Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Does Diabetes Make You Lose Weight

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The Risks Of Not Eating

Why Does Diabetes Cause Some to Gain Weight & Others to Lose It?

“Skipping meals is not safe if you have diabetes,” cautions Audrey Koltun, RDN, CDCES, a dietitian in the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in Lake Success, New York.

Diabetes occurs when your body either uses insulin improperly or no longer produces it. Insulin allows your body to use blood sugar from carbs for energy. When insulin can’t do its job, blood sugar can build up in your bloodstream and set the stage for diabetes and its related complications, the American Diabetes Association explains. In the U.S., diabetes statistics show that 34 million adults have the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you skip meals, you can develop low blood sugar or high blood sugar , both of which can be dangerous or even deadly, according to the Cleveland Clinic. When severe and untreated, hypoglycemia can cause seizures or loss of consciousness, Mayo Clinic says. Over time, hyperglycemia can lead to diabetes-related damage to your nerves, blood vessels and other organs, the Cleveland Clinic explains.

Loss of appetite or meal skipping could also lead to overeating, Koltun says. “If someone with type 2 diabetes does not eat all day and then binge-eats later on, one will have an elevated blood sugar,” she explains. “Weight gain can also result from overeating.”

That’s why it’s important to eat three small meals a day and to not go more than four or five waking hours without eating, Koltun says.

Diet: The Right Balance For Diabetes And Weight Loss

Keep tight control over your blood sugar levels while you lose weight. You don’t want to get high or low levels while you change your eating habits.

Itâs generally safe for someone with diabetes to cut 500 calories a day. Trim from protein, carbohydrates, and fat. The USDA says that calories for adults should come from:

  • 45% to 55% carbs
  • 25% to 35% fat
  • 10% to 35% protein

Carbs have the biggest effect on blood sugar. Those that have fiber are much better than eating sugary or starchy carbs, because theyâre less likely to spike your blood sugar and quickly make it crash.

S.M.A.R.T. weight loss goals: Make losing weight with diabetes easier by setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. When your goals are S.M.A.R.T., it will be simpler to stay on track with your diet.

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals help keep big projects, like losing weight or managing blood sugar, from being overwhelming.

Your steps for success are clearly spelled out so that you know when youâve met the goal.

The biggest payoff comes from turning short-term goals into long-lasting, healthy habits.

To help manage your diabetes, you need to spread carbs out more evenly throughout the day. So, for example, a S.M.A.R.T. goal could be, âI will eat a breakfast containing 45 grams of carbohydrates every day for the next 2 weeks.â

Hereâs the S.M.A.R.T. breakdown:

Specific: Targeted to breakfast

Measurable: 45 grams, every day

Intermittent Fasting Extreme Calorie Reduction Or Skipping Meals

Any diet that promotes fasting for long periods can cause low blood sugar. Even if you arent taking diabetes medication, its important to maintain consistent eating patterns for weight management and blood sugar control. Be aware of how much you eat at any one time to avoid spiking your blood sugar.

Any weight loss diet that preaches very low caloric intake can also increase the risk of low blood sugar and reduced muscle mass. The bottom line: These kinds of diets should be supervised by your doctor.

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Diabetes Types And Weight Loss

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body sends antibodies to attack the pancreas, which prevents it from producing enough insulin to regulate your blood sugar. It is not clear what causes Type 1 diabetes, but it is thought to be genetic and is usually first diagnosed in childhood or young adulthood.

Type 1 diabetes is not associated with excess weight. But if you are carrying extra weight, losing it can reduce your risk of complications and reduce your need for insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is where your body does not produce enough insulin and/or your cells may not respond to insulin properly and do not take in sugar from your blood. Type 2 diabetes develops over many years. The cause is not known, but being overweight and inactive are major contributors.

For Type 2 diabetes, weight loss is key. If you have prediabetesthat is, you have consistently high blood sugar but do not yet have diabeteslosing 7-10 percent of your body weight can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. If you already have Type 2 diabetes, losing weight could cause your condition to go into remission, potentially eliminating your need for medication.

Modify Your Diet Plan

Why Do You Lose Weight With Diabetes

Your diet plays a significant role in weight management. The kind of foods you eat makes a significant impact on your weight. Eating lots of carbohydrates and calorie-rich food contributes to weight gain and increases your blood sugar levels. However, low-calorie and fiber-rich food help in weight loss. Take help from a dietician or download a diet planning app to get the best diet plan that suits your weight loss goal for controlling diabetes.

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What Other Symptoms Of Diabetes Should You Watch For

Weight loss from diabetes is not usually a standalone symptom. Its typically accompanied by other signs, including:

  • Excessive thirst or hunger.
  • Dark skin around the neck and armpits.
  • Slow healing of cuts and bruises.
  • Yeast infections.
  • Vision changes.

How is diabetes weight loss treated?

If youre experiencing weight loss and are uncertain about how to gain the weight back, consult with your physician. You dont want to start eating unhealthy fats just to put the pounds back on, as that can lead to a worsened case of diabetes.

