Saturday, September 7, 2024

Diabetes Frequent Urination At Night

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8 Causes of Frequent Urination – Dr. Sharat Honnatti

If you see any of the above symptoms in your child or teen, call your pediatrician. Increased urination and odorless, pale urine should always be red flags as they may signal water imbalance.

Children with DI are also at an increased risk for dehydration if they dont replenish the loss of water, so they need to be observed for signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, sluggishness, muscle weakness, dizziness, few or no tears when crying, rapid heart beat, fever, lack of sweating and extreme thirst.

Feeling Hungrier And More Tired Than Usual

When you eat, your digestive system gets to work digesting that food. As you digest, your digestive system converts food into glucose, which your body uses for energy. But if you have diabetes, your body doesnt send enough glucose to your cells. This can leave you feeling ravenous and needing a nap, even if you just ate.”If your body isn’t making enough insulin youll have less energy and your appetite may change, Dr. Jameson says.

Reducing Nocturia And Getting Better Sleep

Because it can have significant health consequences and connections to other illnesses, it is important to talk to your doctor about bothersome nocturia. A doctor can help identify the most likely cause and appropriate therapy for any specific individual.

When an underlying condition is causing nocturia, treating that condition may reduce the nighttime trips to the bathroom. Many patients with nocturia are treated with medications or have adjustments to their existing medications .

A number of lifestyle changes can help reduce problematic nocturia. These changes are designed to reduce nocturnal urine production and include:

  • Reducing evening fluid intake, especially before bed.
  • Elevating the legs an hour or more before bed in order to reduce the resorption and conversion of peripheral edema to urine during sleep.

Focusing on sleep hygiene, which includes your bedroom environment and sleep habits, can reduce awakenings during which you notice a need to go to the bathroom. Examples of healthy sleep tips include:

Working with a doctor and making lifestyle changes can reduce the number of bathroom trips you take each night, but they often may not eliminate them completely. For that reason, its important to take steps to make those trips as safe as possible, especially for older people.

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What Are The Causes Of Nocturia

There are many possible causes of nocturia, depending on the type. The types of nocturia include:

  • Polyuria.
  • Nocturnal urinary frequency.


People with polyuria urinate > 3,000mL in 24 hours. This is usually caused by there being too much water filtered by the kidneys. It can also happen if something is in the urine, pulling the extra water out, such as sugar .

The causes of polyuria can include:

Nocturnal polyuria

Those with nocturnal polyuria experience a high urine volume only at night. Their urine volume during the day is normal or reduced. This is usually due to fluid retention during the day that often accumulated in the feet or legs. Once you lie down to sleep, gravity no longer holds the fluid in your legs. It can re-enter your veins and be filtered by your kidneys, producing urine.

The causes of nocturnal polyuria can include:

  • Congestive heart failure.
  • Edema of lower extremities .
  • Sleeping disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea .
  • Certain drugs, including diuretics , cardiac glycosides, demeclocycline, lithium, methoxyflurane, phenytoin, propoxyphene, and excessive vitamin D.
  • Drinking too much fluid before bedtime, especially coffee, caffeinated beverages or alcohol.
  • Having a diet thats high in sodium.

Nocturnal urinary frequency

The causes of an inability to fully empty your bladder can include:

The causes of an inability of the bladder to fully fill can include:

What Causes Frequent Urination In Women

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Factors like age, habits, medical conditions and certain life circumstances can all cause you to spend too much time in the bathroom. Sometimes frequent urination can be normal and temporary for example, if youre pregnant. In other cases, its a symptom of another health condition and may require a treatment plan with your doctor. Here are 12 common causes for frequent urination in women:

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What Causes Frequent Urination With Diabetes

Polyuria in diabetes occurs when you have excess levels of sugar in the blood. Normally, when your kidneys create urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar and direct it back to the bloodstream. With type 1 diabetes, excess glucose ends up in the urine, where it pulls more water and results in more urine.

Can Frequent Urination Be Because Of Drinking Too Much Water

Many people believe that urinating more especially at night is normal because they drink a lot of water before bed. But this isnt always the case. If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, you may wake up occasionally to urinate, but if you are urinating frequently at night, there may be something else that may require medical attention.

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Cause Of Nocturia: An Irritated Bladder Or An Infection

Similarly, irritants like spicy food, alcohol, and urinary tract infections can trick your bladder into thinking its full, says Dr. Phillips. Bladder problems will also likely show up as frequent urination throughout the day, not just at night.

Another challenge to your bladder can be bladder infections. Yes, men can get them, too, particularly if they have an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, or their urethra narrows in size due to sexually transmitted infections or injuries. Other signs of a bladder infection including burning or tingling, fever, and bloody or cloudy urine.

