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What Is Early Onset Diabetes

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Lifestyle Changes To Avoid Diabetes

Early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus By Dr PROF Melanie Davies

Early symptoms are not a death sentence, particularly in the case of type 2 diabetes. Paying attention to early symptoms of diabetes can allow you to make lifestyle changes before you begin suffering from some of the more serious complications of diabetes.

If you have a family history of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart disease, and other such health problems, you may be at a higher risk of developing diabetes. Paying attention to early symptoms, and talking to your healthcare provider can help you take action to support your own wellness and avoid some of the more frightening consequences of diabetes such as diabetic neuropathy, heart disease, and vision loss .

If You Ignore The Signs Of Diabetes

Its hard to ignore the signs of type 1 diabetes because symptoms can often appear quite quickly. But leaving it untreated can lead to serious health problems, including diabetic ketoacidosis, which can result in a potentially fatal coma.

Although the majority of people with type 1 diabetes are diagnosed in childhood and early adulthood, the symptoms are the same at any age. Adults with type 1 diabetes may not recognise their diabetes symptoms as quickly as children, which could mean their diagnosis and treatment may be delayed.

Type 2 diabetes can be easier to miss as it develops more slowly, especially in the early stages when it can be harder to spot the symptoms. But untreated diabetes affects many major organs, including your heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. Being diagnosed early and managing your blood sugar levels can help prevent these complications. Use our Know Your Risk tool to check your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Youve Had Many Infections In A Short Period

You might also become increasingly prone to infections as high blood sugar weakens the immune system. Spikes in sugar lead to hyperglycemia which makes your organs susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.

If youve noticed frequent infections within a short time, this may be a symptom of diabetes.

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Travelling With Diabetes Medicines

If you’re going on holiday:

  • pack extra medicine speak to your diabetes nurse about how much to take
  • carry your medicine in your hand luggage just in case checked-in bags go missing or get damaged
  • if you’re flying with a medicine you inject, get a letter from your GP that says you need it to treat diabetes

Page last reviewed: 18 August 2020 Next review due: 18 August 2023

Maybe It’s A Different Type

What are the Early Symptoms of Diabetes?

If you or someone you know is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes but isnt responding well to the typical treatments for type 2 diabetes, it may be worth a visit to an endocrinologist to determine what type of diabetes is happening. Generally, this requires antibody tests and possibly the measurement of a C-peptide level.

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Sex Race Or Ethnic Background

Differences between the chances of developing type 2 diabetes and the age of diagnosis may also depend on sex and race or ethnic background.

The CDC note that from 1997 to 2011, doctors diagnosed American men roughly 2 years earlier than women, and African Americans and Hispanics around 6 years earlier than white people.

The ADA also note that diabetes impacts people of some races or ethnic backgrounds far more than others.

Lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity levels, may be among the reasons for higher prevalence rates, but the research is still inconclusive.

Current rates of people in the U.S. who have a diagnosis of diabetes, according to race or ethnic background, are as follows:

  • 7.4 percent of non-Hispanic white people
  • 8.0 percent of Asian Americans
  • 12.1 percent of Hispanics
  • 12.7 percent of non-Hispanic black people
  • 15.1 percent of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives

Early Warning: A Look At The First Signs Of Diabetes

With rates of diabetes among American adults topping 10% by some estimates, the odds that you or someone you know has diabetes are high. The question is, could you have diabetes without knowing it? Unlike some other medical conditions, the early signs of diabetes can be as subtle as needing to drink more water than normal.

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Characteristics Of The Study Participants

This study included 23,961 people with previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Overall, the mean age at diagnosis of diabetes was 54.60 ± 9.48 years. A total of 3653 participants have reported CVD in this study. Characteristics of the study population according to age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes were presented in . On average, patients with earlier age at diagnosis were much younger, and they are more likely to have poor glycemic control, probable depression, and high triglycerides, but lower BMI and systolic blood pressure. Besides, Individuals with earlier age at diagnosis of diabetes have higher percentage of insulin-user, while lipid-lowering treatment and antihypertensive drugs are less used .

Table 1 Baseline characteristics according to age at diagnosis of diabetes.

Youve Started Losing Hair

Diabetes – Symptoms, Treatments and Early Diagnosis

Diabetic hairfall is a commonly ignored symptom of high blood sugar levels. We lose a lot of hair daily. But diabetes in women may cause significant hair loss Im talking bunches on the pillow and brushes filled with hair!

In case of rapid hair loss, get your blood sugar levels checked immediately as it could be among the early signs of diabetes.

Read more: 7 Useful Tips to Treat Diabetic Hairfall Naturally

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Treatments For Gestational Diabetes

If you have gestational diabetes, the chances of having problems with your pregnancy can be reduced by controlling your blood sugar levels.

You’ll be given a blood sugar testing kit so you can monitor the effects of treatment.

