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How Does Diabetes Cause Depression

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Clinical Burden Of Disease

Diabetes | Can It Cause Depression? |

Traditionally it was widely believed that depression was an understandable reaction to the difficulties resulting from living with a demanding and life-shortening chronic physical illness that is associated with debilitating complications. This model is supported by a systematic review of 11 studies that found no difference in the rates of depression between those with undiagnosed diabetes, those with impaired glucose metabolism, and people with normal glucose metabolism . An increased rate of depression was only found in those with diagnosed diabetes suggesting that the knowledge of the diagnosis and the burden of managing the condition and its complications are associated with depressive symptoms rather than biological mechanisms such as hyperglycemia. The implication of this finding is that healthcare professionals may have an important role in moderating the psychological burden associated with diabetes by considering the way in which the diagnosis of diabetes is conveyed and the psychosocial support that is given at and after diagnosis.

How To Lessen Depression

If interactions with health providers aren’t enough to improve depression, what to do? That decision must be individualized, as Dr. Schmitt says.

“Not all patients respond to antidepressant medication,” he says. He adds that ”cognitive behavioral therapies addressing both depressive cognition and behavior change regarding diabetes” are most likely to help the diabetes control.

Learn more about depression at

How Can I Treat My Depression In Tandem With My Diabetes

The treatment of diabetes is an extremely individual course. People suffering from symptoms of depression for an extended period of time should seek medical advice.

There are a number of treatment options, some easier than others but are accompanied by more adverse side effects and potentially toxic health implications, for example anti-depressants. While others treatments are non-toxic and have a health promoting effect, for example Mindfulness, but, such treatments, require a desire to change and be rid of the symptoms of depression.

One clinical trial for example has found a link between depression in diabetic people and a later diagnosis with the degenerative Alzheimers disease.

Further research collected from a large sample of diabetics in New York has suggested that by treating depression in people with diabetes, they are less likely to die at a follow up period of 5 years.

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Depression To Diabetes Risk

During the whole study period 2,844 females developed type 2 diabetes and 7,415 were identified with depression.

Those with depression had a 17% higher risk of developing diabetes even after the researchers ruled out certain risk factors, such as BMI and physical activity.

The women on antidepressant medications had a 25% higher risk of developing diabetes compared to those without depression.

The investigators also found that those with diabetes had a 29% higher risk of developing depression compared to women without diabetes. This figure prevailed even after taking into account certain risk factors.

Those taking insulin for their condition had a 53% higher risk compared to the non-diabetic women.

The authors wrote:

    The findings from this well-characterized cohort of more than 55,000 U.S. women with 10 years follow-up add to the growing evidence that depression and diabetes are closely related to each other, and this reciprocal association also depends on the severity or treatment of each condition. All the associations were independent of sociodemographic, diet and lifestyle factors.

The researchers say their findings indicate that depression has an impact on diabetes risk beyond inactivity and body weight.

They also believe that their study showed a relationship between stress and diabetes.

The authors noted:

They concluded:

If You Have Depression And Diabetes

Can Diabetes Cause Anxiety And Depression

Coping with diabetes can also make your depression worse. There are lots of different reasons for this, such as:

  • Feeling guilty for not managing your diabetes properly.
  • Not wanting to inject or test in public.
  • Feeling ashamed of your diabetes.
  • Having a hypo in the night can make your sleeping pattern worse.
  • Worrying about your diabetes most of the time.

It really is a difficult cycle. To take care of one condition, you have to keep on top of the other, and this can be tiring. There are lots of different things you can do to help yourself. And we are always here to support you on our helpline if you want to talk about it.

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Diabetes And Depression: The Risk

Diabetes increases the risk of depression. A metaanalysis of 16 studies that examined the risk of depression in those with diabetes showed that both relative risk and hazard ratio were significant at 1.27 and 1.23 .13 In the Health, Ageing, and Body Composition Study, older people with diabetes showed an increased incidence of depression compared to those without diabetes .14

Conversely, depression increases the risk of diabetes by 65%. In a prospective study of 4,803 adults aged 55 years or older, the incidence rate of diabetes was higher among depressed subjects relative to nondepressed subjects . An increased risk of diabetes mellitus was also associated with characteristics such as non-severe and untreated depression.15 The relationship between diabetes and depression appears to be bidirectional. Diabetes and its complications lead to increased prevalence of depressive symptoms and depression leads to an increased risk of diabetes .

Brain Structure And Function

In addition to the psychosocial models described above, there are a number of shared biological changes that occur in diabetes and depression that may increase the risk of the other condition . These mechanisms provide a novel perspective in considering the association between depression and diabetes by focusing more on common pathogenic mechanisms rather than focusing on the direction of association.

It is well recognized that both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can have major effects on brain function in areas of cognition and mood. MRI scanning of the brains of people with type 1 diabetes has shown that prefrontal glutamate-glutamine-gamma-aminobutyric acid levels are higher than in healthy control subjects, and these levels correlate with mild depressive symptoms . Furthermore, animal models have shown that diabetes negatively affects hippocampal integrity and neurogenesis, which may interact with other aspects of neuroplasticity and contribute to mood symptoms in diabetes . In humans, hippocampal neurogenesis can be indirectly assessed via MRI and there is hippocampal atrophy in diabetes .

