Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Much Do Diabetic Strips Cost

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Cheapest Diabetic Test Strips Available Here

High cost of medicine for diabetics leads to ‘gray market’ for blood sugar test strips

Manufacturers of diabetic test strips are always seeking new ways to enhance their glucose monitoring systems to gain more share of the market. While brand test strips are continually adopting new features, the competition is at its highest. You would think the price of diabetic test strips would drop in such a competitive environment but the reality is proving otherwise. The cost of glucose test strips have have recently increased as some of the biggest manufacturers such as Roche or OneTouch raised their prices by almost 10% just this last month.

The cost of diabetic test strips continues to rise as more individuals are diagnosed with diabetes. According to American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million Americans lived with diabetes in 2011. This numbers makes up about 8.3% of the U.S Population. Though this number is only on the rise much like the cost of test strips, individuals with diabetes will continue to look for ways to save money on their diabetic test strips. The good news, thanks to internet technology, finding cheapest diabetic test strips is now easier than ever.

True Metrix Glucose Test Strip

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Expiration Of Test Strips

For many patients who have a limited budget to juggle, two question that always come to mind is do test strips go bad and whether they can use test strips that have been expired. For the first question, test strips are only effective if the enzymes are active. Once you open a bottle of test strips, you are allowing the test strips to come in contact with humidity and all the chemicals in the atmosphere, and thus the degradation speeds up. Assuming that the test strip bottle is closed tightly after each use and the bottle has been stored according to the manufacturers directions, you can expect your test strip to remain effective for a good while. Just to give you some idea how long test strips will last, we have compiled a short list of some common test strip brands and compared their effective duration:

Assuming that the test strip bottle is closed tightly after each use and the bottle has been stored according to the manufacturers directions, you can expect your test strip to remain effective for a good while. Just to give you some idea how long test strips will last, we have compiled a short list of some common test strip brands and compared their effective duration:

Good for 90 days after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, whichever comes first.
Nipro Diagnostics® Good for 120 days after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, whichever comes first.

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What Do I Need To Know About Glucose Meters

Portable glucose meters are small devices operated by batteries. There are many blood glucose-monitoring systems available. Each brand and type has advantages and disadvantages. In addition, glucose meters range substantially in price, depending on the particular features you want. Some of the features to consider are convenience, quick response, and accuracy.

Keep in mind that some glucose meters require more blood than others. This is a big concern for very young children or for elderly people with diabetes. Some meters have a larger digital readout — an important consideration for older individuals or people with poor vision. And there are glucose meters that give results much faster than others, which can make them more convenient. Other differences may include portability, size, and cost.

Today, blood glucose meters can usually provide results in 15 seconds or less and can store this valuable information for you and your doctor. These meters can also calculate an average blood glucose level over a period of time. Some glucose meters also feature software kits that retrieve information from the meter and display graphs and charts of your past test results on a computer or cell phone.

Using the results from a glucose monitor, you can make daily adjustments in:

  • The medications you take — for instance, how much insulin you need
  • Your dietary choices — counting carbs
  • Your exercise regimen
  • Physical activities

What Youre Testing When You Test Your Blood Sugar

Even Small Medical Advances Can Mean Big Jumps in Bills

When your body does not make or properly use insulinthe hormone that processes food into fuel for your bodythe glucose from food builds up in your bloodstream. Higher blood sugar means you do not have enough insulin pulling glucose out of your bloodstream to create fuel for your body.

Thats why its so important to check your blood sugar so you know if and how much more medication you need to give your body the proper fuel it requires to function and feel good. For people with Type 1 diabetes, this impacts how much insulin you need to take. For people with other types of diabetes, it can impact a variety of medication doses, like metformin or insulin.

Key is knowing what your blood sugar number is blood sugar tests arent a judgement, but just a piece of data that lets you know how your body is doing. If your blood sugar stays too high for too long, youll likely feel sick and tired, and could be damaging your body over time. If it stays too low, you may feel confused and shaky, and if you have a severe low blood sugar, you could pass out or have a seizure.

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How To Avoid Counterfeit Blood Glucose Test Strips

Until recently, counterfeit blood glucose test strips is a rare occurrence in the United States. However, the brand LifeScan has known to have the most frequent counterfeit issues. In the past, they have announced that the counterfeit test strips has shown unreliable performance that includes highly inaccurate test resultsand it is unknown how counterfeit test strips that may be in the marketplace will perform. As of 2016, there has not been any counterfeit issues reported by LifeScan or the United States government. However, just to be safe, always check your test strips for signs of counterfeits.

