Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults

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When Your Blood Sugar Gets Low

Blood Sugar Levels Chart | Includes fasting and after eating

Check your blood sugar whenever you have symptoms of low blood sugar. If your blood sugar is below 70 mg/dL, treat yourself right away.

1. Eat something that has about 15 grams of carbohydrates. Examples are:

  • 3 glucose tablets
  • One half cup of fruit juice or regular, non-diet soda
  • 5 or 6 hard candies
  • 1 tablespoon or 15 mL of sugar, plain or dissolved in water
  • 1 tbsp of honey or syrup

2. Wait about 15 minutes before eating any more. Be careful not to eat too much. This can cause high blood sugar and weight gain.

3. Check your blood sugar again.

4. If you do not feel better in 15 minutes and your blood sugar is still lower than 70 mg/dL , eat another snack with 15 g of carbohydrates.

You may need to eat a snack with carbohydrates and protein if your blood sugar is in a safer range — over 70 mg/dL — and your next meal is more than an hour away.

Ask your provider how to manage this situation. If these steps for raising your blood sugar do not work, call your doctor right away.

Why Your Blood Sugar Level May Be Low

If blood sugar drops below 70 mg/dL, it is below normal levels. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:

  • Not eating enough or missing a meal or snack
  • Reducing the amount of carbohydrates you normally eat
  • Alcohol consumption especially if youre drinking on an empty stomach
  • Taking too much insulin or oral diabetes medication based on carbohydrates or activity levels
  • Increased physical activity
  • Side effects from medications

If you have diabetes, keep your blood glucose meter and sources of fast-acting glucose close by in case your blood sugar drops. This is especially important for people with hypoglycemia unawareness, which is a condition that causes symptoms of low blood sugar to go unnoticed.

Eating balanced meals and snacks at regular times throughout the day is a big part of maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Check out our article on meal planning for diabetes to better understand the three macronutrients where calories come from and which have the biggest effect on blood sugar.

Meal Planning for Diabetes: How to Optimize Your Diet >

Everyone will respond differently to certain factors, which is why its important to have individualized target glucose levels. To help you reach your target blood glucose goals, work with your healthcare provider to discuss modifications to your diet, physical activity, or medications, and alert them of other factors like a recent illness or stressful event.

High And Low Blood Sugar Levels With Diabetes In Adults

The chart below shows the dangerous level of blood glucose for diabetic patients. Red levels are indicators that require emergency treatment, while yellow levels indicate medical attention but not an emergency. So, it is clear that sugar levels greater than 250 mg/dl could be dangerous. It is recommended that you need to consult with the doctor immediately.

Chart of High and Low Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes
Blood sugar level status

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High Sugar Levels Range in Adults

  • Blood sugar levels above 250mg/dL are considered very high. Therefore, it requires immediate medical treatment. In addition, it is recommended to have a ketones test done.
  • Blood glucose levels between 180 to250 mg/dL are considered high. Therefore, it may require insulin therapy and proper medication to control the high level.
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    Blood Sugar Level Charts For Those With Diabetes

    Normal blood sugar levels, for those with diabetes, will vary depending on someones age and the time of day. For example, when fasting, blood sugar levels are often in the target goal range. The type of food eaten will impact blood sugar levels in different ways. A meal with a lot of carbohydrates will raise blood sugar quicker than a meal that contains carbohydrates, protein, and fat . Blood sugar will rise after a meal, but will start to return to normal levels in several hours.

    Lets take a look at what blood sugar levels should be, in those with diabetes, based on their age.

    Go Small With Alcohol

    Your Health and Wellness.: Normal Blood Sugar Levels (Ranges) In Adults ...

    You donât have to avoid it altogether — but be smart about drinking when you do. If you drink, women should stick to one 12-ounce beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor a day at most. Men should have only twice that. And donât drink on an empty stomach or when your blood sugar is low.

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    Understanding The Test And Chart Of Blood Sugar

    Before we discuss blood sugar test and blood sugar chart, its important to understand blood sugar first. Serving as energy for both plants and animals, glucose is a form of sugar. Normal levels are maintained with the help of a hormone that pancreas produces. That hormone is known as insulin. Health complications such as kidney disease, heart disease, and blindness are what high or uncontrolled sugar levels can lead to. Also, hyperglycemia occurs when the concentration of glucose in the blood increases. The best way to control glucose in the blood and blood sugar levels is using blood sugar chart and test. With the help of the chart and test, you can avoid a lot of health complications.

    A blood sugar test reveals the blood sugar level of an individual. Somewhere between 72 mg/dl and 108 mg/dl is the normal blood glucose level of a healthy person. However, the normal blood glucose level depends on the individual. Generally, around 72 mg/dl is the blood sugar level in humans. However, the blood sugar level may temporarily increase to 140 mg/dl after a meal: this is a normal range. How well your diabetes program of exercising, meal planning, and medication is working to keep you range normal is what blood sugar testing helps you to determine. The closer you keep your blood sugar level to normal, the greater will be your chances of avoiding health complications such as nerve disease, blindness and kidney disease.

