Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Administer Insulin Pen

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Prepare The Insulin And Syringe

How to Inject Insulin with a Pen and Pen Needle
  • Remove the plastic cap from the insulin bottle.
  • Roll the bottle of insulin between your hands two to three times to mix the insulin. Do not shake the bottle, as air bubbles can form and affect the amount of insulin withdrawn.
  • Wipe off the rubber part on the top of the insulin bottle with an alcohol pad or cotton ball dampened with alcohol.
  • Set the insulin bottle nearby on a flat surface.
  • Remove the cap from the needle.

If you’ve been prescribed two types of insulin to be taken at once , skip to the instructions in the next section.

  • Draw the required number of units of air into the syringe by pulling the plunger back. You need to draw the same amount of air into the syringe as insulin you need to inject. Always measure from the top of the plunger.
  • Insert the needle into the rubber stopper of the insulin bottle. Push the plunger down to inject air into the bottle . Leave the needle in the bottle.
  • Turn the bottle and syringe upside-down. Be sure the insulin covers the needle.
  • Pull back on the plunger to the required number of units .
  • Check the syringe for air bubbles. Air bubbles in the syringe will not harm you if they are injected, but they can reduce the amount of insulin in the syringe. To remove air bubbles, tap the syringe so the air bubbles rise to the top and push up on the plunger to remove the air bubbles. Recheck the dose and add more insulin to the syringe if necessary.
  • Remove the needle from the insulin bottle. Carefully replace the cap on the needle.

What Is Toujeo 300 Units/ml

Prescription Toujeo is a long-acting man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children who are 6 years of age and older with diabetes mellitus.

  • Toujeo is not for use to treat diabetic ketoacidosis
  • It is not known if Toujeo is safe and effective in children under 6 years of age

How To Rotate Your Insulin Injection Site

Insulin injection sites and how to inject insulin are a personal choice but it’s important that you rotate your insulin site and technique as this can help avoid any build-up of insulin in one spot which may affect blood sugar levels.

The best way to rotate your insulin spots is to alternate injecting insulin into the lower back, upper legs, hips, or buttocks.

Below you can find a rotation scheme that you can use to rotate your injection sites.

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How To Give Caninsulin Using A U

Important dosage information

Doses of insulin are measured in units: 40 IU/ml insulin contains 40 International Units per millilitre .

Use Caninsulin® with U-40 syringes only

These syringes are designed specifically for use in animals. Using a syringe other than the size prescribed by your vet or vet nurse will result in incorrect dosing. This could be dangerous for your dog.

Your vet will prescribe Caninsulin® for your cat

Follow your vets instructions to properly give Caninsulin® to your dog. Your vet or vet nurse will:

  • Determine the amount of insulin and frequency needed
  • Advise on proper storage and handling
  • Show how to draw the insulin from the vial or administer using VetPen
  • Instruct on how to give the injection

When you feel comfortable, your vet or vet nurse will give you everything you need to care for your dogs diabetes at home.

Preparing the dose

After washing your hands, take the Caninsulin® vial out of the refrigerator. Before first use shake the vial thoroughly until the insulin is uniformly milky, allowing any foam to disperse. On subsequent occasions simply invert the vial a few times before use to re-suspend the liquid to a uniformly milky consistency.

  • Carefully remove the cap from the needle and insert the needle into the vial.
  • Turn the vial upside down, making sure the tip of the needle remains in the liquid in the vial.
  • Withdraw the correct dose into the U-40 syringe.
  • Before removing the needle from the vial, check the syringe for any air bubbles.
  • Throwing Away Your Needles And Lancets

    How to inject insulin (item 222B) by Pritchett &  Hull ...

    Sharps bins and needle clippers are the safest way of disposing of your insulin needles and your lancets. A needle clipper removes the needle from your insulin pen, and is useful when youre out and about. How you get rid of your sharps bin depends on where you live. Your healthcare team should have information to help you get rid of your bin.

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    Where Should You Not Inject Insulin

    Avoid sites that you plan on exercising as this can increase the risk of hypoglycemia due to increased absorption. Avoid injecting into areas of your skin, moles, or scar tissue, as these can also affect insulin absorption. If you develop lumps and bumps at injection sites, avoid the area of the bump for several months because that area will absorb insulin differently and this can affect your blood sugar levels.

    Also, try to avoid places that you can’t easily reach or places where your skin doesn’t allow you to be pricked by a needle.

    What Is The Best Injection Site For Insulin

    The best injection site for insulin is the abdomen. Injecting insulin on the stomach will ensure the insulin reaches your bloodstream quickly since there is no fatty tissue in that area to slow down absorption. You can also inject insulin in your thigh or buttocks, but these areas of the body may not absorb as quickly as the stomach or arm. However, injecting insulin in these areas can give you a sense of comfort since you’ll be able to see the needle before it goes into your skin. If you feel more comfortable with a particular site, then stick with that one. It’s important to inject into all areas of your body, but be aware that injections in some sites may require more force and pressure than others.

