Thursday, July 25, 2024

Diabetes Education Programs For Patients

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What Evidence Is There Of Its Effectiveness

Diabetes Education: Patient Educator

Initial abstracts of preliminary research findings were presented at the Diabetes UK annual conference in 2005. The main points were as follows:

  • Illness beliefs do not match the medical model for many newly diagnosed type 2 patients, and beliefs about the impact, and the future prognosis of diabetes, are correlated with depressive symptomatology at diagnosis.
  • Pilot data indicated the DESMOND course for newly diagnosed individuals changed important illness beliefs. At three-month follow-up there was a reported improvement in quality of life and metabolic control.

A larger randomised controlled trial was conducted involving 824 adult patients in 207 general practices in 13 primary care sites in the UK. The results showed that, compared with patients who did not undergo the DESMOND Programme, there were greater improvements in weight loss and smoking cessation and positive improvements in beliefs about illness but there were no differences in HbA1c levels up to 12 months after diagnosis.

How Can Banner Health Help Me Manage My Diabetes From Home

Banner Healths experienced, multidisciplinary care team provides an individualized approach to each patients diabetes treatment. Were here to help you manage your diabetes with the right medications, healthy changes to your diet and increased exercise.

Living with diabetes can be challenging. There is a lot to learn and change. We have the care team and educational resources to help you reach your diabetes treatment goals.

After a hospital stay or between your regular doctors visits, Banner Healths skilled nurses can provide diabetes care to you in the comfort of your home. Our compassionate, experienced health professionals offer a variety of in-home services for patients and their caregivers, including education, home monitoring, assessments and treatments.

Our goal with home diabetes care is to establish consistent, effective diabetes support to promote positive health outcomes and improve the quality of life for our patients.

For People With Type 2 Diabetes

  • Diabetes Education and Self-management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed .
  • The X-PERT Diabetes courses.
  • EMPOWER Diabetes Education Programmes.
  • Diabetes UK has designed an online education programme for people with type 2 diabetes.

A Cochrane review of the evidence found that computer-based diabetes self-management interventions to manage type 2 diabetes appear to have a small beneficial effect on blood glucose control.

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How To Thrive: A Guide For Your Journey With Diabetes Now Available

We are happy to announce the How to Thrive: A Guide for Your Journey with Diabetes booklets are now available for purchase in packets of 25 at the ERP 40% discounted rate of less than $10! As we mentioned in previous communications, this booklet has replaced the highly popular Take Control Guide.

Please visit for more information and to purchase.

Please Note: You will need to log into your account as an ERP member in order to receive the discount when purchasing online.Please follow the steps below if you have not already registered as an ERP at ShopDiabetes:

  • Step 1: Register for Shop Diabetes as an Recognized Education Program member:
  • Step 2: Indicate that you are a Recognized Education Program member under Membership Type section
  • Step 3: Provide your program ID# under the Membership Number section
  • Step 4: Begin Shopping!

Nutrition Resources:

Diabetes Food Hub is the new cooking and recipe platform from the American Diabetes Association. Includes an interactive Meal Planner that calculates nutrition facts, a customizable Grocery List generator, and hundreds of diabetes-friendly recipes.

Nutrition Scientific Review Committee

Comparison Of The Effectiveness Of The Two Diabetes Education Classes

Free Printable Patient Education Handouts

The change in pre- and post- outcome measures is summarized in Table . A comparison of the change in outcome measures between the ABCs of Diabetes and Conversation Maps diabetes education classes demonstrated no statistically significant difference between the two classes for any of the outcome measures assessed.

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Diabetes Education For Your Patients

Our library of learning materials offers practical tips and expert advice.

Topics include diabetes basics, eating healthy, staying active and more

Brochures feature patient-friendly language and full-color illustrations

Spanish-language versions of select materials are available

Ready to download, print and share with your patients

Order select brochures for complimentary delivery to your office

Looking for product information? Browse library.

Training Of Participating Teachers

The program was implemented simultaneously in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, and Uruguay . Before the program, all educators participated in an intensive 10-person 2-day training seminar that included basic pedagogic principles, handling of small interactive educational groups, using the education material, and achieving the active participation of patients instead of passive listening.

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Are You A Provider Or Office Manager Looking To Refer Your Patients

CRISP E-Referral Step-by-Step Process for DPP

  • Log-in to the Unified Landing Page at:
  • Search the desired patient .
  • Select the patient by the box in the Include column on the right-hand side of the screen then access the Referrals Web Form by the Referrals tab at the top of the screen.
  • Once in the Referrals tab, the Web Form will prepopulate with patient demographic information. Complete the following sections manually: Patient Vitals, Alternate Phone Number, and Email.
  • Select Johns Hopkins BMD Regional Partnership from the Organization dropdown.
  • Select Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Note: The comment box is a required field provided for sharing pertinent patient notes.
  • Once the Web Form is complete, check the Patient Consent box then Submit to send the referral.**A referral has only been successfully submitted if you receive a confirmation page and/or a confirmation email from CRISP.
  • Fax Referrals

