Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can You Donate Blood If Diabetic

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Who Is Not Eligible To Donate Blood

Blood donation by a diabetic, hypertensive and thyroid patients
  • You need regular insulin treatment
  • You required the treatment of insulin within the last 4 weeks
  • You have suffered heart failure
  • You are still under treatment or observation or a follow up for renal impairment
  • You have had wounds or ulcers related to a loss of sensation
  • You have had a blood vessel surgery or amputation
  • You often feel giddy or faintish

It really does not matter what type of diabetes you have as long as you fall under the eligibility criteria to donate blood.

You Got A Tattoo Or Piercing

These giving blood restrictions pop up on a lot of lists as being some of the more surprising reasons you might not be able to give blood. The concern behind tattoos, piercings, and even intravenous drug use, is that the instruments and needles used in these practices may spread hepatitis.

For tattoos, you wont be asked to defer your blood donation so long as you live in a state that regulates its tattoo facilities. If you dont live in a state that regulates these facilities then you should wait 3 months before donating blood.

For piercings, you wont be asked to defer your blood donation so long as the piercing was conducted using single-use equipment. If the piercing was made using reusable equipment then you will be asked to wait 3 months before donating.

Ive Known For A Long Time That People With Diabetes Are In Fact Able To Donate Blood But I Thought It Might Be A Good Focus For Those Who Want To Do More Outside Of The Diabetes World To Help Clear Up Any Misinformation You Might Have As A Potential Donor Read On

Direct from the American Red Cross, you can see that it means a lot to those who may need a blood transfusion or another product of blood, Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. With this last year decreasing the ability to go places as well as the worry about visiting more clinical locations, the blood supply is at a low level and will take the help of many to get back to the levels needed.

This is important, but as we know with diabetes, there are variables to consider. Thankfully, there are good guidelines defining those that are eligible as well as a checklist to consider for donating blood successfully and healthfully when you live with diabetes.

According to the NIH, diabetes itself shouldnt impact a persons ability to donate if several criteria are met. In general, someone who donates should:

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Does It Matter If You Have Type I Or Type Ii Diabetes

No, it doesn’t matter what type of diabetes you have. Whether you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, your ability to donate blood is usually the same. This is because your ability to donate blood will depend on whether you meet the eligibility requirements and have steady blood sugar levels, not the type of diabetes you have. Of course, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before you decide to donate.

For Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Can Diabetics Donate Blood?

Interestingly, recent research has found that people with diabetes who donate blood regularly see short and longterm improvements in their health.

Heart attack, stroke and type II diabetes have all been shown to be less common in individuals that regularly donate blood, explains research from the King Abdullah International Medical Research Center .

For short-term health, the same study found that just one donation session temporarily improved insulin production and glucose tolerance.

The improvement was particularly evident three weeks after donation. By three months, most of the tested biomarkers returned to their pre-donation levels.

On the other hand, patients who donate blood shortly before an A1c test may have lower than accurate results, according to other research. Does this mean you shouldnt donate? No but it is something to keep in mind as you assess and manage your overall diabetes care.

Dont let diabetes stop you from donating blood if you are otherwise healthy and the country you live in welcomes donations from those with diabetes!

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Diabetes And Blood Donation: Can You Donate Blood If You Have Diabetes

It depends, just like most things in diabetes. There isnt a clear answer between diabetes and blood donation since it relies on many factors. In short, its all about sugar levels and the type of insulins you have been using. It does not matter which type of diabetes you have as the eligibility criteria depend on your diabetes management and your medications.

How Can I Prepare Myself For Donating Blood

There are a couple of ways you can plan to ensure your donation is successful before you want to donate blood you Should:

  • Drink plenty of water right up to the gift. A few days prior to your planned contribution, you can increase your water consumption.
  • One or two weeks before the gift, eat iron-rich foods, or take an iron supplement.
  • The night before your gift, sleep tight. Intend to get eight hours of sleep or more.
  • Eat nutritious meals leading up to and after the gift. When you have diabetes, this is extremely important. It is essential to maintaining control over your condition to sustain a balanced diet that maintains your blood glucose levels down.
  • Limit caffeine on the day of the gift.
  • Bring a list of the drugs you are taking at the time.
  • Bring documents, such as a drivers license or two other identification forms, with you.

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Donating Blood Might Improve Diabetes

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Heart attack, stroke and type II diabetes have all been shown to be less common in individuals that regularly donate blood. But, according to a new study led by researchers at King Abdullah International Medical Research Center , just a single blood donation can temporarily improve a persons insulin production and glucose tolerance.

KAIMRC pathologist Anwar Borai led an international team that tested the levels of several key diabetes-related biomarkers in the blood of 42 healthy male donors.