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How Does Depression Affect Diabetes

Depression is a serious mental health condition. It can affect anyone, regardless of culture, background and family history. It causes you to feel bad about yourself, your life and your relationships.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms for longer than two weeks, then talk to your healthcare professional. Depression can affect diabetes. A few symptoms of depression can have a direct impact on your diabetes management, such as:

Though feeling low is unpleasant, if it doesnt last very long then try not to worry about it. Everybody gets sad every now and then.

But if you have any of these symptoms for two weeks or more, you should talk to your GP or another healthcare professional. They will be able to do an assessment with you, and recommend what to do next.

But How Does It Happen

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A concept known as mind-body connection exists in each of us how we think and feel at a psychological level impacts our physical health. Not just in terms of nutritional value, but if an individual is affected by a medical illness of terminal nature or a life altering event, they are impacted by it at a psychological level too. For example, people suffering from osteoporosis, endometriosis are difficult to manage because of the severity of symptoms, and in turn, causes stress.

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Coping With Depression And Diabetes

If you have any of the symptoms of depression for longer than two weeks, its really important that you go and see your healthcare professional. Its always going to be a hard thing to do, but asking for help and talking about your problems with someone can be really helpful.

There are different ways that people deal with depression. Your doctor may advise you to talk to a professional, recommend medication or point you towards Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can decide the best steps together.

“I’d set myself unrealistic targets and was getting frustrated with the highs and lows of normal life with diabetes, which I was seeing as failures. I found it very helpful to start to log events of hypers and hypos. I recorded the reason for these where possible along side strategies to overcome the problem another time, and to record whether this event was in my control, beyond my control or a combination of the two. It may sound simple, but I was amazed at how many events I was beating myself up for which were beyond my control.”

Diabetes May Cause Depression Depression Can Cause Diabetes

The link between depression and diabetes risk works the other way round too diabetes can cause depression. Put simply, diabetes can cause depression and depression can cause diabetes, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health wrote in Archives of Internal Medicine.

Over 10% of all US adults have diabetes for those aged at least 60 years the figure is 23%. About 14.8 million Americans are affected by a major depressive disorder annually.

The authors explained:

    Although it has been hypothesized that the diabetes-depression relation is bidirectional, few studies have addressed this hypothesis in a prospective setting.

An Pan, Ph.D., and team gathered data on 65,381 adult females aged 50 to 75 to see what the relationship between diabetes and depression might be. The women had to fill in an initial questionnaire with details about health practices and their medical history. Follow-up questionnaires were completed every two years for ten years until the end of 2006.

The investigators classified participants with depression as those diagnosed with the disease by a doctor, and/or taking antidepressants. Those who said they had depression were given another questionnaire to fill in with questions about their depression, including symptoms, treatments and diagnostic tests.

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Depression Risk Rises From Too Much Social Media Webmd

Depression Risk Rises from Too Much Social Media.

This lasting type of depression is understood by a number of names, consisting of Depression, Dysthymia, and Persistent Depressive Problem. Although they were each previously classified as separate problems, Depression and Dysthymia have actually because been merged with PDD. In this short article, we will certainly does diabetes cause anxiety and depression refer to PDD as chronic depression because that is the term generally made use of to define resilient depression. We will certainly check out what chronic depression is, how it varies from Major Depressive Condition, and also examine its signs and symptoms, triggers, and therapy alternatives.

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Diabetes And Depression: What You Need To Know Info

Regarding 21 million united state grownups 8.4% of the populace had at least one significant depressive episode in 2020. People of any ages and all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic histories experience depression, but it does influence some groups greater than others. In this 2-part podcast collection, NAMI Principal Medical Officer Dr. Ken Duckworth guides conversations on significant depressive condition that use understandings from people, family members and psychological wellness professionals. Some people who have actually been detected with major depression might additionally have signs why does diabetes cause depression of another mental disorder called psychosis. When the two problems take place together, its known as depressive psychosis. You could be stunned to find out that there are many different kinds of major depressive problem that can affect you can make living your life difficult. Each kind usually has different causes, but they typically involve the very same feeling of uninterest in tasks that you once liked and an overall sensation of melancholy.

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How Can Depression Affect My Diabetes

Depression can affect a patients capacity to deal with their diabetes, including managing blood glucose levels appropriately.

Research has found that people who suffer from both diabetes and depression have poorer metabolic and glycemic control which has, in turn, been found to intensify symptoms of depression.

Additionally, anti-depressants have been found to have hypoglycaemic effects causing serious problems for self-management.

It has previously been reported that depressed people with diabetes are less likely to adherence to medication and diet regimens and subsequently have a reduction in quality of life and increased health care expenditure.

Research has shown by addressing depression, glycemic control is enhanced, mood and quality of life is significantly improved.

Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

  • The primary strength of this study was the systematic and expansive search of multiple databases, which minimised the risk of missing data.

  • Both the adjusted and crude effect estimates were analysed and demonstrated consistent results.

  • Our findings mainly relied on cross-sectional data and as such could not establish the causal and temporal relationships between insulin use and depression.