Blood sugar levels may be reduced by changing your diet and exercise routine. However, if these changes don’t lower your blood sugar levels enough, you will need to take medicine as well. This may be tablets or insulin injections.

You’ll also be more closely monitored during your pregnancy and birth to check for any potential problems.

If you have gestational diabetes, it’s best to give birth before 41 weeks. Induction of labour or a caesarean section may be recommended if labour does not start naturally by this time.

Earlier delivery may be recommended if there are concerns about your or your baby’s health or if your blood sugar levels have not been well controlled.

Find out more about how gestational diabetes is treated.

When To See A Doctor

Visit your GP as soon as possible if you experience the main symptoms of diabetes, which include:

  • weight loss and loss of muscle bulk
  • itching around the penis or vagina, or frequent episodes of thrush
  • cuts or wounds that heal slowly
  • blurred vision

Type 1 diabetes can develop quickly over weeks or even days.

Many people have type 2 diabetes for years without realising because the early symptoms tend to be general.

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Dry Mouth And Itchy Skin

During diabetes, your body becomes incapable of reabsorbing glucose while it passes through the kidneys and makes it bring all back. This condition gives rise to the increased urge to pee. While your body uses fluids to make urine, other body parts lack moisture and lead to dehydration. Due to this, a person having diabetes experience a dry mouth, which gives rise to itchy skin.

How Can You Tell If You Have Diabetes

Early onset type 2 diabetes mellitus By Dr PROF Melanie Davies

The early signs of diabetes depend on if one has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children, whereas type 2 diabetes is prevalent in adults. Usually, in type 2 diabetes, the signs may be unnoticeable unless some complications occur. With type 1 diabetes, the symptoms are severe and appear quickly. Routine blood sugar level check-up is an ideal way to detect diabetes at an early stage.

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Regular Testing Can Put You In The Know

Often what happens is people minimize the symptoms or rationalize them and they get worse until they become severe enough that they have to see someone, Dr. Pantalone says. They have excessive weight loss or are really tired of peeing all night.

Because symptoms of diabetes are often subtle or nonexistent, especially around the onset, its important to see your doctor regularly for a checkup and testing. This is particularly vital if you are overweight or have risk factors if diabetes runs in your family, for instance.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for type 2 diabetes if you are between the ages of 40 and 70. If results are normal, you should repeat the testing every three years. If you have a risk factor, the task force recommends beginning screening at a younger age and testing more frequently.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

You’ll be given a special sweetened drink prior to this blood test. A test result of 11.1 mmol/L or greater taken two hours after having the sweet drink indicates diabetes.

A second test must be done in all cases . Once diabetes has been diagnosed, ask your doctor to refer you for diabetes education. Diabetes Canada also has many resources to help you understand diabetes better and live a long and healthy life. Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and managing the disease is not easy. But it is important to know that you can live a long and healthy life by taking a number of steps including keeping your blood sugar levels in target range.

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Risk Factors Associated With Type 2 Diabetes

Age: People who are above the age of 45 are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Obesity: Having excess weight puts you at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Losing extra weight is the best way to avoid the problem of both obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Family history: If one of your ancestors has experienced type 2 diabetes earlier, then there are high chances for you to inherit the same condition.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, which may lead to type 2 diabetes within 15 years of pregnancy.

Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes Onset In Adults

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When an adult is diagnosed with diabetes, they are often mistakenly told that they have type 2 diabetes. This is because there may be a lack of understanding by some doctors that type 1 diabetes can start at any age, and in people of every race, shape and size. People with type 1 diabetes who have elevated blood glucose and classic risk factors for type 2 diabetes, such as being overweight or physically inactive, are often misdiagnosed. It can also be tricky because some adults with new-onset type 1 diabetes are not sick at first. Their doctor finds an elevated blood sugar level at a routine visit and starts them on diet, exercise and an oral medication.

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Extreme Thirst Or Hunger

Feeling hungrier and/or thirstier than usual, despite eating and drinking more, can be a sign of diabetes. When the cells in your body cannot remove the glucose from your blood and use it properly, it lacks the energy it needs to function properly. It then sends signals for more energyleading to increased hunger.

At the same time, when blood glucose levels are too high, the body draws water from tissues, such as muscles, and puts it into the bloodstream to try to dilute the excess glucose. This leaves your tissues dehydrated, causing a thirst response.

If your sudden increased thirst or hunger cannot be explained by other means, visit your healthcare provider to check for diabetes or another medical condition.

What Are The Symptoms Seen In The Later Stages Of Both Types Of Diabetes

There are some typical symptoms, which can be seen in the latter stages of both types of diabetes.

