Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is It Possible To Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

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Can You Get Rid Of Type 1 Diabetes


Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects your bodys ability to make insulin. Insulin is a hormone made in your pancreas that allows glucose to enter your cells.

The cells in your body use glucose from the foods you eat as a source of energy. If you have type 1 diabetes, though, your insulin-producing beta cells are destroyed. This means they no longer make enough insulin to process the glucose in your blood.

High levels of blood glucose can cause a variety of symptoms. You can typically manage the symptoms of type 1 diabetes by regularly checking your blood sugar levels and taking daily insulin injections.

No cure for type 1 diabetes currently exists, but promising research is ongoing. Read on to learn more about how doctors and scientists are working toward a cure for type 1 diabetes.

According to a research from 2021, current research into type 1 diabetes falls into three major categories.

Were We Meant To Eat Three Times A Day

Ive written before about the mismatch hypothesisthe idea that our genes have not caught up to our modern lifestyle. Our huntergatherer ancestors probably had periodic variation of food scarcity and hunting success and likely rarely ate three times a day. The ability of animals to deal with food deprivation is an adaptive response that is conserved across species. In times of scarcity, a mild atrophy of tissues and organs minimizes energy expenditure. Upon refeeding, the body can build these tissues back up to their normal volume .

This raises a few interesting questions: is expression of these embryonic genes in adulthood really abnormal? Or is it possible that we are meant to have transient expression of these embryonic genes periodically throughout our lifetime? Could our constantly fed state in most of the Western world be the true abnormal gene expression pattern? I certainly hope to see more research in this area, especially in humans.

Ask D’mine: Disappearing Diabetes

Happy Saturday! Welcome to Ask DMine, our weekly advice column hosted by veteran type 1 and diabetes author Wil Dubois in New Mexico, who happens to have experience as a clinical diabetes specialist. This week, Wil ponders the mystery of disappearing diabetes or when it seems like blood sugar control has magically gone on auto-pilot Heres Wils take on that.

Noel, D-mom from Nova Scotia islands, writes: Maybe this is where I can reach someone who will actually hear me. My daughter is type 1 diabetic. She has been on 70-80 units of insulin for ten years. Hospitalized one month ago with her first ever DKA. No change in insulin. A week or so later she began running daily lows. I backed off her insulin, eventually to zero. She kept running low, several times a day, as low as 1.7 . Emergency treated twice. We are now on day 9 with NO INSULIN. She still is running mild occasional lows in the 3s , but otherwise stable, healthy sugars with rare mild highs that self correct within two hours.

Well, I sure as hell want to know whats happening, too. And I cant imagine why none of your docs are interested. But as you say, most of them arent specialists, so they dont realize how specialor dangerousthis situation really is.

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What Is The Predictive Value Of Gad Antibodies

The important question here is, what is the predictive value of GAD antibodies? If somebody does a test and it comes back positive for GAD antibodies, how much does that tell us about the likelihood that they will go on to develop type 1.5 diabetes or type 1 if theyre getting this test when theyre a child? Well, it turns out that GAD antibodies, even by themselves, do have moderate predictive value, but when you combine them with other antibodies like islet antigens insulin, or IAA, or IA-2 antibodies or zinc transporter antibodies, the predictive value goes up significantly. For example, some models show that having three positive antibodies implies a risk of between about 50% and 85% over five years that the patient will develop the clinical signs of type 1.5 diabetes or 65% to 85% chance over 10 years. So with three positive antibodies, thats a relatively high chance that within 10 years you would develop the clinical signs of type 1.5 diabetes. However, there are a few studies that put it even higher than that. I saw one model that estimated that 100% of people with three positive antibodies will go on to develop the onset of autoimmune diabetes within five years. So, one antibody appears to be moderately predictive. With three antibodies, the risk is anywhere between 50% and 100% in five years, depending on what study you look at.

Steve Wright: Now, are these antibodies all related to the pancreas or beta cells? Because you mentioned many of them.

False Claims About Reversing Or Curing Type 1 Diabetes

Treatments for Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Sometimes, people falsely claim to have discovered cures for diabetes. Unfortunately, this is just not true. No cure for diabetes exists yet.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, these claims usually include a scheme to sell you something. It could be anything from marketing materials to pills, supplements, and unproven procedures.

Perhaps the most common claims are those about curing diabetes with a specific diet.

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Is It Possible To Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a condition that occurs when your immune system destroys the beta cells in your pancreas. The beta cells are necessary for insulin production. Some people develop a condition called type 2 diabetes. This is very similar to type 1, except the immune system doesnt attack the beta cells. Theyre actually destroyed by other things such as an injury to your pancreas or a disease. Check out Diabetes Escape Plan to learn more about diabetes and how to counteract it. In the meantime, many people ask, can type 1 diabetes be reversed?

