Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Ed Caused By Diabetes Reversible

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Diabetes & Ed Treatment

4 Ways to Reverse Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes

Oral medications typically work about 50 percent of the time for men with diabetes. Penile pumps are also good options, if medications dont work. Other men may choose injection therapy, which is a treatment where you inject the penis with a small needle when you want an erection.

Penile implants are another ED treatment. Implants last 1215 years on average.

All of these treatment options have pros and cons. Men should consider what works best for their lifestyles when chatting with their provider about the best choice for them.

Erectile dysfunction is frustrating and stressful for men and their partners. Its not something people should just live with,Dr. Hotaling said. If youre struggling with ED, talk to your health care provider. Sometimes its an unrelated problem. Other times, its linked to something more serious, like diabetes or heart disease. Regardless, its worth getting treated.

Effects Of Liraglutide On Regulating The Rhoa/rock Pathway In Vivo And In Vitro

Downregulation of the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway is involved in penile erection by regulating the contractile state of CCSMCs. Western blotting analysis in vivo demonstrated that expression levels of RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were markedly increased in the DMED group than in the control group . After liraglutide administration, evident decreases in RhoA and ROCK2 were shown in the DMED + Lir group . This trend was also seen in CCSMCs after administration of HG and liraglutide .

Figure 4 Effects of liraglutide on regulating RhoA/ROCK pathway in vivo and in vitro. Representative immunoblot and quantification of ROCK1, ROCK2 and RhoA among the groups in the corpus cavernosum. Representative immunoblot and quantification of ROCK1, ROCK2 and RhoA among the groups in CCSMCs. The quantitative data of -actin: 1, 1.15, and 0.91, respectively in 4B and 1, 1.04, 1.19, and 1.28, respectively in 4D. Data are expressed as means ± SD. *P < 0.05 vs. the control group #P < 0.05 vs. the DMED group or the HG group & P < 0.05 vs. the HG + Lir group. CCSMCs, corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells DMED, diabetes mellitus-induced erectile dysfunction Lir, liraglutide HG, high glucose Exe, Exendin RhoA, Ras homolog gene family ROCK, Rho-associated protein kinase.

Make Changes That Count

“The term ‘reversal’ is used when people can go off medication but still must engage in a lifestyle program in order to stay off,” says Ann Albright, PhD, RD. She’s the director of diabetes translation at the CDC.

Shedding extra pounds and keeping them off can help you better control your blood sugar.

For some people, reaching a healthier weight will mean taking fewer medications, or in rarer cases, no longer needing those medications at all.

Losing 5% to 10% of your body weight and building up to 150 minutes of exercise a week may help you to slow or stop the progress of type 2 diabetes.

“If you sit most of the day, 5 or 10 minutes is going to be great,” Albright says. “Walk to your mailbox. Do something that gets you moving, knowing that you’re looking to move towards 30 minutes most days of the week.”

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Erectile Dysfunction And Diabetes: Is There A Connection

Erectile dysfunction is common in men with diabetes. Why does high blood sugar cause ED and can erectile dysfunction in diabetics be reversed? Read this article to find out.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than37 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes mellitus and an additional 88 million Americans one in three haveprediabetes.

This is likely an underestimate because roughly7.3 million adults ages 18 and older have diabetes but dont know it. The surge in diabetes mellitus over the last few decades is due to the fact so many people are overweight or obese, dont exercise much, and eat a lot of unhealthy food, all factors that are also linked to erectile dysfunction .

Out of the two types of diabetes , type 2 diabetes mellitus is by far the most common, accounting for 95% of the diabetes cases. Men arenearly twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared with women. This leaves males vulnerable to common risks of type 2 diabetes, including erectile dysfunction.

But just because you have diabetes doesnt mean you have to develop ED. There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing sexual dysfunction related to diabetes, so that your sex life doesnt suffer. In a minute well go into exactly what those steps are. First, though, lets dive deeper into the effect of diabetes on sexual health.

