Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Long You Can Live With Diabetes

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How Hospice Can Help With End

Living with Type 1 diabetes | Erin’s Story | Diabetes UK

Hospice supports not just the patient, but the family and family caregiver, by providing a number of different services that help satisfy their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

The Crossroads team consists of doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, and volunteers ready to help. If you would like to learn more, please select one of the contact options from the blue Help Center bar to speak with someone 24/7.

Make A Routine To Visit Your Doctor

This is one of the tips that you must follow. You must make a habit to be with your doctor friend at regular intervals. These visits will help you to understand what is good for you and you will also not have to fight the disease alone. You should always seek medical advice even though the change may look small. If you are not following your regular diet due to certain conditions, you must visit your doctor to know the further course of action.

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Understanding Diabetes From Other Causes

In addition to type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, a small minority of people develop specific types of diabetes due to other causes. This includes:

  • Monogenic diabetes syndromes, such as neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young
  • Diseases of the exocrine pancreas, such as cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis
  • Drug or chemical-induced diabetes, such as with glucocorticoid use, in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or after organ transplantation

Because these types of diabetes are rare, they are often misdiagnosed as other types of diabetes. You can learn more about these types of diabetes in the Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes section in the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. If you think you might have one of these types, be sure to talk with your doctor.

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Mortality And Expected Life Expectancy

For the period 20122015 the total population of Bulgaria decreased by 130768 people, with the mortality remaining constant at approx. 1.5% throughout the observed period. A small increase of about 0.03% can be seen in 2015, compared to 2012. Male mortality comprised a higher percentage of death cases than female in all years, but no variations were observable. Female mortality showed higher variability with 2013 having the lowest percentage share of women and 2015 the highest . The relative proportion of death cases in the diabetes group as a share of the total number of death cases in the non-diabetic population increased from 13.6% to 21% in 2015 . Interestingly, female mortality percentages were higher for diabetics. Female diabetics had higher mortality than male in all observed years however this discrepancy can be explained by the fact that females comprise a higher share of the diabetic population. To put these proportions into context, male mortality decreased from 2012 to 2015 , whereas female mortality increased by 1.42%.

How To Prevent Canine Diabetes

Explainer: what is diabulimia?

Preventing diabetes in dogs is not easy.

For many dogs, diabetes is in their genes, but spaying your female dog is one easy way to prevent insulin-resistant diabetes caused by diestrus or pregnancy.

Obesity is often linked with diabetes, but in canines, Dr. OKell says, its not proven to be a direct cause. That said, obesity is believed to contribute to insulin resistance , so preventing it may lead to more effective treatment.

Pancreatitis is known to be a risk factor for canine diabetes. Pancreatitis can be genetic but can also be a result of feeding fatty foods such as pork and other meat products.

Feed your dog a healthy, balanced dog food and restrict extras to fruits and vegetables.

“Avoiding overfeeding and regular exercise are the keys to maintaining a lean body weight,” Dr. OKell says. “If you are not sure how much to feed your dog, your veterinarian can help you come up with a dietary plan to prevent obesity.”

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Life Expectancy For Dogs With Diabetes

Some people may ask, If my dogs has diabetes, should I put him down? The answer is no.

Dogs with diabetes can live a happy life without any symptoms of their disease, but it does require effort on your part.

If you are able to give your dog insulin, diabetes may not affect life expectancy.

If they live past the first three months, they do really well. Excluding dogs that dont make it through those first few months, the median survival is two years, Dr. Behrend says. In fact, a lot won’t even die of diabetes.

Many of the dogs who pass away from diabetes do so before it can be regulated. These dogs also tend to have other diseases that complicate treatment or cause them to be very sick.

Life Expectancy With Type 1 Diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesnt make enough insulina hormone that helps carry glucose to the bodys cells to use for energy. Five to 10% of people with diabetes have type 1. Type 1 diabetes is most frequently diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. This means that people with type 1 diabetes can spend a large part of their lives with the condition.

The average person with type 1 diabetes has a shorter lifespan than a person without itbut the life expectancy gap is shrinking. Research in the 1970s estimated that people with type 1 diabetes could expect to live 27 fewer years, on average, than people without the disease. However, a recent study out of Scotland reports that men with lose an estimated 11 years and women 13 years of life, on average. A study out of the United States also reports significant improvement in life expectancy: People who were diagnosed in the 1970s have a longer life expectancy compared to people diagnosed in the 1950s. This is most likely due to earlier recognition of disease in children in the last 50 years and better treatment.

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Why Take Care Of Your Diabetes

Taking care of yourself and your diabetes can help you feel good today and in the future. When your blood sugar is close to normal, you are likely to:

  • have more energy
  • Ask your health care team what type of diabetes you have.

  • Learn where you can go for support.

