Thursday, July 25, 2024

Doterra Essential Oils For Diabetes

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Oregano Essential Oil And Diabetes

Ask doTERRA: You Asked, We Answered Episode 1 with Dr. Hill

Oregano belongs to the Lamiaceae plant family. Oregano essential oil is extracted through steam distillation of the leaves and flower tops of the oregano plant.

Oregano oil and diabetes have been the subject of many medicinal studies. In a 2006 study, oregano was one of 7 clonal lines from single seed phenotypes of the Lamiaceae family tested for management of diabetes and hypertension.

Out of the 7, oregano displayed the highest alpha-glucosidase inhibition activity. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes by preventing the digestion of carbohydrates.4 By using oil of oregano, diabetes symptoms for type 2 may be reduced.

How to use Essential Oils for Diabetes

Use any of the above listed essential oils in aromatherapy for diabetes. Adding 10-15 drops of essential oil to your home diffuser is a great way to try and harness the benefits of essential oils for diabetes. You should never ingest essential oils unless you have been specifically instructed to do so by a qualified professional.

Hypotensive And Hypertensive Effects:

Ideally, you donât want to add hypertension to your list of troubles when you are already grappling with diabetes. However, if you are using hypotensive drugs, some essential oils can add to the blood pressure lowering effect of your medication.

For instance, cinnamon bark and thyme essential oils can cause a reduction in blood pressure. Along the same lines, if you are hypertensive and are not taking medication for your high blood pressure, you may want to avoid the essential oils of camphor, hyssop and rosemary as well as the inhalation of grapefruit essential oil for 10 minutes or more.

How To Use Essential Oils For Diabetes

So how might you use these essential oils yourself to treat diabetes? Well actually, its not possible to fully recommend essential oils for that purpose just yet. These are very early studies and its too soon to draw any major conclusions based on these alone.

But with that said, its also true that essential oils cant hurt your plight against the condition. Keep in mind that almost all essential oils have numerous benefits for your overall health and so its no bad thing to add them to your diet and routine!

So in other words, add these to your diet in order to benefit from any additional benefits but dont expect them to necessarily make a huge difference. View them as one part of a much larger strategy to help keep blood sugar levels at bay and insulin levels high. Your insulin shots and regular measurements are going to be your number one defence and its important to get regularly check-ups with your doctor. On top of that though, you can also make sure that you are sticking to a healthy diet, getting lots of exercise and avoiding sugar snacks. Fiber and water are things to look for in your diet, while simple carbohydrates like white bread should be avoided where possible. Fats and complex carbs are a useful way to provide a steady supply of energy.

Meanwhile, watch this space to see what else is revealed about the benefits of essential oils!

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How To Use Essential Oils Topically

Essential oils easily penetrate the skin for localized benefits, making topical application a great way to experience the benefits of essential oils. This is why doTERRA works to create potent essential oils that are powerful enough to promote healthy-looking skin, yet gentle enough to use on a daily basis.

When used topically, essential oils can improve complexion and skin tone. They can also be used as part of a soothing massage. Before topical application, be sure to follow all label recommendations and dilution instructions.

Beneficial Areas You Can Apply Essential Oils

  • Neck
  • Forehead and temples
  • Chest and abdomen
  • Arms, legs, bottoms of feet

Other Ways to Use Essential Oils Topically

  • Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath
  • Make a hot or cold compress by soaking a cloth in water, adding essential oils, and then applying to the desired area
  • Add oil to a lotion or moisturizer and then apply to skin

Sensitive Areas to be Avoided

  • Some facial areas, such as the skin around the eyes
  • Eyes and inner ears
  • Broken, damaged, or otherwise injured skin

Korean Pine A New Scent With Strong Benefits

Doterra Essential Oils For Type 1 Diabetes

Moving away from the expected culinary herbs and their essential oil content, it seems you can still maintain anti-diabetic benefits while also branching out. Still very much in the foundational levels of research, Korean pine has also exhibited potential for diabetes relief.

In the same vein as the Christmas favorite and year round healer fir essential oil, Korean pine essential oil comes from the needles of an evergreen pine tree. Its woodsy and grounding, the perfect addition to a blend of anti-diabetic oils weve looked at so far.

Researchers tackled this oil in 2013, very much in vitro, by injecting the oil into lab mice. The results were promising, with effects on the body that led to improved glucose levels. We wont be injecting essential oils, of course, but this demonstrates the wide range of oil types that may be part of our anti-diabetes toolkit.

Takeaway: Dont feel restricted with your diabetes-fighting blends! Look for oils like Korean Pine to mix up your approach. If it cant be taken internally, enjoy diffusion or direct inhalation to begin to introduce the oil into your routine.

