Friday, July 26, 2024

Slimfast Diabetic Weight Loss Plan

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Can It Help With Weight Loss

Trying the SlimFast Diabetic weight loss meal shake + Hamilton Beach personal blender

If followed as per the guidance, the SlimFast diet does help with weight loss. It works by lowering ones calorie intake and encouraging one to replace their high-calorie conventional meals with protein-rich shakes, snack bars, and porridges.

A study showed that a very low-calorie diet with restricted carbohydrates and restricted fat helps lower body weight by 8% in the short-run , .

A study in the Journal of Nutrition showed that people on the meal replacement SlimFast diet plan lost weight effectively when compared with those on a conventional but structured diet plan .

A study published in the British Medical Journal compared the effectiveness of four commercial weight-loss programs in obese and overweight individuals. Dieters on the SlimFast diet plan lost an average of 6 pounds in 4 weeks, along with significant fat loss .

Another study showed that the SlimFast meal replacement therapy decreased body weight by 7% and reduced BMI from 40kg/m2 to 37kg/m2 over a six-month treatment period .

SlimFast shakes are rich in protein. One sachet of the shake contains 26 grams of protein per serving. It contains whey protein isolates for optimum supply. Studies show that a high-protein diet increases leptin sensitivity and results in significant weight loss .

Furthermore, one review of six studies showed that meal replacement programs like that of SlimFast result in sustainable weight loss in long-term weight management .

How To Get Started With Slimfast

SlimFast offers four plans: Original, Favorite Foods, Low Carb, or Keto.

To sign up for the Favorite Foods, Low Carb, or Keto plan, youll be required to first download the SlimFast Together app.

If youre unsure of which plan to choose, you can complete a quick quiz on the app, which will provide a personal plan recommendation based on your goals, preferences, and lifestyle.

Once your plan is selected, you can then start a meal plan for the week or receive premade meal plans, which will include the ability to make an automated grocery list.

If you prefer not to download the app, you can sign up for the SlimFast Original plan. With this plan, youll be sent a quick-start guide and 7-day meal planner to help you stay on track.


To get started, youll need to download the SlimFast Together app, where you can select your diet and meal plan. Alternatively, you can follow the SlimFast Original plan.

Where To Buy Slimfast Diabetic Products

Headquartered in Florida, Slimfast is an American company that sells nutritional supplements.

Its products are sold in the US, UK, France, Iceland, Canada, Germany, Iceland, and Latina America.

If you reside in any of these countries, you can buy its products from your nearest store. You can also request them to buy the desired products for you.

Customers can also buy Slimfast products directly from the official website.

You can find the Diabetic Weight Loss option by clicking on the Shop Products option.

Slimfast Diabetic Weight Program consists of three products, including diabetic weight loss snacks, meal bars, and shake mixes.

All three products are available for $12.99.

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What Is Slimfast Diet

SlimFast is an easy-to-follow and convenient diet plan that includes different food products that promote healthy weight loss. The SlimFast weight loss diet includes meal replacement shakes, bars, and smoothies. It is an easy short-term weight loss solution that you can try to get your body in the perfect shape.

You can replace any of your two meals of the day with SlimFast cookies, smoothies, bars, or shakes. You can have one meal of your choice and take 100-calorie snacks in between. The best part about using the SlimFast diet plan is that it includes several products that include SlimFast Original, SlimFast Advanced Nutrition, SlimFast Advanced Energy, SlimFast Keto, and SlimFast Diabetic Weight Loss Formula.

When you follow the SlimFast plan, it is highly recommended to eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages, such as juices, sodas from your diet. It will make it harder for you to achieve your weight loss goals, slow down your metabolism, and increase the process of fat accumulation. For the best possible weight loss results, increase your water intake, and follow a daily workout routine along with the SlimFast plan.

What Else You Should Know

Typical Day on SlimFast Diabetic Plan

Cost: Slimfast products are sold in grocery stores and drugstores. At one online discount grocer, a 30-day supply of six boxes of meal bars, five boxes of snack bars and 32 shake mixes costs $75, plus shipping. A five-pack of meal bars runs about $4.88 a six-pack of snack bars is $3.25 an eight-pack of pre-made shakes is $9.88 and a carton of protein powder shake mix is $8.