Reversing Erectile Dysfunction From Diabetes With Medication

Articles about Cialis :: What is the link between diabetes and erectile ...

You may have heard of Viagra. Its practically a household name thanks to effective advertising. Viagra is one of several medications used to treat erectile dysfunction. There are several different medications in the class. Together, theyre the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Available medications are

  • sildenafil
  • vardenafil
  • avanafil

Approximately 50 to 70 percent of men with diabetes respond favorably to the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. If this medication doesnt work for you or youd rather not take it, there are a few other options for medication.

Testosterone replacement therapy is a common approach. Additionally, doctors sometimes prescribe medication in the form of pills, suppositories, and injections, all designed to increase blood flow to the penis.

If pharmaceutical treatment isnt effective, herbal treatments and alternative remedies might work well instead.

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Other Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Listed below are some other reasons for ED:

  • psychological problems including stress, anxiety, and depression
  • nervous system problems including damage to spinal cord or brain
  • smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and using some illegal drugs
  • some medications such as those taken for high blood pressure and depression

Pelvic injury or surgery on the prostate, bowel or bladder may cause damage to nerves connected to the penis. This nerve damage can also lead to ED.

How Sexual Health Clinics Can Help With Erection Problems

Sexual health clinics treat problems with sexual health. They can provide the same treatment you would get at your GP surgery.

Many sexual health clinics offer a walk-in service, where you do not need an appointment.

They’ll often get test results quicker than GP practices.

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Communication Is Erectile Dysfunction Caused By Diabetes Reversible

Although it can be challenging, open communication can aid decrease a few of the troubles connected with ED.

To prevent pain set off by ED, some men may prevent showing affection to their companion, as ED can stimulate sensations of feeling of shame or humiliation.

This may result in a spouse feeling rejected or unattractive considering that they regard this as being declined.

There is no indicator that ED makes them any kind of less macho or more effective. Instead of concentrating on sexual relationships, we should focus on an individuals health and wellness as well as likewise wellness.

Dont Ignore Erectile Dysfuntion: Its Treatable


If you are a man with diabetes, weve got good news and bad news about your sex life.

The bad news: Men with diabetes are three times more likely to report having problems with sex than non-diabetic men. The most common sexual problem is Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, sometimes called impotence. Even worse, because ED is such a private issue, many men feel embarrassed to discuss the problem with their doctor, or even their partner, so the problem is never addressed.

The good news: ED is one of the most treatable complications of diabetes. In fact, over 95 percent of cases can be successfully treated. With proven treatments available, diabetic men with ED have options. It isnt something youor your partnershould have to live with.

What ED Isand What It Isnt ED means the repeated inability to achieve or sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Although sexual vigor generally declines with age, a man who is healthy, physically and emotionally, should be able to produce erections, and enjoy sexual intercourse, regardless of his age. ED is not an inevitable part of the aging process.

ED does not mean: An occasional failure to achieve an erection. The adage is true: It really does happen to everyone. All men experience occasional difficulties with erection, usually related to fatigue, illness, alcohol or drug use, or stress. It isnt fun, but it is totally normal.

You are not alone others have faced these difficulties. ED is treatable you do have options!

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Can Erectile Dysfunction Caused By Diabetes Be Reversed

Yes, erectile dysfunction caused by diabetes can be reversed in many cases.

ED is a common condition to occur and almost 30 million men are affected in America. In few cases, it often reversed with or without medication.

Plenty of men ask, is ed reversible in a diabetic patient? The answer is yes, it is.

In one of the study published by Journal of Sexual Medicine founded 29 percent of reverse rate after 5 years.

Though its true that most men will experience one episode of problem in achieving erection while sexual activity. And in some cases, men cannot even sustain an erection.

Also remember that if ED is not cured completely, still you can eliminate its symptoms with proper treatment.