  • Tamper MRP Label

All genuine test strip packaging have a Tamper Evident MRP Label. Once peeled off, it would reveal the words OPEN. If the label does not say OPEN, the pack is counterfeit.

  • Scratch Label

All genuine test strips packaging have a scratch label. When you scratch off the layer, it would reveal a unique number which can be verified by calling the manufacturer customer service.

If you suspect that you have a counterfeit test strips or have any concern with the test strip, dont hesitate to call the manufacturer customer service for assistance.

Several other companies are also developing technologies that can automatically send blood glucose readings from a meter to insurers. In doing so, companies can truly see if the patient is getting the strips for personal use or whether they are committing fraudulent claims.

What Exactly Do Diabetes Test Strips Do

Your test strips vary depending on what kind of meter you use to monitor your blood sugar, but all strips operate in a similar fashion.

Each strip measures the electrical energy within the glucose of your sample. For those who dont have a degree in science, this means they convert glucose into an electrical current. This is then read by the meter.

The manufacturers do this by working with an enzyme that can do this conversion. They must create a fine balance on the strip so that they keep the enzyme active, but not too active.

Diabetic strips were created so that if the test strip is exposed to weather variants, it wont degrade the enzyme. This is incredibly important for an accurate read, otherwise, most users would not be able to store their strips in their homes for fear of marring them due to temperature damage.

The reading on your meter then tells you how much glucose you have in your blood at that moment in time. It can then inform you if you need to take action.

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Where Can I Get Free Insulin

Over the last few years, the cost of insulin has skyrocketed. If you are struggling to pay for your insulin, three drug manufacturers may offer immediate prescription assistance: Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi. The American Diabetes Association has more information on how to access cheaper insulin through manufacturers.

Facebook Chatting About Diabetes Test Strips

Cost Associated with Living with Diabetes

Listen to our community members talk about their experiences on the KQED Facebook page:

They are ridiculously high. And to get the true measure of how your glucose is reacting to food, you should test often but thats not possible when they cost so much. You would think the insurance companies would want to pay this cost and help people early then pay for the cost of the effects of diabetes after years of not being able to monitor because of the costs.

I get mine through Medicaid its free.

I went from Anthem insurance at work, which paid 100% for one brand of test strips, to Blue Shield, which has a co-pay. I dont test as often as I should because the test strips are too expensive.

I dont test my blood anymore because I cant afford the test strips.


They are so expensive.

I cant do it everyday cause so expensive.

Yes, test strips are very expensive. Try to spread them out. Wish there was a better alternative.

I finally switched to walmart rely on prime meter and strips. meter about 17.00. strips 50 for 9.00 or 100 for 18.95. Now if i could buy my insulin. No insurance and fall every crack. UGh.

They are ridiculously expensive. I go without them for periods of time due to the cost and just guess how much insulin I need.

I am diabetic and it costs me about $100 monthly.

Medicare picks up the cost for me. Zero our of my pocket directly.

My husband is type 2 and the meds are covered by our insurance but not the strips. The cost is $75.

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How To Pick The Right Glucometer

We have mentioned earlier that you should pick your glucometer based on your test strip preference. But aside from the money issue, you should also consider your needs when it comes to picking the right glucometer:

  • Testing Locations

For diabetic patients, you may have to test anywhere from 3 to 10 times daily for your glucose level. This may lead to sensitive or calloused fingertips when you are using a meter that only uses finger-stick samples. Knowing about the problem, many companies have now developed meters that can use blood from other areas of the body such as forearm, upper arm, hand, thigh or calf.

  • Storage Capabilities

Some models of glucometer can storage several strips for future usage. Other models will come with a storage case that will have room for all your other accessories. Some models will have built-in memory and data storage capabilities so that you dont have to write down all the information after every measurement.

  • Accuracy

Accuracy is the most crucial element in a glucometer because you depend on your test results to fine-tune your food and insulin intake. You should always verify with your doctor first to establish a baseline of your blood glucose levels before using a glucometer to test and compare.

  • Meter Size

A compact glucose meter is often the best choice if you are active as they can be easily stowed in a pocket or purse. Large units will require a custom storage case.

  • Ease of Use

How Singlecare Can Help You Save On Diabetic Supplies

SingleCare is most known for helping people access lower prescription drug prices. However, we also provide some of the best prices available on diabetic supply products, including test strips, syringes, and glucometers like the Freestyle Libre Reader.