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    When Should I Contact My Healthcare Provider

    • You feel or see hard lumps in your skin where you inject your insulin.
    • You think you gave yourself too much or not enough insulin.
    • Your injections are very painful.
    • You see blood or clear fluid on your injection site more than once after you inject insulin.
    • You have questions about how to give the injection.
    • You cannot afford to buy your diabetes supplies.
    • You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.

    Types Of Insulin Pens

    How to Use an Insulin Pen – Mayo Clinic Patient Education

    Insulin pens are prescribed to people with diabetes who take long-acting insulin or multiple daily insulin injections of shorter-acting insulin. There are many types of insulin pens. Some contain different features, while others are allocated for specific insulin types.

    Insulin pens vary in price, type of insulin, and dosing. Your insurance may have a specific insulin pen that they have on their formulary .

    Some pens are able to deliver half-unit increments, while others deliver insulin in one- or two-unit increments. The lower-dosing pens are often suitable for children with type 1 diabetes who receive smaller doses of insulin. Certain pens can deliver larger doses of insulin in one injection.

    Insulin pens can be disposable or reusable.

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    Where Should I Get Rid Of My Used Syringes

    Ask your healthcare provider where to get rid of your syringes. He may tell you to place the syringe in a heavy-duty laundry detergent bottle or a metal coffee can. The container should have a cap that fits securely. Ask your local waste authority if you need to follow certain rules for getting rid of your syringes. Bring your used syringes home with you when you travel. Pack them in a plastic or metal container with a secure lid.

    Disposing Of Needles Syringes And Lancets

    In the United States, people use more than 3 billion needles and syringes each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. These products are a risk to other people and should be disposed of properly. Regulations vary by location. Find out what your state requires by calling the Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal at 1-800-643-1643, or visiting their site at .

    You arent alone in treating your diabetes. Before beginning insulin therapy, your doctor or health educator will show you the ropes. Remember, whether youre injecting insulin for the first time, running into problems, or just have questions, turn to your healthcare team for advice and instruction.

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    How To Inject Insulin

    Before injecting insulin, be sure to check its quality. If it was refrigerated, allow your insulin to come to room temperature. If the insulin is cloudy, mix the contents by rolling the vial between your hands for a few seconds. Be careful not to shake the vial. Short-acting insulin that isnt mixed with other insulin shouldnt be cloudy. Dont use insulin that is grainy, thickened, or discolored.

    Follow these steps for safe and proper injection:

    What Happens If You Avoid Taking Your Insulin

    Manual Plastic Diabetes Insulin Penâ? For Prefilled 3ml ...

    If you have type 1 diabetes, taking insulin is essential and you cannot live without it. If you avoid taking it, your blood sugar levels can become too high and you risk developing diabetic ketoacidosis . If left untreated, DKA could be life-threatening. Thats why its important to make sure you take your insulin.

    If you have type 2 diabetes and use insulin to treat your condition, you should continue to take it as prescribed. If you avoid taking it, your blood sugar levels could become too high and you may become ill. Please speak to your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about taking your insulin.

    Insulin is a treatment that helps manage blood sugars, so this also reduces the risk of serious long-term complications as well a shorter-term consequences. Its still important to keep going to your appointments and manage your condition with healthy lifestyle choices. Staying active and eating a healthy diet will reduce the risk of complications from your diabetes, but insulin is also an important part of your treatment.

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    S For Taking An Insulin Injection

    Follow these steps:

  • The insulin pen should be at room temperature. Injecting with cold insulin can sting.
  • Wash and dry your hands.
  • Remove the cap of the pen.
  • Clean the tip of the pen with an alcohol swab.
  • Attach a new pen needle to the tip of the insulin pen. Twist it on firmly.
  • Clean your injection site with alcohol and let it dry. Insulin can be injected into the buttocks, abdomen , backs of arms, or sides of legs .
  • Take the protective cap off the needle and set it aside. You will need it to take the needle off and put it in the sharps container.
  • Using the hand you write with, wrap your fingers around the insulin pen, keeping your thumb free to push down on the knob.
  • Dial up to two units and squirt insulin into the air. This is referred to as an “air shot,” or priming the needle, and preps the needle for a dose . If you do not see insulin come out on your first try, continue to prime the needle until you do.
  • Dial up to your prescribed dose and insert the needle quickly at a 90-degree angle into your injection site . The needle should go all the way into your skin.
  • Slowly push the knob until the full dose is delivered and hold it at the injection site for 10 seconds.
  • Pull the needle out.
  • If you bleed a little at the injection site, apply pressure and put on a bandage.
  • Carefully place the outer cap on the needle to avoid sticking yourself, and unscrew the needle.
  • Put your used needle in a sharps container.
  • Put the pen cap back on your pen and store it at room temperature.
  • When To Throw Away Your Insulin Pens

    Youll use the same insulin pen over and over for a certain number of days. The number of days depends on the type of insulin pen youre using. The table below lists some common types of insulin pens and the number of days you can use each one. You can also read the instructions that come with your insulin pens.

