Friday, July 26, 2024

Reversing Diabetes With Plant Based Diet

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Reversing Diabetes with a Plant-Based Diet | Bob’s Story

New edition published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition lists more than 4,000 items, a 61% increase over the 2008 edition.

Diets such as the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH diet, which are not vegetarian, but nonetheless emphasize the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, may also be effective in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Research, however, is limited. The authors have therefore stated, high-quality studies comparing vegan and vegetarian eating patterns with DASH and/or the Mediterranean eating patterns would provide more detail on how various eating patterns affect diabetes outcomes.

The beneficial effects of a plant-based diet, of course, only work if the patient adheres to the diet. According to one study cited by the authors, patients are typically willing to try a plant-based diet when its rationale has been explained and they can adapt nutrition guidelines to suit their preferences. Moreover, a plant-based diet does not require limits on calories, carbohydrates, or portions. Most patients therefore find it to be no more challenging than other therapeutic diets.

In conclusion, the authors of this Advances in Nutrition Perspective believe health care providers should feel confident in counseling their patients to follow a plant-based eating pattern and should be prepared to provide education and support to improve their patients diabetes outcomes, general health, and psychological well-being.


Is It Possible To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes The Answer Is Absolutely Yes

In this Clinical Study, using the most rigorous standards in a Randomized Clinical Trial, they were able to show how a Plant-Based Dietary Intervention Improves Beta-Cell Function and Insulin Resistance. In this Clinical Trial, they were able to show that a low-fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

In this Randomized Control Trial, called the Ma-Pi 2, which was a completely plant based macrobiotic diet which was high in whole grains, vegetables and legumes, and fermented products, with no animal products and no added sugars, which led to reduced markers of insulin resistance and inflammation. In addition, a significant reduction in insulin-like growth factor-1 was observed in the Ma-Pi 2 subjects vs the controls. The Ma-Pi 2 diet, in both uncontrolled and controlled short- and medium-term trials conducted in patients with T2DM in several countries and continents, has been found to achieve a speed of metabolic control that has not been reported in studies of any other diets.

In this Analysis of 3 studies, dietary data was collected on 69,949 women from the Nurses Health Study , 90,239 women from the Nurses Health Study 2 , and 40,539 men from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study The conclusion is that their study suggests that plant-based diets, especially when rich in high-quality plant foods, are associated with substantially lower risk of developing T2DM.

A Look At Fat And Fiber

When following a vegetarian or plant based lifestyle, you reduce the saturated and trans fats in your diet, which can reduce your risk of chronic disease. These types of fats can clog and damage arteries. And compared to a typical American diet, vegetarian and plant based diets are higher in fiber. The recommended amount of fiber for adults with or without diabetes is 20 to 35 grams per day. When you follow a vegetarian or plant based diet, you will likely meet or exceed this amount.

Foods that are high in fiber are slower to digest so elevations in your blood sugar are less likely to occur. Fiber also provides a feeling of fullness, which usually reduces the overall number of calories eaten and may help you lose weight too.

There are different types of vegetarian diets, with the three most common being:

  • Plant Based No meat or products from animals , eggs or dairy products.
  • Lacto-vegetarian No meat or eggs, but they do consume dairy products.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian No meat, but they do eat both dairy products and eggs.

You may consider yourself a vegetarian, but keep in mind you could still be eating unhealthy processed foods. A healthy plant-based diet means avoiding all meat , dairy and eggs. It is composed of whole foods, which means avoiding refined and processed foods .

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There Are A Number Of Reasons Why A Diet High In Animal

1) Nitrites and nitrates in processed meat are converted in the intestine to nitrosamines which have been shown to be toxic to the beta cells of the pancreas and impair insulin response through generation of reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

2) Advanced glycation end products AGEs These are a group of compounds that induce oxidative stress. They are formed by a spontaneous chemical reaction between an amino acid and a monosaccharide . Some AGEs are produced in the body every day. However, diet is the biggest contributor to AGE formation . AGEs from food are generated more readily from protein rich foods, when cooking at high temperatures and for longer and with dry heat cooking . Foods that generate the most AGEs are fried and processed foods and also animal-derived foods. Unprocessed whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, generate the least amount of AGEs. AGEs are associated with insulin resistance, inflammation and oxidative stress and hence implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.

3) Higher blood levels of branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine are associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. BCAA are found in higher quantities in animal derived foods particularly red meat and dairy.

5) Haem iron in red meat is a pro-oxidant that contributes to cellular oxidative stress and can result in insulin resistance.

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Finding InspirationNot wanting to go on insulin, I started to do research to see if I had any alternatives. It wasnt long before I found out that people were actually reversing their type 2 diabetes through diet and exercise.

I watched the entire iThrive series and was motivated to try a whole-food, plant-based diet for 30 days. I also found Mastering Diabetes and started following their educational series and mentorship program. Then I discovered Forks Over Knives and began using the recipe app and website to retrain myself.