Support: You can submit questions to Slimfast’s online dietitian. Slimfast’s Facebook page offers dieters a way to connect with each other and offer advice. The Slimfast website includes meal and drink recipes, and you can sign up to get monthly emails featuring recipes, exercise and weight-loss tips, and coupons.

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Slimfasts Clinically Proven Weight

Recent inquiry takes aim at company’s “clinically proven” weight-loss claims, with a somewhat surprising result.

If the shakes, smoothies and bars that comprise a weight-loss program havent individually been shown to be effective at helping users shed pounds, can the program itself still be marketed as clinically proven to lose weight?

According to a recent self-regulatory decision, the answer is yes.

Back in September, the National Advertising Division recommended that SlimFast discontinue claims that its weight-loss plan which consists of consuming one 500-calorie meal, two meals replaced with the companys shakes, smoothies or bars, and three low-calorie snacks between meals, accounting for around 1,200 calories a day is clinically proven lose weight and keep it off.

NAD said at the time:

NAD noted that while the low-calorie feature of the SlimFast plan is clinically tested, the advertiser has not clinically tested the weight-loss efficacy of its current products or plans . Therefore, NAD determined that the advertisers evidence is not a good fit for its specific claim that SlimFast products and plans specifically have been clinically proven to help lose weight.

SlimFast appealed to the National Advertising Review Board, which agreed with NAD that specific SlimFast products shouldnt be marketed as clinically proven but said that it is appropriate for the SlimFast plan to be advertised with the claim:

Check back for updates.

Meet Maryann Walsh Registered Dietitian And Slimfast Plan Consultant

A consultant of the SlimFast Plan, Maryann is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with Bachelor of Science degrees in Biological Sciences and Dietetics and a Master of Food and Nutrition. She has extensive experience working with clients of all ages and from all walks of life, helping them to achieve their wellness and weight loss goals. She believes in flexible, gradual lifestyle changes to achieve long-term health and happiness.

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How Does The Slimfast Diet Work

The SlimFast diet is an upgraded weight loss program that focuses on the 3-2-1 plan. The principle of this approach is to include 3 healthy SlimFast snacks, 2 healthy SlimFast shakes, and 1 healthy meal of your choice. By replacing regular meals and snacks with the low-calorie variants, you will be able to lose weight and kick start your bodys metabolic processes .

On average, the SlimFast diet provides 1200 calories for women and an additional 400 calories for men per day. The SlimFast diet plans six meals a day through one full meal , two shakes or smoothies, and three 100-calorie snacks. This diet kick starts your metabolism, curbs hunger, and offers complete satisfaction.

SlimFast offers a variety of 7-day meal planners that can be downloaded from their website. It also has a 30-minute workout regime to suit your weight loss goals.

What You Can Eat And What You Can’t

SlimFast Success Story | Stepphanie | Lost 122 lbs in 40 Weeks

Meal replacements include a variety of flavors in their original and advance protein meal bars, premade protein meal shakes, and powdered protein shake mixes .

For 100-calorie snack options, choose from a variety of flavors from their original Slimfast snack bars or from the Slimfast Advanced Nutrition snacks.

For the meal you provide, Slimfast recommends filling half of your plate with vegetables a quarter with lean protein and the remaining quarter with starch .

Nothing is totally off-limits with Slimfast, including alcohol. The Slimfast website features recipes for alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks made with its shakes.

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Slimfast Diabetic Weight Loss Shake Mixes

Slimfast Diabetic Weight Loss Shake Mix is a diabetes-friendly meal replacement shake available in chocolate and vanilla flavors.

Typically, meal replacement shakes are far from delicious with a grainy texture.

However, I have seen people talking positively about the taste of Slimfasts shakes. It is safe to say that you will feel like drinking your regular milkshake, but less sugary as it only contains 1g of sugar.

Consisting of 180 calories with fat-free milk, this shake mix is a nutritionally complete meal that can be used as a healthy alternative to your breakfast and lunch.

Its formula balances your sugar and carbohydrates intake and also helps you achieve better blood glucose levels. Diabetes patients can incorporate this meal into their daily diet to lose some pounds.