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Are Doterra Essential Oils A Scam Lazy Man And

Are Doterra Essential Oils A Scam Lazy Man And Your money goes more than x further with the non MLM pyramid scheme version. Are DoTERRA Essential Oils A Scam. For a few years now people have asked me about doTERRA essential oils. The first was Candace who was a major contributor in the comments of my MonaVie article. That was .Are DoTERRA Essential Oils a Scam? Lazy Man and Money.. Social media has been exploding over the last year with claims that essential oils have cured all sorts of diseases and illnesses. Obviously, this is a total scam. Even worse, essential oils are being pushed through multi level marketing also a scam with companies such as doTERRA and Young Living .This is an important video because it covers many of the aspects of pyramid schemes. When I review the It Works compensation plan and other material that I see, it seems to match up very closely with the video.. Social media has been exploding over the last year with claims that essential oils have cured all sorts of diseases and illnesses. Obviously, this is a total scam. Even worse, essential oils are being pushed through multi level marketing also a scam with companies such as doTERRA and Young Living .This is an important video because it covers many of the aspects of pyramid schemes. When I review the It Works compensation plan and other material that I see, it seems to match up very closely with the video..Continue reading > >

The Carb Counting Method

This method primarily involves keeping a close eye on the total amount of carbohydrates that you consume in your food. This will require you to diligently read your food labels, making sure to keep your total carb count well within the recommended daily allowance.

Just be sure to double check the total servings per container when you read these labels, as the carbohydrate count listed might only be for a quarter or a half of a serving.

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These Chocolate Peppermint Energy Bites Are The Perfect Low Sugar Healthy Sweet Treat

No-bake energy bites are easy to make, and these chocolate peppermint ones are super simple with only 8 ingredients. The crisp peppermint flavor comes from high quality peppermint extract or food-grade essential oil. The end result is the most perfect chocolate peppermint energy bites everyone will love!

How Do Essential Oils Help Diabetes

Essential oils for diabetes treatment

Essential oils are highly concentrated substances extracted from Nature through two unique processes that are steam distillation and mechanical expression. Aromatic parts of plants such as the tree bark, roots, leaves, seeds, flowers, fruit rinds and resin.

What makes essential oils powerful natural remedies for many health problems is their chemical makeup which is composed of various natural chemical compounds including terpenes, esters, oxides and others that give each oil its characteristic scent and therapeutic qualities.

Below are some of the ways essential oils help diabetes and its symptoms:

  • Lower glucose levels

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Essential Oils You Should Avoid If Youre Diabetic

We have established that, if something is natural, it does not mean it is safe. The same can be said about essential oil.

Some oils are dangerous to diabetics, meaning that they can cause mild to serious complications and possibly even death. These oils either interact with the drugs youre taking or they may interfere or exacerbate your already weakened immune system.

Here are some of the essential oils you should avoid as a diabetic.

  • Angelica
  • Wormwood

Use For People With Diabetes

Whereas there is some evidence that the oral intake of herbs such as Asian ginseng , fenugreek , and aloe may improve glucose tolerance, aromatherapy does not make this claim. Also, there is no suggestion that essential oils can cure diabetes . However, essential oils can be used to reduce the side effects of some complications and to reduce infections that often take longer to resolve than in nondiabetic patients.

Essential oils can also ameliorate the stress of coping with a lifelong chronic condition such as diabetes. Aromatherapy has a long history of use for stress reduction, and aromatics have been used in many cultures to enhance quality of life. Nurses have used inhaled essential oils to help reduce their patients stress. Essential oils found to be most effective for stress are shown in .

For many years, stress has been linked to chronic skin problems. Recent research has shown that stress affects epidermal permeability barrier function and is a precipitator of inflammatory dermatoses. This means that anything that can alleviate stress is likely to also have a beneficial effect on skin integrity.

To use aromatherapy for stress, put 35 drops of an undiluted essential oil on a handkerchief or cotton ball and ask the patient to hold the handkerchief to his or her nose and breath in slowly for 5 min. This treatment can be repeated every 4 h or more frequently when necessary.

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Essential Oilsfor Diabetic Feet

Improving circulation, preventing the buildup of dead cells, keeping critters at bay, treating ulcers and lesions and dealing with dermal dryness should all figure in the treatment goals for diabetic feet.

The good news is that there are multiple oils and a host of ways in which these extracts can be used in diabetic foot care.

What You Can Do Now

Pin on Essential Oil DIY and Recipes

Essential oils are easy to find these days. You can start your search online or at a specialty health store. Buying from a friend, coworker, or family member can be helpful because you can directly ask them questions. If they dont know the answer, they can go to their company to inquire. Always begin with diluting and testing the oils one at a time on a patch of skin. If you dont experience any irritation, it should be safe to use them topically. You can also purchase a humidifier to diffuse the oils into the air. You should not take essential oils orally.

In the weeks following, begin to look for any changes in your health and well-being. If you experience any adverse side effects, discontinue use.

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How Can Essential Oil Help Manage The Symptoms Of Diabetes

Several kitchen recipes are supposed to work for controlling diabetes. For example, you can include powdered cinnamon in your diet to reduce the insulin sensitivity of your body. Essential Oils can also be included in your lifestyle to deal with diabetes better. Some essential oils exude a soothing aroma that might improve your body’s reaction to insulin.