Can Ed Be Reversed

Due to its complexity and multiple contributing factors, ED treatment can be involved. However, prevention or delay of ED is possible if a person with diabetes can keep their blood glucose levels at goal. This isn’t always simple, as diabetes self-management is also complex and multilayered.

Getting your blood sugar under control and maintaining it is an ongoing process. But you can find support, resources, and education to get you to your goals. Below are some simple steps to get you on your way.

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Good News: Ed Is Reversible

ED has a variety of causes, and many of the underlying health conditions that contribute to ED are addressable just by changes to your lifestyle.

Common causes of ED include obesity, stress, depression, diabetes, alcoholism, and even other medications. Many of these are addressable with the right interventions and medical help, and alleviating them can in turn alleviate the symptoms of ED.

Some of the quickest ways to reverse ED:

– Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting regular exercise

– Having a good emotional support system or physician in place to deal with mental health issues like stress, anxiety or depression

– Addressing chronic health issues like diabetes with the right interventions and regular health checkups

– Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption

– Identifying medications that may be causing or contributing to ED, with the consult of a registered physician

It’s worth talking to your physician about whether any other underlying health conditions are contributing to your ED problems. This may especially be the case if you recognize that you’ve had major health changes. Weight gain and stress are both substantial contributing factors, and for many men these issues set in around the same time that ED prevalence begins to rise – in your 30s, 40s, and 50s as professional stresses and family requirements change how much time you have to yourself.

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Exactly How To Consider Sex In A Different Way

Viagra: The Erection Game

Love can be obtained in a range of approaches without relying on the strength of an erection. Try to establish proximity rather than penetrating.


All 4 medicines boost the end results of nitric oxide a natural chemical your body produces that unwinds muscles in the penis.

At work to sex-related exhilaration, this elevates blood circulation in addition to aiding you to get an erection.

An erection is not immediately produced by taking these tablet computers. Initial nitric oxide launch from your penile nerves requires to be set off by sex-related enjoyment.

These drugs amplify that signal, permitting regular penile functions in some people.

Oral erectile dysfunction drugs are not aphrodisiacs, will certainly not produce satisfaction along are not needed in individuals that obtain typical erections.

It is necessary to keep in mind that the dosages, durations, as well as unfavorable effects of the medications, differ. In addition to flushing and also nasal obstruction, unfavorable effects include migraines, visual adjustments, backaches, in addition to acid indigestion.

In order to identify which drug will certainly function best for you, your physician will definitely analyze your detailed circumstances. Sadly, these medicines would absolutely not operate right now.

You would definitely need to handle your medical professional to find the most efficient medication along with dose for you.

Some drugs can additionally be dangerous if you:

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Sexual And Urologic Problems In Diabetes And Ed

Sexual and urologic problems are common in diabetes. Erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes is linked to anincreased risk of urinary incontinence. In men with both erectile dysfunction and diabetes, the incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms like incontinence was 31.9% higher than in diabetics who didnt have erectile dysfunction.

Assessment Of Erectile Function In Vivo

After the administration for 4 weeks, an electrostimulation test was conducted to evaluate the erectile function of all the rats . The rats were anesthetized by pentobarbital . Then the left carotid artery of rats was exposed and mean atrial blood pressure was recorded continuously by intubation in the biological signal system. In the meanwhile, the corpus cavernosum was isolated and the cavernous nerves were exposed. By stimulating the nerves with a bipolar electrode , the intracavernous pressure was recorded. Then the erectile function was quantified by the maximal ICP and MAP . After the measurement of erectile function, the rats were sacrificed and corpus cavernosum was dissected from the penile tissue. Then it was cut into three pieces after discarding the part inserted by the needle. The middle piece was maintained in paraffin for histologic studies and the remaining pieces were collected and stored at 80°C for ROS detection and other experiments.

