Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Happens If Your Glucose Is High

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What Are Risk Factors For Hyperglycemia

7 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

Major risk factors for hyperglycemia are:

  • You have a family history of type 2 diabetes.
  • You are African American, Native American, Hispanic or Asian American.
  • You are overweight.
  • You have high blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • You have polycystic ovarian syndrome .
  • You have a history of gestational diabetes.

How To Lower Morning Blood Sugar

Whether a morning high is caused by the dawn phenomenon or something else, here are a few things you can try to lower your blood sugar levels:

  • Physical activity when you wake up can help bring your glucose level down. Even going for a walk can be helpful.

  • To learn about exercise guidelines and glucose management strategies, click here.

  • Read Adam Browns take on walking the most underrated diabetes exercise strategy.

  • Eating a light breakfast can help keep a morning high from increasing even more. Taking your mealtime insulin will help lower your blood sugar.

  • Adam Brown suggests eating a breakfast that is low in carbs, and notes that sometimes mealtime insulin has to be adjusted in the morning. One of his favorite breakfasts is chia pudding, since it has little impact on glucose levels see what else he eats for breakfast here.

  • Catherine Newman has six popular, low-carb, delicious recipes in The Morning Meal.

  • Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding approaches to meal timing can also help people keep morning blood sugar levels in range. Read Justine Szafrans Intermittent Fasting: Stabilizing My Morning Blood Sugars to learn more.

  • For additional ways to navigate mornings, read seven strategies from Adam Brown in A Home Run Breakfast with Diabetes.

  • This article is part of a series on time in range.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Hyperglycemia

    Its especially important to know the early signs of hyperglycemia if you have type 1 diabetes. If hyperglycemia is left untreated in people with type 1 diabetes, it can develop into ketoacidosis, where ketones, which are toxic acids, build up in the blood. This condition is an emergency situation that can lead to coma or death.

    Early symptoms of hyperglycemia include:

    • High blood sugar.
    • Unusual fruity smell on the breath.
    • Deep labored breathing or hyperventilation.
    • Rapid heartbeat.

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    What Happens If My Blood Glucose Level Becomes Too Low

    Sometimes blood glucose levels drop below where they should be, which is called hypoglycemia. For most people with diabetes, the blood glucose level is too low when it is below 70 mg/dL.

    Hypoglycemia can be life threatening and needs to be treated right away. Learn more about how to recognize and treat hypoglycemia.

    Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

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    Hypoglycemia happens when blood glucose levels drop too low. Low blood sugar can be caused by many things including the two different types of diabetes, certain medications, alcohol, endocrine disorders, eating disorders, pregnancy , and disorders of the liver, kidneys, or heart.

    Here are some of the most common symptoms that someone with low blood sugar might experience:

    • Lightheadedness
    • Fainting
    • Tingling lips

    If your blood sugar is low you might start to feel some of the first signs of hypoglycemia like dizziness, lightheadedness, or sweating. The only way to know for sure if your blood sugar is low is to test it with a glucose meter or other glucose monitoring device.

    If you dont have access to these tools and start to feel the symptoms of low blood sugar, consume 15 grams of carbs or take a quick dissolve glucose tablet to raise your blood sugar levels and avoid further symptoms, according to the American Diabetes Association . Once your blood sugar is back in its target range, you can have a snack or meal to make sure it doesnt drop again.

    Here are some other lifestyle and medicinal treatments that can help treat hypoglycemia:

    • Eat a healthy diet full of whole foods that are minimally processed.
    • Take prediabetes or diabetes medications as recommended by your healthcare provider.
    • Use a glucagon kit in emergencies. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar levels quickly.

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    Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar

    How you react to low blood sugar may not be the same as how someone else with low blood sugar reacts. Its important to know your signs. Common symptoms may include:

    • Fast heartbeat
    • Hunger

    If youve had low blood sugar without feeling or noticing symptoms , you may need to check your blood sugar more often to see if its low and treat it. Driving with low blood sugar can be dangerous, so be sure to check your blood sugar before you get behind the wheel.

    You may not have any symptoms when your blood sugar is low . If you dont have symptoms, it will be harder to treat your low blood sugar early. This increases your risk of having severe lows and can be dangerous. This is more likely to happen if you:

    • Have had diabetes for more than 5-10 years.
    • Frequently have low blood sugar.
    • Take certain medicines, such as beta blockers for high blood pressure.

    If you meet one or more of the above and you have hypoglycemia unawareness, you may need to check your blood sugar more often to see if its low. This is very important to do before driving or being physically active.

    You Have Noticeably Blurry Vision And Frequent Headaches

    You may notice that your vision isnt as clear as it used to be and that things may appear a bit blurry. High blood sugar levels can lead to swollen lenses in your eye from fluid leaking in, according to the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. This changes the shape of the lens, which makes it unable to properly focus, causing blurred vision. You may also find yourself struggling at work, having difficulty driving, and suffering from frequent headaches, Emanuele notes.

