Friday, July 26, 2024

Normal A1c Range For Diabetics

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Natural Ways To Bring Hba1c Normal

Hba1c – Normal Range | Test for Diabetes Screening

Those who have higher levels of HbA1c can bring down the level of HbA1c to the normal range through medications. Apart from this, there are some natural ways as well which can bring your HbA1c normal. These include:

  • Quit smoking to get haemoglobin A1c levels down.
  • You should eat a balanced and healthy diet to maintain the immune system and hormonal balance.
  • Exercising is another natural way to control the increased glycosylated haemoglobin levels and it helps in losing weight and lowering blood sugar which ultimately results in enhancing insulin sensitivity.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep your blood sugar levels in control.

You can easily achieve this without disturbing your daily schedule like Ms. Dheeraj Sabharwal who has been able to reduce her HbA1c level from 9.8 to 6.2 by switching on to a healthy lifestyle with the constant support and motivation of Diet Coach, Fitness Coach along with the Diabetologist. She has successfully reversed diabetes while pursuing her teaching profession and also taking care of the family.

A1c Naturally Increases With Age

A1c increases with age for both diabetics as well as for non-diabetics. This finding is reported by multiple health authorities and research sites which are based on real population based studies and statistics. However the current clinical practice does not incorporate these variations to prescribe medication and treatment of diabetes patients.The target for everyone inclusive of seniors is < 7% as 2008 ADR guidelines. The clinicians use this number for treatment and management of diabetes,Currently, a new global cut off for diabetes for seniors is being introduced as guidelines based on of couple of population studies

How To Lower Your Hba1c Levels

If your levels have gone above your target since your last check, its understandable to be worried. Even a slightly high HbA1c level puts you more at risk of developing serious complications in your body. But knowing your numbers and what that means is an important and good first step now you need to know how to lower them.

Lots of things can cause your HbA1c levels to change and theres action you and your healthcare team can take to bring them down to your target level:

  • Your diabetes team may need to review your medication and increase the dose or try a new one.
  • Ask them about local diabetes education courses there’s always more to learn with diabetes and a course will help you take practical steps to lower your HbA1c.
  • Get more active moving more is good for everyone, but it can specifically help to bring down your HbA1c levels.
  • Get advice on balanced, healthy eating.
  • Stop smoking smoking makes it harder for blood to flow around your body.

And if you want to hear from others who are experiencing this too, think about joining our online forum. Its a place where you can chat to others or just read other peoples stories.

And dont forget, get advice from your healthcare team. Theyre here to help.

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How High Blood Sugar Creates Hba1c

Red blood cells are exposed to glucose in the blood. The higher the blood glucose level gets the more HbA1c forms throughout the lifespan of a red blood cell .

The lifespan of a red blood cell varies from person to person but averages out to approximately 117 days in men and 106 days in women. Therefore, the HbA1c is an index of average blood sugar levels over the preceding 2 to 3 months. Of this 2 3 month period, the immediately preceding 30 days contribute 50% to HbA1c .

Normal adult hemoglobin consists predominantly of HbA1, of which HbA1c comprises approximately 5% .

However, HbA1c does not always correlate with blood glucose levels. It is possible to have high blood glucose but low HbA1c due to the presence of hemoglobin variants, inflammation, or other factors that increase red blood cell turn over.

If your red blood cells live longer than 90 days or they are smaller , then your HbA1C will be artificially higher.

A1c Results And What The Numbers Mean

Normal A1c Range For Diabetes
*Any test used to diagnose diabetes requires confirmation with a second measurement, unless there are clear symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes 6.5 percent or above

When using the A1C test for diagnosis, your doctor will send your blood sample taken from a vein to a lab that uses an NGSP-certified method. The NGSP, formerly called the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program, certifies that makers of A1C tests provide results that are consistent and comparable with those used in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial.

Blood samples analyzed in a doctors office or clinic, known as point-of-care tests, should not be used for diagnosis.

The A1C test should not be used to diagnose type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes, or cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. The A1C test may give false results in people with certain conditions.

Having prediabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. Within the prediabetes A1C range of 5.7 to 6.4 percent, the higher the A1C, the greater the risk of diabetes.

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Setting Your Goal Regarding The A1c Test Levels:

According to the American diabetes association, an A1C level below 7.0% is considered good control. At the same time, a goal of 6.5 % A1C level is recommended by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

According to the American diabetes association, if you reduce your hemoglobin A1C level by 1%, you would have decreased your molecular vascular complication by 10% even though you have not reached your goal.

To see information regarding your A1C level goal, please click here.

Advantages Of Hba1c Over Other Blood Glucose Tests

  • The HbA1c test can be taken at any time and does not require fasting .
  • It is unaffected by physical activity or stress prior to testing .
  • As a marker of long-term blood sugar levels, it is unaffected by short-term hormonal surges .
  • As a test, HbA1c has a low variability, both when measured in a single individual, and among people .
  • HbA1c is more stable than glucose at 37°C .
  • Symptomatic patients can be tested immediately at the same visit, saving costs .

