Friday, July 26, 2024

Fresh Figs And Diabetes 2

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May Promote Healthy Skin

Are Dates And Dried Figs Safe For Diabetes?

Figs may have some beneficial effects on the skin, especially in people with allergic dermatitis or dry, itchy skin as a result of allergies.

One study in 45 children with dermatitis found that a cream made from dried fig fruit extract applied twice daily for 2 weeks was more effective at treating the symptoms of dermatitis than hydrocortisone cream, the standard treatment .

Whats more, a combination of fruit extracts including fig extract was shown to exhibit antioxidant effects on skin cells, decrease collagen breakdown, and improve the appearance of wrinkles in a test-tube and animal study .

However, its difficult to determine if these positive effects came from the fig extract or one of the other extracts being studied. More research is needed to determine figs effects on skin health.


Figs have a variety of potential health benefits. They may improve digestion and decrease constipation, help manage blood fat and blood sugar levels, and kill cancer cells. However, more research in humans is needed.

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If youre on a blood thinner, you should keep your intake of figs and other vitamin-K-rich foods consistent from day to day to decrease your risk of complications .

Finally, some people may be allergic to figs. If you have an allergy to birch pollen, you may be more likely to have a fig allergy as well. Fig trees also contain natural latex, which some people may be allergic to .

How To Make Fig Leaf Tea

Apart from getting the benefits of figs by eating them fresh or dried, you can create your own fig leaf tea.

If you have access to fresh fig leaves, you can make your own delicious tea from fig leaves this way:

  • Wash and chop up one large fig leaf.
  • Place a heaped teaspoon of fresh leaves in a cup.
  • Pour boiling water over the leaves, cover, and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the fig tea into another cup and add a teaspoon of raw honey to taste.
  • Relax and enjoy the benefits of fig leaf tea.

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Skip The Canned Fruit

Canned fruits and those cute little fruit cocktail cups may be convenient and inexpensive, but they aren’t so good for you.

“Those canned in heavy or light syrup are not an ideal choice for persons with diabetes,” says Kim Rose, RD and a certified diabetes care and education specialist. “This is because syrup-laden fruits contain added sugar that may be too much for the body to handle.”

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The Worst Fruits For People With Diabetes

Serving size is important for all fruits, especially those high on the glycemic index. Fienman recommends thinking about the serving size of a whole fruit to the size of a tennis ball and cut up fruit to a ½ cup. Even in these small servings, some fruits have more natural sugars and may spike blood sugar longer.

These fruits contain a high amount of natural sugars:

  • mango
  • watermelon

Choose Fruits With A Lower Glycemic Index

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The American Diabetes Association suggests that you choose fruits that have a low glycemic index. The glycemic index, or GI, is used as a reference to measure how a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose.

Foods are rated based on how they raise blood sugars compared to a reference food such as sugar or white bread. A food with a high GI will raise blood glucose more than that of a food with a medium or low GI.

Most fruits have a low to moderate GI, with the exception of pineapple and watermelon. That doesn’t mean you can never eat pineapple and watermelon, but if you notice that your blood sugar spikes after eating either, it’s best to avoid them in the future.

It’s also important to note that the GI of a food is different when eaten alone than it is when combined with other foods. For example, with a high GI fruit, such as watermelon, consider eating it with a low GI food, like low-fat cheese. That can help to balance out the effect on blood sugar levels.

Here are some examples of low, moderate, and high GI fruits:

  • Low GI fruits : apples, pears, mango, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, grapefruit, pear, nectarine, orange
  • Moderate GI fruits : cherries, mango, papaya, grapes
  • High GI fruits : watermelon, pineapple

Note this information, while keeping in mind that everyone has their own trigger foods that spike blood sugars more than others. Additionally, the riper a fruit is, the more it affects your blood sugar.

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What Are The Benefits Of Anjeer For Diabetes

Dry fig, popularly called Anjeer in India has loads of benefits for your overall health. It promotes good digestion and bone health including preventing risks of developing type 2 diabetes. But is anjeer good for diabetic patients? What are the benefits of anjeer for diabetes? How to eat anjeer dry fruit? Lets find out some of anjeer benefits for diabetics.