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    Different Types Of Diabetes

    Diabetes is characterised by the bodys inability to use glucose. There are different types of diabetes including:

    • Type I diabetes due to a lack of insulin
    • Type 2 diabetes due to a complex mix of insulin not working properly and insufficient insulin
    • Gestational diabetes a form of diabetes that some women develop during their pregnancy. Pregnancy blocks the action of insulin and can bring out a tendency to diabetes. Mothers with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing diabetes in subsequent pregnancies and in later life.

    For People With Type 1 Diabetes

    What a High Blood Sugar Feels Like
  • Contact your doctor or Credentialled Diabetes Educator for advice about increasing your dose of short acting insulin. You may also need extra doses of this insulin .
  • Test your blood glucose levels frequently, as well as your urine for ketones every time you pass urine.
  • Drink extra water or low calorie fluids to keep up with fluid lost by passing more urine.
  • Contact your doctor or go to hospital if:

    • Vomiting stops you from drinking and makes eating difficult
    • Blood glucose levels remain high
    • Moderate to large ketones are present in the urine.

    In type 1 diabetes, high blood glucose levels can progress to a serious condition called Ketoacidosis.

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    How To Store Your Mounjaro Pens

    Keep Mounjaro in the refrigerator

    • Make sure the temperature is between 36°F to 46°F
    • Store the pens in the original packaging to protect your pen from light
    • Do not freeze the Mounjaro pens
    • The pen has glass parts. Handle it carefully. If you drop the Pen on a hard surface, do not use it. Use a new pen for your injection

    Going on a trip?

    Mounjaro can last unrefrigerated for up to 21 days. Just make sure the temperature does not get any higher than 86°F . Keep your pen in its original carton to protect your pen from light.

    You Notice Tingling And Numbness In Your Hands Or Feet

    As mentioned, uncontrolled blood sugar can cause nerve damage, also known as diabetic neuropathy. What you may notice is a tingling sensation or even numbness in your hands and feet. Some people experience pain in their hands and feet as well. Though neuropathy is most common in people who have had diabetes for a long time, it can occur in anyone with poorly controlled diabetes.

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    Low Blood Glucose During Sleep

    Your blood glucose level can drop while you sleep and stay low for several hours, causing serious problems.7 Symptoms of low blood glucose while you sleep can include

    • crying out or having nightmares
    • sweating enough to make your pajamas or sheets damp
    • feeling tired, irritable, or confused after waking up

    Although you may not wake up or notice any symptoms, low blood glucose can interfere with your sleep, which may affect your quality of life, mood, and ability to work. Having low blood glucose during sleep can also make you less likely to notice and respond to symptoms of low blood glucose during the day.

    Stick To Your Medication And Insulin Regimen

    16 Symptoms That Indicate Your Blood Sugar Level Is Too High

    Skipping a dose of medication or insulin can be harmful to your body and increase your blood sugar levels.

    Its important to stick to your treatment plan and follow your doctors instructions for taking your medication.


    Healthful lifestyle habits can help people manage their blood sugar levels over the long term, such as eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, staying hydrated, and getting good sleep.

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    Chronic Constipation Or Chronic Diarrhea

    Both constipation and diarrhea can be caused by high blood glucose, acting on different sections of the bowel. When high blood glucose affects the small intestine, the result is often diarrhea when it affects the large intestine, the result is often constipation.

    The two intestines have very different jobs, which helps to explain how high blood glucose can affect them differently. The job of the small intestine is to absorb nutrients from digested food, and the job of the large intestine is to absorb water from indigestible waste material.

    When neuropathy from elevated blood glucose affects the enteric nerves the guts command and control system in the small intestine, the result can be dysfunctions in motility, leading to delayed emptying into the large intestine. This causes the stagnation of fluids in the small intestine, allowing bacterial overgrowth that causes bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Frequent diarrhea is seen in 22 percent of people with diabetes. Enteric neuropathy, in addition to laying the ground work for bacterial overgrowth, can in itself be a painful chronic condition similar to the foot pain suffered by people with peripheral neuropathy.

    In a similar way, nerve damage can slow the movement of waste through the large intestine. Slow-moving waste is essentially dehydrated or dried out too much by the large intestine, resulting in constipation.

    Take Your Insulin As Prescribed

    High blood sugar occurs when your body has too little insulin, or your body cant use insulin properly. Administering insulin can bring your blood sugar levels down.

    Talk to your doctor about how much rapid-acting insulin you should administer when your blood sugar is high.

    You may want to check your blood sugar about 1530 minutes after taking insulin to make sure your blood sugar is going down and that its not dropping too low.

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    Early Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

    1. Frequent urination

    When your blood sugar is high, your kidneys expel the excess blood sugar, causing you to urinate more frequently. One of the early warning signs of diabetes is frequent urination that is urgent enough to wake you up to go to the bathroom during sleep.

    2. Increased thirst

    While your kidneys are working overtime and youre urinating more frequently, valuable fluids will be pulled from your tissues. Frequent urination will make you feel constantly thirsty.