Symptoms which appear in the later stage of type 2 diabetes include:

  • Yeast infections between fingers and toes, under breasts, and around reproductive organs.
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Pain or numbness in feet and legs

In diabetes, blood sugar level may drop abnormally due to antidiabetic medications, or mismatch of food or exercise, which is known as hypoglycemia. The symptoms of hypoglycemia include:

  • Giddiness
  • Numbness or tingling in lips, tongue or cheeks
  • Fast heartbeat

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Association Between Age At Diagnosis Of Type 2 Diabetes And Cardiovascular Diseases: A Nationwide Population

Objectives: Nationwide studies focusing on the impact of early-onset type 2 diabetes and obesity on the development of cardiovascular diseases are limited in China. We aimed to investigate the association between age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and the risk of CVD, and to further examine the modifying effect of obesity on this association among Chinese adults.

Methods: This study included 23,961 participants with previously diagnosed diabetes from a large nationwide population-based cohort study across mainland China. With an interviewer-assisted questionnaire, we collected detailed information on CVDs. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the risk of CVDs associated with age at diagnosis of diabetes.

Results: Compared with patients with late-onset diabetes , those with earlier-onset diabetes had increased risks for CVD, with adjusted ORs of 1.72 , 1.52 and 1.33 for patients diagnosed aged < 40, 40-49 and 50-59 years, respectively. Each 5-year earlier age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes was significantly associated with 14% increased risk of CVD . This association was more prominent for patients with obesity than those with normal body mass index . Significant interaction was detected between age at diagnosis and BMI categories on CVD risk .

Early-onset type 2 diabetes was significantly associated with higher risk of CVD, and this association was more prominent among patients with obesity.

What Are The Early Signs Of Diabetes In Women

9 Early Signs of Diabetes â Know These Indicators To Predict Diabetes

The first thing you should know is that the early signs of diabetes type 1 generally appear during childhood or teens. In other words, youre born with this autoimmune condition.

On the other hand, diabetes type 2 symptoms could develop over the years as you age. Since its caused by lifestyle changes, they are a lot more difficult to diagnose.

Lets go over the first warning symptoms of high blood sugar that you need to look out for:

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A Word From Mantra Care

If you are looking for more information on this topic or onDiabetes treatment,Online Therapy,Hypertension,PCOS treatment,Weight Loss, andPhysiotherapy, please or feel free to reach out to us at +91-9711118331 or email at . You can also download our freeAndroid App or IOS app.

Here at Mantra Care, we have an incredibly skilled team of health care professionals and coaches who will be happy to answer any questions and provide further information so you know whats best for your unique needs.

How Can You Lower You Blood Sugar Levels Quickly

My first recommendation is to visit a doctor if you notice the first warning symptoms of diabetes. Youll need immediate medication to improve insulin functioning.

Next, your doctor might advise you to change your lifestyle. Managing symptoms by altering your lifestyle is the easiest way to regulate sugar & reverse diabetes in the long run.

Here are some tips to manage early signs of too high blood sugar:

  • Tip 1:

Start eating healthy. Cut down on high carb foods as they might increase your weight. Be sensible with red meat intake. Also avoid sugary stuff such as carbonated drinks, sweetened cereals, and dried foods.

  • Tip 2:

Exercise daily. This will help you stay fit, avoid weight gain, & naturally regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Tip 3:

Avoid binge-drinking. Alcohol can be a fatal enemy for diabetics if you dont practice caution.

  • Tip 4:

Monitor your blood glucose often. Make it a habit to check your blood sugar levels daily. Type 2 diabetics should check their sugar at least once a day.

  • Tip 5:

Take your medicine on time. Failing to take insulin on time can spike your glucose to dangerous levels and you might end up in the ER.

  • Tip 6:

Quit smoking. Nicotine messes with the effect of insulin and makes it difficult to manage diabetic symptoms.

If youve experienced any such symptoms, what was your experience like? Also, did you notice any other unique early signs of diabetes or prediabetes before your diagnosis? Share with me in the comments below.


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Additional File : Appendix 1

Extended methods. Figure S1. Schematic diagram of the study design and cohort build-up. Figure S2. BMI at entrance to the Israeli National Diabetes Registry by adolescent BMI categories. Table S1. Accounting for incident type 2 diabetes cases with missing date of diabetes onset- Logistic regression models. Table S2. Accounting for misclassification in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes among men. Table S3. Type 2 diabetes among men of Ethiopian origin, first and second-generation immigrants to Israel.

Early Signs And Symptoms

Short and easy to understand: type 1 diabetes early detection and prevention

Knowing the signs and symptoms to look out for can help you get an accurate diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

Seeking treatment early can slow the condition’s progression and prevent complications.

Although not everyone displays the same signs of diabetes, the following symptoms are common and suggest you may have the condition:

  • Urinating frequently

  • Family history of type 2 diabetes

  • Puberty

The above risk factors increase your chance of developing early-onset type 2 diabetes, but they don’t guarantee you will develop the condition.

It might be helpful to ask your doctor about diagnostic tests if you have an increased risk of developing early-onset type 2 diabetes especially if you also have some of the symptoms listed above.

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