Filled with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and slow carbohydrates, this product is a source of essential nutrients.

With 11g of protein and 10g of fiber, this meal replacement shake satisfies your hunger and keeps you fuller for an extended time.

It has a customized formula to address the specific concerns of diabetes patients by incorporating only 1g of sugar, slow carbs, and chromium picolinate.

The best thing about Slimfasts shake mixes is the convenience they bring.

All you have to do is mix a single scoop of powder in your glass of milk and call it a day. The brand recommends using fat-free milk for effective results.

Common Diet Mistakes To Avoid

Some people may not feel full after eating. Not everyone can be satisfied with the SlimFast plan. Some people may eat multiple SlimFast bars and gain weight, says Blatner. Whats more, if youre heavily relying on shakes, you may not feel satisfied because youre not chewing your food.

Boredom is possible. As with any meal replacement product, it could get tiresome, says Gans. Though you can mix up your free meal and snack to add variety, there arent a lot of choices when it comes to the shakes, bars, and snacks.

Its not that tasty. Aside from being potentially boring, drinking shakes or eating chips lacks flavor, says Angela Lemond, RDN, a co-owner of Lemond Nutrition in Plano and Rockwall, Texas.

It can get expensive. The SlimFast plan calls for multiple daily servings of their shakes and bars. They are more expensive than produce, says Blatner.

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Doesnt Focus On Behavior Change

The SlimFast diet mostly focuses on calories, rather than teaching its users to adopt healthy, sustainable habits such as home cooking, mindful eating, and reading nutrition labels.

If you decide to discontinue the diet, youre left back where you started, which can result in a return to old habits .

Meals Are Low In Calories

Typical Day on SlimFast Diabetic Plan

Most SlimFast meal replacement shakes and bars are around 180 calories, which is not enough to replace a meal.

If a person were to consume two meal replacements and three 100-calorie snacks per day, this equals around 660 calories from SlimFast products. This leaves around 540 calories for the sensible meal, which is 45% of your daily calories dedicated to one meal a day.

Ultimately, these meals may not provide sufficient calories and leave you feeling hungry throughout the day.


There are many downsides to the SlimFast diet: Its restrictive, low in calories, highly processed, and focuses on a one-size-fits-all approach.

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Drink Up And Stay Active

Water and light activity are essential to weight loss success! Fill up a large water bottle and carry it around with you so it is always readily available. Get moving for about 30 minutes per day. Add some light activity, like a daily walk into your routine. Remember to always check in with a physician before starting any new exercise routine.

Can You Drink Coffee While On The Slimfast Diet

The ideal beverage to choose on SlimFast is water. But you can also drink tea and coffee on SlimFast. The company points out that a cup of black coffee contains 1 calorie, making it a waistline-friendly sip. If you do opt for coffee, avoid adding any type of sweetener, as the company notes that sugar-sweetened beverages will stall weight loss. Its possible to have a latte or cappuccino , but order it with skim milk, take it without sugar or flavored syrups, and count it as one of your snacks. If youre craving java, you can also have SlimCafe, their line of on-the-go coffee drinks.

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Indulge In Three Snacks

In between meals, satisfy cravings with SlimFast snacks or any low-calorie snack of your choice. SlimFast Keto Fat Bombs offer many delectable options, ranging from sweet treats to savory snacks, there’s something for every mood. They are portable and ready-to-eat, at home or on the go. Eat 6x a day with the SlimFast Plan and feel satisfied all day long.

Find delicious, easy and plan-approved recipes here or within the SlimFast Together app!

Should You Try The Slimfast Diet Plan For Weight Loss

SlimFast Success Story | Deborah | Lost 63 lbs and 36″

The SlimFast diet plan is an excellent way to reduce pounds and get your body in shape. It is a simple plan that works without compromising on your meal intake. It emphasizes eating at regular intervals to boost your metabolism and curb hunger pangs promoting sustainable weight loss. The SlimFast meal replacement diet plan easily fits into your busy schedule and gives you the exact results that you wish for. However, there is no scientific evidence on the long-term effectiveness of the SlimFast diet plan. Hence, it is recommended you check with your doctor prior.