    3. Fatigue

    When your blood sugar is high, your body works hard to get rid of the excess sugar. Not only does this process take a toll on your body, but it also alters the way that your body uses glucose for energy. Excessively high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, has fatiguing effects among other symptoms. Additionally, the dehydration that accompanies more frequent urination is a common cause of fatigue in diabetics.

    4. Blurred vision

    High blood sugar can cause damage to the small blood vessels of the eye, resulting in a swollen lens that can cause blurred vision. As blood sugar levels rise and lower, your vision may return to normal or worsen, respectively.

    5. Increased hunger

    When you have high blood sugar, your body is actively looking to get rid of it. Because your body expels so much of the glucose youre getting from your food, you may have increased feelings of hunger.

    6. Unexplained weight loss

    7. Slow healing cuts and wounds

    8. Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

    9. Skin discoloration

    How Do I Treat Hyperglycemia

    10 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High

    You can often lower your blood sugar level by exercising. However, if your blood sugar is above 240 mg/dl, check your urine for ketones. If you have ketones, do not exercise.

    Exercising when ketones are present may make your blood sugar level go even higher. Youll need to work with your doctor to find the safest way for you to lower your blood sugar level.

    Cutting down on the amount of food you eat might also help. Work with your dietitian to make changes in your meal plan. If exercise and changes in your diet dont work, your doctor may change the amount of your medication or insulin or possibly the timing of when you take it.

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    How Are High Blood Sugar Levels Treated

    Treating high blood sugar levels involves fixing what caused them in the first place. Your diabetes health care team will give you specific advice on how to keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. But here are some ways to manage the common causes of high blood sugar levels:

    Reason for High Blood Sugar Level What to Do
    Not getting enough insulin or other diabetes medicine
    • Make sure that you take the proper type of insulin and the correct dose at the right time.
    • Check that insulin is not expired.
    • Make sure that all equipment is working properly.
    • Diabetes medicines may need to be changed or adjusted check with your diabetes health care team.
    Not following the meal plan
    • Work with a registered dietitian to make adjustments to your meal plan as needed.
    • Adjust insulin/pills when you eat more or less than recommended on your meal plan .
    Not getting enough exercise
    • Figure out a plan to make time for exercise.
    • Adjust your medicines based on the diabetes health care team’s instructions.
    Illness or stress
    • Contact your diabetes health care team.
    • Continue to take insulin .
    • Check your blood sugar levels frequently.
    Use of other medicines that can increase blood sugar
    • Contact your diabetes health care team if you start taking any other medicine.
    • Your insulin or pills may need to be adjusted while you take the medicine that’s causing high blood sugar levels.
    page 3

    Is Hyperglycaemia Serious

    The aim of diabetes treatment is to keep blood sugar levels as near to normal as possible. But if you have diabetes, no matter how careful you are, you’re likely to experience hyperglycaemia at some point.

    It’s important to be able to recognise and treat hyperglycaemia, as it can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

    Occasional mild episodes aren’t usually a cause for concern and can be treated quite easily or may return to normal on their own. However, hyperglycaemia can be potentially dangerous if blood sugar levels become very high or stay high for long periods.

    Very high blood sugar levels can cause life-threatening complications, such as:

    • diabetic ketoacidosis a condition caused by the body needing to break down fat as a source of energy, which can lead to a diabetic coma this tends to affect people with type 1 diabetes
    • hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state severe dehydration caused by the body trying to get rid of excess sugar this tends to affect people with type 2 diabetes

    Regularly having high blood sugar levels for long periods of time can result in permanent damage to parts of the body such as the eyes, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels.

    If you experience hyperglycaemia regularly, speak to your doctor or diabetes care team. You may need to change your treatment or lifestyle to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range.

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    Tingling Hands And Feet

    Over the years, hyperglycemia can begin to impact nerve function and eventually cause nerve damage, called neuropathy, Dr. Hatipoglu says. The most common kind of neuropathy is peripheral, according to the NIDDK, which affects the extremities. You might start noticing feelings of tingling, numbness, or burning in your hands, feet, arms, and legs, per the Mayo Clinic.

    Is High Glucose Or Diabetes A Sign Of Cancer

    The Effects of Low Blood Sugar on Your Body

    Having high glucose all by itself does not mean that you have cancer, although numerous studies show higher cancer incidence in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, it means that you have a greater chance to develop cancer and that your cancer will most likely be more difficult to treat than in patients with normal sugar levels.

    High glucose and diabetes 2 are associated with various types of cancer: breast, lung, colon. Liver cancer and pancreatic cancer show the strongest association with DM2. However, this association does not mean that hyperglycemia or even diabets drirectly cause cancer. Quite often the cause-effect connection is the opposite: diabetes may be the result of malignancies in these organs which means that your liver and pancreas are no longer functioning properly, and their role in maintaining proper blood sugar levels in crucial.

    The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin which your organs need in order to properly absorb and use glucose molecules for energy and maintain your blood sugar levels stable. When cancer develops in the pancreas, it damages the tissue. As a result, either not enough insulin is produced or it cannot be properly released in your blood stream.

    Liver stores excess sugar in your blood in the form of glycogen and when your blood sugar lowers, it releases these supplies to provide the energy for your body.

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