    Patient Education Key For Managing Diabetes

    Diabetes and You – Diabetes Education for Newly Diagnosed Patients

    Diabetes affects more than 30 million people, with successful treatment depending on proper patient self-management. It is currently the costliest chronic disease to manage in the U.S., with associated costs exceeding $30 billion annually.1

    As a specialty medical service, diabetes self-management education programs help people navigate the decisions and activities necessary for diabetes self-care through consultation, group classes, medicine management, prediabetes classes, and care for diabetes in pregnancy.2

    Diabetes treatment is meant to maintain glycemic control and prevent tissue damage caused by excessive glucose in the bloodstream. Glycemic control is measured with a hemoglobin A1c blood test that reflects glucose levels over the previous three months. Maintaining glycemic control is dependent upon patient knowledge, self-care, provider follow-up, and medication adjustments.3

    Allina Health, a not-for-profit integrated healthcare delivery system, is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness, and enhancing the greater health of individuals, families, and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Through its 12 hospitals, 90+ clinics, 15 pharmacies, and specialty medical services, the organization cares for patients from beginning . to end-of-life. Diabetes impacts many of Allina Healths patients, making it a priority to help them self-manage the disease.

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    Putting People With Diabetes First: The Evolution Of Diabetes Education

    The Diabetes Education Study Group hosted a panel at this years EASD in which panelists provided an overview of recent evidence supporting education about diabetes management the groups focus on people with diabetes is so important.

    Diabetes education is a key component of diabetes management. On the opening day of EASD 2022, a group of experts from the Diabetes Education Study Group discussed how new approaches to patient education can better support people with diabetes in managing their condition.

    Education has increasingly become a key component of effective diabetes treatment. New insulin delivery devices, glucose monitoring, and various new medications mean little if people with diabetes are not aware of how to use them. With the invention of new treatments and therapies comes the need for people with diabetes to learn and understand how to use these tools to live happier and healthier lives.

    After the discovery of insulin 100 years ago, the need for diabetes education became clear to learn how to inject this life-saving drug. And methods of education have shifted in the past, doctors simply gave orders without trying to understand their patient.

    Now, physicians try to prioritize the needs of the person with diabetes, said Professor Tatjana Milenkovic of the Medical Faculty in Skopje, North Macedonia. She called education the new empowering model with the goal to enable to cope with their disease every day.

    Data And Analytics Inform Workflow Changes

    Prior to making alterations, leaders engaged with individual providers and groups, using adaptive change management strategies to discuss the need for a change in service delivery. Leaders listened to and addressed concerns, garnering support for transformation. DSME leaders then leveraged data from the EMR and the Health Catalyst® Data Operating System platform and a robust set of analytics applications to better understand patient needs, and monitor the impact of planned changes on patient outcomes.

    Using the diabetes program analytics application, Allina Health can evaluate and understand DSME program performance, including cost, clinical outcomes, operational effectiveness, and patient engagement .

    Figure 1: Diabetes program analytics application performance data

    The analytics application includes a variety of filters, enabling DSME program leaders to perform in-depth analysis. Performance measures can be filtered by location, CDE, and patient demographics including ethnicity, financial class, age, gender, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes .

    Figure 2: Diabetes program analytics application menu of filters

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    How Will Dsmes Help Me

    DSMES can help you improve your blood sugar levels so you can prevent or delay serious diabetes complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, and vision loss. This improvement can help you avoid emergency care, save money on health care costs, and improve your quality of life. People who participate in DSMES are more likely to have better overall health.

    Latest Information On Courses

    Free Printable Patient Education Handouts

    Because of the coronavirus pandemic, most face to face courses have been cancelled. So check with your healthcare professional what’s available.

    If you’re looking for more support, head over to our Learning Zone and join 60,000 people discovering more about their diabetes through quizzes, videos and interactive tools.

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    What Is The Evidence That It Works

    • In the late 1990s, Diabetes UK funded a trial to assess the effect of attendance at a DAFNE course on diabetic control and quality of life measures:
    • After six months, those who had attended the course had a fall in HbA1c of 1% compared with a control group, sustained at around 0.5% at one year after the course.
    • Despite an increase in the number of injections and blood tests, those attending a DAFNE course reported an improvement in their quality of life and increased satisfaction with their treatment.
    • Another important finding was that of the many areas in their lives in which they reported improvements, the largest increase was observed in the area of freedom to eat as they liked.
  • Research has shown that this improvement in glycaemic control is not at the expense of more frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia in fact, the opposite was true with those attending the course having fewer episodes.
  • A study of patients undergoing insulin initiation as part of a structured educational programme showed that they had a better quality of life compared with patients who were on insulin but had not undergone an educational programme.
  • One study using a single educational intervention within the normal clinical setting showed long-lasting benefits.
  • Diabetes Education Class Series

    Classes provide an effective and interactive learning environment that engages participants in meaningful discussions including the challenges and successes of diabetes management. Compromised of four, one and half hour sessions. Offered every other month on Tuesdays as a series of four classes with evening hours available.