  • Learn how caring for your diabetes helps you feel good today and in the future.

Diabetes And Kidney Failure

How You Can Live Better with Type 2 Diabetes

Before understanding about dialysis, let us first understand what causes kidney failure in diabetes. If you are not able to manage your diabetes in an effective manner, the process of smooth blood circulation is hindered. Besides, you could also experience damage to the various nerves and blood vessels. When the damage is caused by the nerves and the blood vessels of the kidney, the kidneys stop doing the normal activities that they are responsible for. As a result, you experience the following problems:

  • Accumulation of harmful wastes in your body
  • Inability to make the required number of red blood cells
  • Accumulation of fluid in the body

As a result, the body suffers from a lot of complications. Hence, it is imperative that the condition of kidney failure is appropriately treated. There are various ways of treating the same. But we shall concentrate on dialysis in this article.

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The Lifespan Of Individuals With Prediabetes:

Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not enough to be classified as diabetes. Generally, people with this condition have blood glucose levels in the following range

  • Fasting: between 100mg/dl and 126mg/dl
  • After meals: between 140 and 200mg/dl

It can progress to type 2 diabetes unless the blood sugar levels are controlled. It is a common misunderstanding that prediabetes is not a health risk unless it progresses to type 2. Any amount of increased blood sugar is harmful to the body, putting the affected people at an increased risk for heart attack, stroke and kidney problems.

A study performed at a Health Center in Detroit showed that 36% of the prediabetes patients had coronary heart disease with diabetes patients showing 42% which is much higher than the normal people . Hence prediabetes should well be considered as a stage 1 diabetes. Once the prediabetes status of the patient progresses to type 2 diabetes, it is subjected to the same lifespan risks associated with type 2.

People are usually unaware of the condition. Hence, the first critical step in prediabetes management should be to increase awareness of the condition, to prevent its advancement to type 2 diabetes.

Complications Of Undiagnosed Diabetes

Having undiagnosed diabetes means that your body is not metabolizing sugar properly, which leads to elevated levels of sugar in the blood.

Elevated blood sugar can also cause acute conditions, such as diabetic ketoacidosis or hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome . Both conditions are emergency situations and should be treated right away in a hospital.

When blood sugars are elevated for an extended period of time without being treated, long-term complications will occur. An excess of sugar can affect the small and large vessels in the body, which can cause problems in organs all over the body.

Some of these complications include retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, periodontal disease, and peripheral vascular disease. These complications can reduce the quality of life.

Multiple conditions often go in hand in hand or contribute to one another. But, with detection and screening, people can receive adequate treatment and reduce the risk of these complications.

People with gestational diabetes can have healthy pregnancies. However, without proper diagnosis and intervention, gestational diabetes can lead to serious conditions, such as birth defects, having an extra-large baby , preeclampsia , C-section, stillbirth, and hypoglycemia .

The ADA offers a 60-second risk assessment screening you can use. Keep in mind that this risk assessment is specifically for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

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Symptoms Of Chronic Renal Failure

In the early stages of renal failure, most people dont feel any different. The lack of symptoms makes yearly screenings very important at detection and treatment of early renal failure. You can lose half of your kidney functioning and still not know it. Once the disease progresses further, the first sign is swelling in the hands, face, feet or ankles. In addition, increased protein in the urine can make the urine foamy.

Other symptoms that present themselves with chronic renal failure are listed in the image below:

How does diabetes affect the kidneys, and can diabetes cause renal failure?

Without a doubt diabetes affects the kidneys adversely and can cause renal failure. We have seen that it is the number one reason that a person has renal failure. When we digest our food, the body turns the food into waste products. The kidneys, having many tiny holes in them, act as a filter for the waste products. Normally, protein and red blood cells are too large to pass through the million filters in the kidneys.

When a person has diabetes, they damage their filtration system. High blood sugar causes the kidneys to filter the blood excessively. This is due to diabetes causing the rise of chemicals that are found in the kidneys that cause the glomeruli to leak and let the protein through. The filters get clogged up and wear out eventually. They can start to leak after many years of this. Thats when you start to see protein and blood when testing urine.

Did you know

Types Of Kidney Failure

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Related to the kidneys, two bean-shaped organs located in the upper abdominal cavity, there are two different kinds of failure.

First, there is Acute Kidney Failure. This kind of kidney failure is usually reversible, and there is usually a cause for it. In Chronic Kidney Failure, there is usually also a cause, but the damage is irreversible.

In Chronic Kidney failure, the damage is not an acute attack on the kidneys, but rather a chronic wearing down of the kidneys functioning over time. People with diabetes can have acute kidney failure. However, they most often have chronic kidney failure.

I advise reading the following articles:

Chronic Renal failure in people with diabetes, or diabetic kidney disease

For our purposes, we will focus on chronic kidney failure.