Instead, your doctor may suggest supplemental insulin treatments or other medications to make sure your blood sugar normalizes.

Its important to remember that unexplained weight loss isnt normal, says Cotey.

Its not only a sign of diabetes, but may also point to other issues such as cancer or gastrointestinal tract, metabolism or thyroid issues. If youre dropping weight and dont know why, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Weight Loss And Glucose Control

Should the focus of nutrition therapy for type 2 diabetes be on weight loss or improved blood glucose control? shows that achievable weight loss has a modest effect on A1C levels. However, in several studies, weight loss was not associated with improvement in glycemia., Furthermore, other nutrition therapy interventions that tend to focus more on metabolic control and less on weight loss have been shown to improve A1C levels by 12%.

It is likely that early in the course of the disease process, when insulin resistance is still prominent, either energy restriction or weight loss will improve blood glucose levels. But as the disease progresses and insulin deficiency becomes more prominent, it may be too late for weight loss to be helpful. In fact, at later stages of the disease, when medications, including insulin, need to be combined with nutrition therapy, prevention of weight gain often becomes the goal. However, glycemic control should take precedence over concerns about weight.

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Diabetes Medications And Weight Loss

Though insulin leads to weight gain, many other diabetes medications help in weight loss. When you start diabetes medications, consult with your doctor regarding the weight loss effect of the medicine. It will help you to control your weight loss so that you can maintain healthy body weight. Certain diabetes medications that also help in weight loss are:

  • GLP-1 agonists , exenatide extended-release , liraglutide , and semaglutide )
  • SGLT2 inhibitors , dapagliflozin , and empagliflozin )

When you lose weight, you will need the medication in low dosage to keep your blood sugar in the target levels. Otherwise, it may cause low blood sugar levels in some cases during weight loss. Thus, keep in mind the weight loss effect of the diabetes medicines that a doctor prescribes to you.

Can Diabetes Make You Not Lose Weight

How To Gain Weight With Diabetes IF You are Underweight. SUGARMD

Is diabetes capable of causing weight gain? Diabetes and obesity Weight gain is a frequent sign of diabetes and other insulin-dependent diseases. In comparison to non-diabetics, young adults with type 1 diabetes are more likely to acquire excess body weight or obesity.

Is type 2 diabetes preventing you from losing weight? Diabetes type 2 might result in weight reduction. Certain medications used to treat type 2 diabetes might also result in weight gain or reduction. When a person has type 2 diabetes, nutrition is crucial in controlling blood sugar levels. Additionally, when someone is overweight, even a few pounds lost might assist them in managing their illness.

What exactly is a diabetic stomach? Diabetes may impact several organs in the body over time. Among these is the vagus nerve, which regulates the rate at which your stomach empties. When it is injured, digestion is slowed and food is retained in the body for longer than it should. This is referred to as gastroparesis.

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Don’t Miss: Is Keto Good For Type 1 Diabetes

Ask Yourself: Is It Hunger Or Habit

Analyze your home and work environment. Do you have easy access to high-calorie, sugary foods? Do you snack because youre hungry or because you saw someone else eating?

When and how much you eat may make a difference as well. Many newer studies say its beneficial to eat more food earlier in the day and then less as the day goes on, Dunn adds. If youre skipping meals all day and then eating dinner and snacking all night, that may be why youre not achieving your goals.

It Starts With Finding A Way To Eat Fewer Calories Than You Need

A calorie is a unit of energy, which is in the food and drink we consume. Your body uses energy for everything we do from breathing and sleeping to exercising. When you eat, youre replacing the energy youve used, which helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

As a general guide, government recommendations are that men need around 2,500kcal a day to maintain a healthy weight, and women need around 2,000kcal a day. But most people need different amounts of calories based on how their bodies work, how active they are and any weight management goals.

Weve put together some 7-day meal plans to help you lose weight. They’re all clinically approved, nutritionally balanced, calorie and carb counted, and can help if you want to lose weight:

Evidence shows that the best approach is the one that youre likely to stick to. So the key is to find a plan that you enjoy and fits in with the rest of your life. Everyones different and what works for some may not for others.

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How Can Diabetes Cause Weight Loss

Unexpected or unintended weight loss is often a symptom of unmanaged diabetes, both type 1 and type 2.

With type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks cells of the pancreas that make insulin. Since theres no insulin available to move glucose into the bodys cells, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. The kidneys then work to remove this unused sugar through urination. The sugar isnt used as energy, so the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, resulting in weight loss.

Weight loss in type 1 diabetes may be unintentional. If people with type 1 diabetes need to lose weight, this can be done safely by reducing calorie intake. Some people may under-treat their diabetes to lose weight, but this is highly dangerous. Skipping insulin can lead to very high blood sugar levels, a serious complication known as diabetic ketoacidosis, and potentially death.