Obstacles To Finding A Type 1 Diabetes Cure

The biggest challenge to curing type 1 diabetes is that the cause of the condition is still unclear. Genetic and environmental factors might play a role. But according to this 2021 review, its not known why the immune system attacks and destroys beta cells.

If the cells under attack are healthy beta cells, the immune system may be making a mistake and misrecognizing them. On the other hand, it could be that the beta cells are somehow dysfunctional and the immune system is doing its job by destroying them.

In either case, research is active and making progress. Its believed that a cure for type 1 diabetes is attainable.

found that more intensive blood sugar management could improve average life expectancy.

According to the ADA, you can manage your type 1 diabetes in a variety of ways.

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The Reality Of Diabetes Reversal

14 November 2019The conversation around diabetes reversal has increased, and when researching diabetes there are numerous states to this claim, but how realistic is it?

Sadly, diabetes affects a huge number of people worldwide and is responsible for blindness, kidney disease, limb amputation and death. WHO estimates that diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in 2016 and 422 million adults currently live with diabetes . There is no cure for the disease currently, however research teams across the globe work tirelessly to better understand, treat and one day cure the various types of diabetes that are responsible for these shocking statistics.

The conversation around diabetes reversal has increased, and when researching diabetes there are countless articles stating this claim, but how realistic is it? To address this we need to look at the various types of diabetes and also how were defining the term reversal to better understand the reality of the current situation.

What Causes Type 1 Diabetes

Reversing diabetes with diet

Unfortunately, the medical community has not been able to pinpoint all of the things that lead to type 1 diabetes. However, they are aware that genes do play a role. In addition, they know that some environmental factors tell your immune system to attack your pancreas. Most people who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes have evidence of this attack- known as antibodies. These antibodies are present in nearly everyone with this condition when their glucose levels are high. In addition, type 1 diabetes can co-occur with other conditions such as vitiligo oar Graves Disease.

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What Does Curing Or Reversing Diabetes Even Mean

If you have type 2 diabetes and experience a long-term improvement in your insulin sensitivity, it is referred to as curing or reversing your condition. This means you are able to get your A1C level below 6% without medicationand keep it there.

After one year or more of both normal A1C and fasting blood sugar levels without medication, you are considered to be in complete remission. But youll still need to check in regularly with your healthcare provider and sustain the changes that reversed your diabetes in the first place.

Committing to a regular exercise regime can make a big difference in helping reverse or cure diabetes and keep it in remission. A recent study out of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., showed that 40% of type 2 diabetes patients were able to reverse their diabetes by exercising, cutting calories and keeping their glucose in check.

Is It Possible To Reverse Kidney Disease Once It Happens

It is believed that kidney disease cannot be reversed. Its progression can only be stopped or delayed through good blood sugar and blood pressure control, and medications. Thats why it is important to have your kidney function tested regularly. The earlier the diagnosis, the better able you and your healthcare team will be able to manage diabetic kidney disease.

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Can Diabetes Be Reversed

This is considered to be a million-dollar question and every diabetic patient wants to know the answer of this question. Its really difficult to answer this question in terms of yes or no. Although theres no cure for diabetes, studies show its possible for some people to reverse it. Through diet changes and weight loss, you may be able to reach and hold normal blood sugar levels without medication.

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible

Type 2 diabetes is a serious, long-term medical condition. It develops mostly in adults but is becoming more common in children as the rate at which people are developing obesity rises across all age groups.

Several factors contribute to type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or having obesity are the biggest risk factors.

Type 2 diabetes can be life-threatening. But if treated carefully, it can be managed or even reversed.

Healthline has partnered with Profile by Sanford to bring you more information about how to manage diabetes for better health through diet, exercise, and more.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes includes:

  • monitoring your blood sugar levels
  • using medications or insulin when needed

Doctors also recommend losing weight through diet and exercise. Some diabetes medications have weight loss as a side effect, which can also help to treat or manage diabetes.

To help manage your diabetes try:

Weight loss is the primary factor in those who have experienced a reversal of type 2 diabetes, as excess fat in the body affects the production of insulin and how its used.

In a small 2011 study, 11 people with type 2 diabetes drastically reduced their caloric intake for 8 weeks, reversing the course of their condition. Researchers noted that this is a small sample, and the participants had lived with the condition for only a few years.

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Our Top Pick For Fighting Diabetes

The Best Diabetes Escape Plan!

  • Dehydration

When you have extra sugar in your blood, you have to use the bathroom more. This is the way your body gets rid of it. You lose a lot of water when you urinate, which causes your body to become dehydrated.