Chronic kidney failure in people with diabetes can be referred to as diabetic kidney disease. In chronic kidney failure with diabetes, there is a decrease in urine, or an absence of urine, or an increase in the level of waste products in the blood as indicated by increased creatinine or urea levels in the bloodstream. Blood loss and protein loss in the urine can also signal kidney insufficiency or failure.

Two kinds of diabetic kidney disease

There are two kinds of diabetic kidney disease. The type that you may have is related to the amount of protein that is found in your urine. The two kinds of diabetic kidney disease are:

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Symptoms Of Undiagnosed Diabetes

There are many different types of diabetes, but most undiagnosed diabetes cases are likely to be type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90% to 95% of all diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association says, Type 2 diabetes frequently goes undiagnosed for many years because hyperglycemia develops gradually and, at earlier stages, is often not severe enough for the patient to notice the classic diabetes symptoms.

Prediabetes , the precursor to type 2 diabetes, can take years to develop and be present without symptoms. If there are symptoms, they can be ignored or mistaken.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the body mistakenly attacks the beta cells of the pancreas, ultimately leading to absolute insulin deficiency. Insulin is the hormone responsible for letting glucose enter the cells so that it can be utilized for energy.

In children, type 1 diabetes symptoms can come on more suddenly, while in adults the symptoms may not present as routinely. Type 1 diabetes in children is often characterized by rapid weight loss, excessive thirst, and urination.

A person with type 1 diabetes who is not treated can develop a very serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis . Oftentimes, newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes occurs when a person is experiencing DKA. The ADA states that nearly one-third of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are in DKA.

What Is Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects blood sugar regulation. A person’s immune system makes antibodies that destroy the insulin-producing islet beta cells in the pancreas. The pancreas then fails to make insulin. Without insulin, blood sugar increases and cannot be delivered to the muscles and brain where it is needed. Over time, high blood sugar can lead to a number of complications such as kidney, nerve, and eye damage, and cardiovascular disease. Moreover, cells do not receive the glucose necessary for energy and normal function.

Because type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, cures will likely involve replacing the damaged pancreas or promoting regeneration or functioning of the pancreas. Because people with type 1 diabetes can no longer produce their own insulin, they must inject doses of insulin. They must match the amount of insulin they inject with their diet. Keeping blood sugar in a normal, healthy range is the key to preventing long-term complications.

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Life Expectancy In Cats With Diabetes

The life expectancy of cats with diabetes varies depending on the specifics of their situation. For a cat that is otherwise in good health, diabetes that is well-regulated may not shorten their life.

However, some cats are more difficult to regulate or have an interfering disease, so their prognosis may be different depending on the illness.

How Is Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosed

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  • Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed with a blood test for blood glucose.
  • If it is greater than 125 when fasting or greater than 200 randomly, a diagnosis of diabetes is made. To confirm whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes, blood tests are used to measure antibodies.
  • Additionally, a presumptive diagnosis can be made based on glucose or ketones in the urine.
  • A c-peptide test can determine how much insulin the pancreas is producing.
  • Genetic testing, such as HLA subtyping, can add further understanding of the disease.

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Diabetes And Renal Failure: Everything You Need To Know

By Elisabeth Almekinder RN, BA, CDE

Unfortunately, renal failure or nephropathy and unmanaged diabetes go hand in hand. In addition, 50 percent of people with diabetes will experience some form of kidney damage in their lifetime, even if they never experience kidney failure or end up on dialysis.

In this article, we will look at how renal failure and insufficiency can have an impact on people with diabetes, and how people with diabetes can avoid renal failure and dialysis. We will look at risk factors, causes, and symptoms, as we explore the relationship between renal failure, diabetes, and high blood glucose.

We will also look at what happens to a person with diabetes when their kidneys fail. We will discuss dialysis and kidney transplantation.

First, lets see what Lydia had to say when she contacted TheDiabetesCouncil.

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Life Expectancy

Diabetes and lifespan

Type 2 diabetes typically shows up later in life, although the incidence in younger people is increasing. The disease, which is characterized by high blood glucose , or hyperglycemia, usually results from a combination of unhealthy lifestyle habits, obesity, and genes. Over time, untreated hyperglycemia can lead to serious, life-threatening complications. Type 2 diabetes also puts you at risk for certain health conditions that can reduce your life expectancy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , diabetes is the 7th most common cause of death in the United States. However, there is no defining statistic to tell you how long youll live with type 2 diabetes. The better you have your diabetes under control, the lower your risk for developing associated conditions that may shorten your lifespan.

The top cause of death for people with type 2 diabetes is cardiovascular disease. This is due to the fact that high blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels, and also because people with type 2 diabetes often have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and other factors that increase the risk of heart disease.

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