Thursday, July 25, 2024

Just Found Out I Have Diabetes

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Other Habits To Start

Type1Day1 – You Just Found Out You Have Type 1 Diabetes?!

Quit smoking. It damages the inside of your blood vessels, and uncontrolled diabetes does the same thing. This can lead to problems from your head to your toes. No one expects you to quit for good in one day. Now’s the time to get real about a plan to stop.

Check your feet. Since people with diabetes can have foot problems but feel nothing due to nerve damage, look for cuts, sores, blisters, or anything unusual on your feet every day. Call a foot doctor if you see anything that worries you.

Get a flu shot. High blood sugar makes you more prone to infection, so when you get sick, it will probably be worse. Protect yourself with a flu shot every year. Many drug stores offer them.

Ask your doctor if you should get any other shots, like ones to protect against pneumonia or shingles.

Find support. Join a diabetes support group to connect with others who understand what you’re going through. A community like that is a great resource when you’re feeling down or overwhelmed. They’ll also appreciate and be there with you to celebrate the wins.

Most hospitals host support groups. You can find them online, too. Ask your CDE for recommendations and about other people and organizations that might help you.

Show Sources

Virginia Peragallo-Dittko, RN, CDE, executive director, Diabetes and Obesity Institute, New York University Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, NY.

Brunilda Nazario, MD, lead medical director, WebMD.

Mayo Clinic: “Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule.”

Controlling Your Carbohydrate Intake Becomes Second Nature

Your body processes carbs as blood glucose but some carbs get processed faster than others. If you have diabetes, you need to learn which foods contain slow carbs and which contain fast carbs. For example, your body processes sugars found in fruits and vegetables more slowly than those found in breads and sweet treats.

How Gestational Diabetes Can Affect Your Pregnancy

Most women with gestational diabetes have otherwise normal pregnancies with healthy babies.

However, gestational diabetes can cause problems such as:

  • your baby growing larger than usual this may lead to difficulties during the delivery and increases the likelihood of needing induced labour or a caesarean section
  • polyhydramnios too much amniotic fluid in the womb, which can cause premature labour or problems at delivery
  • premature birth giving birth before the 37th week of pregnancy
  • pre-eclampsia a condition that causes high blood pressure during pregnancy and can lead to pregnancy complications if not treated
  • your baby developing low blood sugar or yellowing of the skin and eyes after he or she is born, which may require treatment in hospital
  • the loss of your baby though this is rare

Having gestational diabetes also means you’re at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

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You Consume Less Alcohol

While some diabetics should avoid alcohol altogether, anyone with diabetes should avoid binge drinking, and limit yourself to one or two drinks. When you engage in moderate drinking, your blood sugar can rise. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can cause your blood sugar to drop to dangerous levels. Alcohol can also impact your judgment and willpower, both of which are an important part of safely managing diabetes.

Foot Problem Story #1

WHEN YOU FINDOUT Type 1 Diabetes Memes THAT YOUR A1C HAS ...
Last year I had major foot problems. There were gangrenous wounds on myfeet that were so bad it literally made me sick to look at them. Ultimately three toes and part of my left foot was amputated. Butbefore that I was packing dressings into those wounds that went well> over an inch deep. Very nasty and a good reason to check your feet …EVERY DAY. I’m lucky that I can still walk and not in a wheelchair ordead.

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What Tips Or Advice Do You Have To Those Who Need To Get Real About Diabetes

Other people with diabetes often ask me, Anthony, whats your secret? They think since Im on TV that I must have a special doctor or a miracle cure or a fridge full of a secret superfood or something. Truth is, theres no secret to managing diabetes, it just takes commitment and resolve every day.

One thing I would say is to not to wait. Get real now. Ive learned that youre either managing your diabetes, or its hurting you. Thats just how diabetes works. Find your motivation and run with it. Whether its being there for your family, the things you still want to accomplish in life, the places you want to gofocus on all those things and let them drive you.

Changing what food you eat, consistently being active, and taking an injectable medicine may seem a bit daunting at first, but just give it a shot, pun intended. It all it gets so much easier over time, as it all turns to habit. Believe me, if I can do it, you can, too.

Get real about your diabetes, its so worth it.

What’s A Friend To Do

Get informed. Get the facts and get beyond the myths and misinformation by talking to your friend, your doctor, or relatives you know who have diabetes and by finding credible sources of information online.

Recognize that diabetes is not “weird” or the end of the world. Diabetes is a serious condition, but millions of people have it and still lead full, active lives. If your friend is having trouble accepting his or her diabetes, try to be supportive and understanding. You also can help your friend find out whether there are local support groups, camps, or after-school clubs for teens with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association has an online message board for teens with diabetes.