  • Anjeer : Nutritional Profile
  • Advantages of Anjeer for Diabetes
  • Ways to Consume Anjeer for Diabetes
  • Best Time to Eat Anjeer
  • Risks of Overconsumption of Anjeer
  • Other Health Benefits of Anjeer
  • Dont Have Time To Read?
  • FAQs

Could Improve Heart Health:

Being high in fibre and potassium helps remove the excess fat from the body and pressure from the heart. This can drastically help improve the health of your heart. Along with these two functions, Figs are also a great source of antioxidants which not only reduces the free radicals but also helps reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol. Therefore, making your heart stronger and letting it live for longer.

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How To Use Figs/anjeer

Every fruit or vegetable that we source from markets or farms needs a proper rinsing. Once cleaned, you can either set the figs up for drying or eat them raw. Dried figs, though, have a more extensive fan base as compared to the fresh ones. Some people prefer soaking them in water before consumption. Figs can be used in salads, smoothies, jams, chutneys, dips, home-made cookies, bars, or can be eaten up as healthy munchies. In some cultures, fig leaves are also included in a variety of meals.

Pro Tip:Its best to enhance the nutritional value of figs by complementing it with other superfoods. However, before trying anything too drastic, check your allergy chart and, if youd like, consult a dietician for expert views.

Fantastic Health Benefits Of Fig


Indians and their love for dry fruits are beyond imagination. Every festival or special occasion is incomplete without a variety of dry fruits. What makes this delicious bond even stronger is that they are loaded with enormous health benefits. Today, in this article, we will be talking about one such royal dry fruit Anjeer or Fig.

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What Is A Fig

Figs, commonly known as Anjeer are the fruit of the ficus tree, a part of the mulberry family. Fresh Figs are usually soft from the centre accompanied by crunchy seeds. This unique texture makes it a great fruit to enjoy just the way it is. Most of us remember Fig or Anjeer in the form of a dry fruit when the seeds turn more crispy and the flesh dries up. Fresh figs are seasonal and perishable. Dried Anjeer can be enjoyed all year round. They are often part of the healthy diet as a replacement to the table sugar and thus act as a natural sweeter.

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Despite Being Relatively High In Sugar They Are Also Considered To Be Quite Safe To Be Included In A Diabetes Diet Yes You Heard Us So What Is It About Figs That Make Them A Safe Bet For Diabetics

Fig or anjeer as we call it in India, is consumed in both fresh and dried form. Sweet and juicy, figs are a storehouse of health benefits. Being high in potassium, figs are an ideal fruit to be added to your high blood pressure diet. Figs are also an incredible source of calcium. Including high calcium foods in your diet could help strengthen bones and teeth. The exceptional fibre content of figs also make it a go-to fruit for those having problems with their bowel movements. Fibre adds bulk to stool, which enables it to pass smoothly out of the body, thereby aiding digestion and promoting bowel regularity. Despite being relatively high in sugar, they are also considered to be quite safe to be included in a diabetes diet! Yes you heard us. So what is it about figs that make them a safe bet for diabetics?Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood explains, “Figs are tremendously high on fibre and though they are sweet, it is the high fibre content of figs that ensures that all the sugar is not immediately released into the system. But again, that does not mean you have too many of them at a go. For a diabetic, it is imperative to practice moderation. ”

Figs are a fantastic source of fibre

Here’s what the studies say:

Can People With Diabetes Eat Fruit

Can Diabetics Eat Dates And Figs

“All fruits have healthy qualities, even if you have diabetes,” says Zoe Fienman, RD LDN CDE, a registered dietitian at OnPoint Nutrition. “They are filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals your body needs.”

What identifies a fruit as better or worse is really the amount of sugar that fruit has and where it lies on the glycemic index. An important tool for people with diabetes, the glycemic index refers to the rate at which food is digested and absorbed into the blood stream.

“If it’s higher, that means that food breaks down more quickly which can cause a spike in blood sugar more rapidly,” Fienman says. That being said, like with all foods, people may digest or react to something differently. One person with diabetes may be able to tolerate a banana without a major spike in sugars, and others may have to avoid them altogether.

Of course, always consult your doctor or a registered dietitian when figuring out a diet that is right for managing diabetes and your blood sugar.

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Best Fruit For Diabetes Type 2

Reader question:

Can I have any kind of fruit to eat?

If youre also wondering whether fresh fruit can be part of a healthy diet or what type of fruit is best to eat with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, youre in the right place.

Unfortunately, when it comes to fruit there are some limitations, which can be a bit disappointing for some people who do love their fruit.