Biomarkers, including those related to glycaemic status , insulin production and iron levels, were tested before donation and then one day, one week, three weeks and three months after giving blood.The results show that regular, repeated blood donation is not required to see a beneficial effect on the donors glucose tolerance. The glycaemic status of the donor can be mproved even after a single blood donation, Borai says.

The improvement was particularly evident three weeks after donation. By three months, most of the tested biomarkers returned to their pre-donation levels. Borai says improvements could continue if donors made healthy lifestyle changes after donation.

You Shouldnt Overdo It

Can a diabetic patient donate blood?

While you can donate blood every 56 days, get permission from your doctor to donate blood on a regular basis before scheduling another appointment. If you have a cold or other minor illness on the day of donation, reschedule your appointment for a day you feel well.

Diabetic patients in general are more prone to illnesses due to poorer circulation and compromised immune systems, and donating blood when you are not well puts stress on your body and slows recovery rates. Talk to your doctor if you have a yeast infection or other common infection prone to diabetics prior to donating blood.

Donating blood for medical research helps promote medical advancements, and your donation could save lives. While you can donate blood when you have diabetes, take certain precautions before donating. Our specialists at Key Biologics , make your experience comfortable and informed. Talk to us about your blood donation options and the different ways we utilize donated blood, marrow, and cord blood for medical advancements today.

Dr. Scott is the Chief Medical Officer at Cellero. He is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Transfusion Medicine and has deep experience leading blood centers and biological services organizations. Dr. Scott grew Key Biologics into a leading supplier of biological products used by the cell and gene therapy industry worldwide. Learn more about Dr. Scott.

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Low Blood Sugar Risks With Insulin And Sulfonylureas

There are different types of drugs used to manage diabetes. They are put into different classes depending on how they work.

  • Those who manage their blood sugar with diet and exercise dont have to worry much. The risk of hypoglycemia is the same as non-diabetics.
  • Reassuringly, those who only take drugs that limit the amount of sugar released from the liver and slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines , also have a very low risk.
  • Those using insulinotropic agents , which stimulate or affect the production of insulin, need to be especially careful, as does anyone using insulin.
  • Shockingly, while insulin-dependent people with diabetes experience many more low blood sugars, it is the patient group using sulfonylureas who have more severe low blood sugars requiring emergency assistance. That may ultimately be because those using insulin understand the risks for lows and are often better prepared for them.

You Are Taking Certain Medications Or Antibiotics

What medications disqualify you from donating blood? Frankly, because there are so many medications this question is one of the more complex ones to answer regarding giving blood restrictions and rules. As a general rule, most OTC medications will not disqualify you from giving blood. If you take prescription medications, look at the ARCs list of medications to see if your medication may defer your donation.

The following are the most frequently discussed medications when it come to giving blood restriction:

  • Aspirin: If you take Aspirin or medications containing Aspirin, you will likely be allowed to donate whole blood. If you wish to donate only platelets, you will need to wait the space of two full days between the last time you took a pill and the day you donate blood.
  • Blood thinners: Since blood thinners affect the ability of your blood to clot, individuals taking certain types of blood thinners will not be allowed to donate.
  • Birth control pills:Women taken birth control are eligible to donate blood.
  • Insulin: Diabetics using insulin are eligible to donate blood so long as their diabetes is well under control.

For most antibiotics, wait until you have completed the full course of antibiotics if you are taking oral medication, and wait until 10 days after the last injection if youre receiving antibiotics by injection.

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Other Eligibility Requirements For Blood Donation

After getting the answer to “can diabetics donate blood”, you may want to know the other eligibility requirements for blood donation. Other factors that may determine your ability to donate blood may include the following:

1. Medications

  • Antibiotics. If you are taking antibiotics to treat an active infection, you may be asked to wait and finish your course of antibiotics before donating blood. This is to make sure that you are free from infection before you give blood to someone else. However, if you are taking antibiotics to prevent an infection from occurring, you may be able to pass the test.
  • Birth Control Pills. You will be eligible to donate blood even when you are taking oral contraceptives.
  • Other Drugs. With certain drugs, you will be asked to wait for some time after your last dose before you can donate blood. Here are some examples:

Isoretinoin -1 month

Warfarin, heparin, or enoxaparin – 7 days

Clopidogrel – 14 days

  • Allergic Conditions you can donate, as long as you have no fever.
  • Cold or Flu wait until you are fully recovered.
  • Weight you must be at least 110 lbs in weight.

3. Medical Conditions

Apart from “can diabetics donate blood”, you may wonder whether people with other medical conditions can donate blood. Here are several examples:

4. Life Events

5. Travelling and Immigration

Insulin & Donating Blood

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Most people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes who are insulin-dependent are not allowed to give blood. Those who take insulin will be at a health risk if they happen to give blood. Hence they are not permitted to donate blood in the first place. This is applicable to both insulin pump therapy and regular insulin injection users.

