Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Time Of Day To Take Insulin Shots

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How Can I Keep My Blood Sugar Level From Getting Too High Or Too Low

When is the best time to take insulin injection

You need to check your blood sugar level regularly using a blood glucose monitor. Your doctor or his or her office staff can teach you how to use the monitor. Youll need to write down each measurement and show this record to your doctor. He or she will use this information to decide how much insulin is right for you.

Blood sugar measurements can vary depending on your lifestyle. Stress levels, how often you exercise, and how fast your body absorbs food can affect measurements. Hormonal changes related to puberty, menstrual cycles, and pregnancy can, too. Illness, traveling, or a change in your routine may mean that you have to monitor your blood sugar level more often.

What Happens If You Take Two Doses Of Tresiba

If you end up mistakenly taking two doses of Tresiba in the same day, dont panic. Tresiba can take several hours to start working.

And due to how Tresiba works, it may only have mild negative effects, depending on how close together you took your doses and how many units were administered.

The recommended advice is to call your doctor and describe your scenario. They will provide you with the most accurate advice depending on your situation.

Typically, if you take more than one dose of Tresiba in a 24-hour period, you should closely monitor your blood sugar levels.

Low blood sugar can be very serious and life-threatening.

Therefore, keep fast-acting carbohydrates with you throughout the day in case you start to feel symptoms of a low. Symptoms may include:

  • Increased appetite

Types Of Insulin Where To Inject It And The Best Methods For Insulin Delivery

Its necessary to take insulin when you have type 1 diabetes. Your body doesnt produce the hormone insulin, and without that, your body cant properly get the energy and fuel it needs from glucose. Because people with type 1 diabetes rely on insulin, it was formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes.

To learn about how the hormone insulin works, we have an article that explains the .

Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas whose role is to permit the body to use glucose for energy. Image: 123rf

As soon as you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes , you will be immersed in the world of insulin, and it may feel overwhelming at first. There are doses to calculate, different types of insulin to consider, and the pressure of needing to keep blood glucose in a normal range to prevent .

Your diabetes treatment team is there to help you. They can walk you through the basics of insulin dosing, answer any questions, and help you figure out how to balance food, exercise, and insulin. You will learn to take care of your diabetes with your diabetes team. If you are a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes, we also encourage you to visit our .

This article will provide a basic overview of insulin. You can also visit our for more information as well as read more in the section on Type 1 Diabetes Treatments, which has a chart providing more detail about the types of insulin that your doctor may prescribe.

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Above 21 Years Of Age:

Adults above the age of 21 years tend to represent a different insulin need. They are more likely to experience a spike in blood sugar levels during the early morning hours and find it drops towards noon. It will usually come to a low-flat reading in the afternoon and then again increases over the course of the evening.

This peak in basal insulin during the early morning hours is commonly referred to as the dawn phenomenon.

This is only a general or common breakdown of how blood sugar levels and insulin needs work for people below and above 21.

The pattern can certainly change depending on your diet, physical activity, exercise pattern, lifestyle, and other medical conditions.

While you are free to follow this advice, as always, we recommend that you consult with your doctor in this regard.

Because Tresiba lasts up to 42 hours and does not have a peak, adults can take it at any time. Though a persons basal insulin needs may vary throughout the day, Tresiba should still be effective, as long as the patient is taking it once a day or as recommended by the doctor.

Do Count Your Carbs Before Using Mealtime Insulin

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Work with your doctor to understand the amount of mealtime insulin you need to inject. This is based on the number of servings of carbohydrates you plan on eating during a meal and your blood sugar prior to eating.

Over time, youll get better at figuring out your carb intake. In the meantime, a dietitian can help you come up with a meal plan that works for you.

There are also several smartphone applications and internet-based calculators available to help you figure out your carb intake and your corresponding insulin dosage.

Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, can happen when you take the wrong insulin dose, dont eat enough carbs after taking your insulin, exercise more than usual, or feel stressed.

You should take the time to learn the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, including:

  • being unable to speak or think clearly
  • loss of muscle coordination
  • visual disturbance, such as blurry vision
  • feeling weak, shaky, or lightheaded

You should learn how to manage hypoglycemia if it happens to you. For example, you can eat or drink glucose tablets, juice, soda, or hard candies. You should also be extra cautious after vigorous exercise, as it can lower blood sugar for hours after the workout.

Also Check: High Insulin Levels In Child

General Insulin Needs To Help Decide When To Take Tresiba

Each persons basal insulin requirement is unique.

But in general, basal insulin needs are at their peak during the early morning hours and lower in the middle of the day.

However, ones basal insulin needs will depend upon which stage of life they are in. This is because of all the different hormones that are present at different life stages.

Therefore, a persons growth over the years has a huge impact on the best time to take Tresiba, or when you should take any long-acting insulin.