    Causes Of Low Blood Sugar

    There are many reasons why you may have low blood sugar, including:

    • Taking too much insulin.
    • Not eating enough carbs for how much insulin you take.
    • Timing of when you take your insulin.
    • The amount and timing of physical activity.
    • Drinking alcohol.
    • How much fat, protein, and fiber are in your meal.
    • Hot and humid weather.
    • Unexpected changes in your schedule.
    • Spending time at a high altitude.
    • Going through puberty.
    • Menstruation.

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    Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults

    High Blood Sugar Symptoms, Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults, What Is Normal Blood Sugar, How Many People In The Us Have Diabetes.

    Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For AdultsLow Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults

    However, in certain cases, venous access may be difficult to obtain young children, obese patients Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults and patients belonging to the geriatric age group are a few Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults examples.

    And heart disease and stroke are two common complications of diabetes, according Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart For Adults .

    Hba1c Test For Diabetes Diagnosis

    Adult Type 2 Diabetes – 3. Highs and Lows of Blood Sugars

    An HbA1c test does not directly measure the level of blood glucose, however, the result of the test is influenced by how high or low your blood glucose levels have tended to be over a period of 2 to 3 months.

    Indications of diabetes or prediabetes are given under the following conditions:

    • Normal: Below 42 mmol/mol
    • Prediabetes: 42 to 47 mmol/mol
    • Diabetes: 48 mmol/mol

    There are two types of blood sugar levels that may be measured. The first is the blood glucose level we get from doing finger prick blood glucose tests. These give us a reading of how high our levels are at that very point in time.

    The second is the HbA1c reading, which gives a good idea of our average control over a period of 2 to 3 months. The target blood glucose levels vary a little bit depending on your type of diabetes and between adults and children.

    Where possible, try to achieve levels of between 4 and 7 mmol/L before meals and under 8.5 mmol/L after meals. The target level for HbA1c is under 48 mmol/mol .

    Research has shown that high blood glucose levels over time can lead to organ and circulation damage.

    Keeping blood glucose above 4 mmol/l for people on insulin or certain medications for type 2 diabetes is important to prevent hypos occurring, which can be dangerous.

    Your doctor may give you different targets. Children, older people and those at particular risk of hypoglycemia may be given wider targets.

    FREE blood glucose level chart

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    What Does It Do

    CGM measures the amount of glucose in the fluid inside your body. Different devices collect the information in different manners using tiny sensors. In some cases, the sensor is placed under the skin of your belly in a quick and painless fashion or, it can be adhered to the back of your arm. A transmitter on the sensor then sends the information to a wireless-pager-like monitor that you can clip on your belt.

    The monitor displays your sugar levels at 1-, 5-, 10-, or 15-minute intervals. If your sugar drops to a dangerously low level or a high preset level, the monitor will sound an alarm.

    In the past, only doctors could see the readings CGM systems collected. Now anyone can use the devices as part of at-home diabetes care. You can download data on your computer, tablet, or smartphone to see patterns and trends in your sugar levels. The information can help you and your doctor make the best plan for managing your diabetes, including:

    • How much insulin you should take
    • An exercise plan thatâs right for you
    • The number of meals and snacks you need each day
    • The correct types and doses of medications

    CGM doesnât replace traditional home monitors. Youâll still need to measure your blood sugar with a regular glucose meter a few times a day to help the monitor stay accurate. Most monitors still require a finger stick and you should also replace the sensor under your skin every 3 to 7 days.

    When To See A Healthcare Provider

    Getting professional medical advice from a healthcare provider like an endocrinologist is the best way to learn more about whether your blood sugar levels are where they should be. Not getting proper treatment for low or high blood sugar levels can be serious and lead to health complications, especially for those with diabetes. Diabetes complications include nerve damage, kidney disease, heart disease, or heart attacks.

    If you see a healthcare provider about your blood sugar levels, be prepared to answer questions about risk factors like what you eat, how much you exercise, and about your family history. Some healthcare providers may want to take a blood sample to test your blood sugar levels. They may also order an A1C test, which is a blood test that measures blood sugar control over three months. You may have to fast eight hours beforehand to get accurate test results, so its always a good idea to check before your appointment. Your healthcare provider can create a diabetes treatment plan if you are prediabetic or have diabetes.

    Be sure your treatment plan includes instructions on when you would need to seek emergency medical care. Emergency rooms are equipped to handle high blood sugar levels and can administer treatments like insulin therapy and fluid or electrolyte replacement.

