Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Percentage Of Americans Are Diabetic

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Gestational Diabetes Facts And Statistics

HEALTH WATCH: Get help navigating diabetes, 34 million Americans diagnosed with chronic condition

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women who dont already have diabetes. High blood glucose levels during pregnancy can cause problems for the mother and the baby, and they can increase the chance of having a miscarriage. Learn more about gestational diabetes.

  • About 6 percent of U.S. women who gave birth in 2016 had gestational diabetes.2
  • About 50 percent of U.S. women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes.3

Half Of All American Adults Are Diabetic Or Pre

Approximately half of the US adult population has diabetes or is prediabetic, although prevalence of the disease appears to be leveling off after decades of increase, researchers said Tuesday.Nearly 40 percent of US adults had prediabetes and 12 to 14 percent had diabetes between 2011 and 2012, according to new research in the Journal of the American Medical Association .

Among those with diabetes, 36.4 percent of cases were undiagnosed. That percentage was higher for Asian-Americans and Latinos at approximately half of all cases. Diabetes diagnosed or not was likely to be highest among Latinos , African-Americans and Asian-Americans . Prevalence among white participants was 11.3 percent.Diabetes affected 9.8 percent of the population between 1988 and 1994, increased to 10.8 percent between 2001 and 2002, and grew again to 12.4 percent between 2011 and 2012.

Despite these increases, the researchers said recent growth was slight and could signal a “plateauing of diabetes prevalence” that is “consistent with obesity trends in the United States showing a leveling off around the same period. “The current data provide a glimmer of hope,” endocrinologists William Herman and Amy Rothberg, of the University of Michigan, wrote in an accompanying editorial.

Read: More on obesity and diabetes

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Half Of Americans Will Be Diabetic Or Pre

— A recent study by US health insurance giant UnitedHealth Group Inc. predicts that by 2020 over half of Americans will have either pre-diabetic conditions or type 2 diabetes if current trends continue, and the annual cost will be around $500 billion a year by the end of the decade, or one tenth of all health care spending. The estimate for 2010 is $194 billion.

The cost of healthcare in the US for non-diabetics was $4,400 per person in 2009, and $11,700 for diabetics. For those with complications arising from the disease the cost is around $20,700 per year. If the predicted rise in the incidence of diabetes eventuates, the total cumulative cost to the US health care system may be as high as $3.35 trillion, with over 60 percent paid for by the government. However, the report offers a number of suggestions, which if adopted could save as much as $250 billion over the next decade.

The United Health Group report said around 27 million Americans are estimated to have diabetes and as many as another 67 million may have undiagnosed pre-diabetic conditions. These figures differ from those issued in October by the US governments Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which estimated at least 32 million American adults have diabetes and the number of cases will more than double by 2050.

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Half Of Adults In The Us Have Diabetes Or Pre

A national wake up call to intensify efforts to control the obesity crisis with added focus on diet, exercise and monitoring blood sugar

According to a study published online in JAMA today, nearly 50% of adults living in the U.S. have diabetes or pre-diabetes, a condition where a person already has elevated blood sugar and is at risk to develop diabetes.

Diabetes, a condition where blood sugar is elevated, may reflect lack of production of insulin to lower blood sugar or insulin resistance , generally the result of obesity, poor diet or lack of exercise leading to the metabolic syndrome.

An obese woman, left, walks in New York, Monday, July 13, 2015.

Diabetes is a costly disease in the U.S, racking up an estimated 245 billion in 2012, related to consumption and utilization of health care resources as well as lost productivity, according to the researchers in the study. Diabetes can damage blood vessels, the eyes and kidneys, also resulting in poor wound healing and devastating soft tissue infections. And nearly 71,000 persons die annually due to complications associated with diabetes, based on recent statistics from the American Diabetes Association.

Investigators in the study defined undiagnosed diabetes as those persons having a fasting blood sugar greater than 126 mg/dl or a hemoglobin A1C > 6.5 %, a measure of long term glucose control. Pre-diabetes was defined as having a fasting blood sugar 100-125 mg/dl, or a hemoglobin A1C of 5.7-6.4%.

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Where Do We Get Our Information About Pre

Native Americans with Diabetes

The Montana Diabetes Program uses many data sources for diabetes surveillance, evaluation, and decision making. Our goal is to benefit all Montanans by helping to prevent and reduce diabetes complications.

Check out the list of data sources below. You can also access the Public Health Data Resource Guide to learn more. It is important to remember that data sets don’t contain information that can identify individuals.

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Medicare Chronic Conditions Dashboard – provides information on the prevalence, utilization, and Medicare spending for beneficiaries with chronic conditions, including diabetes.
  • American Diabetes Association Statistics about Diabetes – Gives overall national statistics on diabetes, including diabetes prevalence, complications/co-morbid conditions, and cost of diabetes.
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    Special Reports And Presentations

    MDP staff often participate in regional and national conferences and share data related to diabetes and its complications in oral and poster presentations. These reports and presentation cover variety of topics related to diabetes. Please contact the MDP to inquire about what other data may be available.