Below is a short breakdown of basal insulin needs based on age:

How Can I Deal With An Insulin Reaction

People who have diabetes should carry at least 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate with them at all times in case of hypoglycemia or an insulin reaction. The following are examples of quick sources of energy that can relieve the symptoms of an insulin reaction:

  • Non-diet soda: ½ to ¾ cup.
  • Fruit juice: ½ cup.
  • Fruit: 2 tablespoons of raisins.
  • Candy: 5 Lifesavers.
  • Glucose tablets: 3 tablets .

If you dont feel better 15 minutes after having a fast-acting carbohydrate, or if monitoring shows that your blood sugar level is still too low, have another 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate.

Teach your friends, work colleagues, and family members how to treat hypoglycemia, because sometimes you may need their help. Also, keep a supply of glucagon on hand. Glucagon comes in a kit with a powder and a liquid that you must mix together and then inject. It will raise your blood sugar level. If you are unconscious, or you cant eat or drink, another person can give you a shot of glucagon. Talk to your doctor to learn when and how to use glucagon.

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What Is The Best Time To Take Long Acting Insulin

4.7/5Whentakelongacting insulinLongacting insulinstakewhentaketimeread here

Most doctors initially recommend taking insulin in the evening, since this helps reduce a persons fasting blood glucose level the next morning. However, one problem with taking NPH insulin at bedtime is that it often peaks in the middle of the night, increasing the possibility of hypoglycemia during sleep.

One may also ask, how long does it take for long lasting insulin to work? Long-acting: It begins working around four hours after injection and it has the ability to work for up to 24 hours. These insulins do not peak but are steady throughout the day.

Secondly, can you take short acting and long acting insulin at the same time?

It starts to work within 1 to 3 hours, peaks between 4 to 9 hours and lasts for as long as 12 hours. Intermediate-acting insulin offers baseline insulin coverage, and it can be used together with rapidacting insulin and shortacting insulin.

How many units of insulin will lower blood sugar?

Generally, to correct a high blood sugar, one unit of insulin is needed to drop the blood glucose by 50 mg/dl. This drop in blood sugar can range from 30-100 mg/dl or more, depending on individual insulin sensitivities, and other circumstances.

What Is An Insulin Reaction

Starting Insulin

If youre going to use rapid-acting insulin, you need to be aware of insulin reactions and how to treat them. Rapid-acting insulin begins to work very quickly. So while you and your doctor are working to find the right dosage of this insulin, you may have some insulin reactions.

Hypoglycemia is the name for a condition in which the level of sugar in your blood is too low. If you use insulin, your blood sugar level can get too low if you exercise more than usual or if you dont eat enough. It also can get too low if you dont eat on time or if you take too much insulin. Most people who take insulin have insulin reactions at some time. Signs of an insulin reaction and hypoglycemia include the following:

  • Feeling very tired.
  • Being unable to speak or think clearly.
  • Losing muscle coordination.
  • Suddenly feeling like youre going to pass out.
  • Becoming very pale.
  • Losing consciousness.

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How Should This Medicine Be Used

Human insulin comes as a solution and a suspension . to be injected subcutaneously . Human insulin is usually injected subcutaneously several times a day, and more than one type of insulin may be needed. Your doctor will tell you which type of insulin to use, how much insulin to use, and how often to inject insulin. Follow these directions carefully. Do not use more or less insulin or use it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Human insulin solution may also be injected intravenously by a doctor or nurse in a healthcare setting. A doctor or nurse will carefully monitor you for side effects.

Human insulin controls high blood sugar but does not cure diabetes. Continue to use human insulin even if you feel well. Do not stop using insulin without talking to your doctor. Do not switch to another brand or type of insulin or change the dose of any type of insulin you use without talking to your doctor.

Human insulin comes in vials, prefilled disposable dosing devices, and cartridges. The cartridges are designed to be placed in dosing pens. Be sure you know what type of container your insulin comes in and what other supplies, such as needles, syringes, or pens, you will need to inject your medication. Make sure that the name and letter on your insulin are exactly what your doctor prescribed.

If your human insulin comes in a disposable dosing device, read the instructions that come with the device carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to show you how to use the device.

When Should I Use An Insulin Pen

To determine when you should inject insulin, pay attention to the times you check your blood sugar, when you eat and what kind of insulin you are taking:

  • Check your blood sugar no more than 30 minutes before you eat.
  • If you take rapid-acting insulin before meals, inject the insulin when you sit down to eat.
  • If you take regular insulin before meals, inject the insulin no more than 30 minutes before the meal.
  • If you take intermediate- or long-acting insulin, inject the insulin at the same time each day.