Other Potential Causes Of Frequent Urination

Urinary Frequency, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

There is no normal amount of times to pee on a daily basis. Frequent urination is usually defined as having to go more frequently than you normally do. If thats the case, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Urinating more often than normal can result from a number of different factors. Diabetes is only one possible explanation. Some other conditions that can sometimes affect your bladder function include:

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Who Experiences Frequent Urination

The need to urinate is something that everyone feels. This shared experience isnt always consistent though. Sometimes you may need to urinate much more often than what is typical for you. This can happen to anyone. Men, women, and children can all have this symptom. However, its more common at certain times in your life or when you have other conditions. Youre more likely to frequently urinate if youre:

  • A middle-age or old adult.
  • Pregnant.

Dry Mouth And Itchy Skin

Since your body is using fluids to produce more urine than usual, there’s less moisture for other things like your mouth and skin.”You’re at risk of getting dehydrated, and your mouth will most likely feel dry,” says Dr. Jameson.

However, having these symptoms doesnt automatically mean you have diabetes.

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How Do I Know If Its Frequent Urination

The characteristics of frequent urination are easy to spot. If you feel the need to pee more than four to eight times in one day, odds are that you have issues with frequent urination. Your healthcare provider may ask you a few questions to confirm this symptom. These could include questions like:

  • What medicines are you taking?
  • How much fluid do you usually drink?
  • Are you drinking more than usual?
  • Do you drink alcohol or caffeine?

During a visit, the healthcare provider may also take a urine sample to test for bacteria and white blood cells. UTIs are typically discovered this way. An ultrasound could be used to look for tumors or other structural issues that might be causing frequent urination. Another test you may have is a cystoscopy, which is used to look inside your bladder.

Elevate Your Legs And Use Compression Stockings

How to Stop Frequent Urination in Diabetes?

Wear compression stockings or elevate your legs before you go to bed. Doing so may prevent the accumulation of fluid, i.e., fluid retention in your legs. As a result, fluid in the body is more adequately distributed and thereby reduces the need for urination.

If you dont have compression stockings, it helps to keep your legs elevated before bedtime, e.g., you can place a pillow under your legs. Another thing you can do is sit for an hour before bedtime with your legs elevated. This directs all the fluid buildup to your bladder and thereby helps you prevent nocturia or reduce your trips to the bathroom.

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Modify Your Diet Before Calling Your Doctor

Bergamo says if youre having some of these subtle symptoms try a low-carb diet of protein and green leafy vegetables. Avoid sugary drinks and drink at least 2 liters of water for a few days to see if these symptoms get better.

Subtle symptoms could be just that youre eating too many carbs and your body cant handle it, Bergamo says. It doesnt necessarily mean you have diabetes, but its a wake-up call that maybe youre headed that way.

If you have any symptoms that are frightening such as sudden numbness, weakness or chest pains, call your doctor immediately.

Are you concerned about diabetes? Talk to your doctor about having your blood glucose levels tested. Need a doctor? Find one near you.

What Should I Do If I Think Im Experiencing Type 1 Diabetes

If you find you are suddenly urinating more frequentlyespecially if its accompanied by other symptomsits important to see your doctor. As we mentioned above the dehydration that results from polyuria, or excessive urination, can lead to kidney problemsor even diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be life-threatening.

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The Initial Causes Diabetes And Frequent Urination At Night

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition in many people. This type is caused by a lack of insulin and is a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. The bodys inability to process glucose from the blood can damage many parts of the body, including the eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to avoid diabetes. Here are five tips to help you lower your risk: Eat more vegetables and fruits, get regular exercise, and avoid smoking.

High levels of triglycerides in the blood are another factor that can cause diabetes. These triglycerides are caused by a buildup of cholesterol in the blood. A high triglyceride level causes the body to misrepresent insulin as a molecule, which causes glucose to build up in the blood. A simple blood glucose test can confirm your diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. By following these tips, you can begin living a healthy life and avoid the complications of diabetes.

A person with type 2 diabetes must consume less sugar. Glucose causes thirst and dehydration because the body releases energy stores into the bloodstream instead of using insulin. If untreated, diabetes can lead to weight loss and diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition whereby the cells are deprived of energy. To prevent the condition, you must make sure that your diet is low in glycemic load and that you exercise regularly.

How To Treat Frequent Urination Caused By Diabetes

What causes frequent urination?

Treating bladder problems stemming from diabetes is best approached by treating the disease as a whole.

Simply monitoring fluid intake or scheduling bathroom trips likely wont help much, as the major problem is excess blood sugar, not excess fluid.

If you do have diabetes, your doctor will come up with a treatment plan specifically for you. In general, common treatments for diabetes include:

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Other Causes Of Frequent Urination

There are also other causes of frequent nighttime urination among children. These include the following:

  • Voiding dysfunction – this happens when your child rushes to urinate because they want to get back to playing, or for any other reason. It’s important to encourage your child to empty their bladder and take their time when they urinate.
  • Urinary tract infection – urinary tract infection or UTI has symptoms of a burning feeling when urinating, back pain, nausea, and the feeling that they have to urinate frequently. Bloody urine can also sometimes be a sign of UTI.