However, there are still plenty of options and when you stick to the right types of fruit in an appropriate portion size, you can still keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range.

Lets talk about why certain fruit can be problematic, then go over your best fruit options. Plus weve got some frequently asked questions and a blood testing technique you can use to evaluate how different fruits affect you.

Of course you probably know that added sugar is your enemy.

Consuming added sugar, which is now found in thousands of food products, is linked to increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and other health conditions.

But fruit, its often considered a healthy food, right? But the thing is, fruit also has a fairly high sugar content.

Although fruit is a natural food source, one thing to keep in mind is that fruit is high in natural sugar, predominantly fructose. This can be slightly problematic for a few different reasons.

One thing you have to keep in mind at all times is your primary goal: keeping your blood glucose and A1c within the healthy range.

Figs Have Antibacterial And Anti

The health benefits of figs also extend to having antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

For example, one study found that extracts from fig leaves were powerful enough to kill off certain strains of bacteria. Researchers suggested that fig leaf extract could be used as a natural antibacterial remedy against oral bacteria.

Another benefit of figs is found in therapeutic compounds found in fig milk which is the milky sap from the fig tree. Scientific research has revealed that fig milk has antimicrobial activity against fungal strains like Candida albicans.

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Do Figs Raise Blood Sugar

They bring a lot of sugar and therefore increase blood glucose levels in the short term. Those who have problems managing their blood sugar should limit their intake especially if they are dried. As fruits, they have many potential benefits. They promote digestive and heart health, as well as help manage sugar levels in the body. In the past they have long been used as a home remedy or as an alternative treatment for digestive problems such as constipation. They are considered useful for health.

Know How Figs Helped Me In Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

Benefits of Figs – Ms. Ranjani Raman

Dry fruits undoubtedly are great energy foods that are loaded with vital nutrients like minerals and vitamins. Anjeer or fig is one of the most popularly used dry fruit, and has multiple benefits. So, it’s essential to include this fruit in your diet. Anjeer or fig can be consumed in multiple ways.

First is, by sun drying it and having it raw. You can even store this dried fig throughout the year. People across the country love the milk shake of Kaju Anjeer. For which, you need to soak some figs and add them along with cashews to the milk. Alternatively, you can even roughly cut them and add to your salads. The most delicious way to have figs is by adding them in your desserts. You can also make sweets like barfi and peda with this healthy ingredient.

Here are 9 health benefits of this super fruit:

  • Controls blood pressure and ageing: Figs are rich in potassium, which negates the effect of sodium and helps in controlling blood pressure. They can also help in controlling ageing effects by providing you enough iron, estrogen, etc. This keeps your hormones in check and boosts your energy as well. Figs are also great for skin and hair and nails. Mashed figs applied on the face can prevent acne.125490
  • Heart healthy food: Figs reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are the culprit for inducing heart disease as they are fat particles which accumulate along the blood vessel and cause heart attacks.
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    Fig Extracts Can Help Boost Your Liver Health

    Figs contain medicinal compounds that can help keep your liver in good health.

    The reason that figs are good for your liver is that they contain antioxidants like phenolic compounds. Research has shown that these chemicals have a protective effect on the liver and can protect against oxidative stress.

    Other studies have revealed that preparations containing fig leaf extracts help to reduce inflammation and protect cells in the liver from damage.

    What About Prediabetes Does Eating Fruit Increase Diabetes Risk

    If you eat too much fruit, probably.

    If you have prediabetes, you also have metabolic dysregulation and your goal is to lower blood sugar and A1c.

    Therefore, like people with type 2 diabetes, keeping a tight check on portion size and choosing appropriate fruit options will help you achieve your goals.

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    The Best Fruits For People With Diabetes

    Two to three servings of fruit a day is recommended, and that can is true for people with diabetes, too.

    “If you combine fruit with a fat or protein, it will help you feel fuller and help with that portion control,” Fienman says.

    Here are some beneficial fruits that are not only lower on the glycemic index, but also pack a punch with other vitamins and minerals:

    • berries Both citrus and berries are recommended as superfoods by the American Diabetes Association.
    • cherries

    Fresh Figs Good Or Bad


    As you say, figs are high in sugar so they may be a problem. But we are all different and it depends how many you eat at a time.If I was you and you have a blood test meter, I would check out what happens to your blood sugars. Test, eat one, test 2 hours later.If the rise is more than 2-3 mmol/l they may not be for you. If only there was so way you could share them with me

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