Thursday, July 25, 2024

Signs To Know If You Have Diabetes

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The Bottom Line On Feline Diabetes

How can you tell if you have diabetes? Early signs

If you suspect your cat is sick, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Excessive urination, thirst, heightened appetite, vomiting, lethargy, and inactivity are symptoms of diabetes mellitus. At The Cat Hospital of Tucson, were committed to helping pet parents care for their cats throughout their lives. to book an appointment for a check-up and diagnosis of your cat.

Early Signs Of Diabetes

Both types of diabetes have some of the same telltale warning signs.

  • Hunger and fatigue. Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to take in glucose. If your body doesn’t make enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body makes, the glucose can’t get into them and you have no energy. This can make you hungrier and more tired than usual.
  • Peeing more often and being thirstier. The average person usually has to pee between four and seven times in 24 hours, but people with diabetes may go a lot more. Why? Normally, your body reabsorbs glucose as it passes through your kidneys. But when diabetes pushes your blood sugar up, your kidneys may not be able to bring it all back in. This causes the body to make more urine, and that takes fluids. The result: You’ll have to go more often. You might pee out more, too. Because you’re peeing so much, you can get very thirsty. When you drink more, you’ll also pee more.
  • Dry mouth and itchy skin. Because your body is using fluids to make pee, there’s less moisture for other things. You could get dehydrated, and your mouth may feel dry. Dry skin can make you itchy.
  • Blurred vision. Changing fluid levels in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and canââ¬â¢t focus.

There Are Different Types Of Diabetes

Remember that there are actually three types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 and gestational . In type 1 diabetes, your body just cant produce insulin and in type 2, your body isnt responding to insulin as well as it should be. The symptoms for both types of diabetes are similar, although these symptoms can develop a lot faster in type 1. Find more information on the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes here.

Type 2 diabetes is also a lot more common than type 1. Unfortunately, many people who have it, arent diagnosed. This is because they dont recognize the symptoms or may attribute them to other conditions. Plus, some symptoms of type 2 diabetes may not show up for years and years.

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How To Help Prevent Diabetes

Dr. Curry-Winchell explains, “There are two types of diabetes and it’s important to highlight that you can’t prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes. Although scientists have discovered possible connections that may be the cause, research is ongoing to find the exact cause at this time. For type 2 diabetes, mild to moderate exercise such as taking a walk and lifting weights like traditional dumbbells a couple of days a week and eating a diet that is balanced but also sustainable can help prevent diabetes.”

The Mayo Clinic states, “Type 1 diabetes can’t be prevented. However, the same healthy lifestyle choices that help treat prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes can also help prevent them:

What Signs And Symptoms Are The Same In Men And Women

Diabetes: How to spot the signs before it

There are diabetes symptoms that both women and men have in common:

  • Excessive thirst and hunger

    When diabetes occurs in women during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes. It usually is diagnosed between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. Like in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels become too high. When women are pregnant, more glucose is needed to nourish the developing baby. The body needs more insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. In some women, the body does not produce enough insulin to meet this need, and blood sugar levels rise, resulting in gestational diabetes.

    Fortunately, for most women, gestational diabetes will go away once the baby is born. However, women who have had gestational diabetes are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

    Risk factors for gestational diabetes include:

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    What Causes These Symptoms

    Diabetes symptoms occur because some or all of the glucose stays in the blood, and isnt being used as fuel for energy. The body tries to reduce blood glucose levels by flushing the excess glucose out of the body in the urine, making you more thirsty. High levels of glucose being passed in the urine are a perfect breeding ground for the fungal infection which causes thrush. But not everyone gets symptoms. In fact, 6 out of 10 people have no symptoms when theyre diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

    Early Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

    1. Frequent urination

    When your blood sugar is high, your kidneys expel the excess blood sugar, causing you to urinate more frequently. One of the early warning signs of diabetes is frequent urination that is urgent enough to wake you up to go to the bathroom during sleep.

    2. Increased thirst

    While your kidneys are working overtime and youre urinating more frequently, valuable fluids will be pulled from your tissues. Frequent urination will make you feel constantly thirsty.

    3. Fatigue

    When your blood sugar is high, your body works hard to get rid of the excess sugar. Not only does this process take a toll on your body, but it also alters the way that your body uses glucose for energy. Excessively high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, has fatiguing effects among other symptoms. Additionally, the dehydration that accompanies more frequent urination is a common cause of fatigue in diabetics.

    4. Blurred vision

    High blood sugar can cause damage to the small blood vessels of the eye, resulting in a swollen lens that can cause blurred vision. As blood sugar levels rise and lower, your vision may return to normal or worsen, respectively.