Whatever the cause of your child’s frequent urination might be, it’s important to get them checked out by a specialist so that you can address any potential risks or even complications in the future. Your child’s health is very important, so never disregard any unusual symptoms or behavior.

Frequent Urination At Night: Causes Treatments & Preventions

You just cannot hope to have a good night’s sleep if you have to get up and pee every hour. Medically called nocturia, frequent urge to urinate at night is more common than you might think. It is not the same as enuresis or bedwetting where a person fails to wake up from sleep to empty the bladder. Nocturia will wake you up from your sleep, so you could go to use the bathroom. It can result in sleep loss, which in turn leads to several health complications. While you may not notice serious issues if you only experience one event per night, you are likely to have daytime tiredness if you wake up two or more times per night. The condition is more common in older adults.

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Monitor Blood Sugar Levels Regularly

Checking your blood sugar levels at home is an important part of diabetes management. Monitoring blood sugar regularly helps provide insight into your blood sugar trends, including how your blood sugar responds to different lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and exercise.

People who check their blood sugar between visits with their healthcare providers tend to have better blood sugar control.

What Causes Nighttime Urination

[Infographic] Common Causes of Frequent Night Urination (Nocturia ...

Aging is one of the biggest contributing factors to nighttime urination.

As we age, the body produces less of the antidiuretic hormone that helps us retain fluid. This results in increased urine production, especially at night. Muscles in the bladder can also become weak over time, making it more difficult to hold urine in the bladder.

Aging isnt the only contributing factor to nighttime urination. Other common causes include chronic urinary tract infections, drinking excess fluids before bed, bacterial infection in the bladder, and medications that encourage urination .

Women may experience frequent urination as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. These circumstances can weaken the bladder and pelvic floor muscles.

In some cases, nighttime urination is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Disease and conditions associated with frequent urination include chronic kidney failure, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and enlarged prostate. It may also be a symptom of sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, or restless leg syndrome.

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How Do Health Care Professionals Treat Diabetes Insipidus

The main way to treat diabetes insipidus is to drink enough liquids to prevent dehydration. But doing so can disrupt your regular lifestyle, including your sleep. Your health care professional may refer you to a specialist, such as a nephrologist or an endocrinologist for more specific treatments. Other treatments vary by cause.

Running To The Bathroom Constantly And Feeling Thirsty

When you have diabetes, your body may not reabsorb the glucose that passes through your kidneys. That means your kidneys work harder than they need to.

To get rid of excess glucose, your body will make more urine, says Dr. Jameson.

If your body is making more urine, youll visit the restroom more often. And all those trips to the bathroom can make you pretty thirsty, which leads to you guessed it more trips to the bathroom.

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Other Symptoms To Watch For:

Contact your healthcare provider if youre having any of these symptoms:

  • Frequent urination
  • Sweet breath that smells like nail polish remover
  • Deep, rapid breathing

Geisinger Health Plan may refer collectively to Geisinger Health Plan, Geisinger Quality Options Inc., and Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company, unless otherwise noted. Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage HMO, PPO, and HMO D-SNP plans are offered by Geisinger Health Plan/Geisinger Indemnity Insurance Company, health plans with a Medicare contract. Continued enrollment in Geisinger Gold depends on annual contract renewal. Geisinger Health Plan Kids and Geisinger Health Plan Family are offered by Geisinger Health Plan in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services . Geisinger Health Plan is part of Geisinger, an integrated health care delivery and coverage organization.

Should I Be Worried If I Have These Conditions And Frequent Urination

Why Do Men Frequently Pee at Night?

If you ever have a symptom that is outside of whats normal for your body, reach out to your healthcare provider. In some cases, pregnancy, for example, frequent urination is completely normal and nothing to worry about. However, in some conditions, your caregiver may want to know if you are urinating much more than you typically do. Theres a very wide range of conditionswith varying levels of seriousnessthat could cause frequent urination. It is always safe to discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider.

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Who Is More Likely To Have Diabetes Insipidus

People of all ages can develop diabetes insipidus. You are more likely to develop the condition if you1,2

  • have a family history of diabetes insipidus
  • had brain surgery or a major head injury
  • take medicines that can cause kidney problems, including some bipolar disorder medicines and diuretics
  • have metabolic disorders

Nocturia Or Frequent Urination At Night

Dr. Abhinav Singh, Sleep Physician

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Millions of Americans are affected by a frequent need to urinate during the night. This is known as nocturia, and it is often cited as a cause of sleep disruptions. Though frequently thought of as a problem in elderly people, it can impact people of all ages.

Trips to the bathroom can cause fragmented sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, and an elevated risk of dangerous falls. Nocturia has numerous potential causes and can be connected to a range of serious health issues.

Although nocturia is common, it shouldnt be accepted as inevitable. In many cases, steps can be taken to reduce bathroom trips and improve sleep. Understanding the basics about frequent nighttime urination, including its causes, consequences, and treatments, can be a first step for people of any age to sleep better and with less bothersome nocturia.

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