What Is Worse Type 1 Or Type 2
Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition. In type 2 diabetes, the body is unable to use insulin the right way. As a result, insulin resistance develops. So, it gets worse over time but can be reversed through proper medication and lifestyle modification. But Type 1 is totally untreatable. So type 1 is worse.
Misdiagnosis Of Type 1 Or 2 Diabetes
No single blood test or formal criteria can differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Instead, healthcare providers diagnose based on symptoms, medical history, and blood or urine test results.
A misdiagnosis is most likely to occur when the person’s age doesn’t match the disease’s typical age of onset, as in the case of LADA or adult-onset type 1 diabetes. It’s believed that as many as 50% of adults with type 1 diabetes might be initially misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.
Conversely, type 2 diabetes in children can be mistaken for type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, type 2 diabetes is becoming more prevalent in early life, as many children are overweight or have obesity.
Besides clinical features, various blood and urine tests can help distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These tests include:
- Blood antibody tests: Antibodies are proteins the immune system produces to defend the body from invaders. In autoimmune diseases, they are mistakenly produced to attack healthy cells in the body . Antibodies are present in type 1 diabetes and absent in type 2.
- Urine C-peptide level: C-peptide is a substance made when the pancreas produces insulin. Individuals with type 1 diabetes will have low or undetectable C-peptide in their urine because their pancreas is not producing much insulin. The C-peptide level can also be checked in the blood.
Managing Type 1 Diabetes: Diet And Exercise
There is no one-size-fits-all diet or exercise plan for people with type 1 diabetes, according to the JDRFs UK branch. But a healthy lifestyle will help you keep your blood sugar in a healthy range. Be sure to speak with your doctor before embarking on any diet or exercise plan, to ensure you are making changes that are safe and appropriate for you.
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Favorite Orgs For Essential Diabetes Info
This nonprofit is among the most prominent in the United States focused specifically on type 1 diabetes research and advocacy. Its offerings are vast, with chapters nationwide, and they include a wealth of resources in English and Spanish to help you navigate life with the disease. You can also get matched with outreach volunteers who have a close personal connection to type 1 diabetes, and they can help you cope. They can also help you learn how to use their clinical trials matching tool. And because insulin therapy can be so expensive, they also provide a guide to navigating health insurance, and information on other ways to afford your medication.
American Diabetes Association
The largest organization in the United States focusing on all types of diabetes, it is a treasure trove of information about the disease, in part because of its prominent role in the research world through a professional society that hosts yearly conferences its highly respected, peer-reviewed journals and a key role setting standards of diabetes care in the United States. They advocate for legislation to make insulin more affordable, and host InsulinHelp.org, a guide to information about drug manufacturers patient assistance programs.
Association Of Birth Weight And Type 2 Diabetes In Rochester Minnesota
There is renewed interest in the relationship between birth weight and type 2 diabetes. Previous case-control studies of elderly European residents showed a linear association between low birth weight and type 2 diabetes. More recent cohort studies in Pima Indians have shown a U-shaped curve between birth weight and diabetes, where both low and high birth weight were shown to increase the risk for developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, a few studies found an association between high birth weight and type 2 diabetes in Caucasian populations. Using the resources of the Rochester Epidemiology Project , we examined the association of birth weight and type 2 diabetes in individuals who were born and developed type 2 diabetes while residing in Rochester, Minnesota.
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Research And Statistics: How Many People Have Type 1 Diabetes And Who Are They
Type 1 affects people of all ages. Here are some more facts and figures on type 1 diabetes:
- Type 1 diabetes affects at least 1.4 million adults ages 20 years or older or 5.2 percent of all adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes, according to the CDC.
- The agency also reports that at least 187,000 youth under age 20 have type 1 diabetes.
- Each year there is an estimated 64,000 new cases of type 1 diabetes in people under age 64 in the United States , according to a 2017 study published in BMC Medicine.
- Type 1 diabetes treatment can be very expensive. The average yearly cost spent on insulin by people with type 1 diabetes was $5,705 in 2016, according to Health Care Cost Institute.
Managing And Treating Type 1 And Type 2
Managing and treating your diabetes is so important. This is because itll help you avoid serious health complications. And itll play a big part in your daily life regardless of if you have type 1 or type 2.
If you have type 1 diabetes, youll need to take insulin to control your blood sugar levels. Youll also need to test your blood glucose levels regularly. And count how many carbs you eat and drink. Counting carbs will help you work out how much insulin you should take when you inject with your meals.
