Brillia Health For Diabetics
While you may already know that common cold and flu medications contain hard-to-pronounce chemicals designed to make symptoms more bearable, did you know that many of them also contain sugar? Just like Mary Poppins sang, a spoonful of sugar is meant to help the medicine go down by masking the taste of the chemicals working to reduce congestion, quell your cough and soothe away your body aches. For diabetics, this can pose a serious risk as sugar-filled medicine can make it difficult to manage blood sugar levels. Find out which cold and cough medicines raise blood sugar and how to find a safer alternative to ease symptoms.
Diabetes And Safe Medications For Colds And The Flu: Otc Medication Guide Center
If you have diabetes and catch a cold or the flu, can be more difficult to recover from infections and their complications, for example, pneumonia. Home remedies and over-the-counter drugs used for the treatment of the signs and symptoms of colds and the flu may affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Some medications are OK to take if you have diabetes get a cold or the flu include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to control symptoms of fever and pain. Most cough syrups are safe to take however, check with your pediatrician to see what medications are safe to give your child if he or she has type 1 or 2 diabetes.
If you have diabetes and are sick with a cold or flu, you need to check your blood sugar levels more frequently. Continue taking your regular medications. Eat a diabetic low-glycemic index diet rich in antioxidants.
To prevent colds and the flu drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. To replenish fluids, drink sports drinks like Gatorade and Pedialyte to replenish electrolytes. Avoid people who are sick, sneezing, coughing, or have other symptoms of a cold or flu. Read more: Diabetes and Safe Medications for Colds and the Flu: OTC Medication Guide Article
If You Don’t Take Insulin
- Take your diabetes medicines, even if you are sick and have been throwing up.
People who are sick sometimes feel as though they cant eat as much or cant keep food down, which can cause low blood glucose levels. Consuming carbohydrate-rich drinks or snacks can help prevent low blood glucose.
If you are sick, your health care team may recommend the following:
- Check your blood glucose levels at least four times a day and write down the results in your record book. Keep your results handy so you can report the results to your health care team.
- Keep taking your diabetes medicines, even if you cant eat.
- Drink at least 1 cup, or 8 ounces, of water or other calorie-free, caffeine-free liquid every hour while youre awake.
- If you cant eat your usual food, try eating or drinking any of the following to prevent low blood glucose levels:
- juice
- soda that isnt sugar-free
Your doctor may ask that you call right away if
- your blood glucose levels are above 240 even though youve taken your diabetes medicines
- your urine or blood ketone levels are above normal
- you vomit more than once
- you have diarrhea for more than 6 hours
- you have trouble breathing
- you have a high fever
- you cant think clearly or you feel more drowsy than usual
You should call your doctor if you have questions about taking care of yourself.
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Best Cold Medicine For Runny Nose
A runny nose is how the body reacts to the inflammation and irritation that a cold virus is causing in the nasal passages.
If you take a decongestant for a runny nose, your symptoms may get better if you have congestion. But, a decongestant may cause undesirable effects as well, such as raising your blood pressure or making your nose and throat feel too dry.
Thats why diphenhydramine might be better for drying up a runny nose if you do not feel too congested. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine, which means it reduces your bodys natural reaction to irritants and pathogens, which may help if your runny nose is because your body is releasing histamines. Benadryl also might make you drowsy, which is why its best to take this medication at bedtime.
Manage Your Blood Sugar
Being sick can make it hard to eat. Having simple carbs handy like regular soda, Jell-O, or popsicles will help keep your blood sugar up if you are at risk for lows. Use the 15-15 rule to treat the lows you may have. Making sure your blood sugar remains in target is one of the best ways to help your body deal with sickness.
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Avoiding Colds And The Flu
Make sure you and your family members wash your hands regularly. There’s no vaccine against colds, but your best move is to get a flu shot every year. The CDC recommends that for everyone age 6 months and older, so if you have a child with diabetes, make sure that they get vaccinated, too.
A flu vaccine can prevent many types of flu or keep flu viruses from making you so ill. September may be the best month to get this vaccine because it protects you for about 6 months. But you can get a flu shot at any time during flu season.
Ask family members, co-workers, and close friends to get the vaccine, too. You’re less likely to get the flu if those around you don’t have it.