I had an addiction to cheese that was harder to quit than tobacco. And being a chef of more than 30 years, there were many lifelong cooking habits that I had to unlearn. But Ive always truly loved cooking and expressing myself through preparing meals, and I decided to view my new diet as a fun challenge. I began searching the web for whole-food, plant-based recipes and used them as inspiration. I took liberties to reflect my taste preferences but adhered to the WFPB rules.

Sharing the HealthThe results Ive experienced since going whole-food plant-based have been amazing. I have lost 61 pounds. My last A1C reading was 6.0. My total cholesterol is 117. My blood pressure is 117/66. I am off all medications!

My family was supportive from the beginning, but they were especially supportive the day I destroyed all the prescription drugs I was taking.

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Blurry Lines Of A Healthy Diet

A plate full of plant-based food can still contribute to being overweight and higher blood sugar levels if youre not being mindful about how much youre eating.

Portions do matter, no matter what youre eating, said Schwartz. If youre eating a 12-ounce steak with three cups of mashed potatoes and a huge wallop of blue cheese dressing on your side salad, youre overdoing it.

Instead, cut the steak in half, swap the potatoes or at least most of the potatoes for greens. Keep the dressing on the side to dip your fork into instead of covering the salad with it.

Eating something in moderation is also a very vague plan, said Schwartz, who often sees her clients struggle with using this common terminology to include less-than-healthy items in their diet too frequently.

What Else To Consider

In combination with this, intermittent fasting may be used to further reduce blood sugar levels and accelerate diabetes-reversing results.

Foods in particular found to prevent Type-2 diabetes include root vegetables, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, grapes, and apples.

*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Three daily servings of whole grains have also been shown to cause a reduced risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.

Receiving protein from the plant rather than animal product sources was shown in studies to drastically reduce diabetes indicators also.

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Cvd Prevention And Treatment

Low-fat, plant-based eating patterns have shown efficacy in reducing LDL cholesterol concentrations and result in significant reductions in CVD risk and cardiovascular events.,,, Appleby et al. studied hypertension across a range of eating patterns and found that blood pressure control was inversely proportional to the amount of animal products consumed, with those abstaining from all animal products achieving the most significant improvements. In a review of 27 randomized controlled and observational trials, Ferdowsian et al. concluded that a plant-based eating pattern that includes nuts, soy, and/or soluble fiber can reduce LDL cholesterol by 2530%, an amount comparable to what can be achieved with statin drugs. Ornish et al. effectively used a low-fat , plant-based eating pattern in the 5-year landmark Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project clinical trial demonstrating reversal of heart disease. The MLDP included a subset of people with diabetes who achieved the same improvements in cardiovascular risk factors as those who did not have diabetes.

What Is The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

NYC Mayor Eric Adams on Reversing Diabetes with a Plant-Based, Vegan Diet | Forks Over Knives

The hormone responsible to convert the glucose to glycogen is called insulin. It is produced in the pancreas.

Unlike in type 1 diabetes, where the pancreas limit or even stop the production of insulin completely, type 2 diabetes is when the pancreas are producing enough insulin, but due to some reason, glucose is not being converted.

Think of insulin like a key, which when attached to the muscles and liver, opens a lock to let glucose in.

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Making A Vegan Diet Work For You

Before embarking on a vegan diet, its helpful to do your research. The Vegan Society is an excellent source of information with lots of useful tips and advice.

Whether you are ready to go completely vegan, or would like to start by increasing plant-based meals in your diet, or removing meat or dairy products gradually, there are a few important aspects to consider.

Below, we have listed some particular considerations regarding how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

Cardiovascular Disease And Risk Factors

Esselstyn, et al., examined the effects of making dietary changes alone, without other lifestyle interventions, on patients with established cardiovascular disease. The authors reported that in 11 patients with severe coronary artery disease who were compliant with a low-fat plant-based diet, 8 had documented regression of coronary artery disease on repeat angiogram after five years on the diet. In a subsequent review, outcomes were reported on 198 consecutive patients with cardiovascular disease who voluntarily came to the Esselstyn program. A total of 89% were adherent to the diet, consuming a whole-foods, plant-based diet without any meat , dairy, eggs, or added oils. The cardiovascular event rate was extraordinarily low: 0.6% among the adherent patients versus 62% among the non-adherent group.

A literature review of plasma lipids and plant-based diets found that among different plant-based diets , populations following vegan diets had the lowest cholesterol concentrations. This review also found that plant-based diets are associated with up to a 35% reduction in serum LDL cholesterol, whereas interventions allowing small amounts of lean meat demonstrated less dramatic reductions in total cholesterol and LDL levels. In the EPIC-Oxford cohort, those following vegan diets had lower levels of apolipoprotein B, reflecting lower levels of circulating atherogenic particles.

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Recognizing The Limitations Of The Current Study On Plant

Both Koltun and Kirkpatrick flagged limitations in the investigation. Researchers relied on self-reported dietary data, which is not always accurate, and the subjects were predominantly women. Participants were already health-conscious and willing to make substantial changes to their diet, which may not be representative of the general population.

