Thursday, July 25, 2024

Optimal Blood Sugar Level For Fat Burning

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It Starts With Finding A Way To Eat Fewer Calories Than You Need

Ideal Protein – Dr. Tran Tien Chanh – Dieting and calories

A calorie is a unit of energy, which is in the food and drink we consume. Your body uses energy for everything we do from breathing and sleeping to exercising. When you eat, youre replacing the energy youve used, which helps you to maintain a healthy weight.

As a general guide, government recommendations are that men need around 2,500kcal a day to maintain a healthy weight, and women need around 2,000kcal a day. But most people need different amounts of calories based on how their bodies work, how active they are and any weight management goals.

Weve put together some 7-day meal plans to help you lose weight. They’re all clinically approved, nutritionally balanced, calorie and carb counted, and can help if you want to lose weight:

Evidence shows that the best approach is the one that youre likely to stick to. So the key is to find a plan that you enjoy and fits in with the rest of your life. Everyones different and what works for some may not for others.

Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar :

  • Feeling fatigued and sleepy, especially after meals
  • Poor brain function and focus
  • Increased thirst
  • Weight fluctuations

But what does it mean if you eat something clearly unhealthy, like a candy bar or burger, and your blood sugar does not elevate over the 120 mg/dL mark?

This means your body is adapting to the rise in blood sugar very well!

This is a good thing. You have a very healthy body. However, if you continue to eat processed foods high in starch and sugars, over time your body will slowly lose this ability to adapt. This is not a good practice.

Want to know some foods that commonly convert quickly to sugar and cause a rapid high spike in blood sugar?

  • White foods: white rice, white potato, all forms of sugar
  • Refined grains: bread, pasta, crackers, baked goods, cereals, chips
  • Candy and sweets
  • Soda, juice, sweetened drinks

Consumption of processed sugar increases your risk for many chronic diseases including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease .

If your blood sugar is too high, or if youre simply experiencing some of the symptoms of high blood sugar after eating, the best thing you can do is to exercise. Exercise clears sugar from the blood so that it can be used as a fuel source for your muscles.

If your test results are consistently outside the healthy range, heres what you do:

Need a blood test to check your blood sugar related biomarkers? if you are in the US, to order your own blood test.

Monitor Your Levels For Keto Success

When you want to measure your success on the ketogenic diet, you need to know if youâre in ketosis. You can do this by using your blood sugar level and your ketone level to determine where you are on the Glucose Ketone Index.

While monitoring your ketone levels can be beneficial in determining your GKI, it’s not necessarily something you have to monitor all the time. Most people on the ketogenic diet stick to monitoring ketones once or twice a month, whereas a continuous glucose monitor can be helpful around the clock to show optimal blood glucose levels.

In addition to helping you on your keto journey, using a continuous glucose monitor can keep you on track for long-term and short-term health goals. You can use the information to personalize your diet and activities based on how your body uniquely reacts.

to begin understanding your blood sugar levels and receive personalized recommendations about exercise, food, and daily habits.

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Calories In/calories Out Is A Flawed Model

The process of gaining weight isnt as simple as one might think. The model of calories in/calories out that many of us are familiar with is flawed and doesnt consider the complex hormonal and biochemical pathways involved in energy balance, weight gain, and weight loss in the body.

The flaws of the calorie deficit model of weight loss can be pictured by imagining the human body as a car: The engine is our cells, the fuel tank is our fat stores, and the fuel within the tank is provided by the food we eat. As we drive the car along, the engine burns fuel to keep the car moving. By consuming food, we refill the tank as we go, preventing it from running dry. In this analogy, if we want to deplete our fuel tank , we can put less fuel in the tank or drive the car faster .

Different types of foods eaten at different times of the day and in different combinations can lead to unique hormonal responses in the body.

The original thought experiment now seems a lot more complex. What happens if we drive this more realistic car, except this time debris has clogged the air filter, preventing oxygen from entering and making conditions impossible for the fuel to burn efficiently? What if the engine oil is depleted and there is excessive friction and wear on the engine parts? This is a more accurate representation of the human body and the hormonal mechanisms of weight and energy balance.

What Are Blood Sugar Levels

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Blood sugar levels, also known as blood glucose level, is the level of sugar/glucose present in the blood. Glucose is a simple version of sugar which comes from the food we eat. Therefore, the more food you consume with high sugar levels over a period of time, will typically increase your blood sugar level.

Glucose comes from the foods we eat and its sugar content. When a person consumes a food with high sugar content, that is turned into glucose. The glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream with the support of insulin. This is then distributed between the bodys cells and used as energy.

Foods high in glucose include most carbohydrates and a handful of proteins and fats. Most foods contain glucose as it is simply a natural sugar that occurs in most dietary forms. However, it is carbohydrates that contain the most sugar and 100% of it turns into glucose, through the process mentioned above, once consumed. The concentration of glucose present in the blood will determine your blood sugar level.

Here is a quick video explaining Blood sugar levels chart :

Your blood sugar level can either be low, normal or high. Depending on what you eat and health conditions, it will vary from person to person. Here is a breakdown of how your blood sugar works and how low or high blood sugar levels happens:

Also Check: What Should Blood Sugar Be At Bedtime For Non Diabetic

Optimal Blood Sugar Level For Fat Burning

Optimal Blood Sugar Level For Fat Burning, High Blood Sugar Symptoms, How To Manage Type 1 Diabetes, Normal Blood Sugar.

