Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Diabetes Feet Tingling At Night

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What Should My Blood Sugar Be

Tingling sensation both feet in a diabetic

Diabetics are urged to monitor their sugar levels and if you’re diabetic it’s likely you will have been given a device so you can do this at home.

You will be told what your average blood sugar level is and this is referred to as your HbA1c level.

While they differ for everyone, the NHS says that if you monitor your levels at home then a normal target is 4 to 7mmol/l before eating and under 8.5 to 9mmol/l 2 hours after a meal.

If it’s tested every few months then a normal HbA1c target is below 48mmol/mol .

Other signs include severe hip and stomach pain, weak and shrinking thigh muscles and difficulty getting out of a sitting position.

Mononeuropathy comes in two different forms and they are cranial and peripheral.

If you have mononeuropathy you might experience double vision, aching behind one eye or numbness or tingling.

So Treating Diabetes Is A Serious Issue

Obviously, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s a serious issue and one that requires immediate attention. After all, you don’t want to risk serious complications, and you don’t want to live with expensive chronic symptoms that are just going to get worse over time.

But there is a very clear method to taking your life back from diabetes, and it starts with reversing insulin resistance.

Appearance Of Deformity In Foot

Underlying neuropathy and trauma to the foot can lead to deformities of the foot, including hammertoes, bunions, and Charcot foot.

Charcot foot affects the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot and ankle. Diabetic neuropathy is the most common underlying cause. Sensory, motor, or autonomic neuropathy, trauma, and metabolic abnormalities all contribute to Charcot foot.

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The Link Between Diabetic Neuropathy And Sleep

Diabetes Feet Tingling At Night

Diabetes does not just disrupt your blood sugar but can also have a serious impact on your sleep. Diabetic neuropathy symptoms wax and wane throughout the day, but they are often worse at night. In some severe forms of the condition, people say that even the feeling of a sheet on their body is unbearable. This is because of the heightened sensitivity to pain observed in peripheral neuropathy.

Like other causes of pain, there is a two-way relationship between diabetes and sleep. First, diabetic neuropathy leads to uncomfortable pain that is often worse at night. This makes it difficult for people with neuropathy to fall asleep and maintain high quality sleep. As a result, you may feel unrested and chronically tired in the morning. These feelings of chronic fatigue actually make pain worse, meaning that you are likely to experience another poor night of sleep. Finding effective treatments for diabetic neuropathy and sleep problems is the best way to break this cycle.

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What Does A Tingling Sensation In Your Feet Mean

Vitamin deficiency, diabetes, and kidney failure are among the medical causes of tingling in the hands and feet due to nerve damage. Taking certain medications can also cause tingling in the hands and feet. Other potential causes of peripheral neuropathy include autoimmune diseases, toxins, alcoholism, and infections.

Medications Drugs Or Toxins

Many medications, drugs, and toxins can cause unpleasant effects lower leg tingling is one possibility. Certain chemotherapy drugs cause damage to the nerves in the arms and legs and can be associated with leg tingling. Excessive alcohol intake can also lead to nerve damage long-term. Exposure to toxins like lead, mercury, and arsenic can also lead to tingling in the lower leg.

This list does not constitute medical advice and may not accurately represent what you have.

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Types Of Nerve Damage

There are four main types of nerve damage. You can have more than one type. Symptoms depend on the type of nerve damage you have and which nerves are affected.

Peripheral nerve damage

Have you felt pins and needles or tingling in your feet? Maybe you feel like youre wearing socks or gloves when you arent. Your feet may be very sensitive to toucheven a bed sheet can hurt. These are all symptoms of peripheral nerve damage.

Peripheral nerve damage affects your hands, feet, legs, and arms, and its the most common type of nerve damage for people with diabetes. It generally starts in the feet, usually in both feet at once.

Other symptoms may include:

Nerve Conduction Studies And Emg

Burning Legs & Burning Feet at Night [Treatment & Home Remedies]

Nerve conduction studies and electromyography testing may be used to confirm the presence of peripheral neuropathy and assess its pattern and severity, prognosis, and possible treatment options.The ADA suggests that these types of tests are rarely needed except when the clinical features are atypical and the diagnosis is unclear.

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How To Avoid Diabetic Neuropathy

About one-third to one-half of people with diabetes have some kind of nerve damage, reports the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .

Anyone with diabetes can get nerve damage at anytime, explains Dr. Bolash. There is an association with very high levels ofblood sugar and the development of diabetic neuropathy, but the two do notalways go hand in hand.

