heart Association, Inc., and all rights are reserved. Permission is granted, at no cost and without need for further request, for individuals, media outlets, and non-commercial education and awareness efforts to link to, quote, excerpt or reprint from these stories in any medium as long as no text is altered and proper attribution is made to American Heart Association News.

    Other uses, including educational products or services sold for profit, must comply with the American Heart Associations Copyright Permission Guidelines. See full terms of use. These stories may not be used to promote or endorse a commercial product or service.

    What Is Blood Pressure

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    Blood pressure is the pressure your heart uses to push blood through your blood vessels and around your body.

    There are two numbers used to describe blood pressure and its measured in millimetres of mercury . Its written like this: 130/80mmHg. And youll hear your doctor say ‘130 over 80’.

    The first number is the systolic pressure. This is the most amount of pressure your heart uses when beating to push the blood around your body.

    The second number is the diastolic pressure. This is the least amount of pressure your heart uses when it is relaxed between beats.

    Using 130/80mmHg as an example, the systolic pressure here is 130mmHg and the diastolic pressure is 80mmHg.

    Our video below explains all about blood pressure, and how it affects people with diabetes.

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    How Do Health Problems From Diabetes Begin

    If your diabetes is not well controlled, the sugar level in your blood goes up. This is called hyperglycemia . High blood sugar can cause damage to very small blood vessels in your body. Imagine what happens to sugar when it is left unwrapped overnight. It gets sticky. Now imagine how sugar sticks to your small blood vessels and makes it hard for blood to get to your organs. Damage to blood vessels occurs most often in the eyes, heart, nerves, feet, and kidneys. Lets look at how this damage happens.

    How Common Is High Blood Pressure Amongst Diabetics

    Approximately 3 in 10 people with type 1 diabetes and around 8 in 10 people with type 2 diabetes develop high blood pressure at some stage of their life.

    The level of high blood pressure risk goes up for people of African-Caribbean or Indian origin.

    Furthermore, risk increases for those who are overweight, eat low fruit and vegetable levels, dont take much exercise or drink regularly.

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    Treating High Blood Pressure With Diabetes

    While some people can improve their type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure with lifestyle changes, most require medication. Depending on their overall health, some people may need more than one medication to help manage their blood pressure. Most high blood pressure medications fall into one of these categories:

    What Are The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

    Diabetes and cholesterol | How it works | Diabetes UK

    Often, people with high blood pressure do not have noticeable symptoms. If the blood pressure is greatly elevated, a person may experience the following. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

    • Headache

    • Dizziness

    • Blurred vision

    The symptoms of high blood pressure may resemble other medical conditions or problems. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.

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    What Are The Benefits Of Lowering Blood Pressure

    There is now plenty of good evidence from studies that controlling blood pressure in people with diabetes reduces the risk of future complications.

    A large research study called the UK Prospective Diabetes Study confirmed this. In this study, many people with diabetes were monitored over several years. The study found that those with well-controlled blood pressure had nearly a third less risk of dying from complications related to diabetes compared with those with poorly controlled blood pressure.

    In fact, this study found that good control of blood pressure was even more beneficial than good control of the blood sugar level to reduce the risk of developing complications from diabetes.

    Since this study, other studies have been undertaken which confirm these results.

    When Should I See A Doctor

    If youre worried that masturbation is interfering with your life or causing health issues, you may want to speak with a doctor or a sex therapist.

    For a person with a penis, you may want to see a doctor if you have difficulty achieving an erection. Erectile dysfunction may have an underlying cause that requires treatment, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

    See a doctor if youve noticed any other concerning symptoms while masturbating, such as:

    • pain

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    Can Hypertension Cause Diabetes

    A meta-analysis appearing in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2015 looked at data for more than 4 million adults. It concluded that people with high blood pressure have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    This link may be

    The combined impact of diabetes and high blood pressure can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and other health problems.

    In 2012, researchers quoted figures suggesting that of people with type 1 diabetes and 5080% of those with type 2 diabetes have high blood pressure in the United States.

    There are three ways in which high glucose levels in the blood can increase blood pressure:

    • The blood vessels lose their ability to stretch.
    • The fluid in the body increases, especially if diabetes is already affecting the kidneys.
    • Insulin resistance may involve processes that increase the risk of hypertension.

    Controlling blood sugar levels and blood pressure can help prevent complications.

    Hypertension and type 2 diabetes also share similar risk factors. These include:

    • having excess weight and body fat
    • following an unhealthful diet

    Other factors that increase the risk of hypertension include:

    • having a high fat or high sodium diet
    • high alcohol consumption
    • low levels of potassium
    • other chronic conditions, such as sleep apnea, kidney disease, or inflammatory arthritis

    Lifestyle factors are crucial for managing both blood glucose and blood pressure.

    Bp Characteristics In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus

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    Patients with diabetes have more isolated systolic hypertension and, because of autonomic neuropathy, they experience less reduction in nocturnal BP and higher baseline heart rates than their counterparts who do not have diabetes. In addition, those with diabetes have enhanced variability in BP they are prone to develop orthostatic hypotension, and their hypertension is more resistant to treatment.,

    BP control in these patients presents a great challenge, because the target BP is quite low and the response to treatment is poor.

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    What Is A Healthy Blood Pressure

    The American Heart Association defines a healthy blood pressure to be below 120/80 mmHg. If you have diabetes and your blood pressure is above 120/80 mmHg but below 130/80 mmHg , your healthcare provider may recommend some lifestyle changes. The AHA recommends that people with diabetes and a blood pressure higher than 130/80 mmHg get treatment to lower their blood pressureoften times, this means using medications.

    For more on what your blood pressure numbers mean, check out our blog post here.

    Does Masturbation Increase Blood Pressure

    Your blood pressure is a measure of the force of your blood against the walls of your arteries. If you have high blood pressure, youre at an increased risk of developing serious conditions such as a heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.

    Its normal for your blood pressure and heart rate to rise during sexual intercourse and masturbation. Even most people who have high blood pressure can enjoy sex and masturbation safely.

    Sexual activity is usually the cardiovascular equivalent of mild to moderate physical activity, such as . Anybody who can accomplish this level of activity can likely masturbate.

    Keep reading as we dive deeper into the connection between masturbation and your blood pressure.

    . After orgasm, they quickly descend to their normal values.

    According to a 2012 study , its rare for your heart to beat faster than 130 beats per minute and for your systolic blood pressure to exceed 170 mm Hg during sexual activity with normal blood pressure.

    For most people, masturbation is unlikely to raise your blood pressure to a dangerous level, even if you have high blood pressure.

    People with some pre-existing health conditions, such as a brain aneurysm, may need to limit activities like masturbation that cause rapid spikes in their blood pressure. A brain aneurysm happens when a bulging blood vessel in your brain increases your risk of a stroke.

    If you have a known brain aneurysm, talk with a doctor about whether engaging in sexual activity is safe.

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