Search for the diabetic supplies you need at, find the lowest price, and show the SingleCare coupon at your pharmacy to start saving today.

Recommended Reading: Freestyle Libre Type 2 Diabetes

Why Does The Ontario Government Continue To Pay For Glucose Test Strips In People Unlikely To Benefit

With the Ontario government dealing with a significant deficit, saving millions of dollars annually by reducing spending on unnecessary blood glucose test strips may seem like a no brainer. Why does the government continue to pay for the strips?

Withdrawing a service that it is already providing can be politically risky for governments. In this case, some persons with diabetes and their physicians may accuse the government of abandoning them. The manufacturers of glucose strips will certainly be unhappy and will almost certainly vigorously criticize any attempt to decrease expenditures on glucose test strips.

On the other hand, restricting public funding may seem sensible to many Ontarians: the millions saved by not paying for these test strips can be used elsewhere in the health care system to greater effect, and the government will continue to pay for test strips in persons with diabetes who benefit from them . Also, if the government doesnt pay for the strips, many persons with diabetes can afford to pay for the strips themselves if they want to test their own blood sugars.

Why Are Diabetic Test Strips So Costly

Frequently Asked Questions

Most Americans who suffer from diabetes check their sugar levels on a daily basis. For doing so, they require diabetes test strips that work along with their glucose meter for providing them with accurate glucose readings.

Diabetes test strips can set you back a fortune. Thats true, especially when you also include the fact that a diabetic has to utilize them on a daily basis. Some people may use them multiple times a day, which can increase their medical bills to extreme levels.

Test strips are highly crucial for diabetics. Unless you have enough insurance or healthcare, they can cost you a bombshell.

But why are test strips so costly?

While test strips differ from each other based on the meter that you utilize for monitoring your sugar levels, all strips are the same more or less.

A strip measures your blood samples glucose levels by measuring its electrical energy. Glucose is converted into an electrical current, which is then processed and displayed by the glucose meter.

Manufacturers do it by using enzymes that are capable of performing such conversions. However, they need to maintain a delicate balance. The enzyme must be kept active, but not excessively either.

Diabetic strips are capable of withstanding most weather fluctuations. Thus, they will not degrade these enzymes. Thats extremely important because were it not for this feature, users wouldnt have been capable of storing the strips in their houses because of rampant temperature fluctuations.

Also Check: Number Of Grams Of Sugar Per Day For Diabetic

Which Glucose Meter Has The Cheapest Test Strips

Prodigy test strips for several brands of Prodigy meters, which cost about $.19 per strip, appeared to be the cheapest at the time of our research in August 2021.

But remember that even among the most budget-conscious glucose meters and strips, there are many different features that may factor into your choice of product. See this guide to drugstore brand glucose meters for details.

What Can You Do

Kathleen Wall, director of the Los Angeles Diabetes Alliance, told our partners at KPCC that, while many diabetics she knows are insured, about 40 percent didnt test their blood sugar as often as they should, or didnt test it at all, because they couldnt afford the test strips.

Rebecca Plevin, the KPCC reporter, wrote in this blog post: Wall says she encourages her clients to call their insurance company and be their own advocate. An important question to ask, she says, is whether theyre using the companys preferred and oftentimes, cheaper meter. If not, patients should call their medical provider, and ask to get a prescription for the preferred meter. They should also ask how many test strips their insurance company will cover within a certain period. For the uninsured, she recommends the more inexpensive, retail-brand glucose meters, sold at stores like Walmart and Ralphs.

  • Shop around.
  • If youre insured, check with your insurance company about types of strips, and ask if the coverage levels change. Whats covered and whats not changes, sometimes from month to month.
  • You might be better off not using your insurance. Thats right, it can be cheaper to pay cash.
  • Ask your insurance company if has suggestions to help also ask your doctor.

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How To Find Out If Glucose Monitor And Test Strips Are Accurate

After reading about all the factors that will affect your test result, you may wonder how you can make sure that your glucose monitor and test strips are accurate. It is quite simple. Most glucose monitor comes with a standardized test solution. You can test the accuracy of your glucometer by squeezing a droplet of this solution onto a test strip and putting it into your monitor.

You would go through the same process as you would with your blood sample. After the monitor takes the reading, you can compare the reading with the amount printed on the solution bottle. If the two numbers match, that means your glucose monitor is functioning properly. You should use the test solution every time you open a new box of test strips to verify the quality and accuracy of the products.

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