Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Jamun Good For Diabetes

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Other Health Benefits Of Jamun For Diabetes

Jamun Fruit Benefits | Natural and Herbal Diets for Diabetes
  • Improves skin and heart health
  • Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory polyphenolic compounds may prevent cancer.
  • Anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties aid arthritis treatment
  • Vitamin C and iron in Jamun boost immunity and haemoglobin.
  • Aids digestion and cures various gastrointestinal problems
  • Jamun seed powder helps strengthen teeth and bones.
  • According to Ayurveda and Unani medicine, Jamun is helpful for conditions related to asthma, heart, digestion, arthritis, etc.

Jamun Fruit Smoothie With Chia Seeds And Nuts

Jamun can help maintain blood sugar levels when mixed with chia seeds and nuts as a delicious smoothie in the morning. Jamun has a high antioxidant content, which can help reduce inflammation.


  • 15-30ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Honey as required
  • Nuts To garnish the dish

Estimated time: 30 min

  • Soak chia seeds in water overnight
  • Blend fresh Jamun in a mixer or grinder with Nurturic Jamun Juice until smooth
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and top it with Chia seeds
  • Garnish with nuts and honey if desired
  • Serve right away!

Benefits Of Jamun For Antioxidant:

  • The administration of jamun-kernel extract orally to diabetic rats reduced the levels of certain thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and hydroperoxides in liver and kidney tissues to near-normal values.
  • There was a considerable recovery in glutathione levels, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activity in the liver and kidney.3
  • With more research on humans, jamun may be useful in boosting antioxidant levels for slowing down ageing and reducing levels of inflammation.

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Jamun Seeds For Diabetics: What Does Ayurveda Suggest

Ayurveda sugar

Jamun seeds make up a major of Ayurvedic diabetes medicines

Here’s How You Can Use Jamun Seeds For Managing Diabetes:

  • Clean jamuns and keep them in a container.
  • Squeeze out the seeds from the flesh part with your fingers and store them in another container.
  • Wash the seeds thoroughly so that none of the flesh is left on them.
  • Now, spread the seeds on a clean cloth and keep it under sun for drying. Please note that it takes about three to four days for them to dry out.
  • Once they are dried, peel off the outer shell and collect the green inner core of the seeds.
  • The green inner core of the seeds can be broken into half easily just by pressing your fingers. Once you break them down, keep them in the sun for a few more days till they are dried.
  • Now, powder the dried seeds in a grinder. You will notice coarse powder.
  • Sieve the crushed seeds and repeat the same method till most of the dried seed powder passes through the sieve.
  • Store the jamun seed powder in an air-tight container and use it as and when you’d want to.
  • Take a glassful of water and a teaspoon of jamun seed powder every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Before switching to this method of fighting diabetes, it is always a good option to consult your diabetologist first.

    Jamun Seeds As Home Remedy:

    Jamun is the miracle fruit for people with type

    If you are a diabetic and looking forward to using Jamun seed for diabetes management, you can use it in the form of powder. The Jamun seed powder is available commercially as well as you can prepare it at home. For your concern, we have already shared the recipe above.

    Besides, you can use Juman as a raw fruit. Else prepare it in some other attractive form such as juice, chips and even make a milkshake or a healthy dessert out of Jamun pulp.

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    /6benefits Of Jamun Seeds

    In addition, experts suggest that jamun seeds powder can be taken as an adjuvant both for type-2 diabetes, insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent. According to experts, the use of jamun seeds powder is beneficial at the IFG stage. Consuming seeds powder helps in the regulation of IFG, which further prevents the early onset of diabetes and further conditions.

    What Are Jamun Good For

    Ayurveda suggests Jamun helps in reducing frequent urination problem. It has hypoglycaemic properties that help in reducing blood sugar levels. It contains antioxidants, that justifies, Jamun Seed helps in diabetes management. Also, various studies state that consuming Jamun seed powder reduces fasting blood sugar.

    The substance called Jamboline and Jambosine, slow down the process of conversion of the starch into sugar. As a result, it lessens the chances of a sudden spike in the blood sugar level as starch from the food is metabolized.

    Where type 2 diabetics face a low level of insulin availability to act on blood glucose. Jamun seeds raise the availability of the insulin level by either increasing its secretion or preventing it from degrading fast.

