Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Pass Glucose Test

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Types Of Glucose Tests

How to Beat the Glucose test with 2 Exercises

There are several different types of glucose tests. Each glucose test provides unique information and is useful in different ways.

For example, if youre trying to figure out how much insulin you need to inject before a meal, checking your blood sugar after eating can help assess how effective your current dose is.

If your healthcare provider wants to determine if your prediabetes is progressing into diabetes, youll likely have a hemoglobin A1c test.

Here are some of the most common blood glucose tests:

What Is The Glucose Tolerance Test

This is a helpful glucose test during pregnancy that can check for the potential of gestational diabetes in your system. It consists of two parts, the glucose challenge screening test followed by the tolerance test.

The glucose challenge screening test is usually done during the third trimester and is now considered to be standard practice nowadays, owing to how common gestational diabetes has become. This glucose test during pregnancy will need you to drink a sweet drink an hour before blood is withdrawn for testing. If your results are positive, then you need to go on to the second phase.

For the glucose tolerance test if you are wondering what to eat before, the doctor will ask you to consume 150mg of carbohydrate for three days before the test. Only sips of water may be allowed 14 hours before blood is taken for testing.

What To Eat Before Glucose Test In Pregnancy: Take Home Points

Diet is crucial when pregnant, which can help regulate your hormones and maintain optimum health. Lessening food high in carbs and sugar can prevent or manage gestational diabetes, among other benefits. So, start referring to this list on what to eat and what to avoid so you can make the dietary changes now.

Szmuilowicz ED, Josefson JL, Metzger BE. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2019 Sep 48:479-493. doi: 10.1016/j.ecl.2019.05.001. Epub 2019 Jun 18. PMID: 31345518 PMCID: PMC7008467.

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How Different Foods Affect My Blood Glucose Levels

As it turns out, my glucose numbers are perfect, so Ive started having a little bit of fun while I have this glucose monitor and must poke my finger anyway. By fun, I mean Ive been trying out different food combinations to see how they affect my glucose levels.

For example, yesterday I had an all-fruit meal for breakfast to see if it would spike my blood sugar the way everyone always assumes it will, and in contrast, I had a low-carb breakfast another morning to see how my blood sugar responded to that. Below are my results!

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Gestational Diabetes Test: The Aftermath

3 Secret Ways to Pass the Glucose Test Your Doctor May Not Tell You ...

Like I said earlier, some women struggle to keep the drink down. This is rarer though- youll probably keep it down just fine. But that doesnt mean you wont have side effects!

I felt pretty shaky and had a pretty crazy sugar rush for a couple of hours. You may feel a little sick or nauseous after drinking it. Dont feel bad if you need to take some time off! Either way, the side effects arent too bad and youll feel better in no time.

After you get your blood drawn and the test is over, youll typically hear your results in a couple of days. More likely than not, youre all clear!

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Avoid Sugars And Refined Carbs

Dont eat high-sugar foods or simple carbs the morning of your glucose screening. The body breaks these foods down quickly, leading to a spike in blood sugar levels. That means avoiding breakfast favorites like:

  • Orange juice and other fruit juices
  • Sweetened toppings like jam or syrup
  • Pancakes, waffles and French toast

Who Might Get A Glucose Test

Your healthcare provider will likely order a glucose test to screen you for blood sugar problems, such as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and prediabetes.

A glucose test is standard during pregnancy to screen for gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is when you develop diabetes during pregnancy. It usually goes away after you deliver your baby.

Gestational diabetes screenings typically occur at the end of the second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester .

You might also have a glucose test if youve been experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar , such as fainting and dizziness.

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So What Is The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test In Pregnancy

A glucose test in pregnancy is a routine test that checks the blood glucose level in the expectant mothers blood. You will be asked to consume a sugary drink then have your blood tested an hour later, checking the glucose levels at that point.

Between the 24th and the 28th weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider will ask you to undergo the glucose screening test, also known as the 1-hour glucose test or the two-step glucose test. This test is normally done in the morning.

If the one-hour glucose test comes back positive, you will likely be asked to take a second test. This time the three-hour glucose test, in order to further determine your risk of gestational diabetes. This test requires 4 blood draws over a 3 hour period.

The good thing is as long as you past the first test, you do not have to worry about the three-hour test.

Its important to note, that there are alternatives to taking the oral glucose tolerance test, so talk with your care provider to determine what is best for your situation.

How To Pass The Glucose Tolerance Test In Pregnancy

Glucose Tolerance Test | Why Low Carb People Fail GTT| How to Pass GTT

So youre 24+ weeks, and you were told to take the glucose test.