And generally you should be trying to have a healthy lifestyle. That includes regular physical activity and a healthy balanced diet. These will help you reduce your risk of diabetes complications.
If you have type 2 diabetes, you also need to eat a healthy diet and be active. These things will help you manage your weight and diabetes.
But quite often people with type 2 also need to take medication. Such as tablets and insulin, or other treatments too. Whether you need to test your blood glucose level like someone with type 1, depends on the treatment you take. Your GP can tell you what you should do at home.
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Does Having Diabetes Affect Insurance
Since it is often diagnosed in adulthood, you’re more likely to be viewed favorably by insurers. So long as you’re otherwise healthy and haven’t had complications, having Type 2 diabetes shouldn’t prevent you from getting a policy, although it will affect your life insurance rating and increase how much you pay.
Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes Different
The first symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear when blood sugar gets too high. Symptoms include thirst, hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, weight loss, tingling or numbness in the feet, and blurred vision. Very high blood sugar can cause rapid breathing, dry skin, fruity breath, and nausea.
Meanwhile, the first symptoms of type 2 diabetes may not show up for many years meaning the disease can ravage a persons body without them realizing it. Early symptoms include frequent infections, fatigue, frequent urination, thirst, hunger, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction in men, and pain or numbness in the hands or feet. Drincic notes that “symptoms of type 2 diabetes don’t start as suddenly as symptoms of type 1 diabetes.”
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Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed
Type 2 diabetes can be a life-long, chronic disease in which the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells in out body doesnt respond to insulin correctly. Because of these two problems, there isnt enough insulin to move the glucose from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, the bodys cells cant function properly.
Type 2 diabetes is more likely to occur in people who are over the age of 40, overweight, or have a family history in diabetes. Certain ethnic and racial groups also have higher risk for type 2 diabetes, including black, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American and Pacific Islander. However, over the past decade the incidence of type2 diabetes has been increasing in adolescents and the young adult population.
According to recent research, type 2 diabetes cannot be cured, but individuals can have glucose levels that return to non-diabetes range, or pre-diabetes glucose level The primary means by which people with type 2 diabetes achieve remission is by losing significant amounts of weight.
We talk of remission and not a cure because it isnt permanent. The beta cells have been damaged and the underlying genetic factors contributing to the persons susceptibility to diabetes remain intact. Over time the disease process reasserts itself and continued destruction of the beta cells ensues. An environmental insult such as weight gain can bring back the symptomatic glucose intolerance.
Favorite Online Support Networks
Beyond Type 1
A frequent partner with JDRF, Beyond Type 1 is a social-media-savvy nonprofit focused on advocacy and insulin affordability. Join their social platform by connecting through Facebook or Apple, among other providers. Or, visit their GetInsulin.org guide for information about affording the medication and help devising an action plan to get it.
College Diabetes Network
This peer-support-focused nonprofit is focused on forging connections between and among students in high school and college with type 1 diabetes. Get advice for navigating care through the transition between high school and college, read blog posts written by college students, or find a college chapter to join.
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What Happens If The Cells Dont Respond Properly
We all know that the bodys main energy blood glucose comes from the food we eat. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. It helps glucose to enter into the cells which are used for energy. But sometimes our body is unable to make enough insulin or doesnt use insulin well. Glucose then stays in the blood and doesnt reach the cells and causes health problems.
- Read this article to know How Sugar Balance helps you to manage healthy blood sugar levels.
Financial Support And Benefits
Some people with diabetes may be eligible to receive disability benefits and incapacity benefits, depending on the impact the condition has on their life.
The main groups likely to qualify for welfare benefits are children, elderly people, people with learning disabilities or mental health problems, and those with complications of diabetes.
People over 65 who are severely disabled, may qualify for a type of disability benefit called Attendance Allowance.
Carers may also be entitled to some benefit too, depending on their involvement in caring for the person with diabetes.
Staff at your local Citizens Advice Bureau can check whether you’re getting all of the benefits you’re entitled to. Both they and your diabetes specialist nurse should also be able to give you advice about filling in the forms.
GOV.uk has more information about benefits, and the Diabetes UK website has further advice about the Disability Living Allowance .
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Is Diagnosing Diabetes Types 1 And 2 Similar
Blood tests used to diagnose type 1 and type 2 diabetes include fasting blood sugar, a hemoglobin A1C test, and a glucose tolerance test. The A1C test measures the average blood sugar level over the past few months. The glucose tolerance test measures blood sugar after a sugary drink is given.