    5. Increased hunger

    When you have high blood sugar, your body is actively looking to get rid of it. Because your body expels so much of the glucose you’re getting from your food, you may have increased feelings of hunger.

    6. Unexplained weight loss

    7. Slow healing cuts and wounds

    8. Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

    9. Skin discoloration

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    More Than One Condition

    There are two different types of diabetes, and each comes with its own warning signs and symptoms. Type 1 diabetes is more common in children, while Type 2 is more prevalent in adults. With Type 1 diabetes, the symptoms occur incredibly quickly when the child is fairly young, and they can be quite severe when they initially present themselves. Often Type 1 diabetics present with a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, which is life-threatening and requires immediate treatment. It might be triggered by an infection, sudden environmental changes, or even certain medications. Usually, the patient experiences frequent urination, excessive thirst, overwhelming confusion, stomach pain, weakness, and even shortness of breath. Typically doctors do a urine test that shows a high level of ketones, and patients are treated with both fluids and insulin.

    With Type 2 diabetes, the symptoms dont usually begin until you reach your 40s, and they tend to come on gradually. Patients may notice gradual weight gain, which tends to come with increased thirst, frequent urination, and constant hunger. Additionally, patients tend to notice ongoing yeast infections, pain, numbness, and even tingling on their extremities like their feet.

    You Feel Really Itchy All The Time

    Diabetes Symptoms & Treatments : How to Know If You Have Diabetes

    Those with diabtetes often experience itching due to yeast infections , dry skin, or poor circulation, according to the American Diabetes Association. If poor circulation is to blame, your legs will be the itchiest area.

    Per the ADA, you can try to treat the itching yourself by limiting how much you bathe , using soap with a built-in moisturizer, and remembering to apply lotion immediately after washing up.

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    What Are The Early Signs And Symptoms In Women With Diabetes

    Many type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms in women are the same as those in men however, there are some symptoms and complications of diabetes unique to women.

    Vaginal itching and pain as well as vaginal and oral yeast infections: An overgrowth of Candida albicans fungus can cause vaginal yeast infections and oral yeast infections . Symptoms of vaginal yeast infections include:

    Symptoms of oral thrush include:

  • White patches in the mouth
  • Redness and soreness
  • Trouble eating or swallowing
  • Swollen red gums or inner cheeks.
  • 5. Decrease in sex drive: Women with diabetes may experience lower sex drive , blood flow problems to the genital area, which can decrease sexual response and orgasm, and nerve damage that can result in vaginal dryness and decreased sensation.

    6. Polycystic ovary syndrome : This is a common cause of female infertility and insulin resistance. It can cause signs and symptoms like irregular periods, acne, thinning scalp hair, and excess hair growth on the face and body. High insulin levels also increase the risk of developing diabetes, and about half of women with PCOS develop diabetes.

    7. Urinary tract infections : A UTI occurs when bacteria enter anywhere in the urinary tract, including the urethra, ureters, kidneys, and bladder. They are much more common in women than in men in general, and they occur more often in people with diabetes because the sugar in the urine presents a breeding ground for bacterial growth.

    What Can Increase Your Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

    The Mayo Clinic lists the following factors:

    Weight.Excess body fat makes the body resistant to the effects of insulin, which can eventually result in high blood glucose levels over time and the development of diabetes. This is the reason why lifestyle modifications, through diet and exercise, and weight loss are emphasized, along with medications for diabetes,” says Dr. Kalyani.

    Family history. Does a parent or sibling have type 2 diabetes? Then youre at increased risk.

    Lack of exercise. The less you move around, the greater your risk is. Exercise is key in three ways: It helps you keep your weight under control it helps your body use up glucose as energy and as the Mayo Clinic says, it makes your cells more sensitive to insulin.

    Race or ethnicity. Dr. Kalyani notes that Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian and Native American people are at higher risk.

    Gestational diabetes. Did you develop this when you were pregnant? Women with a history of gestational diabetes are at an especially high risk of developing type 2 diabetes during their lifetime, says Dr. Kalyani. Same thing if your wee one weighed in at more than 9 pounds at birth.

    Age. As you get up in years, your chance of diabetes increases. Maybe youre exercising less, putting on pounds, and losing muscle mass. But know this: As Dr. Kalyani points out, kids, teens, and young adults are seeing their rates increase, so age isnt everything.

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    You Never Stop Drinking Water

    With all that peeing, dehydration is a very real possibility. And, to make matters worse, some patients who dont know they have diabetes quench their thirst with sugary drinks like soda or juice, which adds to their blood sugars, Goundan says. Signs of dehydration include dark-colored urine, a drop in weight, and extreme thirst.

    Sound familiar? Talk to your doc about this potential symptom of diabetes, especially if it occurs in tandem with lots of bathroom breaks.