Others might improve your digestion, immunity, ability to recover from wounds and cuts, and other issues that are related to diabetes. Higher blood sugar levels result in stress and skin issues. When diffused, the soothing aroma of essential oils helps to keep your stress levels under control. Also, include essential oils in your skincare regime to minimize the side effects of diabetes that are related to skin health. Here are some essential oils that have been considered to be effective against symptoms of diabetes:

Essential Oils For Diabetic Nerve Pain

Apply essential oils topically. But remember to add one ounce of carrier oillike olive or coconut oilto every 12 drops of essential oil. Doing so can prevent any possible skin irritation from developing. If you prefer taking baths, you can also add a small amount of essential oil.

You can also diffuse essential oils into the air. This method may help relieve symptoms associated with neuropathy, like anxiety, insomnia, and stress.

However, since essential oils aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , it’s best to test diluted essential oils on a small patch of your skin first, like the area inside your elbow or wrists. If red patches, breakouts, or itchiness develop, discontinue use.

What do you think about using essential oils to treat neuropathy? Have you tried this before?

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Best Essential Oils For Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

1. Coriander

The herb and the oil derived from its seeds and leaves both help in the fight against high blood glucose levels. These extracts increase the release of insulin in the pancreas and they enhance insulin sensitivity and absorption at the cellular level.

Coriander essential oil also helps against gastric and digestive problems.

2. Cinnamon

The fragrant oil derived from cinnamon bark has shown the potential to lower blood glucose levels in rodents. Furthermore, the spice is routinely used and prescribed to control diabetes in humans.

In addition to influencing the levels of blood sugar, cinnamon oil is known to alleviate fatigue and curb the incessant hunger and cravings for sugary foods that are hall marks of diabetes.

Because the aromatic extract improves pancreatic function, it directly impacts the levels of insulin in the body.

3. Melissa

Often recommended in the treatment of diabetes, lemon balm oil works in multiple ways to control serum glucose levels and improve the utilization of insulin in the body. For starters, this oil acts as a potent hypoglycemic agent that enhances both the cellular uptake of glucose as well as its metabolism.

Even when administered in low quantities, the oil aids in regulating the function of the pancreas, which has a direct impact on insulin secretion. Because the extract also helps with digestive issues, it is assumed that it may lower the amount of glucose derived from food.

4. Clove

5. Lemon

6. Davana

7. Lavender

8. Ylang-ylang

Cinnamon For Typte 2 Diabetes

Essential Oils to Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Cinnamon is an evergreen tree located in Sri Lanka, India, and Burma. Cinnamon has been shown to affect blood glucose and insulin signaling. A 2011 study looked to determine the effect of cinnamon extract on fasting blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

The study found that taking cinnamon, as a whole or as an extract, displayed significant signs of fasting blood glucose being reduced. Through the inhalation of cinnamon essential oils, blood sugar levels may be reduced, because cinnamon extract improves fasting blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.3

So, if you are looking for essential oils for lowering blood sugar, choose cinnamon essential oil for diabetes.

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Culinary Cinnamon Essential Oil

Probably the most researched of the essential oils for diabetes relief, cinnamon in general refers to a group of trees whose leaves or inner bark are distilled for its essential oil or the bark harvested as a spice. There are multiple varieties of the Cinnamon tree, including C. cassia, which we usually refer to as simply cassia when used for its essential oil.

The most heavily researched angle for cinnamon and diabetes is that of the powdered spice, with a great deal of focus placed on it for pancreatic support, glucose lowering, weight loss, and general diabetes prevention and management.

Research of essential oils for diabetes is moving through the best applications and preparations, though, and essential oils have made their appearance in the literature. In 2013, an evaluation of cinnamon leaf essential oil found that all tested doses of significantly lowered fasting blood glucose and fructosamine. The researchers pointed to pancreatic support as the likely mechanism leading to the blood sugar benefits.

We dont have an exact directive from studies and research to tell us how to maximize cinnamons potential for diabetic wellness, but we can glean some helpful tidbits:

  • Internal use seems to be the most effective.
  • Cinnamon in all forms appears to lower blood sugar.
  • A little dabll do!

What The Research Shows

Keep in mind that no guidelines recommend essential oils as a neuropathy treatment, and the handful of studies on the topic arenât big enough to be conclusive.

One 2017 study from Turkish researchers included 46 people with diabetes-related neuropathy. For the study, about half of the group got their hands and feet massaged using essential oils for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks. Those people reported a 66% drop in neuropathy-related pain, compared to a 9% drop in pain for those who got medical care but no massage. The researchers used a 5% dilution of lavender, geranium, rosemary, blue chamomile, and lemon eucalyptus essential oils mixed with coconut oil. Massage boosts blood flow and can prompt the release of certain pain-relieving chemicals, so itâs possible some of the benefits came from the massage rather than the oils.

Another study included 60 people with neuropathy in their feet. They sprayed a mix of geranium, lavender, bergamot, tea tree, and eucalyptus essential oils onto their skin. Almost all â 935 reported less pain 30 minutes later. And a 2019 study found that aromatherapy massage helped ease chemotherapy-related neuropathy pain and fatigue in 46 people.

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