Encourage healthy habits. Your friend will have an easier time with blood sugar control by being active and limiting intake of foods that have a lot of extra sugar, like sugary soft drinks. Why not make healthy living a team effort? Cook and eat healthy meals together, walk or exercise together, and generally encourage each other to make healthy choices. Many people with type 2 diabetes have to watch their weight, so having a friend who supports their efforts to shed extra pounds can really help!

Help, but try not to nag. Be careful not to lecture or play a parental role when it comes to your friend’s eating or taking care of diabetes. No one likes being told what to do and sometimes it can sound a lot like blame.

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Target Blood Glucose Levels During Pregnancy

Recommended daily target blood glucose numbers for most pregnant women with diabetes are

  • Before meals, at bedtime, and overnight: 90 or less
  • 1 hour after eating: 130 to 140 or less
  • 2 hours after eating: 120 or less3

Ask your doctor what targets are right for you. If you have type 1 diabetes, your targets may be higher so you dont develop low blood glucose, also called hypoglycemia.

Watch Your Portion Sizes

Storytime| HOW I FOUND OUT I HAVE TYPE 1 DIABETES | *I almost died* | ð?ð?ð?ð?ð?ð?ð? ð?ð?âð?ð?ð?ð?

This will help you lose weight and keep your blood sugar steady. Your CDE will teach you how to adjust your meal sizes and timing.

A smaller dinner plate — 9 inches or less across — can make it easier to get used to eating smaller meals. Snack-sized 100-calorie packages are another good way to keep your portions in check.

Don’t skip meals though. When you haven’t had lunch, you’re much more likely to be extra-hungry and then overeat at dinner. Consistency is key.

Also Check: Daily Sugar Intake For Diabetics

See A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

If you dont already see a dietitian, you should start seeing one before you get pregnant. Your dietitian can help you learn what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat to reach or stay at a healthy weight before you get pregnant. Together, you and your dietitian will create a meal plan to fit your needs, schedule, food preferences, medical conditions, medicines, and physical activity routine.

During pregnancy, some women need to make changes in their meal plan, such as adding extra calories, protein, and other nutrients. You will need to see your dietitian every few months during pregnancy as your dietary needs change.

List Of Foods You Should Eat When Youve Been Diagnosed With Pre

The following is a list of lower glycemic index foods from each food group, which will help to keep your blood sugar in your target ranges. Low glycemic index foods dont raise your blood sugar as fast as high glycemic foods, and thats important when you have Pre-Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes.

If you dont eat the right foods most of the time, it can cause you to have high blood sugars, which over time, leads to inflammation of tissues, increasing the risk for cardiovascular complications and other complications from diabetes.

Conversely, if you eat the wrong foods on a rare occasion, such as the holidays, you will still be able to get good management of your blood sugars, and live healthy with your diabetes. You may be able to reverse your Pre-Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. This is not possible in all cases, but it is possible for some people.

Foods that contain carbohydrates, either simple or complex, break down in the body to sugar or glucose molecules. Therefore, of all the macronutrients that we need, including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, carbohydrates break down to sugar the fastest, therefore they have the most affect on blood sugars. Carbohydrates are found in all foods that are classified as sugar, fiber, or starches. Fiber, however, takes longer to break down into sugar.

Starches and carbohydrates

Though we watch our amounts of carbohydrates when we have diabetes, we still need a substantial amount of our food intake to be from carbohydrates.

Whole grains

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What Changes Did You Make When You Decided To Get Real

Man, I changed a lot. For me, I kind of needed a fresh start, to leave all my old ways behind. I had just moved to New York for a new gig and I decided, Ok, this is it. Its time for the new me.

I started with my diet. Al Roker is a good friend of mine and he recommended his nutritionist to me. She helped me cut out unnecessary carbs and gave me an action plan to eat healthier and cleaner. To be active, I started biking. Almost everywhere I went, I either walked or biked. I loved Manhattan, so biking around it was something I could enjoy while also being active.

Create A Diabetes Care Schedule

Just found out today my sweet senior girl has diabetes. I ...

When you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes, you’ll likely have loads of questions, such as: What tests and checks should I have? When should I have them? What is normal?

There are some checks and tests you’ll need — some when you are first diagnosed and some on a recurring basis — to take care of your diabetes. Early detection, prevention, and treatment are keys to minimizing diabetes complications. Work with your primary care provider to customize your diabetes care schedule, including personal goals and targets. Schedule these preventive tests and checks in advance, and mark your calendar!

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Screening For Gestational Diabetes

During your first antenatal appointment at around week 8 to 12 of your pregnancy, your midwife or doctor will ask you some questions to determine whether you’re at an increased risk of gestational diabetes.

If you have 1 or more risk factors for gestational diabetes you should be offered a screening test.