  • Some studies had small sample sizes, which may influence the statistical power.

  • The findings of insulin therapy versus specific oral drugs and the prevalence of depression were not illustrated because of the inclusion of a less number of studies in each subset.

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Why Almost Anything You Have Discovered About Does Diabetes Cause Anxiety And Depression Is Inappropriate And What You Ought To Know

Light therapy makes use of a special light box that is positioned on a tabletop or workdesk. The individual beings in front of the light for a brief amount of time everyday. Attempt to get outdoors during the day to increase serotonin levels, she suggests, and also support the body clock, our interior body clock, by getting early morning sunshine particularly. So individuals will have the timeless signs including reduced power, problem sleeping, adjustments in hunger, individuals feel slow or upset does diabetes cause anxiety and depression or sleepy, they will oversleep, he claims. Often, sadness and even ideas of self damage, all entered into play. SAD might be identified after a cautious psychological wellness test as well as medical history done by a psychiatrist or other mental health professional. Less sunlight and shorter days are believed to be connected to a chemical adjustment in the brain and might belong to the cause of SAD.

Can Diabetes Cause Anxiety And Depression

Correlation Between Diabetes and Depression


People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing anxiety because they may experience excessive fear and worry about the management and possible progression of diabetes. Concerns over the physical symptoms themselves can also trigger anxiety.

Additionally, does diabetes affect depression? Diabetes can cause complications and health problems that may worsen symptoms of depression. Depression can lead to poor lifestyle decisions, such as unhealthy eating, less exercise, smoking and weight gain all of which are risk factors for diabetes.

can diabetes affect your mental health?

Anxiety, depression, and diabetes distressHaving diabetes can also lead to a mental health condition that doctors call diabetes distress. While symptoms may not be severe enough for a doctor to diagnose diabetes distress as a mental illness, the symptoms can affect a person’s quality of life.

Can diabetes be brought on by stress?

Stress doesn’t cause diabetes but it can affect your blood sugar levels and how you look after your condition. Having diabetes to manage on top of life’s normal ups and downs can itself be a cause of stress.

Common anxiety signs and symptoms include:

  • Feeling nervous, restless or tense.
  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom.
  • Having an increased heart rate.
  • Breathing rapidly

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Depression Distress And Diabetes

Significance of Depression in Diabetes ⢠Less self-care ⢠Glucose disregulation ⢠Obesity ⢠Major predictor of poor outcomes ⢠Effect of depression is exacerbated in diabetes Depression is Associated with Non-Adherence to Diabetes Self-Care: Meta-Analysis n z Weighted r 95% CI Overall analysis 47 9.81 0.21 0.17 â 0.25 Appointment keeping 4 21.58 0.31 0.29 â 0.34 Composite measures 18 9.66 0.29 0.23 â 0.34 Diet 18 7.60 0.18 0.13 â 0.22 Medication 18 5.15 0.14 0.09 â 0.20 Exercise 13 7.89 0.14 0.10 â 0.17 Glucose monitoring 15 3.50 0.10 0.04 â 0.16 Foot care 2 0.88 0.07 -0.08 to 0.21 Gonzalez et al, Diabetes Care 2008 Depression is Associated with Hyperglycaemia Depression is Associated with Diabetes Complications Depression-Diabetes Co-Morbidity is Associated with Worst Health Depression and Diabetes Co-Morbidity is Associated with Mortality Egede et al, Diabetes Care 2005 1 1.2 1.9 2.5 HR Even Subclinical Depression Increases Complications, Disability and Mortality Diabetes-related Distress ⢠Diabetes-related distress is not depression, but is associated with having symptoms of depression ⢠Diabetes-related distress is a direct reflection of the burden of diabetes, the subjective experience of that burden ⢠Diabetes-related distress can impair self-care and is more strongly associated with diabetes outcomes than is depression Diagnosed Depression vs Depression Symptoms and Diabetes-specific Distress âContinue reading > >

Impact Of Diabetes On Your Mental Health

Being diagnosed with type 1 or 2 diabetes often comes with a considerable lifestyle change. Your health is at risk, so your way of life will probably have to change to protect your well-being.

Diet impacts. Usually, your doctor will tell you to stop eating certain foods and to avoid sugar or alcohol. You will also need to start tracking your blood glucose and insulin levels. These shifts can be incredibly stressful. Interrupting your old habits can cause an emotional reaction.

Some of the symptoms of depression can include:

  • Sad feelings
  • Digestive issues
  • Thoughts of suicide or death

Diabetes distress. There is also a condition called diabetes distress. It causes you to develop hopeless feelings of despair surrounding your diabetes. You might feel that your efforts to manage your diabetes are not working. You could also think that you have created some other condition related to your diabetes.

Often, people feel like their diabetes is controlling them, not the other way around. This can cause you to revert to unhealthy habits. You might stop checking your blood sugar and insulin. You might even avoid doctorâs appointments.

Diabetes distress can look like regular depression or anxiety. However, it is specific to people with diabetes. Their mental health issues stem from having diabetes. This is a severe condition. Treating it is a part of treating your diabetes.

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