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How Do You Prepare To Donate Blood If You Have Diabetes

Whether youâre pre-diabetic, taking certain types of blood thinners, or have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, itâs a good idea to take certain precautions before and after blood donations. Getting medical advice is a good idea if you also have any other medical conditions that may affect you during or after the donation process. And whether you have health conditions or not, itâs likely a good idea to follow these handy tips and tricks before and after a blood donation.

Who Should Not Donate Blood

Persons who are dependent on insulin to control blood sugar levels are completely prohibited from donating blood. This is because such diabetics are prone to hypoglycemia.

Conditions that prohibit blood donation:

  • Hypoglycemia: Low sugar levels can be dangerous but can be avoided by eating a proper meal before donations .
  • Diabetics who suffer from ulcers are also prohibited as ulcers are caused due to heart conditions which can worsen post-donation.
  • Patients who have had a pancreatic tissue transplant.
  • Diabetics suffering from kidney issues.
  • Diabetics with retinopathy issues.

As long as people maintain their blood sugar levels, they can donate blood. However, it is better to consult your doctor first. It is also advisable to invest in a glucometer which will help maintain and keep track of your blood sugar levels.

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Preparing To Give Blood

  • Do not donate if you are sick
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid intense exercise/any major lifting
  • Have a snack
  • Be prepared to disclose any medications you are currently on
  • Eat iron-rich, protein-rich foods
  • Avoid fatty foods, smoking and alcohol
  • Try to relax
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise/activity 24 hours after
  • Continue adding iron-rich foods to your diet if it suits you

Is It Safe For Me To Donate Blood

Can Diabetics Donate Blood ? | Dr ETV | 14th June 2019 | ETV Life

If you have diabetes and want to donate blood, its generally safe for you to do so. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are eligible to give blood donations. You should have your condition under control and be in otherwise good health before you donate blood.

Having your diabetes under control means that you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. This requires you to be vigilant about your diabetes on a daily basis. You need to be aware of your blood sugar levels throughout each day and make sure you eat a proper diet and exercise sufficiently. Living a healthy lifestyle will contribute to keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Your doctor may also prescribe certain medications to help manage your diabetes. These medications shouldnt impact your ability to donate blood.

If you want to donate blood but are concerned about your diabetes, talk to your doctor before your donation. They can answer any questions you may have and help you determine whether this is the best option for you.

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Choose Carbohydrates That Keep Blood Sugar Steady

Our wide variety of food products contain different levels and types of carbohydrates making it harder to eat wisely with diabetes. In general, you will want to choose carbs that have the least impact on your blood sugar. That means selecting foods that are high fiber, low sugar foods since these are absorbed more slowly and so have little impact on blood sugar changes.

Best carb choices to promote a healthy lifestyle for people with diabetes:

  • High fiber foods include: Whole grain breads and cereals, and foods made with 100% whole wheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice, corn and cornmeal
  • Dried beans, lentils, and peas
  • Fresh fruits like berries, apples, pears, and oranges
  • Dairy products including yogurt, milk, and cheese. The best yogurt is Greek-style or strained yogurt since these contain triple the level of protein.
  • Vegetables. Both starchy and non-starchy vegetables are all healthy carbs that have less effect on your blood sugar

As you might guess, sugar-sweetened cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and other baked goods made with white flour as well as candy and soft drinks that contain sugar and high fructose corn syrup have little nutritional value and are likely to send your blood sugar soaring, so should eat them only occasionally, if at all, and only in very small amounts.

Dont Have Time To Read

  • Diabetics can donate blood if their sugar levels are kept under control.
  • People with chronic illnesses such as heart problems or kidney diseases cannot donate blood.
  • Diabetics who take insulin are not eligible to donate blood.
  • People with diabetes should keep themselves hydrated and get 9 hours of minimum sleep before donating blood.
  • Use the Phable care app to know more about the health benefits of makhanas for diabetes, diet plan for diabetes, and you can also consult a specialist physician to manage your diabetes with ease.

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Your A1c And General Blood Sugar Management

The American Red Cross does not list a specific A1c or blood sugar level requirement for those with diabetes to be eligible.

That being said, blood with higher levels of glucose simply doesnt maintain its quality during the storage period compared to blood with a normal glucose level.

This doesnt mean you need perfect blood sugar levels to donate, but if youve been struggling with diabetes management and your A1c is well above 9 percent, or your blood sugar is over 200 mg/dL at the time of donating, you may want to wait until youve been able to bring your blood sugars down into a healthier range.

You will not have to prove your A1c or even your current blood sugar level at the time of donating, so its really up to you to be honest, and let the American Red Cross professionals determine if you qualify during the screening process.

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