However, some health conditions that affect red blood cells and hemoglobin can falsely increase or decrease HbA1c levels .

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Normal Hba1c Range For Diabetes

Those with diabetes are advised to aim for a HbA1c level of:

  • 6.5% or 48 mmol/mol.

A value lower than this 6.5% target indicates great blood sugar control, a value higher indicates the need for improvement.

Now this range is 0.5% higher than the normal range given for those without diabetes, as its unlikely that diabetes patients can match that exact same blood sugar control.

In fact, some experts believe a more realistic healthy range for diabetics should be 7-7.5%.

Summary: The normal HbA1c range is below 6.0% for the average adult, and 6.5% or less for those with diabetes. Some argue the the normal range should be slightly higher for diabetics.

Why Should A Person Get The A1c Test

Hba1c Test And What Hba1c Normal Range Means 2020 | Dr. Nick Z.

Testing can help health care professionals

  • find prediabetes and counsel you about lifestyle changes to help you delay or prevent type 2 diabetes
  • find type 2 diabetes
  • work with you to monitor the disease and help make treatment decisions to prevent complications

If you have risk factors for prediabetes or diabetes, talk with your doctor about whether you should be tested.

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Diabetes Control & Complications Trial 1982

Research from both the Diabetes Control & Complications Trial and its follow up study proves that having an A1C of 7 per cent is definitely worthwhile for persons with type 1 diabetes.Exactly 1441 volunteers aged 13 to 39, all with type 1 diabetes, took part. These people agreed to randomly be assigned to either conventional treatment – taking about two insulin injections a day – or to intensive treatment – taking either multiple dose insulin or an insulin pump.During the study the A1C of each group was compared:

  • the conventional therapy group had an average A1C of 9.1 per cent
  • the intensive therapy group had an average A1C of 7.2 per cent

The purpose was to finally demonstrate whether or not good blood sugar control was really important to prevent the complications of diabetes. And indeed it is as you can see below, complications developed at a much lower rate in the intensively treated group compared to the conventional group.

Effect of intensive therapy on: Those with no complications at beginning of study: Those with some complication at beginning of study:
Eye Disease
Trend towards reduction in risk factors Trend towards reduction in risk factors

The reduction in risk for eye disease was so great that the study was stopped early and intensive therapy to achieve an A1C of 7 per cent or less became the standard of practice worldwide!

What Are The Limitations To Measuring Hemoglobin A1c

Since HbA1c is not influenced by daily fluctuations in blood glucose concentration, it cannot be used to monitor day-to-day blood glucose concentrations and is inappropriate to be used for adjusting insulin doses nor can it detect the day-to-day presence or absence of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. HbA1c may be increased falsely in certain medical conditions. These conditions include

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An A1c Goal Of Between 7% And 8% Is Reasonable And Beneficial For Most Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

though if lifestyle changes can get that number lower, then go for it. For patients who want to live a long and healthy life and try to avoid the complications of diabetes, they will need to keep their blood sugars as normal as possible that means an A1c under 6.5%. However, studies show that using medications to achieve that goal significantly increases the risk of harmful side effects like hypoglycemia and weight gain. To live longer and healthier and avoid both the complications of diabetes as well as the risks of medications, theres this amazing thing called lifestyle change. This involves exercise, healthy diet, weight loss, and not smoking. It is very effective. Lifestyle change also can help achieve healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which in turn reduce the risk for heart disease. And heart disease is a serious and common complication of diabetes.

Lifestyle change should be the cornerstone of treatment for type 2 diabetes. The recommendations go on to say that for patients who achieve an A1c below 6.5% with medications, we should decrease or even discontinue those drugs. Doing so requires careful monitoring to ensure that the person stays at the goal set with his or her doctor, which should be no lower than 7%, for the reasons stated above.

How Does Age Affect A1c

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A1c is a measure of diabetes management, so your A1c won’t naturally shift as you get older. However, as you age your diabetes management strategies and A1c goals may change for example, younger people may be more focused on reducing long-term health complications, while older people may concentrate on avoiding severe lows. Talk with your healthcare professional if you’re curious about how your age may affect your A1c levels.

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Facts And Definition Of Hemoglobin A1c

  • Hemoglobin A1c, often abbreviated HbA1c, is a form of hemoglobin that is bound to glucose.
  • The blood test for HbA1c level is routinely performed in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood HbA1c levels are reflective of how well diabetes is controlled.
  • The normal range for level for hemoglobin A1c is less than 6%.
  • HbA1c also is known as glycosylated, or glycated hemoglobin.
  • HbA1c levels are reflective of blood glucose levels over the past six to eight weeks and do not reflect daily ups and downs of blood glucose.
  • High HbA1c levels indicate poorer control of diabetes than levels in the normal range.
  • HbA1c is typically measured to determine how well a type 1 or type 2 diabetes treatment plan is working.