Unfortunately, even patients with very mild cases ofdiabetes may be affected with severe cases of nerve pain, he says, while otherscan be spared. According to the NIDDK, the highest rates of nerve damageare among people who have had diabetes 25 years or longer.

To avoid diabetic neuropathy, Dr. Bolash advises:Control your blood sugar and keep it as close to nondiabeticlevels as possible.

Complications Of Charcot Foot

Your bones might break and move out of place as they become weaker. When this happens:

  • Your foot may lose its shape. The arch in your foot may fall until the bones are lower than your heel or toes. This is known as rocker bottom by doctors.
  • Your toes may curl.
  • Your ankle might become twisted and unsteady.
  • Bones may press against your shoes. Its important to keep your diabetic foot properly moisturized. Sores can develop on your skin as a result of not doing so.
  • Your circulation may be restricted, which makes it more difficult for infections to heal. If this persists for an extended period of time, you may require amputation of your foot.

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Nerve Problems Due To Diabetes

The most common contributor to diabetic foot pain is a nerve problem called Peripheral Neuropathy. This is where the nerves are directly affected by the disease process. There are basically three types of peripheral neuropathy:sensory, motor, and autonomic neuropathy.

A large percentage of pain diabetic patients complain of is due to sensory neuropathy. This can show up as “sensitive pain,” where the amount of pain is not proportional to the amount of insult that is causing it. For instance, just touching the skin or putting a sheet over your feet in bed could be painful. This can be present at the same time as numbness in the feet. Sensoryneuropathy symptoms can include burning, tingling or a stabbing pain.

Relief is foremost on someone’s mind when painful neuropathy has raised its ugly head. The first thing to do is to check your blood sugar for the past several weeks to see if there has been a trend toward high blood sugar Persistent high blood sugar can contribute to this type of pain.

Massaging your feet with a diabetic foot cream, or using a foot roller, often takes the edge off the pain. Vitamin B preparations are often recommended and there are a variety of prescription medications that do work. Using cushioned, supportive shoes and foot support inserts is always needed to protect the feet from the pounding, rubbing and irritating pressures that contribute to neuropathic pain.

Keep the muscles working and the joints moving!

What Are Some Risks If I Dont Get Treatment

Tingling at Night: Feet, Hands, Legs, and Other Body Parts

Diabetes-related foot pain is more than just pain its a warning sign from your body. This type of nerve pain can lead to complications if you dont see a doctor and get treated. Below are some of the problems that can come from untreated diabetes nerve pain:

  • Dry, cracked skin. This may not sound too bad, but when your skin is too dry, your risk of getting skin infections goes up. If this happens, plain petroleum jelly or unscented hand creams can help. Just avoid placing moisturizers between your toes.

  • . This is an area of thickened skin that has less feeling. People with diabetes get calluses faster and more often than those without diabetes. You can use a pumice stone daily to help keep them at a minimum. If they get really thick, a doctor can cut or shave them down. Never attempt to do this at home as it can lead to infections.

  • Ulcers. These are sores that happen to some people with diabetes due to poor blood circulation. All ulcers need to be seen by a doctor. The longer you go without seeing a doctor, the more likely it is that it will become infected. Infected ulcers can spread and cause you to lose your foot or leg.

  • Amputations. If the previously listed complications are not treated properly, they can all become infected. Skin infections can cause the skin and muscle tissues to die. Once this happens, it cant be fixed. The only way to stop the infection from continuing to spread is by amputating the infected limb.

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Causes Of Diabetic Sores

Diabetic sores are caused by the diabetic person not checking themselves often for cuts and scrapes, or diabetes-related nerve damage. Diabetics may also develop diabetic foot ulcers because of high blood sugar levels, which can destroy blood vessels in their legs.

Diabetics have a higher risk of infection too because they have less sensation in diabetic sores so they may not notice or feel a diabetic sore on their leg.

Why Do I Have A Weird Feeling In My Foot

Tingling may be caused by pressure on the nerves when youve been in one position for too long. The feeling should go away when you move. However, tingling in the feet may be persistent. If the pins and needles feeling continues for a long period of time or is accompanied by pain, see your doctor.

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Foot Burning At Night Causes And How To Easily Stop It

Recently your nights have been disturbed by an unusual guest: a tingling, burning and painful sensation in your feet.

As unpleasant as it sounds, its a quite common occurrence. You might also be seriously worried about the causes of this rather unusual sensation and be willing to find more about your treatment options as well.

In most cases theres no need to worry, but a burning sensation in your foot at night isnt exactly pleasant. Heres why it might be happening?

