Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Diet For Type One Diabetes

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Diabetes: 365 Tips For Living Well Susan Weiner & Paula Ford

The Best Diet to Cure Type One Diabetes

In this book Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN and Paula Ford-Martin arms you with easy to implement tips and tricks to living successfully with diabetes. The goal is to reduce some of the stress that comes from living with diabetes and support you with everything from managing blood sugars to diabetes burnout and dealing with holiday stress.

The Right Calorie Intake

How much do calories matter? For people with diabetes, the exact number of calories to consume each day is based on the amount and timing of food that assures you can youre your blood sugar levels stable and your weight within a healthy range. That number can change, depending on your age, activity level, frame size, current versus preferred weight, and other factors.

When the goal is a healthy weight and blood sugar control, a good starting point for a woman is 1,400-1,600 calories a day, with main meals containing up to 30 grams of fiber-rich carbohydrates, and snacks containing 10-20 grams of fiber-rich carbohydrates, Ms. Zanini advises. For men and more physically active women who are already at a healthy weight, you may start with a 2,000-2,200 calorie meal plan, in which you may increase proportionately your carbs.

Recent research suggests that by eating a big breakfast, and a modest lunch, so you get most of your calories in by 3 p.m., you will find it easier to lose weight and achieve better blood sugar control.

What Are The Diet Recommendations For Type 1 Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association recommends the same healthy diet for children who have type 1 diabetes as those who don’t. Eating adequate calories for your child to grow and develop appropriately is the primary goal of adequate nutrition. While your child doesn’t have to avoid any particular foods, you’ll want to keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid sugary drinks. Instead, choose water. There are many sparkling waters available that have minimal carbohydrates or sugar substitutes. Also, try infusing your water with fresh fruits and herbs to help give flavor, but not add extra calories or sugar. Crystal Light, sugar-free lemonades or unsweetened teas are options, but should not be your primary hydration source.
  • Don’t let your child skip meals as this can cause them to overeat at the next meal.
  • Even if your child is trying to lose weight, they should never skip a meal. They should only reduce portion sizes.
  • Increase daily fiber to help overall blood sugar control as well as many other health benefits
  • Choose healthy carbohydrates at every meal and try to pair them with a fat and protein. Healthy carbohydrate examples are whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal and fruit.

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Pregnancy With Diabetes Ginger Vieira And Jennifer Smith

Ginger Vieira and Jennifer Smith, CDE & RD, guide you through preparing for pregnancy from conception to birth and through the challenges of managing your blood sugars during postpartum. Its the only book on the market today dedicated entirely to pregnancy with type 1 diabetes and Gingers own experience as a mother living with diabetes shines through.

How Is Type 1 Diabetes Treated

16+ Fetching Diabetes Cookies Low Carb Ideas

In general, the treatment methodology for type 1 diabetes centers around monitoring blood glucose levels using a blood glucose monitor. Based on your blood glucose levels, the typical treatment model then prescribes a specific insulin dose, which is injected by an insulin pump, syringe, or pen.

Think of these insulin injections as a supplement to the insulin produced by your body , in order to maintain your blood glucose within range.

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What Foods And Drinks Should I Limit If I Have Diabetes

Foods and drinks to limit include

  • fried foods and other foods high in saturated fat and trans fat
  • foods high in salt, also called sodium
  • sweets, such as baked goods, candy, and ice cream
  • beverages with added sugars, such as juice, regular soda, and regular sports or energy drinks

Drink water instead of sweetened beverages. Consider using a sugar substitute in your coffee or tea.

If you drink alcohol, drink moderatelyno more than one drink a day if youre a woman or two drinks a day if youre a man. If you use insulin or diabetes medicines that increase the amount of insulin your body makes, alcohol can make your blood glucose level drop too low. This is especially true if you havent eaten in a while. Its best to eat some food when you drink alcohol.

Diet And Type 1 Diabetes

While red meat has been a centerpiece for the All-American dinner, it has had a badand deservedreputation when it comes to health. Red meat has been linked to multiple health problems, including colon cancer, kidney failure and heart disease.

A high-protein/low-carb diet can manage blood sugar levels well, but the big reason we dont recommend it is that the number 1 cause of death in adults is heart attacks and number 2 is cancer, Ontai said. People with diabetes get more heart attacks, strokes and cancer, which usually takes several decades to develop. Animal protein also increases insulin resistance and is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Numerous studies and meta-analyses show those who eat more whole plants, and less meat, live longer.

However, a low-carb diet could help in the short term because processed carbohydrates cause a rapid, large increase in blood sugar.

A low-carb diet can be beneficial by clearly improving blood sugar in diabetes, Ontai said. People with type 1 diabetes are already taking insulin, and by limiting processed carbohydrates, blood sugar often become much easier to control.

Theres no one diet that thatll be perfect for everybody, Ontai said. Low-carb, Paleolithic and Atkins diets will help some, but not all. Limiting consumption of animal products have been shown to improve life expectancy in many population studies.