Under-treating diabetes to lose weight can be a symptom of an eating disorder. If you think you have an eating disorder, reach out to your doctor or a mental health professional to get specialized support and treatment.

Is Diabetes A Possible Cause Of Gas And Bloating

How To Lose Weight While Managing Your Diabetes

Although nausea, heartburn, or bloating might have a variety of reasons, these typical digestive problems should not be neglected in persons with diabetes. This is because high blood sugar levels might result in gastroparesis, a disorder that impairs your ability to digest meals. Diabetes is the most prevalent cause of gastroparesis that is currently recognized.

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Exercising For Diabetes And Weight Loss

Exercise is a key part of any weight loss plan, and for diabetics it offers multiple health benefits:

  • Improves blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity
  • Some types of exercise can help burn extra glucose in the body and also decrease resistance to insulin
  • Lowers your risk for heart disease
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduces stress

Before you exercise, make sure your glucose level is not too low or you could risk low blood sugar . You should also be cautious if your blood sugar is too high, because exercise can sometimes raise blood sugar. Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

A Word From Mantra Care

Weight gain or weight loss is a problem that can be treated. You just need to make some lifestyle changes as mentioned above. If you have diabetes, you need to be more careful. So, consult a doctor or your healthcare team, and discuss your health problems.

If you are looking for more information on this topic or onDiabetes treatment,Online Therapy,Hypertension,PCOS treatment,Weight Loss, andPhysiotherapy, please or feel free to reach out to us at +91-9711118331 or email at . You can also download our freeAndroid App or IOS app.

Here at Mantra Care, we have an incredibly skilled team of health care professionals and coaches who will be happy to answer any questions and provide further information so you know whats best for your unique needs.

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What Shade Of Urine Does Diabetic Pee Have

Patients with diabetes insipidus have excessive volumes of diluted urine as a result of their inability to regulate the quantity of water in their urine. The majority of instances of diabetes insipidus develop as a result of insufficient ADH or as a result of the kidneys not reacting correctly to ADH.

I was just diagnosed with high blood sugar for the first time in my life. Im 48 years old. Diabetes runs in my family. I had no idea Id acquire it, but my doctor stated it was at an all-time high of 275+ and that I needed medication. I turned down the doctors offer and asked for a month to get it under control and rechecked. I got the pills here and began using them in conjunction with my diet. My doctor gave me the tester so I could monitor my blood level at home. After a week of taking it once in the morning before breakfast and once in the afternoon before lunch. Id check it in the evening. Surprisingly, it was at 102,105, and once at 98. And depending on what and how much I eat, it would rise to 120-128 after supper. A month later, I returned for my checkup, and everything was OK. Doctors say that if I stick to my healthy diet and exercise routine, Ill be OK. It actually works!! Ill be getting another bottle shortly.

Why Does Diabetes Cause Weight Loss

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Diabetes is a chronic disease that is destructive if left untreated. Symptoms are often so subtle and sometimes gradual that people don’t realize they have the condition. There are three types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational.

  • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. The immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy tissues of the body and destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. The damage from these attacks causes the pancreas to stop making insulin. Type 1 diabetes can appear at any age but usually develops during childhood or adolescence.
  • Type 2 diabetesoccurs when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it properly. People usually acquire type 2 diabetes later in life, however, with a rise in childhood obesity, children are developing type 2 diabetes at an increasing rate. Being overweight is a primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes. This is the most common form.
  • Gestational diabetes is pregnancy related and usually subsides after the baby is born.

In all forms, diabetes functions similarly. Most of the food we eat is broken down into a sugar called glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream. When blood sugar rises, it prompts the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin is a hormone that the body needs to deliver the glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of the body.

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Use Tricks To Prevent Overeating

These sneaky strategies can help keep you from overdoing it on diet-damaging foods.

  • Fill up on low-calorie foods first. Start every meal with the foods on your plate that are lowest in calories, suggests McLaughlin. Non-starchy vegetables make the perfect low-calorie starter. By the time you get to the other foods, you wont be so hungry.
  • Change your salad dressing system. Instead of sprinkling or pouring dressing on your salad, dip your fork into a side dish of dressing and then your salad with each bite. Youll be amazed how much less you use and how many calories you save.
  • Take up a busy-hands hobby. If youre idle, youll be more prone to eating when youre not really hungry. Keep busy with activities like walking, knitting, scrapbooking, doing crossword puzzles, or gardening.
  • Carry a toothbrush and toothpaste. Keep them in your purse or briefcase. When cravings hit, brushing your teeth with peppermint-flavored toothpaste can dampen your desire to eat.
  • Arrive fashionably late to parties. Without as much time near the buffet table and calorie-rich appetizers, youll likely eat less.

Its important to continue to eat healthy and exercise regularly even after reaching your weight loss goal. Thats why its so important to set realistic goals from the get-go: The healthy habits you initiate to lose weight should last a lifetime so you can keep it off.

Additional reporting by Colleen de Bellefonds

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