    You Get A Surprising Number Of Yeast Infections

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    High blood sugars create an environment in your vagina thats ripe for yeast infections. Glucose is fuel for yeast. The more thats around, the more they can multiply, says Kellis.

    If youre having two to three yeast infections every few months or if the standard treatments just arent working, its time to see a doctor. Once blood sugar is controlled, the frequency goes down, says Goundan.

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    You’re Losing Weightbut Aren’t Trying To

    Unexplained weight loss can happen for lots of reasons, and diabetes is one of them. Goundan explains that insulin helps your body move sugar from your blood to your cells, so when you have an insulin resistance, you dont get enough energy into your cells despite all that sugar flowing through your body. Because youre unable to get enough energy from sugar, your body burns your own fat and muscle for energy,” Kellis says. “Weight loss can be pretty significant, sometimes 10 to 20 pounds.”

    Generally, doctors recommend visiting the doc if you unintentionally lose between 5 to 10 percent of your body weight over the course of six months.

    Your Night Vision Has Changed

    How clearly can you see other cars on the road when you drive? What about street signs? Often times, the first hint that something is wrong with your vision is when your night vision begins to get worse. Common symptoms include seeing halos around lights and difficulty distinguishing objects at night.

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    Early Warning Signs Of Type 2 Diabetes Common In Adults

    Did you know over 30 million Americans have Type 2 Diabetes? However, many people dont even realize they have it, because they have not been educated about warning signs of Type 2 Diabetes. Whether or not you have family history of the disease, learn how to recognize its symptoms during Novembers National Diabetes Month.

    Fasting Blood Sugar Test:

    How can you tell if you have diabetes? Early signs

    For this test after an overnight fasting a blood sample will be taken. If our fasting blood glucose level is less than 100 mg/dL is normal. If in this test result blood sugar level is from 100 to 125 mg/dL is considered prediabetes. If its 126 mg/dL or more than that on two different tests, we have diabetes.

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    What Are The First Signs Of Diabetes

    There are close to 34 million diabetics in the USA or about 10% of the population. In addition, there are countless millions with prediabetes who have not been diagnosed yet. What are the causes of diabetes?

    Diabetes is a serious lifelong disorder, which, if not well managed, can lead to life and limb-threatening complications. Diabetes is a disorder that can creep up at any time and it is important to know the early signs of the disease. If you have a family history of diabetes or have risk factors for diabetes, here are some of the first signs of diabetes that you need to watch for.

  • Frequent urination: Also referred to as polyuria, frequent urination is one of the earliest signs of diabetes. Frequent urination is most common at night and may occur several times every night. The urination may be worsened if you consume cola beverages or eat sweetened foods just before bedtime. The kidneys cannot keep up with the glucose in the blood and spillage occurs in the urine. A check of the urine will reveal high levels of sugar.
  • Constant thirst: Because of the frequent urination and loss of body fluids, you will also start to develop extreme thirst . Even after drinking ample fluids, the thirst will not be quenched easily.
  • Mood changes: It is very common for some individuals with high sugars to be irritable, anxious, or have mood shifts.
    • Dehydration

    What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes

    Diabetes mellitus is a condition where the body does not properly convert sugar from the food you eat into energy. Carbs and sugars in your food are converted into glucose during digestion. Your blood vessels then carry this sugar throughout your body to make it available for your cells to convert into energy. Your body uses the hormone insulin to process glucose. Your body may not produce enough insulin, or your cells can become resistant to it. When either of these conditions happen, you can end up in a state where your body cannot extract glucose from your bloodstream, resulting in higher than normal blood sugar levels.

    The majority of cases of diabetes are categorized into either type 1 or type 2. Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed early in life, and the causes are still under investigation. It is thought that there may be a mixture of genetic predisposition and exposure to environmental factors such as viral infections that trigger the onset of type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is typically the result of poor diet and lifestyle choices that make you predisposed to high blood sugar levels.

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    Might I Have Diabetes And Not Realise

    With type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin, meaning the effect on the body is usually rapid and noticeable. However, type 2 diabetes develops slowly – the body still produces insulin, but it may be insufficient, or the body might not respond to it properly. This means that the development of symptoms is gradual. “Symptoms for type 1 diabetes often develop very fast,” explains Macciochi. “But with type 2 diabetes you may not even know you have it, as symptoms can be very subtle.”

    Diabetes: 12 Warning Signs That Appear On Your Skin

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    Diabetes can affect many parts of your body, including your skin. When diabetes affects the skin, its often a sign that your blood sugar levels are too high. This could mean that:

    • You have undiagnosed diabetes, or pre-diabetes

    • Your treatment for diabetes needs to be adjusted

    If you notice any of the following warning signs on your skin, its time to talk with your doctor.

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