    Apart from this, Jamun has other health benefits too:

    • It helps in treating digestion related problems.
    • Jamun seeds help in detoxification. It flushes out harmful substances from the body.
    • It acts as a natural blood purifier and is also good for your skin.
    • Seeds of Jamun can also lower the blood pressure.

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    Is Jamun Good For Diabetics

    Well, to your good luck, this is an amazing fruit for the diabetic body. It has been proven to be safe and beneficial to anyone with blood sugar issues.

    The effects of Jamun on the body have been observed to be very advantageous to diabetic patients. This helps control rising sugar levels in the body and also prevents increasing symptoms of diabetes.

    Diabetes is an ailment of the metabolism affected by the improper secretion and working of insulin in the body. This prevents efficient breaking down, digestion, and absorption of nutrients. It eventually leads to high blood sugar issues.

    Jamun is a fruit known to reduce blood sugar levels and, thus, avoid these spiking blood sugars in the body.

    In addition to this, the leaves of the Jamun fruit are also known to benefit diabetic conditions. The leaves of the Jamun fruit tree are often used to make medicinal juices for diabetic patients.

    The seeds of the Jamun fruit are also very useful in treating several bodily conditions and diseases. They are often available as capsules or powders.

    It is said to be useful in directing an effective conversion of starch into energy for the body. In this way, the starch is not stored for longer periods and does not give rise to high blood sugar levels.

    Also, Jamun has the quality of reducing frequent urges to urinate, which is a side effect of diabetes.

    The Jamun fruit also has a safe glycemic index. Let us learn about the importance of the glycemic index for diabetic patients.

    How To Make Jamun Juice At Home

    Health Benefits And Uses Of Jamun | Jamun Seeds For Diabetes | My22BMI

    Jamun is one of the tastiest summer fruits which not only replenishes your body with high energy levels but also boosts the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids, for the prevention of chronic diseases and fight against free radical cell damage.


    1 cup of chilled water

    ¼ tbsp black salt

    A pinch of chat masala


    Wash and pat dry the black plums.

    Remove the seed and slice it into small pieces.

    Put the sliced plums in a blender.

    Add the remaining ingredients-water, salt, honey, ginger and chat masala in the blender.

    Blend the entire thing into a smooth liquid.

    Sieve the juice to remove any particles.

    Pour it in a glass and add ice cubes if required.

    A glass of yummy Jamun Juice is ready to be savoured.

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    How Can You Use Jamun As A Remedy For Diabetes

    Though juices, chips and raw Jamun fruits are available, the clinically-proven way to use it is in the form of powder. The Mangalore study found that consuming about 10 grams of Jamun seed powder orally every day helps to reduce fasting blood glucose. Jamun seed powder is commercially available and you could use two teaspoons of it to get a dose of 10 grams.

    You could prepare your own Jamun seed powder at home by drying the seeds in the sun and then powdering them. You can even use the Jamun pulp to prepare milkshakes or healthy desserts.

    How Many Jamuns Can A Diabetic Have Daily

    We have learned that Jamuns are great for the body and have blood sugar-lowering effects as well. But it crucial to know a daily limit that will encourage safer and better management of the body.

    The Jamun is a very powerful ingredient to lower blood sugar levels. Thus it must not be over-done.

    A daily dosage of around 5 to 6 Jamuns is a safe number.

    You can also have this in a juice form. Limit your juice quantity to no more than 3 to 4 tablespoons daily.

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    Black Jamun For Diabetes And Turmeric For Diabetes

    Read In:English

    Ayurvedic herbs are effective to control diabetes. Some herbs are very potent in reducing blood sugar levels. Herbs like Turmeric and Jamun are used as home remedies for diabetes treatment. These allow us to have a better sensitivity towards insulin. Managing diabetes becomes easy when these kinds of medicinal herbs are a part of our diet.

    Jamun is a tropical tree fruit that belongs to the family Myrtaceae. Jamun is native to areas such as Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia.

    Turmeric is a plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It holds popularity in Indian households in cooking and medicinal uses.

    Well, the real question in your mind would be jamun fruit good for diabetes? can turmeric help diabetes???