    Insulin Type

    Whenever you start using a new insulin pen:

  • Count ahead the number of days you can use the insulin pen. Start from the day you first put a pen needle on that new pen.
  • Write that date on a piece of paper tape and put the tape on the pen. This will help you always easily see when you need to throw away the insulin pen and start using a new one. If you dont have paper tape, write the date on a piece of paper and tape the paper to the pen.
  • Once you get to the date written on the tape or paper, throw away the insulin pen, even if theres still insulin left. Start using a new insulin pen.
  • For example, if you start using a Lantus SoloStar insulin pen on January 1st, count ahead 28 days to January 28th. Write January 28 on a piece of paper tape and put the paper tape on the pen. Throw away the pen on January 28th, even if theres still insulin in it.

    You can keep unused insulin pens in the refrigerator until the expiration date listed on the pen label. Once an insulin pen reaches the expiration date listed on the pen label, throw it away.

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    Injecting Insulin With An Insulin Pen:

  • Using the hand you write with, wrap your fingers around the insulin pen, keeping your thumb free to push down on the knob.
  • Insert the needle with a quick motion into the skin at a 90-degree angle. The needle should go all the way into your skin.
  • Slowly push the knob of the pen all the way in to deliver your full dose. Remember to hold the pen at the site for 6-10 seconds, and then pull the needle out.
  • You may bleed at the spot of the injection. If you notice bleeding, apply pressure with a clean alcohol wipe or cotton ball. Cover the injection site with a bandage if necessary.
  • Carefully place the outer cap on the needle, unscrew the needle and drop into your container for used sharps equipment.
  • Replace the pen cap and store it at room temperature.
  • Diabetes And Your Child: Giving Insulin Injections

    Administering insulin using an insulin pen.wmv

    The digestive system breaks down food, resulting in a sugar called glucose. Some of this glucose is stored in the liver. But most of it enters the bloodstream and travels to the cells to be used as fuel. Glucose needs the help of the hormone insulin to enter the cells. Insulin is made in the pancreas, an organ in the abdomen. The insulin is released into the bloodstream in response to the presence of glucose in the blood.

    Think of insulin as a key. When insulin reaches a cell, it attaches to the cell wall. This signals the cell to create an opening that allows glucose to enter the cell. Without insulin, your child’s cells cant get glucose to burn for energy. This is why he or she may feel weak or tired.

    The insulin your child is missing can be replaced with shots of insulin . Some children also use insulin pumps. Then your child’s body can burn glucose for energy. This helps keep your child’s blood sugar within a healthy range.

    At first, injecting insulin may seem scary for both you and your child. But you will have help from your child’s healthcare provider, nurse, or diabetes educator. They will teach you how to give your child insulin injections. If your child is older, he or she can learn how to inject insulin. If so, you will still have to check the amount of insulin your child injects each time.

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    Dont Forget The Needles

    Once youve picked your pen, youll need a needle for the tip. Pen needles screw onto the top of an insulin pen. Its good practice to change your needle after each injection or at least once daily. Fresh, sharp needles mean shots that are less painful.

    Most brands of pen needles will fit any of the insulin pens. Pen needles come in different lengthsbetween 4 and 12 mmand gauges .

    How To Store Your Insulin Pens

    Too much heat, cold, or sunlight can damage the insulin in your pens. Follow the instructions below to store your insulin pens.

    • Keep your new, unused insulin pens in the refrigerator door. This keeps them from being pushed to the back of the refrigerator, where they can freeze.
    • Keep the insulin pen youre currently using at room temperature . Once you use an insulin pen the first time, never put it back in the refrigerator.
    • Never freeze your insulin pens.
    • When youre going out in hot weather, dont let your insulin pen get too hot. Carry it in an insulated bag, or something similar, to keep it cool.
    • If youre going to be out for a few hours, put a cold bottle of water in the insulated bag with your insulin pen. This will keep it from getting too hot for several hours.
    • If youre going to be out for a longer time, you can put an ice pack in the insulated bag with your insulin pen. Wrap the ice pack or insulin pen in a towel to keep them from touching. If the pen touches the ice pack directly, the insulin can freeze.
  • Always put the pen cap back on the insulin pen after using it. This protects the insulin from sunlight.
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