Best Cold Medicine For Sore Throat And Coughing
If your coughing is making your throat sore, look for a medication that contains dextromethorphan. Dextromethorphan helps control your brains signal to your body that you need to cough. This can decrease your coughing symptoms enough to promote healing of a sore throat, but it doesnt treat the cause of your coughing.
Some medications that contain dextromethorphan also contain an ingredient called guaifenesin. This ingredient is an expectorant, which thins out mucus and helps your cough to be productive, meaning that youre coughing out mucus that could be aggravating your throat and chest.
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How To Choose The Most Popular Cough Medicine For Diabetics
The three most crucial criteria to consider are price, quality, and popularity.Price is an obvious factor to consider, as you want to ensure it is acceptable for your needs.Quality should also be examined because buying a low-quality goods will not help you achieve your main aim of obtaining the best product.Finally, while not as obvious as price or quality, popularity can be just as significant as both when it comes to attracting new customers.
What Is The Cough Medicine For Diabetics
Sorry if youre perplexed. I know its not an easy choice! But its one of the most crucial choices youll ever make. If youre still unsure which type of cough medicine for diabetics is best for you, I recommend comparing the characteristics and functionalities of the cough medicine for diabetics listed above. Each has advantages and disadvantages.
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Stay Vigilant About Your Bgls
Check your BGLs every 4 hours.
When youre fighting off an infection, your blood glucose levels tend to run a little higher, thus necessitating more insulin than usual. But if youre severely dehydrated, are vomiting or are simply unable to eat, your BGLs may drop. Also, aspirin in large doses can lower blood glucose levels while decongestants can raise BGLs. The bottom line you should check BGL more frequently if youre sick and always read your labels.
Whats The Difference Between A Cold And Flu
A cold is a milder respiratory infection than a flu. While both can cause a soar throat, cough, runny nose and congestion, a flu is usually accompanied by body aches, fever and lasts much longer than a common cold.
As a Type 1 or as a caretaker of a Type 1, you should plan ahead so youre ready not only for the cold, a common and frequent ailment, but also, the more unruly cousin the flu, who outstays his welcome and can cause serious havoc if left unchecked.
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Cold And Flu And What To Do
Editors Note: While flu rates were down in 2020 because of quarantining and social distancing, the 2021 flu season is expected to be closer to normal. The actions that protect us from COVID-19 can also protect us from the flu, which can be more intense and tricky to navigate alongside diabetes. Visit to learn more about what you can do as a person with diabetes to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19 until were all safe.
Getting sick can be scary and especially when you or a loved one is Type 1. As the body tries to fight off the virus, blood glucose levels elevate, causing rapid and dangerous highs. And when youre not feeling well, you may find it difficult to keep down fluids or even eat, causing you to go too low. Then theres the issue of medicine which to take and how to dose for it if needed. Theres a lot to consider, but rest assured! Weve talked to doctors about what is recommended in terms of planning ahead and the protocol if you or your loved one are faced with a bug. While this season brings with it challenges to staying healthy, here are some helpful guidelines when facing off with the cold or flu.
Diabetes Ketones And Flu
If you take insulin, charity Diabetes UK recommend checking for ketones if blood glucose levels rise above 15 mmol/L. If your ketones become too high it is possible to fall into a diabetic coma and this can be fatal if untreated.
Ketones should be checked regularly, and your diabetes healthcare professional should be able to inform you about ketone testing.
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Cold And Flu Medications Dont Contain Sugar
Myth. If a medication is flavored, it probably contains some sugar. You can quickly tell if sugar is included by taking a look at the label. If you see a zero next to the carbohydrate heading, the medication isnt sweetened.
You dont necessarily have to avoid medications with sugar, particularly if they only include small amounts. But if you must take the medication often or you take several medications that contain sugar, youll soon be consuming more sugar than you may have anticipated.
When possible, use sugar-free versions of medications, or take the pill form of a medication rather than the liquid.
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Simple Is Best For Cold Medicines
Keep it simple by choosing an over-the-counter medication based on the types of ingredients proven to relieve your particular symptoms. Often a medication with just one ingredient is all you need to treat your symptoms rather than agents with multiple ingredients.