If youre anxious, youre not alone.

After reading this post, youre going to learn how to pass the glucose tolerance test in pregnancy.

Specifically, youll learn:

  • How to prepare for the 1 hour test, ,
  • What you should eat before taking the glucose test, and
  • What happens if you fail the 3 hour test.

Lets get started.



Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor. This information is for informational purposes only and should not substitute the advice from your healthcare professional. All kinds of exercise and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur. Please read my full Disclaimer for more information. Also, this post may contain affiliate links: meaning I may receive a commission if you use them.

Ok, moving on.

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How Do You Pass Your Pregnancy Glucose Test

How your body works to process glucose during pregnancy is mostly out of your control. However, eating sugary, sweet foods before your screening will affect your results. These include things like bread, pasta, cakes, sugary cereals, juices and soft drinks. If you want to pass your glucose screening test, avoid these foods and drinks prior to the test.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Screening for gestational diabetes is just one of the many tests youll have during pregnancy. Its become a routine part of prenatal care because unmanaged diabetes can cause complications for both you and the fetus. Glucose tests are simple and relatively painless. It involves drinking a sweet, sugary liquid and getting blood drawn from a vein in your arm at specific intervals. If your body isnt processing glucose correctly, your blood glucose levels will be elevated or abnormal. Talk to your pregnancy care provider to make sure you understand what a glucose test is, when to get it and where you need to go. They can help you understand the process.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.Policy

Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests

The purpose of the oral glucose tolerance test is to measure the bodys ability to use a type of sugar, called glucose. Glucose is the bodys main source of energy. An OGTT can be used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes. An OGTT is most commonly done to check for diabetes that occurs with pregnancy, called gestational diabetes.

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Understanding Your Glucose Tolerance Test Results

So what constitutes a passing grade? The numbers are a bit different for this test. The Mayo Clinic breaks down the benchmark glucose levels doctors use to diagnose gestational diabetes after the glucose tolerance test:

  • Fasting blood glucose level should be lower than 95 mg/dL
  • One-hour blood test glucose level should be lower than 180 mg/dL
  • Two-hour blood test glucose level should be lower than 155 mg/dL
  • Three-hour blood test glucose level should be lower than 140 mg/dL

If one of the four results is higher than expected, your doctor may recommend taking the test again in a few weeks. If two or more return high, youll be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, says the Mayo Clinic.

So what happens if the glucose tolerance test determines you have gestational diabetes? Dont worry youll likely meet with a nutritionist help guide you through your pregnancy with a balanced diet, and will closely monitor the ratio of carbohydrates to protein to fats and sugars you are consuming, says Pope. Youll also have to check your blood glucose levels with a home glucometer four times a day , explains Greves. If diet alone doesnt help rein in your blood glucose numbers, insulin may be necessary, says Klein, who emphasizes the medications safety and efficacy.

What Is The Gestational Diabetes Test

chances of passing 3 hour glucose test after failing 1 hour test ...

First of all, when I understood what this test was for, the whole experience seemed less scary. Thats pretty typical though- the more prepared you feel, the less scary pregnancy is!

Basically, during pregnancy, you can develop temporary diabetes depending on how your placenta develops. It has nothing to do with how healthy you eat or your genetics- it seems to be pretty random actually.

Its pretty common as well- The American Diabetes Association said that pregnant women affected by it could be as high as 9%. If you have gestational diabetes, that means you have insulin resistance and you likely just have to change the way you eat for the remainder of your pregnancy After the baby is born your body should go back to normal!

The Gestational Diabetes Test simply is to track how your body handles a high dose of sugar. Thats it.

This test is administered differently at different doctors offices, but generally, youll be handed a bottle filled with orange or clear liquid. Some will ask you to fast before, some dont. Youll have to drink it in a certain amount of time and then wait an hour before getting your blood drawn.

I had the orange drink, and honestly, it was not that bad. And from what Ive heard, the clear one is even better. Imagine a flat soda, or a melted popsicle. Kinda gross, but totally doable.

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How Is The Diabetes Test Done

The gestational diabetes test is normally ordered around 28 weeks, but if you have issues including previous larger babies, a close family tie that has diabetes or other issues they may recommend you take it earlier .

They may take a fasting blood sugar , and then everyone drinks a sugar drink .

They then take your blood sugar at regular intervals.

If youre just having the 1-hour test youll just have the one blood draw and then youre done.

If youre doing the 3-hour test youll have blood taken before the drink , and then at 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours after drinking it.

Most labs will want you to stay within the lab for this process. They will likely also have other guidelines like not smoking, eating, drinking , or exercising during the test just to make sure its accurate.