    In this article Lets talk and understand more about black jamun for diabetes and how using turmeric diabetes can be managed.

  • Read, Understand the Significance, Opt These Formula Derived by Our Ancestors during Ancient Ayurveda, Opted to Treat Most Modern Disorders, Diseases including Diabetes
  • Healthy Jamun Smoothie Recipes

    Benefits Of Jamun Fruit For Diabetes

    Jamun is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is available throughout the summer. It can be enjoyed as juices, smoothies, ice creams, salads, and pies, and it can also be transformed into jam to enjoy its flavor all year.

    We bring you two such delectable Indian blackberry recipes, one that can be made at any time during the summer and the other that can be stored all year.

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    What Makes Jamun Seeds So Special For Diabetics How To Use Jamun Seeds For Managing Diabetes We Have All The Answers

    • Jamun is native to India, Bangladesh and Indonesia
    • Jamun seeds are known to be great healing medication for diabetics
    • Jamun seeds helps to regulate insulin level in our body

    According to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner, Shilpa Arora, “jamun seeds are known to be great healing medication for diabetics. Both seeds and the fruit have substances called jamboline and jambosine that slow down the release of sugar into the blood. Jamun seeds also increase the availability of insulin. It is best to snack on jamun for effective results. You can let the seeds dry and make a powder that can be consumed regularly before meals to fight diabetes very effectively.”

    According to a study published in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, jamun seeds reduce the blood glucose level significantly and also regulate the insulin levels in hyperglycaemic rats. The conclusion said that jamun seeds have potent prophylactic role against hyperglycaemia. In this respect, diet-based regimen may be tailored using jamun seeds.

    Jamun seeds are known to be great healing medication for diabetics

    How To Use Jamun For Treating Diabetes

    Although the fruit pulp is great for controlling blood sugar levels, Jamun seed powder is believed to be more effective.

    You can prepare the seed powder in your home by separating seeds, washing them and sun drying for a day.

    Then remove the outer shell of the seeds and dry the remaining green inner part till they are completely free from water or moisture. Now powder these dried ones. Thats it, you have your own home prepared seed powder.

    Or you can even buy Jamun seed powder online.

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    Quinoa And Jamun Salad

    Quinoa is one of the best pseudo-grains that has recently gained immense popularity in the world of fitness. A healthy yet delicious combination of quinoa, jamun, tomatoes, spring onions and cucumbers makes this salad a perfect addition to your diabetic diet.

    Diabetic Diet: A healthy combination of quinoa, jamun makes this salad a perfect addition to your diet.

    Health experts around the world stress on the fact that diabetics must include high fibre fruits like jamun in their diet. There are various ways of adding jamun to your daily diet, but make sure you consult your doctor before doing so.

    Nutritional Benefits Of Jamun Juice:

    à¤à¤¾à¤®à¥?न सà¥?मà¥à¤¦à¥à¤¸à¥? (Jamun Smoothie / Diabetic Snacks Recipe) by Tarla Dalal


    The polyphenolic ingredients present in the fruit play a significant role in the treatment of diabetes, heart problems and cancer.


    Honey or flavoured honey is known for lowering high blood pressure, improves good cholesterol and reduces the levels of triglycerides in the blood. Regular intake of honey helps in shedding that extra fat in the body.

    Gingerol, being the active ingredient of ginger is used as an expectorant for providing relief from cough and cold. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger also help in treating osteoarthritis and issues related to bones.

    Black Salt:

    The presence of iron and minerals in the black salt make the juice healthy for people suffering from mild hypertension and for those on low sodium diet. Black salt helps in restoring electrolyte balance in your body, relieves from heart burn, stomach bloating and boosts your digestive metabolism.

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    Fruit Pulp Can Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

    The fruit pulp of Jamun may also help you in decreasing your blood sugar levels and can also act as a nephroprotective agent .

    Research conducted by administering water and ethanolic extracts of Jamun fruit pulp on alloxan induced rabbits had resulted in a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels and increased blood glucose tolerance. The study said water extract is effective than ethanolic extract and also said that insulin production in the treated animals is two and half times more than untreated ones .

    Apart from the pulp and the seed, studies conducted on Jamun bark also said to have promising anti-diabetic properties .

