Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Sugar

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Why Your Blood Sugar Drops

Can anxiety cause a rise in blood sugar?

The goal of diabetes treatment is to lower your blood sugar. But sometimes, it drops too low. Most people feel symptoms if it goes below 70 milligrams per deciliter . It can happen when you:

  • Take too much diabetes medicine
  • Exercise more than normal

People who donât have diabetes can get low blood sugar, too. Some medicines and diseases can cause it. It can also happen if you:

  • Drink too much alcohol
  • Eat lots of sugary, high-carb foods

Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is a big concern for people suffering from anxiety. Many people who suffer from anxiety, especially those who experience recurrent panic attacks, also experience high blood sugar. High blood sugar is caused by the stress of anxiety, which in turn can lead to insulin resistance. This can cause your blood sugar to become too high, which can lead to a dangerous condition called ketoacidosis. However, managing your blood sugar is very important for those who suffer from anxiety. Read this article to learn more.

What To Do If You Have A Blood Sugar Spike

For those with diabetes, having a blood sugar spike can be dangerous because too much sugar in the blood passes into the urine. This triggers the body to filter out the fluid, which could lead to dehydration or a diabetic coma.

In the event that blood sugar levels spike because of stressors that cannot be managed, its vital to make managing your blood glucose a priority. You can do this by focusing on things you can control, such as your diet and exercise, checking your blood sugar regularly, and taking your medications as instructed by your physician.

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Type 1 Diabetes And Anxiety

Type 1 diabetes, which relies on the constant micromanagement of insulin, can lead to the development of anxiety due to a generalized fear of complications, imperfect blood sugar levels, mild or severe low blood sugars, and the constant effort for control.

In life with type 1 diabetes, the more variables a patient is able to control, the more he or she is presumably able to manage their blood sugar levels. Food, activity, hormones, stress, hydration, blood sugar fluctuations during work or school or parenting, and even something as simple as grocery shopping, all have a major and immediate impact on blood sugar levels.

When one or many of these variables are out of ones control which is likely often anxiety can easily develop.

How Low Blood Sugar Causes Anxiety

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Three hormones your body makes work together to keep your body in balance. Among other things, this means keeping your blood sugar levels appropriate for good functioning. These hormones are cortisol, insulin, and thyroid.

They make up the hormones most involved in a part of the NeuroEndoMetabolic Stress Response circuit called the Bioenergetics circuit. The NEM consists of six inter-related circuits made up of three organs or systems each that works to keep your body in a state of homeostasis, or balance. So, when stress becomes chronic and severe, regardless of source, the NEM works to counter the stress.

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What Is High Blood Sugar

Hyperglycemia is the medical term describing an abnormally high blood glucose level. Blood sugar is measured in a sample of blood taken from a vein or from a small finger stick sample of blood. It can be measured in a laboratory either alone or with other blood tests, or it can be measured using a handheld glucometer, a small device that allows frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels without the need for a doctors office or laboratory.

Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a hallmark sign of diabetes and prediabetes. Normal ranges for blood glucose measurements can vary slightly among different laboratories, but in general a fasting glucose level is considered normal if it is between 70-100 mg/dL. Glucose levels may rise slightly above this range following a meal. Random blood glucose measurements are usually lower than 125 mg/dL.

Ways To Reduce Mental Stress3

  • Learn how to relax during stressful moments by using deep-breathing exercises.
  • Evaluate your schedule to find how to make changes to relieve stress.
  • Exercise regularly and take regular outdoor walks to experience nature, which generally has a soothing effect on the body and soul.

It is important to understand what stress is and how it effects your body. By identfiying and actively finding healthy ways to overcome your stress triggers, you can help to improve your diabetes management.

References1. Glucerna.How Stress Affects Blood Sugar Levels 2020. Abbott Laboratories. Available at: Diabetes UK. Stress And Blood Glucose-Levels.2019. Diabetes Digital Media. Available at: .3. Mind Organisation. Stress. 1st ed. London: Mind publications, p.1-15. 2017. Available at: .

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A Brief Overview Of The Ketogenic Diet The Real Type 2 Diabetes Diet

For those who dont know, the ketogenic diet restricts daily carbohydrates to around 20-30g of net carbs . Restricting carbohydrates to this degree forces your body to burn fat for fuel a process called ketosis. Once your body is in ketosis, your blood sugar levels will decrease and your A1C levels will drop.

For more information on how to start a ketogenic diet to lower blood sugar read our beginners guide to the ketogenic diet.