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    Latest Research On Normal Blood Sugar Levels At 60 Good Glycemic Control In Covid

    A recent study, still under peer review, suggests that maintaining optimal glycemic control i.e. having normal blood sugar levels post COVID-19 vaccination, in patients with a comorbidity of Type-2 Diabetics, improves the immune response to the vaccine, resulting in increased immunity against breakthrough infections. This can be inferred to assume that just by sustaining normal blood sugar levels at 60, a vaccinated senior can increase their fighting chance against COVID re-infection.

    Alarming Facts About Diabetes

    What are the normal blood sugar levels?
  • The International Diabetic Federation estimates that 1 in 11 adults in the world have diabetes, and some 46.5% of adults with diabetes are undiagnosed
  • The global burden of type-2 diabetes is set to increase to 438 million by 2030 from 285 million people
  • India is the diabetes capital of the world. The country has around 50 million people suffering from the type-2 diabetes
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    How To Treat A Low Blood Sugar Level Yourself

    Follow these steps if your blood sugar level is less than 3.5mmol/L or you have hypo symptoms:

  • Have a sugary drink or snack like a small glass of fizzy drink or fruit juice, 4 to 5 jelly babies, 3 to 6 glucose tablets or 1 to 2 tubes of glucose gel.
  • Test your blood sugar after 10 minutes if it’s improved and you feel better, move on to step 3. If there’s little or no change, treat again with a sugary drink or snack and take another reading after 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You may need to eat your main meal if it’s the right time to have it. Or, have a snack that contains a slow-release carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread or toast, a couple of biscuits, or a glass of cows’ milk.
  • You do not usually need to get medical help once you’re feeling better if you only have a few hypos.

    But tell your diabetes team if you keep having hypos or if you stop having symptoms when your blood sugar level is low.

    Normal Blood Sugar Levels After Eating For Diabetics

    The American Diabetes Association recommends that the blood sugar 1 to 2 hours after the beginning of a meal be less than 180 mg/dl for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes. This is typically the peak, or highest, blood sugar level in someone with diabetes. Again, this target may need to be individualized for certain people based on such factors as duration of diabetes, age and life expectancy, cognitive status, other health conditions, cardiovascular complications, and hypoglycemia unawareness. Its important that people with diabetes discuss their target blood sugar goals with their health care provider.

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    How Can One Tell If I Have Diabetes By Examining My Blood

    Your body converts sugar, also called glucose, into energy so your body can function. The sugar comes from the foods you eat and is released from storage from your bodys own tissues.

    Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. Its job is to move glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of tissues. After you eat, the level of glucose in the blood rises sharply. The pancreas responds by releasing enough insulin to handle the increased level of glucose moving the glucose out of the blood and into cells. This helps return the blood glucose level to its former, lower level.

    If a person has diabetes, two situations may cause the blood sugar to increase:

    • The pancreas does not make enough insulin
    • The insulin does not work properly

    As a result of either of these situations, the blood sugar level remains high, a condition called hyperglycemia or diabetes mellitus. If left undiagnosed and untreated, the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, blood vessels and other organs can be damaged. Measuring your blood glucose levels allows you and your doctor to know if you have, or are at risk for, developing diabetes.

    Much less commonly, the opposite can happen too. Too low a level of blood sugar, a condition called hypoglycemia, can be caused by the presence of too much insulin or by other hormone disorders or liver disease.

    High Blood Sugar Levels Symptoms

    Low Blood Sugar Symptoms Low Sugar Symptoms Normal Sugar Range Blood Sugar Levels Chart

    High blood sugar levels or also known as hyperglycemia can occur if you don’t take enough insulin, you miss a meal, or you exercise too little. High blood sugar levels can also be caused by stress, illness, or some medications.

    Signs and symptoms that your blood sugar might be on the high side include:

    • Increased urination

    It’s important to treat high blood sugar levels quickly to avoid more serious problems. You can treat high blood sugar levels by drinking water and taking your diabetes medication or insulin.

    It’s important to check your blood sugar levels right away and keep doing that every hour until your sugar levels are back in the normal blood sugar range.

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    Urgent Advice: Call Your Care Team Immediately Or Get Help From Nhs 111 If:

    You think you have high blood sugar and:

    • you’re feeling sick, being sick or have stomach pain
    • you’re breathing more quickly than usual or your heart is beating faster than usual
    • you feel drowsy or are struggling to stay awake
    • your breath has a fruity smell
    • you feel confused or have difficulty concentrating
    • you have a high level of ketones in your blood or pee

    These could be signs you’re becoming seriously unwell.

    You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

    Page last reviewed: 26 May 2022 Next review due: 26 May 2025

    Official Fasting Blood Sugar Ada Recommendation For Someone With Diabetes

    The American Diabetes Association recommends a fasting blood sugar target of 80 to 130 mg/dl for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes. However, the fasting blood sugar target may need to be individualized for certain people based on such factors as duration of diabetes, age and life expectancy, cognitive status, other health conditions, cardiovascular complications, and hypoglycemia unawareness. Its important that people with diabetes discuss their target blood sugar goals with their health care provider.

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