Oral cold and flu pills are often a better choice than syrups with the same ingredients because the pills may contain no carbohydrate. If you decide to use a syrup, look for one that is sugar-free. If you cant find one, the small amount of sugar in a syrup will likely affect your blood sugar less than the illness itself, Meece says.
Various over-the-counter medications are designed to treat specific symptoms. Many pharmacists recommend these products for people with diabetes.
Symptom: Cough
Recommandations Pour Les Adultes Et Les Enfants
Le Comité consultatif national de limmunisation fournit au gouvernement du Canada des conseils médicaux et scientifiques en matière de vaccination. La majorité des Canadiennes et des Canadiens ont découvert le CCNI à cause de ses mises à jour sur les vaccins contre la COVID-19. Ses recommandations sur les vaccins antigrippaux sont tout aussi importantes. Il conseille notamment aux adultes et aux enfants de plus de 6 mois qui vivent avec le diabète de recevoir le vaccin contre la grippe cette année, car ils risquent de subir des conséquences graves liées à la grippe et à la COVID-19, qui circulent toutes les deux au Canada.
À la fin de septembre 2021, le CCNI a mis à jour ses recommandations sur le moment propice de ladministration des vaccins contre la COVID-19 par rapport aux autres vaccins. Les gens de 12 ans et plus peuvent recevoir le vaccin anticovidique en même temps que dautres vaccins, ou à nimporte quel moment avant ou après. Si vous navez pas encore reçu vos deux doses de vaccin contre la COVID-19, vous navez pas besoin dattendre pour recevoir celui contre la grippe et vice-versa.
Amanda Sterczyk, MA
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Diabetes And Flu Medication
Some over-the-counter flu medication is suitable for people with diabetes.
Some over-the-counter flu medication will be more suitable for people with diabetes than others.
For instance, some flu medications contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofe, which are not usually recommended for people with diabetes because they may slightly increase the risk of heart problems and stroke
A number of flu medications may contain a relatively high level of sugar which could present a certain amount of increased difficulty with managing blood sugar levels. Lower sugar versions should usually be available and your pharmacist should be able to help you to pick an appropriate medication.
Remember, flu medication only treats the symptoms whilst the body recovers.
Best Cold Medicine For Sinus Headache
When symptoms of congestion hit your sinuses, you can feel cranial pressure and stuffed up in your nasal passages. This sinus headache is typically the main symptom people associate with a head cold.
To treat a sinus headache, decide if youd like to treat the pain from your sinus blockage or the actual blockage itself.
Ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce your pain. A decongestant like pseudoephedrine can to help relieve your congestion but has been known to produce a side effect of restlessness or nervousness.
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Cold Medicines That Are Safe For Diabetes
Searching for relief for your runny nose, sore throat, or cough? Many over-the-counter cough, cold, and flu remedies list diabetes as an underlying condition that may indicate you should leave the medication on the shelf. The warnings are clear: “Ask a doctor before use if you have: heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes.” Unfortunately, your doctor is not along for the trip to the pharmacy.
Because illness causes your body to release stress hormones that naturally raise blood glucose, you’ll want to be sure that over-the-counter medications won’t increase blood glucose levels, too.
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Simple Is Best for Cold Medicines
Keep it simple by choosing an over-the-counter medication based on the types of ingredients proven to relieve your particular symptoms. Often a medication with just one ingredient is all you need to treat your symptoms rather than agents with multiple ingredients. “To choose the correct medication, take time to speak to a pharmacist,” says Jerry Meece, R.Ph., CDE, of Gainesville, Texas. “The proper remedies may not only make you feel better, but also cut the length of the illness and possibly save you a trip to the doctor.”
Safe OTC Cold Medicines
Various over-the-counter medications are designed to treat specific symptoms. Many pharmacists recommend these products for people with diabetes.
Symptom: Cough
Best option: Anti-tussive dextromethorphan
Symptoms: Congestion, mucus in sinus passages
Can I Buy Something Similar Cheaper Elsewhere
One of the most common questions that a lot of customers ask is, Can I buy something similar cheaper elsewhere? The short answer is no. When you are looking for a quality cold and flu medicine for diabetes, the most important thing to know is that cheap is not always better. You should carefully research the best cold and flu medicine for diabetes before buying and consult the prices on some online sales websites to make the best decision.
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