Currently, Kahleova and her collaborators are continuing this research 244 people have now completed the study, and the authors plan to publish updated results in the near future.

Plant-based diets have been shown to be sustainable in the long term, says Kahleova. They not only reduce the risk of diabetes but also cancer and heart disease, and they may prolong life by 10 to 12 years.

India Is Referred To As The Diabetes Capital Of The World

You are ready to reverse T2D with a plant

“In 2020, according to the International Diabetes Federation , 463 million people have diabetes in the world and 88 million people in the Southeast Asia region. Of this 88 million people, 77 million belong to India. The prevalence of diabetes in the population is 8.9%, according to the IDF.”- International Diabetes Federation.

Pricking yourself every week to test your blood glucose can be a pretty frustrating task. I have seen my father go through it and can relate with the same. In fact one of the reasons I choose this career as a holistic nutritionist is to help people heal through food.

No one should go through constant anxiety at the site of food they love. So let’s discuss here how diabetes can be not only prevented, but also reversed with making lifestyle and nutritional changes.

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Implementation In Clinical Practice

Several reviews have presented practical strategies for using plant-based diets in clinical scenarios, including type 2 diabetes management. The key elements of the eating pattern include avoidance of animal products, highly refined grains, added sugars, and oils, and consumption of an abundance of legumes, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. In key randomized clinical trials of plant-based diets, low-glycemic index foods have been encouraged.,

Some clinicians may assume that their patients will not be open to adopting a plant-based diet. However, a plant-based diet has been shown to be similarly acceptable to an ADA diet among people with diabetes plant-based diets have also been found to be highly acceptable in other medical contexts. Common questions about specific macro- and micronutrients in plant-based diets have been addressed elsewhere.,,, Patients who adopt a plant-based diet can experience decreases in blood sugar and blood pressure relatively quickly after changing their diet, especially if they are taking medications for these conditions. Close monitoring and anticipation of hypoglycemia is critical medications may require adjustment. Ongoing support, education, and follow-up can help patients achieve and maintain dietary changes.

Review Published In Advances In Nutrition Finds Plant

According to the CDCs 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report, 13% of the US adult population have diabetes. If current trends continue, by the year 2050, that figure is projected to climb to between 21% and 33% of the adult population. Most of these cases are projected to be type 2 diabetes, which currently accounts for 90% to 95% of all diabetes cases.

The American Diabetes Association estimates the cost of treating diagnosed diabetes in the US at $327 billion dollars annually. The CDC, however, estimates that more than one-fifth of Americans with diabetes have not been diagnosed. The actual healthcare costs associated with diabetes therefore is likely significantly higher.

Because there is no known cure for diabetes, prevention is key. Given the high prevalence of diabetes, however, finding low-cost treatment and disease management options is also critical. A Perspective published in Advances in Nutrition, Plant-Based Eating Pattern for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Treatment: Efficacy, Mechanisms, and Practical Considerations offers strong evidence based on a review of the current scientific research that a plant-based eating pattern is associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes and is highly effective in its treatment.

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How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

A 2006 study, conducted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine with the George Washington University and the University of Toronto, looked at the health benefits of a low-fat, unrefined, plant-based diet in people with type 2 diabetes.

Portions of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes were unlimited. The plant-based diet group was compared with a group following a portion-controlled, higher-fat diet based on American Diabetes Association guidelines. The results of this 22-week study were astounding:

  • Forty-three percent of the plant-based group and 26 percent of the ADA group reduced their diabetes medications. Among those whose medications remained constant, the plant-based group lowered hemoglobin A1C, an index of long-term blood glucose control, by 1.2 points, three times the change in the ADA group.
  • The plant-based group lost an average of about 13 pounds, compared with about 9 pounds in the ADA group.
  • Among those participants who didnt change their lipid-lowering medications, the plant-based group also had more substantial decreases in their total and LDL cholesterol levels compared to the ADA group.

As a licensed Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, one of the nutrition education and cooking curriculums that I teach is the Diabetes Initiative series.

What Causes Type 2 Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes on a Vegan and Whole Food Plant Based Diet

Imagine you eat something . The moment you eat it, the food is broken down into something called ‘glucose‘, or in simple terms, sugar.

Your body needs this glucose to perform activity. Anything you do, even the simplest thing like using your eyesight to read this blog requires energy constantly. When your body gets these sugar molecules, it quickly redistributes them to parts in the body where energy is required.

But we never eat exactly how much the body requires at that time. We might eat a little less or a little more. So the body makes a decision to store the excess glucose molecules we have not used up in the liver and muscles.

They are stored as something called ‘glycogen‘. This is extremely important because if we are starving or skip a meal, the glycogen will again be converted to glucose to be used for energy.

In the case of diabetes though, the body is not able to convert the glucose to glycogen and store it. Thus, there is excess free flowing glucose in the blood at all times and this is very dangerous.

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