Ok, keep going though, were going to talk about diabetes for a bit

Oh, grab my hospital packing list while youre here. I bet it will help you!

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What Is The Normal Range For A Three

For a three-hour glucose tolerance test:

  • Fasting blood sugar levels should be lower than 95 mg/dL.
  • After one hour, blood sugar levels should be lower than 180 mg/dL.
  • After two hours, blood sugar levels should be lower than 155 mg/dL.
  • After three hours, blood sugar levels should be lower than 140 mg/dL.

Keep in mind, your provider may have a slightly different normal range. Generally speaking, if your blood sugar is elevated in at least two of your results, your provider will diagnose you with gestational diabetes. If you have one elevated result, your provider may ask to test you again in a few weeks.

Make sure you understand the results of your glucose test and discuss any concerns you have with your provider.

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How Do I Prepare For My 1 Hour Glucose Test

You shouldnt make any drastic changes to prepare for the 1 hour glucose test.

In fact, its best that you follow your normal diet because its important to get an accurate representation of how your body handles sugar on a day to day basis.

Otherwise, try and get a good nights sleep the week before the test.

Sleep deprivation can increase cortisol levels, which can also affect your blood sugar levels.

What Is The Two

How to test for Glucose (Diabetes) using urine testing strips. Interpreting positive glucose results

The two-hour glucose tolerance test is basically a shortened version of the three-hour tolerance test. If you get this test, you likely wont do the screening test first, which is why the two-hour version is sometimes referred to as the one-step glucose tolerance test.

Overnight fast: Typically youre instructed to eat a late meal the night before the test and then to eat or drink nothing after that, except for sips of water. The fasting period is usually 8 to 14 hours before the test, so youll want to schedule the test for first thing in the morning.

Heres what to expect at the lab:

  • First blood draw: When you arrive for the test, a blood sample is taken to measure your fasting blood glucose level.
  • Sweet drink: Next, youll drink a very sweet drink, which usually contains 75 grams of glucose.
  • Two more blood draws: Your blood will be drawn at one hour and two hours after the drink.
  • Results: If any of your blood sugar readings are abnormal you will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

This chart shows the levels that the American Diabetes Association considers abnormal at each interval of the two-hour glucose tolerance test :


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Risks Of Unmanaged Gestational Diabetes

If you have gestational diabetes and it goes undiagnosed, or untreated, the risk of pregnancy complications is increased. For mom, this includes high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and c-section. Baby is subject to macrosomia , shoulder dystocia, jaundice, low blood sugars, and stillbirth.

Long term health risks include problematic blood sugars for mom and baby, resulting in a diagnosis of diabetes.

Each of these outcomes is possible in non-gestational diabetes pregnancies as well, but with GDM, you are at higher risk.

How Do I Get Ready

To get an accurate result on the OGTT, eat about 150 grams of carbohydrates each day for 3 days before the test. Don’t eat or drink anything except water after about 10 oâclock the night before.

You don’t need to do any special prep before the pregnancy glucose challenge test. You can eat in the morning. Just avoid foods with a lot of sugar, such as doughnuts or orange juice.

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Gestational Diabetes When To Test

Gestational diabetes happens when a pregnant womans body cant regulate their glucose levels, resulting in high sugar levels. This happens due to hormones and weight gain from pregnancy. The glucose test for gestational diabetes is taken between your 6th or 8th month of pregnancy if you havent already been diagnosed with diabetes. If you have a history of gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy you will be screened much earlier usually before 14 weeks.

There is no preparation before the 1 hour glucose test. When you get to the office, your doctor will give you a sweet drink which will cause your sugar levels peak. After one hour, your blood will be drawn to see how your body reacts to the excess sugar in your body. If your body is able to handle the excess sugar, your blood draw will reflect that. If your body can not handle the excess sugar, your blood sugar levels will be high and this likely means that you have gestational diabetes.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gestational Diabetes

How To Pass 1 Hour Glucose Test

Most women who have gestational diabetes will not show any symptoms, and anything that feels out of the ordinary might be linked to the pregnancy.

Most of them will find out about it during a routine glucose test screening. This is the reason why taking the prenatal glucose screening test is so important. Some of the symptoms might include:

  • Feeling thirstier than usual

Read 11 Pregnancy Diet Mistakes to Avoid

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About The Sample Diet

Be sure to eat 150-200 grams of carbohydrate for 3 full days before the test. The approximate grams of carbohydrate are in parentheses following each menu item. You may feelfree to substitute from the table below.


  • 8 oz. orange juice 1 slice toast 1 tbsp. jam or jelly One cup dry cereal 8 oz. milk
4 vanilla wafers

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