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    Contents Of The Desmond Programme

    • Thoughts and feelings of the participants around diabetes.
    • Understanding diabetes and glucose: what happens in the body.
    • Understanding the risk factors and complications associated with diabetes.
    • Understanding more about monitoring and medication.
    • How to take control: Food Choices, Physical Activity.
    • Planning for the future.

    Service Area Expansion Goal: From 20 To 26 Counties

    Arkansas Children’s Diabetes Program Helping Kids Through Education, Treatment, and Technology.

    A total of 355 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in the analysis. Table 1 presents the sociodemographic and health characteristics of the sample participants.

    Table 1. Participants sociodemographic and health characteristics .

    About 54% of the Centers DME program participants with type 2 diabetes were female and the majority of the participants were Hispanic, followed by non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and other race. Most of the participants were between age 45 and older, with few people under the age of 30. About 80% of the sample participants had at least 12 years of education, and almost all the participants speak English, with only 4% of participants have difficulty understanding English. When choosing a type of DME class to attend, the majority of the participants choose English version of the class, and only 5% of participants attended the Spanish DME courses.

    When looking at the type of insurance coverage patients had, the majority of the patients had some kind of insurance coverage. Many participants were either enrolled in the county indigent program or had private insurance . The remaining 13.5% of participants had Medicare, Medicaid, or other types of health insurance. About 6.5% of the participants did not have health insurance at all.

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    Erp 11th Edition Sample Forms Templates And Resources

    Editable samples and templates can be found at ERP University

    Standard 1: Support for DSMES Services

    Standard 2: Population and Service Assessment

    Standard 3: DSMES Team

    The Changes below can all be made through the ERP Portal by the Quality Coordinator or the Assistant Coordinator:

    • Sponsoring Organization Name and/or Program Name Change
    • Change in Program Coordinator Email Address
    • Change in Administrative Officer
    • Phone Number Change
    • Fax Number Change

    The ADA ERP Office must be notified of a change in Quality Coordinator via the Change of Quality Coordinator Form within 30 days.

    If there has been a substantive change in the program such as a site closing, site moving to another sponsor or changes in sponsor relationship please email and include your program ID# in the message.

    Additional Site Policies & Templates

    A program may add an additional site at any time during the programs Recognition cycle. Each DSME program has a primary multi-site. Other sites can be added to the primary multi-site as multi-sites or expansion sites. Expansion sites can extend from any of the programs multi sites. It is crucial to review the addition of program sites with your hospital or practice compliance office prior to submitting an application. For assistance with submitting an additional site application within the portal please download theAdditional Site Instructions

    Expansion Sites

    Dme Program Expansion: Estimated 3

    We used Gilmer and colleagues approach to predict healthcare costs associated with type 2 diabetes. Gilmer and colleagues used 3 years of patient records and medical claims to assess the impact of patient baseline hemoglobin A1c level, presence of CVD, and depression on subsequent healthcare cost among adults with diabetes . In the study, the total costs were calculated as the sum of costs from the claim or encounter data from the first hemoglobin A1c measurement until disenrollment, death, or end of study period. To calculate a 3-year total cost estimate for each individual in the study sample, each individuals observed that cumulative cost was divided by the number of days enrolled since the first day of hemoglobin A1 measurement until disenrollment, death, or end of study period. This average daily cost estimate for each individual was multiplied by 1,095.75 to generate a standardized 3-year cost estimate . Detailed description of the methodology is described in Gilmer et al.

    Taking into account the average cost per participant in the Centers DME program , we also estimated the cost savings for the Centers DME program expansion into 26 counties, based on various levels of the program participation rates .

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    The Diabetes Education And Self

    The DESMOND Programme is designed for people with type 2 diabetes and for those at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    DESMOND is a structured education programme designed for patients with type 2 diabetes, and is the first one to meet the criteria set down by NICE for suitable education programmes it has been developed as a collaborative project between service users, workers, Diabetes UK and the Department of Health. A recent cost-effectiveness analysis showed the DESMOND intervention likely to be cost-effective compared with usual care for people with type 2 diabetes.

    Meet The 2022 Recipients Of The Sun Life Team Up Against Diabetes Grant Program

    Free Printable Patient Education Handouts

    WELLESLEY, Mass., Sept. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Sun Life has named six community organizations as recipients of its 2022 Team Up Against Diabetes grants. Sun Life annually awards grants to organizations around the country that help improve people’s health and serve those living with or at-risk for diabetes. Programs provide health and wellness services for diabetes prevention, awareness, education, management, and care to underserved and under-resourced communities most vulnerable to diabetes. As part of Sun Life’s broader focus on improving access to health services for communities that need it most, these grants have helped educate people about the impact of diabetes and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

    “We are committed to helping more people in underserved communities access the services and tools that can help them live healthier lives,” said Dan Fishbein, M.D., president, Sun Life U.S. “Sun Life proudly offers the Team Up Against Diabetes grant program each year to help these local organizations be health heroes in their communities. They truly make a difference for those living with or at-risk for diabetes.”

    The 2022 recipients of the Sun Life Team Up Against Diabetes grant program are:

    Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto , New York and Philippine stock exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.

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