  • Montana Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 1990-2019. Note: These data are age-adjusted to the 2000 projected U.S. population, distribution #9, as documented in Age Adjustment Using the 2000 Projected U.S. Population of the Healthy People Statistical Notes, by Klein and Schoenborn.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020.
  • 2017 state undiagnosed diabetes prevalence, Dall et al., The Economic Burden of Elevated Blood Glucose Levels in 2017, Diabetes Care, September 2019, vol. 42.
  • CDCs Division of Diabetes Translation. . Long-term Trends in Diabetes. Retrieved from
  • Questions and comments on data, surveillance, and epidemiology can be sent to our Epidemiologist, Evaluator, GIS Analyst, and Informatics Specialist.

    Prediabetes Facts And Statistics

    Prediabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Prediabetes usually occurs in people whose bodies may not be able to effectively use the insulin they make or their pancreas may not produce enough insulin to keep their blood glucose levels in the normal range. People with prediabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Learn more about prediabetes.

    • An estimated 88 million adults ages 18 years or older have prediabetes. This includes
    • nearly 29 million adults ages 18 to 44 years
    • more than 35 million adults ages 45 to 64 years
    • more than 24 million adults ages 65 or older (46.6 percent of U.S. adults in this age group
  • More men than women have prediabetes.
  • The prevalence of prediabetes is similar among men and women across racial and ethnic groups and education levels.
  • Among adolescents ages 12 to 18 years, more than 1 in 6 have prediabetes.1
  • View the full report: National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

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    Prevalence Of Prediabetes Among Adults

    • An estimated 88 million adults aged 18 years or older had prediabetes in 2018 .
    • Among US adults aged 18 years or older, crude estimates for 20132016 were:
    • 34.5% of all US adults had prediabetes, based on their fasting glucose or A1C level .
    • 10.5% of adults had prediabetes based on both elevated fasting plasma glucose and A1C levels .
    • 15.3% of adults with prediabetes reported being told by a health professional that they had this condition .

    Among US adults aged 18 years or older, age-adjusted data for 20132016 indicated:

    • A higher percentage of men than women had prediabetes .
    • Prevalence of prediabetes was similar among all racial/ethnic groups and education levels .

    Table 3. Estimated number, percentage, and awareness of prediabetesa among adults aged 18 years or older, United States, 20132016 and 2018


    Note: CI = confidence interval. Data are crude estimates .a Prediabetes was defined as fasting plasma glucose values of 100 to 125 mg/dL or A1C values of 5.7% to 6.4%.b Prediabetes awareness was based on self-report and estimated only among adults with prediabetes.Data sources: 20132016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2018 US Census Bureau data.

    Why Diabetes Is A Concern For Rural Communities

    Wellness Wednesday: Renewed focus on diabetes education

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Diabetes Statistics Report, as of 2018 an estimated 26.9 million people had diagnosed diabetes in the United States. In 2016, 12.6% of the population had diagnosed diabetes in nonmetropolitan counties, compared to 9.9% in metropolitan counties. In one region of the U.S., referred to as the diabetes belt, the prevalence of diabetes is approximately 11.7% of the population. The diabetes belt spans over 644 counties in 15 states. More than one-third of the counties in the diabetes belt are within the Appalachian Region, and most states in the diabetes belt are more rural than the U.S. average.

    Diabetes is an increased concern for rural communities compared to urban communities because of risk factors that are prevalent in rural communities and access to a variety of services.

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    Type 1 Vs Type 2 Diabetes

    Diabetes is an umbrella term for multiple conditions that cause dysfunction in the bodys ability to metabolize glucose, secrete insulin, or both.

    When you take in glucose from the foods you eat, you need a hormone called insulin. Insulin is released by beta cells from your pancreas. When insulin reaches the cells in your body, it attaches to receptors that help the cells identify and take in glucose from your bloodstream.

    • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that most commonly develops in childhood. With type 1 diabetes, the body attacks the beta cells of the pancreas, limiting their ability to produce insulin. Without enough insulin, the cells cannot take in glucose, which, in turn, causes high blood sugar levels.
    • Type 2 diabetes is a type of chronic condition that often starts in adulthood. With type 2 diabetes, it becomes harder for your body to recognize insulin, a condition called insulin resistance. Without an adequate insulin response, it becomes harder for your cells to take up glucose, and as a result, blood sugar levels rise.

    While type 1 diabetes is solely caused by a lack of insulin, type 2 diabetes can be caused by both a sensitivity to insulin and a lack of insulin.

    However, insulin deficiency in type 2 diabetes is not autoimmune. Instead, it happens because the pancreas cannot keep up with the increased demand for insulin due to insulin resistance.

    How Common Is Diabetes

    Diabetes is one of the worlds fastest-growing chronic diseases. How prevalent is it? Lets take a look:

    • In 1980, 108 million people worldwide had diabetes. By 2014, that number had risen to 422 million.
    • An estimated 700 million adults worldwide will have diabetes by 2045.
    • China has the highest number of diabetes accounts worldwide, with 116 million people with diabetes. Following China is India and then the United States .