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Promotes Other Healthy Habits

The new SlimFast Together app includes useful tools to track your healthy lifestyle habits, such as sleep, stress, food and water intake, and physical activity.

Though SlimFast doesnt provide personalized recommendations, this new addition can help users focus on a well-rounded healthy lifestyle.


Some benefits of the SlimFast Diet include its ease of use, convenience, and promotion of other healthy lifestyle habits.

While you may see some benefits to the SlimFast diet, there are many downsides to consider.

Does It Allow For Dietary Restrictions Or Preferences

Vegetarians and vegans: Vegetarians can have 4 to 6 ounces of a meat alternative, such as quinoa, tofu, lentils, or black beans, for their daily meal. Reduced- or low-fat dairy is also OK. Vegans have fewer options, since most meal replacements are made with dairy or eggs, which aren’t part of a vegan diet.

Gluten-free: The Slimfast meal-replacement shakes and smoothies are labeled gluten-free. Other products are not labeled with regard to gluten, so check the ingredients list for possible sources of gluten, and contact the company if in doubt.

Lactose-intolerant: If you have problems digesting lactose, you can combine Slimfast shake mixes with lactose-free milk or low-fat soy milk. Slimfast meal bars have 2 grams of lactose or less per serving. Slimfast Advanced Nutrition meal-replacement shakes are lactose-free.

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How Can A Slimfast Diet Help You Lose Weight

SlimFast diet is a low-calorie and sensible meal choice that is easy to follow while making it easier for you to burn the extra calories and get a slimmer body. If followed properly, it can help you lose weight by reducing your calorie intake. One of the major benefits of using SlimFast is that it is easy to follow and its products can easily fit into your busy lifestyle.

Which Slimfast Plan Is Right For You

Diabetic Weight Loss Manage Carbs &  Sugar

Looking to start the SlimFast Plan but dont really know where to begin? Well, youve come to the right place! The SlimFast Plan is a simple and easy weight management plan with different approaches to fit your needs. SlimFast Plan Consultant and Registered Dietitian, Maryann Walsh walks you through the different plans and tools offered by SlimFast to make your weight loss success as easy as 1-2-3!

You wouldnt plan a road trip somewhere without a map and a plan for how youre going to get there, would you? The same goes for your weight management goals! Having a plan in place can set you up for success on your journey, and the great thing is that SlimFast has a collection of free and accessible tools to help you on your way.

To help you create your unique roadmap, lets first explore the SlimFast Plan as a whole, some possible approaches for following The Plan, and the various tools available to you from SlimFast to make this journey a success!

The following are possible paths you can take with the SlimFast Plan!

Figuring out Which Plan is Right for YouWhen figuring out which Plan to choose, try to think about which one would be the most realistic for you. Which one will you be able to be most consistent within your day-to-day life? Remember that while you want to try to choose the best fit, you are not tied to this Plan forever and if it isnt working out for you after giving it a reasonable try for a few weeks or months, you can also move to a different Plan.

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Is Slimfast Good For Diabetics

If you stick to the instructions, SlimFast diet plans can help you drop some pounds as a diabetes patient.

There is no one and done cure for diabetes. However, it is pretty manageable if you are equipped with accurate tools and information to handle it.

Weight loss management is a way to regulate your blood glucose levels and prevent any complications. For that, you have to take good care of your diet and lifestyle.

Slimfast offers easy-to-follow diabetes-friendly shakes, bars, and snacks to promote weight loss without raising your sugar level. These products are enriched with vitamins, protein, calcium, dietary fiber, healthy carbs, and more.

As I mentioned before, managing your carbs and sugar intake is imperative. Slimfasts supplements contain zero added sugar, which is great.

You also need to monitor your daily calorie intake.

Being a meal replacement program, Slimfast replaces your regular foods with its products restricting your calorie intake. A controlled-calorie diet system is developed to help you lose weight and achieve improved blood sugar levels.

A consistent amount of carbs consumption at each meal also aids in diabetes management. Slimfast snacks contain 15g of carbohydrates, shakes contain 25g of carbohydrates, and meal bars contain 23g of carbs.

In all, the Slimfast weight loss program is safe and beneficial for diabetes patients.

That said, it is also crucial to take these supplements after taking medical advice from your physician.

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