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The Problem With High

The main issue with the current low-carbohydrate diets is that they ignore the underlying causes of high blood glucose levels , and instead prescribe a quick fix.

In many cases, the high-fat, low carbohydrate intake approach results in low A1c values, reduced insulin requirements, weight loss, reduced fasting insulin, reduced fasting glucose, reduced triglycerides, and increased HDL cholesterol in the short-term.

However, a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet actually increases insulin resistance over time, and can cause long-term negative effects including:

  • Weight gain
  • Increased insulin use over time
  • Elevated LDL cholesterol
  • Increased risk for coronary artery disease
  • Brain fog
  • Low energy
  • Digestive discomfort

If youd like to read more about exactly why carb counting and a low carbohydrate diet isnt right for you, you can dive even deeper into the science in this article debunking 7 misleading statements about ketosis and ketogenic diets.

Engage In Physical Activity

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Another common sense suggestion, but one that can make a major difference! According to the American Diabetes Association , exercise is a fundamental part of diabetes treatment, and were big believers that its a fun and fulfilling part of our routine.

Not to mention the many, many, many other health benefits of exercise.

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Preparing Meals For Children With Diabetes

When preparing meals for a child with diabetes, the principles of healthful eating are the same as for an adult. For instance, it is important to avoid processed foods and packaged breakfast cereals, as these contain a lot of sugar.

Preparing a packed lunch for children makes it easier to monitor food groups and portions. The Diabetes Food Hub includes plenty of example meals for children, including packed lunches.

The Typical Treatment Model

Recently, many doctors have begun to follow a treatment methodology utilizing strategic lifestyle changes to improve blood glucose control.

Some of these recommendations, like increased physical activity, and reducing or eliminating refined sugars and other refined ingredients, can dramatically improve blood glucose control and reduce your risk for long-term complications.

However, there are also some major problems with this treatment model, which often focuses on carbohydrate counting, and high-fat, low carbohydrate diets.

Though these diets can provide short-term results, over time they can actually result in increased insulin use, increased oral medication use, and increased A1c over time.

This may sound very different from what youve heard, and we know that can be surprising! Keep reading and well explain why high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets are not ideal for people living with type 1 diabetes.

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Goal : Achieve A Healthy Body Weight

Body mass index uses your height and weight to determine how much body fat you carry. A BMI of 18.5 to 25 is considered to be a healthy weight range with a healthy amount of body fat.

Another measure: waist circumference is considered by many to be a better measure of excess abdominal body fat. A waist circumference greater than 40 inches for men, and above 35 inches in women has been shown to increase the risk of developing health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

The closer you are to a healthy body weight or at least an acceptable waist circumference, the more likely you will be able to control, prevent, and possibly reverse your risks of diabetes.

Dont get overwhelmed by thinking about how much total weight you have to lose, Arevalo advises. Studies have shown that losing just 5-10% of your body weight will significantly improve your blood sugar levels as well as your cardiovascular health so set short-term goals of losing just 5-10 pounds to start.

Give Meal Replacement Products A Try

Menus For Diabetics: Type 1 Diabetes Diet Menu

Dunn says meal replacement shakes specifically for people with diabetes or calorie-moderated frozen meals can make it easier to follow structured, lower-calorie eating plans. You can feel comfortable eating the whole amount because its already portioned. Look for meals in the 220- to 300-calorie range. You can even eat an extra serving of vegetables, fruit or dairy with them and stick to your calorie budget.

For meal replacement shakes, Dunn recommends you:

  • Make them yourself with whole foods and protein powder.
  • Choose premade shakes that contain 15 to 20 grams of protein and under 250 calories per container.

Another diabetes and weight loss tip you can take to the bank? Try noshing some raw fruit or vegetables with your meal replacement shakes. They give you chewing satisfaction, which helps quell hunger, and can make you feel fuller and more satisfied than just having the shake alone.

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Dr Bernsteins Diabetes Solution Richard K Bernstein

Although I dont follow Dr. Bernsteins approach myself, his book is among the most influential diabetes books for anyone wishing to support their diabetes management by following a low carb diet.

Dr. Bernstein gives actionable advice on how to manage your diabetes utilizing a low carb diet and exercise, based on his own experience as a person living with diabetes as well as his medical background.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and plain vinegar have many health benefits.

Although its made from apples, the sugar in the fruit is fermented into acetic acid. The resulting product contains less than 1 gram of carbs per tablespoon.

According to a meta-analysis of six studies, including 317 people with type 2 diabetes, vinegar has beneficial effects on fasting blood sugar levels and HbA1c .

Apple cider vinegar may have many other healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. But more studies are needed to confirm its health benefits.

To incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet, begin with 4 teaspoons mixed in a glass of water each day before each meal. Note that you may want to put 1 teaspoon per glass of water so that the taste is not as strong. Increase to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day.


Apple cider vinegar may help improve fasting blood sugar levels, but more research is needed to confirm its health benefits.