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    Profit Over Death: Millions Of American Diabetics Struggle To Afford Insulin

    Trump issued executive orders in 2020 aimed at cutting cost of medicine, but activists say they have accomplished little

    Dan Hart lost his job as a bartender in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when the coronavirus pandemic hit in March, making it even harder to afford the insulin he requires as a type one diabetic.

    Without health insurance for the past few years, Hart has relied on Walmart insulin at $26 a vial, while he continues trying to get health insurance through the state marketplace. His preferred insulin, out of pocket, would cost $1,500 a month.

    His sister-in-law is currently running a GoFundMe campaign to help him cover insulin costs.

    This Walmart insulin is not what I need to live a healthy diabetic life, its just a lifeline. I have definitely caused damage to my body because its hard to regulate my sugar with this insulin, but it keeps me alive, said Hart. Its really scary knowing that just to live day by day I always need insulin and companies are making profit over death. I try to not think about it, but theres not one day I dont.

    The Trump administration has touted several executive orders issued in May and July 2020 aimed at cutting the cost of insulin in the US. But diabetics and activists for affordable insulin argue the orders have accomplished little in reducing exorbitant costs as diabetics continue to struggle to afford the insulin they need to live.

    Cdc: 13% Of Us Adults Have Diabetes With Fewer New Cases

    Native Americans with Diabetes

    CDC. National Diabetes Statistics Report. Available at: . Accessed Feb. 25, 2020.

    Disclosures: We were unable to process your request. Please try again later. If you continue to have this issue please contact .

    Approximately 34.1 million U.S. adults more than 1 in 10 have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and 7.3 million of those adults who met laboratory criteria were unaware or did not report having the disease, according to data from the CDCs 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report.

    The report, released Tuesday by the CDCs Division of Diabetes Translation, also revealed that age-adjusted prevalence of total diabetes increased among adults between 1999 and 2016, rising from 9.5% in 1999-2002 to 12% in 2013-2016. However, new diabetes cases decreased during the past decade except among children and adolescents. The 2020 report marks the first time trends in prevalence and incidence estimates over time are included, according to the report.

    Data from this report can help focus critical type 2 diabetes prevention and diabetes management efforts across the nation, the CDC states on its website.

    Age-adjusted data for 2017-2018 indicated that the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was highest among Native Americans and Alaskan Natives , Hispanic adults and black adults .

    A significant decreasing trend in incidence was detected from 2008 through 2018, the report states.


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    Diabetes Facts And Statistics

    Diabetes occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. High blood glucose can cause health problems over time. The main types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational. Learn more from the Diabetes Overview.

    • Total: An estimated 34.2 million people have diabetes .
    • Diagnosed: An estimated 26.9 million people of all ages have been diagnosed with diabetes .
    • Of the people diagnosed with diabetes, 210,000 are children and adolescents younger than age 20 years, including 187,000 with type 1 diabetes.
  • Undiagnosed: An estimated 7.3 million adults ages 18 years or older have diabetes but are undiagnosed .
  • View the full report: National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

    According to the American Diabetes Associations Economic Costs of Diabetes in the U.S., the total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2017 was $327 billion, including $237 billion in direct medical costs and $90 billion in reduced productivity.

    Obesity Is Main Culprit

    Diabetes is a major cause of illness and death in the United States. The condition cost an estimated $245 billion in 2012, according to the American Diabetes Association.

    Due to the rise in obesity in the U.S. over the past few decades, type 2 diabetes continues to be the most common form of diabetes. It accounts for 90 to 95 percent of those diagnosed, said Menke. Diabetes was up in every age, sex, education level, income, and racial/ethnic subgroup.

    Yet, there was a bit of upbeat news. The proportion of people with undiagnosed diabetes dropped 23 percent between 1988-1994 and 2011-2012.

    Menke and his team speculated the drop was due to public health policies aimed at improving access to care and increasing diabetes awareness.

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    How Do People Die From Diabetes

    People rarely die from diabetes directly. Its more likely that someone with diabetes will die from complications with other organs. For example, high blood sugar can damage the kidneys over a long period of time, leading to potential kidney failure. And since diabetes is often associated with cardiovascular conditions, heart failure, and stroke are other common causes of death in diabetics. In rare cases of Type 1 diabetes, a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis can cause sudden death.

    Diabetes Statistics By Age

    Americans with diabetes travel to Canada to get affordable insulin

    Theres a greater prevalence of diabetes among older age groups, especially for Type 2 diabetes, which takes longer to develop.

    • Of the Americans with diagnosed diabetes, 3.6 million are 18 to 44 years old, 11.7 million are 45 to 64 years old, and 11.5 million are older than 65.
    • There are 210,000 cases of diagnosed diabetes among children and adolescents younger than 20, including 187,000 cases of Type 1 diabetes.
    • Of the Americans with undiagnosed diabetes, 1.4 million are 18 to 44, 3.1 million are 45 to 64, and 2.9 million are older than 65.
    • Approximately 24.2 million adults aged 65 and older have prediabetes.

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