How Insulin Resistance Is A Threat

Tingling Feet and Hands: An Early Warning of Neuropathy

In type 1 diabetes, your body already has a hard time dealing with the fact that it can’t produce sufficient quantities of insulin, requiring you to inject insulin to make sure that your blood sugar levels and remain in a healthy range.

Insulin resistance makes this even harder. If you have insulin resistance, you have to not only inject insulin to compensate for abnormal insulin production, but then you also have to inject more to compensate for the fact that your cells are not insulin sensitive.

This is called “Double Diabetes” and is a very costly, exhausting, and dangerous condition.

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Risk Factors For Diabetic Neuropathy

The longer a person has diabetes and the worse the control of their diabetes, the more likely they will develop diabetic neuropathy.Those people experiencing complications of their diabetes elsewhere in their body are also more likely to have or develop neuropathy, as the same factors that cause these problems also contribute to neuropathy. Smoking, high blood pressure and being overweight also make it more likely that people with diabetes will get nerve damage.

The Peripheral Nervous System

The peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves that lie outside the central nervous system .

It includes different types of nerves with their own specific functions, including:

  • sensory nerves responsible for transmitting sensations, such as pain and touch
  • motor nerves responsible for controlling muscles
  • autonomic nerves responsible for regulating automatic functions of the body, such as blood pressure and bladder function

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Why Do My Feet Tingle And Burn

The most common cause of a burning feeling in your feet is nerve damage, often related to diabetes. There are other possible causes though, too. The pain from burning feet can be intermittent or constant and range from mild to severe. Your feet may feel hot, tingling, prickling, or numb.

Causes Of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

I have numbness and burning in my feet and its worse at ...

The exact cause of peripheral neuropathy is unclear. But we know that elevated blood glucose, metabolic factors, genetic predisposition, and duration of diabetes can increase the risk.

Elevated blood sugars and inadequate blood flow can result in nerve damage in the extremities. High blood glucose can impair the nerves’ ability to transmit signals and cause chemical changes. Elevated sugar can also damage blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves.

Nerve signaling in neuropathy is disrupted when there is a loss of signals normally sent, inappropriate signaling from nerves, or errors in nerve signaling that distort messages being sent.

When nerve damage to the extremities causes damage to multiple peripheral sensory and motor nerves, it is referred to as diabetic polyneuropathy. This can lead to loss of sensation, difficulty in wound healing, and an increased risk of infection.

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Diabetic Sores On Leg

Diabetes sores are open wounds that diabetic people get on their legs. Diabetic sores occur when the diabetic person does not have enough blood flow to heal a wound site, which can happen because of nerve damage in diabetics or because they do not check themselves often for cuts and scrapes. These foot ulcers are one of the most common diabetic complications.

The sores need to be in treatment right away because they can lead to infections. This can cause gangrene and ultimately amputation if not caught early enough. Diabetic sores should be cleaned with soap and water as soon as you notice them on your diabetic leg.

Diabetic sores should be treated with antibiotic ointment, bandaged, and elevated to prevent infection. The sores that are not properly cared for can lead to the loss of a limb or even death in severe cases if they get infected.

These foot ulcers are one of the most common diabetic complications because diabetics do not take care of diabetic sores in their legs.

Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy

Damaged nerves cannot be repaired. However, the risk of further complications in the feet can be reduced by:

  • vigilance regular inspection of the feet for early signs of trouble or potential problem areas (such as breaks in skin, signs of infection or deformity
  • getting help at the first sign of trouble early treatment of foot ulcers gives the best chance that they will heal
  • good foot and nail hygiene
  • choosing appropriate socks and shoes properly fitted to the shape of your foot
  • avoiding activities that may injure the feet. Check shoes for stones, sticks and other foreign objects that might hurt your feet every time before putting your shoes on.

A referral to a podiatrist may be appropriate for assessment and ongoing preventive management of foot complications.

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What Is Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot effectively respond to the hormone, insulin. In healthy individuals, insulin sends signals to our cells to tell them to pull excess glucose from the bloodstream. This keeps blood sugar levels within a healthy range, allowing us to function normally. When the body alters its production of insulin or becomes less sensitive to the hormone, cells no longer receive these signals and do not properly clear glucose from the bloodstream. This leads to episodes of hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar. Upon being diagnosed with diabetes, individuals can begin taking medications and enact major lifestyle changes in attempts to achieve glycemic control.

Diabetes is a systemic disease, meaning that it has widespread effects on multiple body systems. For example, the nervous system can be severely affected by diabetes in a condition known as diabetic neuropathy, one of the leading complications due to diabetes. There are four main types of diabetic neuropathy, each with its own unique symptoms:

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