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Type 2 Diabetes Meal Plan

We know that one of the hardest parts of adjusting to a diabetes diet can be the feeling like youre giving up a lot of your favorite foods.

Thats why weve put together a database of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and snacks that will make you feel like youre not missing a beat! See how a week might look in our sample meal plan.


You can reach out to our coaches if youd like help putting together one of your own.

A Cautionary Word About Salt

Type 1 Diabetes Diet

Some people are sensitive to salt, which causes higher blood pressure when too much sodium is consumed. Since we have no way of testing who is salt-sensitive and who isnt, the best precaution is to limit salt and avoid sodium-containing foods if you may be at risk for high blood pressure.

Simply put, the excess salt in most peoples diets comes from processed foods, so check the package for sodium content. By adopting a diabetes diet that contains mostly whole foods, this issue will no longer present a problem. Also, foods that are flash frozen are as good as fresh.

Canned vegetables usually have added salt as a preservative. Your best bet when buying is to check the food labels for sodium content. Youll want to stay well below the upper recommended limit of 2,000 mg/day, and you can certainly look for low-sodium varieties of canned, and processed, prepackaged food products.

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Protein: Make Your Choices Low In Saturated Fat

Unless you are a vegetarian or vegan, youre likely to get plenty of high-quality protein from lean meats, poultry, seafood, dairy, and eggs.

Both vegetarians and non-vegetarians should also look to plant sources for some or all of your protein needs. Plant foods like soy-based tofu and tempeh are excellent sources of non-animal proteins and fit quite well into a diabetic meal plan because they are also low in carbs.

The same can be said for nuts, and legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils, and edamame as well as some whole-grain foods such as quinoa, kamut, teff, even wild rice and couscous.

Sugar Surfing Stephen W Ponder And Kevin L Mcmahon

Sugar surfing is based on the concept that our diabetes management should be individualized, and it teaches how to manage diabetes in a dynamic way following a course of self-experimentation. Dr. Ponder is an endocrinologist and lives with diabetes himself so he gets it! The book teaches you how to utilize the available diabetes technology in your self-management.

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Sugar Substitutes And Diabetes

The current belief is that people who need to follow a diabetes diet should avoid added sweeteners of all kinds, including sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners. Researchers have found that people who consume foods with any form of sweetener typically crave more of these foods, and end up gaining weight.

Your best bet is to begin using fruit to get your sweet fix. By adding fruit to foods, you totally avoid the added sugars and sugar alcohols and get the added benefit of dietary fiber, which is better for blood glucose control.

Of all the alternative sweeteners, stevia is the one I recommend most often, says Ms. Zanini. Its a great natural and zero-calorie option for blood sugar control when added to beverages, hot cereals, and other foods when you are looking for a little sweetness.

Youll have to experiment with stevia, she adds, because it works better with some foods than with others.

One of the best changes anyone with diabetes can make is to switch from white food productswhite bread, white potatoes in any form, and white ricethat can also cause notable spikes in blood sugar to similar products made from whole grains, like multigrain sourdough bread, shredded wheat or sweet potatoes, and roasted red potatoes that still have the skin on.

When Should I Eat If I Have Diabetes

Diabetes Diet Plan â What Is Best for Type 1 Diabetes ...

Some people with diabetes need to eat at about the same time each day. Others can be more flexible with the timing of their meals. Depending on your diabetes medicines or type of insulin, you may need to eat the same amount of carbohydrates at the same time each day. If you take mealtime insulin, your eating schedule can be more flexible.

If you use certain diabetes medicines or insulin and you skip or delay a meal, your blood glucose level can drop too low. Ask your health care team when you should eat and whether you should eat before and after physical activity.

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Choose Carbohydrates That Keep Blood Sugar Steady

Our wide variety of food products contain different levels and types of carbohydrates, making it harder to eat wisely with diabetes.

In general, you will want to choose carbs that have the least impact on your blood sugar. That means selecting foods that are high fiber, low sugar foods since these are absorbed more slowly and so have little impact on blood sugar changes.

Best carb choices to promote a healthy lifestyle for people with diabetes:

  • High fiber foods include: Whole grain breads and cereals, and foods made with 100% whole wheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice, corn and cornmeal
  • Dried beans, lentils, and peas
  • Fresh fruits like berries, apples, pears, and oranges
  • Dairy products including yogurt, milk, and cheese. The best yogurt is Greek-style or strained yogurt since these contain triple the level of protein.
  • Vegetables. Both starchy and non-starchy vegetables are all healthy carbs that have less effect on your blood sugar

As you might guess, sugar-sweetened cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and other baked goods made with white flour as well as candy and soft drinks that contain sugar and high fructose corn syrup have little nutritional value and are likely to send your blood sugar soaring, so should eat them only occasionally, if at all, and only in very small amounts.

Skip foods made with all-purpose white flour and avoid sugary foods and sugar-sweetened drinks.

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