Here is a brief list of what you should and should not eat on a ketogenic diet:

Do Not Eat:

  • Meats fish, beef, lamb, poultry, eggs, etc.
  • Leafy Greens spinach, kale, etc.
  • Above ground vegetables broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
  • High Fat Dairy hard cheeses, high fat cream, butter, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds macadamias, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Avocado and berries raspberries, raspberries, and other low glycemic impact berries
  • Sweeteners stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, and other low-carb sweeteners
  • Other fats coconut oil, high-fat salad dressing, saturated fats, etc.

If youre new to keto, you can always see our more detailed ketogenic food list >

Before you start, it is important to know that your blood sugar wont drop instantly. Some studies suggest that you may have to stay on a ketogenic diet for 16 weeks before your blood sugar is under control.

However, this doesnt mean that you will have to wait that long. You can lower your blood sugar today especially if you eat the ten foods that lower your blood sugar naturally.

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How Stress Affect YOUR Blood Sugar!

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What Happens In Your Body When You Get Stressed

Stress hormones have a big role to play.

When youre experiencing physical or emotional stress, hormones are released that increase your blood sugar. Cortisol and adrenaline are other primary hormones involved.

This is a perfectly natural response. For example, if youre being chased by a barking dog or youre in a dangerous situation, you need these hormones to prepare your body for a fight or flight situation.

But when youre stressed, your body releases these hormones, even if there isnt a major physical threat involved.

The result? Higher blood pressure, increased heart rate and a rise in blood sugar.

The problem becomes more complicated.

If youre consistently under stress, your hormones and sugar will continue to surge.

Over time, this can put you at risk for:

This is one reason why its so important to treat your stress and anxiety.

How Anxiety Can Cause High Blood Sugar

There is a correlation between anxiety and high blood sugar. According to the American Diabetes Association, people who are diagnosed with anxiety disorders are two and a half times more likely to have diabetes. Its thought that this can be due to a variety of reasons. One reason is that stress can make blood sugar levels drop by causing the body to release adrenaline, which can make the body crave foods that are high in sugar. Another reason is that people who are diagnosed with anxiety disorders have lower levels of physical activity. And this can cause a drop in blood sugar. Research also shows that patients with depression have a higher risk of diabetes. But there is some good news. Exercise and meditation can help to lower anxiety and blood sugar levels. And some medications can help to treat both anxiety and high blood sugar.

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Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure

Anxiety doesn’t cause long-term high blood pressure . But episodes of anxiety can cause dramatic, temporary spikes in your blood pressure. If those temporary spikes occur frequently, such as every day, they can cause damage to your blood vessels, heart and kidneys, as can chronic high blood pressure. In addition, when you have anxiety you’re more likely to resort to other unhealthy habits that can increase your blood pressure, such as: Smoking Drinking alcoholic beverages Overeating Some medications to treat anxiety and other mental health conditions, such as serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors , can also increase your blood pressure. If you have trouble controlling your anxiety or if anxiety interferes with daily activities, talk to your doctor or a mental health provider to find an appropriate treatment.Continue reading > >

Not Surprisingly The Microbiome Is Also Involved In Anxiety And Blood Sugar Balance

Reactive Hypoglycemia: Overview and More

What is even more interesting is that higher cortisol levels are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. For starters, stress can affect how we think and regulate our emotions, which means it naturally influences our eating patterns and sleep habits. It also can influence the gut microbiome, which is the ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live inside of our gastrointestinal tracts. All of these things taken together can lead us to develop conditions such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, stroke, and heart disease.

Poor dietary choices and chronic stress are definitely risk factors for blood sugar imbalance. These are also risk factors for an imbalance in the gut microbiome. This is where the root cause of many chronic diseases comes from, including anxiety and depression. In fact, a recent study showed that there was a particular pattern of imbalance in the gut microbiome in those people who had generalized anxiety disorder.

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Low Blood Sugar Mimics Anxiety

The mutual symptoms of low blood sugar and anxiety are not coincidental. There is a shared physiological base of the two conditions.

When low blood sugar occurs, the body attempts to normalize levels by bringing blood glucose up. It does this through epinephrine excretion, which triggers glucose production in the liver.

Increased adrenaline levels, however, trigger a “fight or flight” response in the body. This same biochemical process is also linked to anxiety.

A longer-term or chronic low blood sugar state can also cause the body to produce cortisol, which is the “stress hormone.” Cortisol helps tissues in the body be less reactive to insulin, which helps increase glucose circulation in the bloodstream.

While this may help raise and normalize blood sugar levels, higher cortisol levels are also linked to anxiety. For this reason, many of the warning signs and symptoms of low blood sugar are shared with that of anxiety.