  • Weight Loss

When you urinate, you also lose calories along with the glucose. This is why many individuals with high blood sugar experience weight loss. Dehydration also is involved in the weight loss.

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis

If your body is not able to get enough glucose, it begins to break down fat cells. This results in chemicals known as ketones. To counteract this, your liver releases the glucose it has been storing. However, your body is not able to use the glucose without insulin from your pancreas, so it just builds up with the acidic ketones. This combination is referred to as ketoacidosis and if not treated early, can be life-threatening.

  • Damage to Your Body

Over time, the small blood vessels and nerves in your heart, kidneys, and eyes can be damaged by high glucose levels. In addition, this can make you more susceptible to atherosclerosis, which can result in strokes and heart attacks.

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible We Asked The Experts

Plus, get their best tips for balancing blood sugar.

Take a look around your neighborhood, office, or supermarket. You can’t tell by looking, but if your environment matches the country’s average, a full 1 in 10 of the people you see has been diagnosed with diabetes, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Upwards of 90 percent of those have type 2 diabetes.

“Type 2 diabetes, also referred to as ‘insulin-resistant diabetes,’ usually takes years to develop,” says Diana Licalzi, MS, RD, the co-founder of Reversing T2D in Boulder, Colo. “So to understand the process of how this condition progresses from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes, it’s important to understand how insulin normally works in our body.”

When we eat carbohydrates, one of the three major macronutrients along with protein and fat, they’re broken down into glucose our body and brain’s preferred energy source. Once glucose enters the bloodstream, our pancreas receives a message to release a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts like a key, opening “locks,” or channels, on the surface of our cells. Once the channels open, glucose can funnel out of the bloodstream and into our cells, and our cells can then utilize this glucose for energy or store it for later use.

As time progresses, some bodies are home to cells that stop responding to insulin. The pancreas hustles as much as possible to keep pace and pump out more insulin, but in time, it can get overwhelmed.

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Treatments For Type 1 Diabetes


People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin as directed. Some people may use medical devices like an insulin pump so they don’t have to inject themselves with insulin multiple times a day. Each person’s schedule of taking insulin is tailored to their particular schedule and habits. Your doctor will help you figure out an insulin schedule that works for you.

Home care

Many people with type 1 diabetes benefit from following a meal plan to balance their insulin needs with how many carbohydrates they eat.

They must also monitor their blood sugar levels to make sure they don’t get too high or too low. People with type 1 diabetes can test using a drop of blood obtained through a finger-stick, or a wearable device called a continuous glucose monitor.

People with type 1 diabetes should wear a medical identification bracelet so first responders will know how to treat them during a medical emergency.

How To Reverse Diabetes Naturally

How Possible is Reversing Diabetes? SugarMD

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

May 30, 2018

According to the 2017 National Diabetes Statistics Report, over 30 million people living in the United States have diabetes. Thats almost 10 percent of the U.S. population. And diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, causing, at least in part, over 250,000 deaths in 2015. Thats why its so important to take steps to reverse diabetes and the diabetes epidemic in America.

Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous disease that can lead to many other health conditions when its not managed properly, including kidney disease, blindness, leg and food amputations, nerve damage, and even death.

Type 2 diabetes is a completely preventable and reversible condition, and with diet and lifestyle changes, you can greatly reduce your chances of getting the disease or reverse the condition if youve already been diagnosed. If you are one of the millions of Americans struggling with diabetes symptoms, begin the steps to reverse diabetes naturally today. With my diabetic diet plan, suggested supplements and increased physical activity, you can quickly regain your health and reverse diabetes the natural way.

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What Are Gad65 Antibodies

Chris Kresser: OK. Well, thanks, Ruth, for sending us that question. Lets start by talking a little bit about what GAD65 antibodies are. GAD stands for glutamic acid decarboxylase, and this is a major enzyme in the synthesis of GABA, which is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the body. I like to explain it to my patients as the off switch for the nervous system. GAD and GABA are mostly present in nerve cells, but interestingly enough, GAD is also found in the pancreas. GABA is stored in the islet beta cells that produce insulin, and its been known for a while that because of this, antibodies to GAD are a predictor of risk and progression to the autoimmune form of diabetes. In autoimmune diabetes, the body attacks insulin-producing cells or even insulin itself in some cases, which then leads to insulin deficiency, and thats why people with type 1 diabetes or type 1.5 diabetes, which were going to talk about in a second, end up needing to take insulin in many cases because their body is not producing the appropriate amount of insulin because of this autoimmune attack.

Steve Wright: So the only difference between 1 and 1.5 is just the time in which it strikes or becomes activated?

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