So What Do The Numbers Mean

When it comes to the numbers, there’s no one-size-fits-all target. A1C target levels can vary by each person’s age and other factors, and your target may be different from someone else’s. The goal for most adults with diabetes is an A1C that is less than 7%.

A1C test results are reported as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher your blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. The A1C test can also be used for diagnosis, based on the following guidelines:

  • If your A1C level is between 5.7 and less than 6.5%, your levels have been in the prediabetes range.
  • If you have an A1C level of 6.5% or higher, your levels were in the diabetes range.

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How Often Should I Get Tested

If you are at risk for diabetes or prediabetes and have not been diagnosed, an A1c test can help you determine whether you have the condition or are likely to develop diabetes. Because prediabetes usually does not present any signs or symptoms, its important to identify your risk factors and notify your doctor.

How often you get tested depends on your diagnosis and your treatment plan. Here are some general recommendations:

  • If you are prediabetic, you should get tested annually to monitor your risk of progressing to diabetes.
  • Patients with type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin and whose A1c levels are consistently in the target range may only need the test twice a year.
  • If you have type 1 diabetes, you should be tested three to four times per year.
  • Patients with type 2 diabetes who use insulin for diabetes management or have difficulty keeping their blood sugar in their target range should be tested four times a year.

Not All High Values Of Hba1c Means You Are Diabetic

Can a Diabetic Patient have Normal A1C Levels?

If you get a high HbA1c level, it does not mean that you are suffering from high diabetes. Many people come with a different types of haemoglobin, except type A. The condition is hemoglobinopathy. It states the high or low values of HbA1c.

If you are anaemic or struggling with iron deficiency in your body then also you are likely to get the wrong values on the average of 3 month diabetes test. Therefore, if you want the average of 3 months blood glucose test done, make sure you are not anaemic.

There are some medications also well which can alter your results of glycosylated hemoglobin test levels. These include:

  • Supplements like Vitamin C or E, iron, vitamin B12 and folate
  • Erythropoietin therapy
  • Aspirin
  • Antiviral and antimicrobial medicines.

If you are going for a glycosylated hemoglobin test, your doctor will make sure of the factors that can affect your test results.

Quantity and quality of food can have a great impact on your haemoglobin levels, which can get you incorrect values. There was a patient who had high level stress of being diabetic because of high HbAc1 level. With stress comes so many other problems like insomnia, fatigue, low energy levels, suicidal thoughts etc. After consultation calls and joining the Diabetes Reversal Program, he is now enjoying a healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle includes nutritious food products available in the kitchen. And all the products suit his body, also he can do exercises at home or at office.

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Time In Range For Diabetes Management

Glycemic control, the process of properly managing your blood glucose, is a very important aspect of living with any form of diabetes. Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are two of the main challenges for people with diabetes, and controlling these fluctuations is crucial to reducing your risk for long-term complications like peripheral neuropathy, chronic kidney disease, fatty liver disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and Alzheimers disease.

Most doctors use a standard measure called the hemoglobin A1c to measure your blood average over a 90-120 day period.

The A1c measures the percentage of hemoglobin in your blood that has been glycosylated. This provides doctors with an indicator of how much glucose has attached to hemoglobin over the course of the lifetime of hemoglobin molecules .

The higher the percentage, the more glucose has attached to hemoglobin, and the higher your average blood glucose.

The A1c test can also be used to diagnose diabetes, based on the following guidelines:

Image courtesy of the American Diabetes Association:

  • If your A1c level is below 5.7%, you are considered at the lowest risk for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
  • If your A1c level is between 5.7% and less than 6.4%, you may be diagnosed with prediabetes.
  • If your A1c level is 6.5% or higher, you may be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Monitoring your time in range allows you to determine a few key things that the A1c measurement does not directly measure:

Check Your Blood Sugar Levels As Your Doctor Has Directed

Work with your doctor to determine if, and how often, you should check your blood sugar. You may be tempted to pick up an A1C home testing kit, but Dowdell does not recommend doing that. As he mentions, day-to-day fluctuations in your blood sugar can be masked by an A1C result that is at your goal level. Instead, if you have a personal continuous glucose monitor, such as a Dexcom G6 or a Freestyle Libre , Dowdell recommends checking your time in range to see if you are at the optimal level. For many people that is 70 to 180 milligrams per decilter , according to ADA guidelines. Having your A1C checked by your healthcare provider every three to six months is sufficient, he adds.

Understanding your A1C levels is an important part of your overall diabetes management. If you have any questions about your A1C levels or what they mean, dont hesitate to ask your doctor.

Additional reporting by Mikel Theobald.

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