There is no standard or typical dose of insulin. Your dose will be the amount of insulin that you need in order to keep your blood sugar in good control. Your doctor will prescribe an insulin dose that is right for you.

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Why Is This Medication Prescribed

Human insulin is used to control blood sugar in people who have type 1 diabetes or in people who have type 2 diabetes that cannot be controlled with oral medications alone. Human insulin is in a class of medications called hormones. Human insulin is used to take the place of insulin that is normally produced by the body. It works by helping move sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy. It also stops the liver from producing more sugar. All of the types of insulin that are available work in this way. The types of insulin differ only in how quickly they begin to work and how long they continue to control blood sugar.

Over time, people who have diabetes and high blood sugar can develop serious or life-threatening complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, nerve damage, and eye problems. Using medication, making lifestyle changes , and regularly checking your blood sugar may help to manage your diabetes and improve your health. This therapy may also decrease your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or other diabetes-related complications such as kidney failure, nerve damage , eye problems, including changes or loss of vision, or gum disease. Your doctor and other healthcare providers will talk to you about the best way to manage your diabetes.

Letting Stress Get To You

Picture Insulin Injection Sites / Administration Of Insulin By ...

Your mental health plays a big role in your blood sugar level. How? Emotional stress can cause swings in your blood sugar. This is in part because stress triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol, which can impair insulin sensitivity, according to a March 2017 article in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Port says this means the same dose of basal or bolus insulin can actually be less effective if youre stressed out.

Try to identify the stressors and sources of chronic anxiety in your life. Then look for a relaxation technique that works for you. Talk to your doctor for ideas. Get consistent sleep. Listen to music. Turn off all devices at night, Port recommends. If possible, make time each day to de-stress take a yoga class, do deep breathing exercises, set aside time to read a book or relax with friends, or establish a soothing bedtime routine to help you wind down.

Recommended Reading: Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar In Type 2 Diabetes

Some Side Effects Can Be Serious If You Experience Any Of The Following Symptoms Call Your Doctor Immediately:

  • rash and/or itching over the whole body
  • shortness of breath
  • large weight gain in a short period of time
  • swelling of the arms, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs

If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online or by phone .

Lower Back Hips Or Buttocks

The final site for administering an insulin injection is the lower back or hip.

To administer an injection here, draw an imaginary line across the top of the buttocks between the hips.

Place the needle above this line but below the waist, about halfway between the spine and the side.

As with the upper arm, this site is very difficult to use for self-injection and may require another person for administration. When injecting into the buttocks, avoid the lower part.

The body absorbs insulin at different speeds from each of the sites. This information can be useful when planning insulin injections:

  • Abdomen: Insulin enters the bloodstream most quickly after an abdominal injection.
  • Upper arms: The body absorbs insulin with moderate speed but slower than an injection in the abdomen.
  • Lower back and thighs: Insulin enters the bloodstream most slowly from these sites.
  • Administer rapid-acting insulin into the abdomen right after a meal for the fastest results.

Inject long-acting and intermediate-acting insulin into the other sites, as rapid absorption would reduce the effectiveness of these types. Insulin works more efficiently over the entire time it needs to because of the slower absorption rate.

Exercise can increase the absorption rate of insulin. If planning a workout or physical activity, account for these when planning injections.

Wait to for at least 45 minutes after the injection to exercise a part of the body that is near the injection site.

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Too Much Insulin Or Not Enough

High morning blood glucose levels before breakfast can be a puzzle. If you haven’t eaten, why did your blood glucose level go up? There are two common reasons for high before-breakfast blood glucose levels. One relates to hormones that are released in the early part of sleep . The other is from taking too little insulin in the evening. To see which one is the cause, set your alarm to self-monitor around 2 or 3 a.m. for several nights and discuss the results with your health care provider.

Is Your Insulin Doing All It Can

Insulin Questions: How will I find the time?

For many people with type 2 diabetes, insulin therapy is a must. The pancreas either doesnt make enough insulin, or the body doesnt respond well to the insulin it does produce. Injecting insulin can help the body better use glucose in the blood or store it for later use, keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range and helping to prevent serious health problems.

Generally, as the disease progresses, most patients with type 2 diabetes will end up on insulin at some point, explains Jesse Vander Heide, a certified diabetes educator at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. Factors that contribute to the decision to start insulin include how a person cares for their diabetes, their particular genetic makeup, and the course of their own disease.

If your doctor prescribes insulin to help you manage type 2 diabetes, he or she will work with you to determine the type of insulin and insulin delivery method thats best for you. There are different types of insulin available and they vary in how fast they start to work, when they peak, and how long they last.

Generally, people with type 2 diabetes need half their insulin as basal insulin, which helps control blood glucose levels overnight and between meals, and half as bolus insulin, which helps prevent a rise in blood sugar following meals.

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