The screening test is called an oral glucose tolerance test , which takes about 2 hours.

It involves having a blood test in the morning, when you have not had any food or drink for 8 to 10 hours . You’re then given a glucose drink.

After resting for 2 hours, another blood sample is taken to see how your body is dealing with the glucose.

The OGTT is done when you’re between 24 and 28 weeks pregnant. If you’ve had gestational diabetes before, you’ll be offered an OGTT earlier in your pregnancy, soon after your booking appointment, then another OGTT at 24 to 28 weeks if the first test is normal.

Find out more about an OGTT.

Newly Diagnosed With Diabetes

Save for later Diabetes is a lifelong condition that means your body can’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin that is produced doesn’t work properly. If untreated, it can cause serious health problems. Find out more Call our helpline on 0345 123 2399 Explaining diabetes © Diabetes UK 2017 A charity registered in England and Wales and in Scotland A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England Registered office: Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London, E1 1FH.Continue reading > >

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Just Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes

There isnt a cure yet for type 1 diabetes, but its very treatable.

You may have found out you have type 1 diabetes from a routine blood test. Or you may have had sudden and severe symptoms that led to a trip to the doctor or even the emergency room.

Either way, getting the diagnosis can be overwhelming, and youre likely to have lots of questions. Did you somehow cause type 1 diabetes? What will life be like now? Is there a cure, or is type 1 forever?

Managing a chronic health condition like diabetes takes work, but you wont have to do it alone. Your health care team will help you learn about day-to-day care and let you know about all the tools available to make it easier. Type 1 diabetes is very treatable. Lets take it one step at a time.

Finger Pricks Get Easier


Self-monitoring your blood glucose level is a crucial aspect of diabetes management because it helps you know when to eat, take insulin, or finish physical activities. Although self-monitoring machines can vary, almost all of these devices use a quick finger prick to capture a small amount of blood for testing.

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Why Do People Think I Hate The Ada

You might be asking: who are you dimbulb to be arguing with the ADA? Good point. But don’t classify me as a whack-job just yet.

In my opinion, you’ll learn more practical information for handlingyour diabetes from the resources I link to than from the ADA.

Here is a quote from the ADA that lies at the heart of my problem with the ADA. The quoteis taken fom the introduction of a document titled Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications:

Before 1994, the American Diabetes Associations nutrition principles and recommendations attempted to define an “ideal” nutrition prescription that would apply to everyone with diabetes. Although individualization was a major principle of all recommendations, it was usually done within defined limits for recommended energy intake and macronutrient composition. The 1994 nutrition recommendations shifted this focus to one that emphasized effects of nutrition therapy on metabolic control. The nutrition prescription is determined considering treatment goals and lifestyle changes the diabetic patient is willing and able to make, rather than predetermined energy levels and percentages of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. The goal ofnutrition intervention is to assist and facilitate individual lifestyle and behavior changes that will lead to improved metabolic control. This focus continues with the 2002 nutrition principles and recommendations.

What Is A Continuous Glucose Monitor

A Continuous Glucose Monitor is a device that measures blood sugar levels every few minutes. It gives you a real-time blood sugar reading and alerts you when blood sugars are too high or low. CGMs can be worn on your body or in your pocket.

There are also CGMs that work with smart phones and tablets so you, your caregiver, and your doctor can all stay up to speed on your current blood sugar trends. It can also be helpful in understanding how your body responds to insulin and meal changes.

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What Tests Might You Have Done

  • c-peptide – This test indirectly determines the amount of insulin your pancreas produces. Sometimes people are misdiagnosed as being a type T2 diabetic when they are really a T1. Very high fasting BGs can be and indication that you are reallya T1. Not all docts will do the c-peptide test and that test can help confirmwhich type of diabetic you are.
  • complete thyroid analysis
  • The Red Cross will probably start distributing water if you don’t have power for a while.
  • Leave right away if your local authorities tell you to evacuate.
  • Without electricity food in your refrigerator will only be good for about 2 days. Food in your freezer will probably last 4 days. The more you open the door the shorter your food will last.
  • I have all my medications in a central place so I can just scoop them up within a minute.Acutally my plan is take the whole drawer with me. I try to keep at least a weeks worthof meds at all time, including test strips.
  • Gallons and gallons of bottled water. Have individual sized bottles for each person as well.
  • Buy as much ice as you can store. If you have some lead time get and make as muchice as you can and store it in whatever coolers you can.
  • Lots of toilet paper and paper towels.
  • Can you flush your toilet using a bucket of water? Modern toilets may need pressure/electicity to work so you may need to make some alternative arrangementsfor going to the bathroom.
  • Have lights and a radio that don’t require a battery. We have crank versions of each.
  • Vitamins.
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