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How To Reverse Erectile Dysfunction From Diabetes: Know And Address The Risk Factors

While up to 75 percent of men with diabetes develop ED, 25 percent do not. ED is not inevitable. If you do develop ED, youre not doomed for life. Knowing risk factors for this sexual disorder can help you prevent it from happening or treat it when it develops. Common risk factors for erectile dysfunction in diabetes include:

  • Poorly managed blood sugar levels, including chronically high blood sugar
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Anxiety
  • Taking certain medications, such as for diabetic nerve pain, blood pressure, or depression

Part of reversing erectile dysfunction with diabetes involves managing these risk factors, for the more you can eliminate, the better your chances of ending ED.

In addition to addressing the risk factors, there are other treatment approaches to reverse ED: medication herbs, supplements and alternative remedies, and lifestyle. Lets explore each of these.

Can Metformin Cause Impotence

How to reverse diabetes in 3 steps – Neal Barnard, MD

Diabetic patient can better know the importance of Metformin but many users want to know, does taking metformin cause erectile dysfunction?

Well, I would like to say that usage of Metformin decreases testosterone level, lead to erectile dysfunction and also lower sex drive in men .

But few studies shows that Metformin used to treat Type 2 diabetes can cure ED as well. Some scientist also believes that this can be an alternative drug for Viagra.

Therefore, its a confusion for many men whether it will be helpful or not, so its better to consult your doctor once before you take it.

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Can Diabetic Patient Take Viagra To Overcome Ed

Generally men with diabetes suffer from ED and fail to achieve an erection. And due to this, lots of men try different oral medications to overcome ED and in this context, one famous name is Viagra.

But Can you take Viagra if you have diabetes?

Its true that oral therapy has cured ED successfully with diabetic men.

Around 50% of type 1 diabetes men have used Viagra and seen improvement in erection level whereas around 60% of Type 2 diabetes men also found it helpful .

Hence, as you can see that most of the diabetes patient have found it helpful so there is no harm in taking Viagra to overcome ED, but once you should also take advice from your doctor.

Diabetes Doesnt Have To Ruin Your Sex Life

The reasons for sexual dysfunction are different for each person. Its the role of your provider to tease things out to get to the bottom of whats causing the concerns, says Avadhanula. But some people go years without saying anything to their doctor.

According to Avadhanula, approximately 80% of patients reported they prefer if a doctor asks about sexual function, so they dont have to bring it up. If your provider doesnt ask about your sex life, bring up any concerns because sex is an important component of a high-quality life.

Avadhanula says providers will ask a series of questions to determine the cause of the sexual dysfunction. Your provider will also perform a physical exam. This approach helps your doctor determine what the cause could be and how to treat it.

There are treatment options for both men and women, says Avadhanula. You may not see instant success but keep talking with your care team to move to the next option. There is hope that you can resume an active, enjoyable sex life.

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Treatment For Erection Problems Depends On The Cause

Treatments for erectile dysfunction are usually effective and the problem often goes away.

There are also specific treatments for some of the causes of erectile dysfunction.

Treatments for some causes of erectile dysfunction

Possible cause
Hormone replacement
Side effects of prescribed medicine Change to medicine after discussion with GP

Medicine such as sildenafil is also often used by doctors to treat erectile dysfunction. It’s also available from pharmacies.

Because of changes in regulations, you no longer need a prescription to get sildenafil.

But you’ll have to have a consultation with the pharmacist to make sure it’s safe for you to take it.

There are other similar medicines called tadalafil , vardenafil and avanafil that work in a similar way.

You’ll still need a prescription to get these medicines.

You can buy sildenafil over the internet. Be very careful if you do this as many websites sell fake medicines.

Online medicines are not always regulated and the ingredients in them can vary from one pack to another. They can cause unpleasant side effects, or may not be suitable for you.

It’s best to see a doctor before buying medicines online. They know your medical history and can discuss whether you might benefit from treatment.

If you choose to buy sildenafil on the internet, make sure:

  • do not cycle for a while

  • do not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week

The Sexual Advice Association has factsheets on medicines and other treatments for erectile dysfunction.

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