“The blood sugar testing we do to diagnose and manage type 1 diabetes is very similar to the testing we do for type 2 diabetes,” says Drincic. “We can do a blood test that looks for antibodies. That tells us if it is type 1 or 2.” In type 1 diabetes, the immune system makes antibodies that act against the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, and these antibodies can be detected in a blood test. Your doctor may suspect type 2 diabetes based on your symptoms and risk factors, such as obesity and family history.
What Causes Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction . This reaction destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, called beta cells. This process can go on for months or years before any symptoms appear.
Some people have certain genes that make them more likely to develop type 1 diabetes. However, many of them wont go on to have type 1 diabetes even if they have the genes. A trigger in the environment, such as a virus, may also play a part in developing type 1 diabetes. Diet and lifestyle habits dont cause type 1 diabetes.
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Myths About Type 2 Diabetes
As I mentioned some facts like type 2 are associated with weight gain and it usually occurs in older age. But its increasing in the younger population, due to shifts in diet, activity levels and higher rates of obesity. Now, You must be thinking that if you eat too much sugar in your younger days, that will develop type 2 diabetes?
Well, the answer is no! Eating too much sugar itself might not cause diabetes in early adulthood. But, eating excessive calories and sugar can lead to an increase in weight that can result in insulin resistance, which could then result in diabetes.
There is another myth, people having type 2 most often think that they no longer can take most foods. For them, they can still enjoy bread, pasta, and dessert. But The difference is about frequency and quantity.
What Is Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In Adults
Many doctors consider LADA the adult form of type 1 diabetes because its also an autoimmune condition.
Like with type 1 diabetes, the islet cells in the pancreas of people with LADA are destroyed. However, this process occurs much more slowly. Once it starts, it can take several months to several years for the pancreas to stop being able to make insulin.
Other experts consider LADA somewhere in between type 1 and type 2 and even call it type 1.5 diabetes. These researchers believe that diabetes can occur along a spectrum.
Researchers are still trying to figure out the details, but in general, LADA is known to:
- develop in adulthood
- have a slower course of onset than type 1 diabetes
- often occur in people who arent overweight
- often occur in people who dont have other metabolic issues, such as high blood pressure and high triglycerides
- result in a positive test for antibodies against the islet cells
The symptoms of LADA are due to hyperglycemia as in type 2 and type 1 diabetes. These symptoms can include:
- excessive thirst
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Is Diabetes Type 1 Genetic
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is not inherited, however a susceptibility to getting the disease may run in families. Some individuals with a family history of DM1 may be at higher risk, although the majority will not get the disease. Although the actual etiology is unknown, genetic risk factors have been identified.
Type 1 Diabetes Can Happen Fast And There’s No Preventive Measures To Take
Dr. Alesiani says, “The onset is usually rapid. When one develops Type 1 diabetes, it is a chronic disease where the pancreas no longer produces insulin hence the primary treatment for Type 1 diabetes is insulin replacement.” Dr. Donna O’Shea, chief medical officer of population health at UnitedHealthcare shares, “Type 1 diabetes is not preventable and there is still no cure so it is crucial parents understand the symptoms and warning signs that come with it. Parents and caretakers should look for the following signs in young adults: drinking too much water frequent urination unintended weight loss mood changes blurred vision and chronic fatigue.”
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Favorite Clinical Trial Resources
TD1 Exchange
The heart of this data-driven nonprofit is a registry of people with type 1 diabetes that gathers information used in research about the disease. Community members 28,000 are registered answer a question a day and interact with each other online. The organization says its research has led to advances relating to CGM labeling and insurance coverage, as well as updated guidelines for pediatric A1C goals.
Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
This global network of type 1 diabetes researchers focused on finding ways to prevent type 1 diabetes. They offer free type 1 diabetes risk screening to relatives of people with the disease through the Pathway to Prevention Study. The goal is to detect type 1 diabetes even years before symptoms appear, and identify people who are at risk for developing it. Among the studies coming out of TrialNet to date was the phase 2 clinical trial for teplizumab. As mentioned, the study found that the monoclonal antibody drug delays the onset of type 1 diabetes in close relatives by an average of two years.
How Is Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosed
The following blood tests help your healthcare provider diagnose diabetes:
- Fasting plasma glucose test: checks your blood glucose level. This test is best done in the office in the morning after an eight hour fast .
- Random plasma glucose test: This lab test can be done any time without the need to fast.
- Glycolated hemoglobin testing measures your average blood sugar levels over three months.
- Oral glucose tolerance testing checks your blood sugar levels before and after you drink a sugary beverage. The test evaluates how your body handles glucose.
Type of test |
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