    Jamun Powder For Diabetes: Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels With Natural Ingredients

    Jamun powder
    Can even help you strengthen your teeth and gums
    • Works as a detoxifying agent to help you cleanse your body of impurities
    • Can help you boost your metabolism which can ultimately help you lose some weight
    • Great for your bowel movements. Regular consumption of jamun powder in the form of jamun juice can even help you eliminate digestive troubles to an extent
    • Easy to incorporate in your diet plan and a better alternative than chemical compounds
    • Available all around the year and can be stored for a long time. So, you need not worry about your blood sugar levels when fresh jamun fruits are not available in the market

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    Which Part Of Jamun Tree Is Used For Treating Diabetes

    Research shows that both the fruit pulp and the seeds of jamun have antidiabetic properties.

    Jamun seeds have been found to be more potent than the fruit pulp. It has also been observed that jamun seeds have higher phenolic compounds than the pulp. Since phenolic compounds have antidiabetic effects, the seeds are more potent.

    One study observed that jamun varieties with smaller fruits exhibited greater antidiabetic properties than those with larger fruits.Gajera, H. P., Shila N. Gevariya, Darshna G. Hirpara, S. V. Patel, and B. A. Golakiya. Antidiabetic and antioxidant functionality associated with phenolic constituents from fruit parts of Continue reading

    Jamun Fruit Smoothie Black Plum Smoothie Recipe

    Benefits Of Jamun Fruit For Diabetes

    Refreshing, healthy, and delicious Jamun smoothie recipe. Serve it with brunch or a mid-morning snack. It is good for people with diabetes. Nutrients present in Jamun fruit are good for our health. It also has an antibacterial property and is used in many medicines.


    • 1 cup deseeded Jamun
    • 1 cup curd or yoghurt
    • 15-30 ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
    • Crushed ice, as required

    Preparation Method: 30 min

    Estimated calories: 220 kcals

    • To make the smooth recipe, combine deseeded jamun with desired Nurturic Jamun Juice in a mixer jar or blender until smooth.
    • After that, add the milk, and crushed ice and blend for a few seconds.
    • Serve a healthy and delicious Jamun fruit smoothie alongside a nutritious breakfast.

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    The Fruit Indian Blackberry Or Jamun Starts Coming In Abundance In The Summer Season Also Called Java Plum It Is Rich In Medicinal Properties And Prevents Many Diseases While On The One Hand They Are Good For Health At Times They Can Prove To Be Harmful

    Side Effects of Jamun: These people should not consume Java Plum. Know why

    The fruit, Indian Blackberry or Jamun, starts coming in abundance in the summer season. Also called Java Plum, it is rich in medicinal properties and prevents many diseases. Along with strengthening immunity, eating Jamun provides innumerable benefits. It does not just recover blood deficiency in the body, it is also the best medicine to control blood sugar levels. The pulp, as well as the kernel of Jamun and leaves, protect against many diseases. While on the one hand, they are good for health, at times they can prove to be harmful.

    Many people start over-consuming Jamun after knowing about its benefits. But doing so can be dangerous for you. According to Ayurveda, anything should be consumed only in the form of medicine. i.e. in limited quantity. Sometimes excessive consumption becomes the cause of many other diseases. Know what are the problems you can face if you over-consume Jamun-

    Does Turmeric Help Diabetes

    Turmeric is also known as Curcuma Longa by its botanical name. It has been long used in Indian cooking. It is an active ingredient in the Indian and Chinese traditional medicine. But the real question is can turmeric help diabetes??It is used in pain relief, cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Curcumin reduces sugar and cholesterol levels along with liver protection. The main activity of turmeric is reducing the inflammation caused by diabetes complications. It has the ability to suppress the activity of the macrophages causing inflammation. Studies show that using turmeric diabetes can be controlled.

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    Turmeric improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance. This is like the effect of physical activity by helping insulin enter the cells. It protects the beta cells that produce insulin. Though turmeric is added to many foods in Indian cuisine, it is also consumed as capsules. Studies point out the use of pepper along with turmeric for better absorption. Otherwise, the very little that enters the body is also flushed out.

    It is a known fact that turmeric serves as a beneficial addition to the low-glycemic diet. This can help to control diabetes.

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