Diabetes And Anxiety: Everything You Need To Know

Anxiety is very common in people with diabetes, and for good reason.

In life with diabetes type 1 or type 2 there can be a constant feeling of worry and stress throughout every part of every day because your blood sugar is never still. And as we know all too well, blood sugars too high or too low can both have a variety of consequences with varying degrees of danger.

In this article, well discuss what anxiety is, why people with diabetes are more likely to develop generalized anxiety disorders, the latest research on diabetes and anxiety, and treatment options available today.

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    Are Some People More Prone To Anxiety Than Others

    Thats a difficult question, and theres no one correct answer.

    Generally, both physical and psychological factors cause everyone to react to stress differently.

    For example, genetics can play a role. Some genes that control the stress response may go into overdrive while for other people, they are under reactive.

    Those who experience traumatic life events or are survivors of abuse may be more vulnerable to stress.

    Still others may have a combination of factors.

    Acute Hyperglycemia Alters Mood State And Impairs Cognitive Performance In People With Type 2 Diabetes

    Can Sugar Cause Anxiety?
  • Andrew J. Sommerfield, MRCP ,
  • Ian J. Deary, PHD and
  • Brian M. Frier, MD
  • 1Department of Diabetes, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K
  • 2Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K
  • Address correspondence and reprint requests to Professor Brian M. Frier, Department of Diabetes, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH16 4ES, Scotland, U.K. E-mail:
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    Ask Your Primary Care Doctor Or Diabetes Healthcare Team For Help

    Just because youre dealing with anxiety now doesnt mean youll be dealing with forever especially if you get the help you need. Talk to your healthcare team about a referral to a therapist or about starting a medication to help you lessen your anxiety. There are so many options, but they can only help you if you ask for help.

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    Dealing With Diabetes Can Cause Anxiety

    Lets face it: Controlling diabetes is hard work. That in itself is enough to cause worry and stress. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, those with diabetes are 20 percent more likely to experience anxiety than those without the disease.

    We understand this, and were dedicated to helping alleviate your worry by working together as a team to address any distressing issues.

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    What Happens To My Blood Sugar Levels When Im Stressed

    During stressful situations, epinephrine , glucagon, growth hormone and cortisol play a role in blood sugar levels. Stressful situations include infections, serious illness or significant emotion stress.

    When stressed, the body prepares itself by ensuring that enough sugar or energy is readily available. Insulin levels fall, glucagon and epinephrine levels rise and more glucose is released from the liver. At the same time, growth hormone and cortisol levels rise, which causes body tissues to be less sensitive to insulin. As a result, more glucose is available in the blood stream.

    When you have type 2 diabetes, low blood sugars from too much medication or insulin are a common cause of stress. The hormonal response to a low blood sugar includes a rapid release of epinephrine and glucagon, followed by a slower release of cortisol and growth hormone. These hormonal responses to the low blood sugar may last for 6-8 hours during that time the blood sugar may be difficult to control. The phenomena of a low blood sugar followed by a high blood sugar is called a rebound or Somogyi reaction.

    When you have type 2 diabetes, stress may make your blood sugar go up and become more difficult to control and you may need to take higher doses of your diabetes medications or insulin.

    During times of stress, individuals with diabetes, may have more difficulty controlling their blood sugars.

    Difference Between Panic Attack And Low Blood Sugar

    11 Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar That Is Really Worrying ~ Healthcopia

    When youre feeling unwell and lightheaded, how you can tell if its because of low blood sugar or youre having a panic attack? It can be quite confusing.

    Both these conditions can manifest with the same symptoms, which can lead to a common misdiagnosis. Some diabetics tend to confuse their symptoms with a panic attack, which might be actually due to hypoglycemia.

    When a person feels unwell, lightheaded, sweaty, and has an increased heart rate, he might think its a panic attack. However, this is not only the case every time. Low blood sugar is another cause of these symptoms.

    How to differentiate between them? Lets discuss them individually.

    Panic Attack- this is usually an attack of sudden intense fear and anxiety. It can happen due to any stressful situation such as bereavement or sometimes without any apparent cause.

    Low Blood Sugar- this condition, also known as hypoglycemia, occurs when your blood glucose level drops to a very low level. It can have various causing factors, such as skipping a meal, intense physical activity, etc.

    While they both have different causes and factors, symptoms such as trembling, sweating, racing heartbeat, dizziness, etc. are common in both. They both tend to drain the energy out of a person, leaving them helpless.

    An important characteristic that can differentiate between them is that blood sugar level fluctuates with diet and the symptoms of hypoglycemia can reverse.

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