Endocrinology is the specialty of medication that deals with hormone disturbances, and each endocrinologists and pediatric endocrinologists handle patients with diabetes People with diabetes can also be treated by Optimal Blood Sugar Level For Fat Burning household medication or internal medication specialists When issues come up, people with diabetes could additionally be treated by other specialists, including neurologists, gastroenterologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, cardiologists, or others.

This could cause tingling, numbness, burning or ache that usually begins on the suggestions of the toes or fingers and gradually spreads upward For reasons that aren t clear, ladies who are Black, Hispanic, American Indian or Asian American usually tend to develop gestational diabetes Count on the FreeStyle family of glucose monitoring techniques to help them handle their diabetes News MedicalNet provides this medical data service in accordance with these terms and situations.

It also can trigger the manufacturing of cortisol, which makes it more durable for insulin to work When your body s Optimal Blood Sugar Level For Fat Burning insulin cannot properly metabolize the glucose in your blood, .

How Does High Blood Sugar Prevent Weight Loss

Weight loss happens when we expend more energy than we consume . But it also happens when we have balanced blood sugar and no excess insulin. Excess insulin is created as a result of too much sugar in our bodies, and this insulin surge tells our bodies that plenty of energy is available, and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it. By controlling your levels and keeping them in the healthy range , you will process carbohydrates and proteins for energy rather than having them stored as fat.

Read Also: What Does Insulin Do To Blood Sugar

How To Measure Blood Glucose

To quantify your metabolic health, youll need to measure blood glucose levels. Common tests include:

  • Hemoglobin A1c : Provides a rough average blood glucose estimate of the past 2-3 months by measuring the amount of sugar stored in red blood cells.
  • OGTT: The oral glucose tolerance test , administered in a lab, involves ingesting a sugary solution and measuring its impact on blood sugar levels
  • Fasting blood glucose: Your blood glucose after an overnight fast of around 12 hours.
  • Postprandial blood glucose: This is your post-meal blood glucose. It peaks 1 to 1.5 hours after eating.

Both fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood glucose are simple home blood tests, provided you have a glucose meter. Just prick your finger, insert the test strip, and record your result. If you have a Keto-Mojo blood glucose and ketone meter you can track your results over time with the free app.

Taking a blood sugar test is an ideal way to learn the effects of different foods on your body. Simply take a baseline reading , eat a particular food, then test 1 or 2 hours after eating. You might be surprised which foods spike your blood sugar. See this guide to testing for your bio-individuality and learn which foods elevate your glucose levels so you can avoid them.

How To Calculate Your Blood Sugar Level: The Complete Guide

Do You Want To Burn Fat Or Sugar?

To get an accurate reading of your blood sugar level, the best and most effective method is using a glucose meter. This will involve a small prick in your finger so receive a blood sample. The strip is then inserted into the meter and tested.

You may be wondering what your reading should be. There is no normal reading, an ideal reading differs from person to person. Everyone will get different readings at different times of the day. However, there is a rough range to determining a low, normal and high blood sugar level. Blood sugar level is read in mmol/L, which stands for millimoles per liter. Here is a guide as to what an ideal reading is for each diabetic type and non-diabetic patients:

4 5.9 mmol/L< 7.8 mmol/L 4 5.9 mmol/L< 7.8 mmol/L

It is advised to check it regularly if you are concerned, show regular symptoms or have diabetes. You should check before meals, exercise, before bedtime and after driving. Everyone is different so it is best to ask your doctor if you are unsure how many times and when you should check your blood sugar levels.

Research shows that over 50% who try to estimate their blood sugar level reading are incorrect. This may be due to over underlying medical conditions that did not know they had or poor lack of judgement. Therefore, this suggests it is very important to test at home to check in on your levels regularly to avoid any unnecessary future complications.

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Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: Chard Spinach Baby Greens Kale

Leafy greens deliver a bonanza of health benefits and massive nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

Leafy greens are packed with magnesium and amino acids which lower blood sugar and control insulin. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for over 300 functions in the body, and leafy greens are one of the biggest sources of this vital nutrient. In addition to its blood sugar-controlling abilities, it assists in metabolism of carbohydrates, and reduces cravings for sugar.

Leafy vegetables are an ideal fat burning food, as they are typically very low in calories. They also ward off the risk of cancer and heart disease since they are low in fat, high in dietary fiber, and rich in folic acid, vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as containing a host of super-powered phytochemicals.

The rock star nutrient dark green leafy vegetables is vitamin K. A cup of cooked greens provides about nine times the minimum recommended amount of vitamin K. This overlooked vitamin is responsible for preventing atherosclerosis by reducing calcium buildup in arteries, preventing inflammation, and regulating blood clotting.

Greens have very few carbohydrateswhich makes them very low glycemicand lots of fiber, which make them slower to digest. So, greens themselves have very little impact on blood sugar.

Normal Vs Optimal Blood Sugar Ranges

Ive written extensively about the difference between normal and optimal blood markers here, and the same applies to your blood sugar ranges.

From the perspective of conventional medicine, a fasting blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dL indicates prediabetes.

Two consecutive fasting glucose levels of 126 mg/dL indicates diabetes, as well as a random glucose reading of 200 mg/dL , and a 2-hour post-meal reading of 200 mg/dL .

But much of the data in conventional medicine comes from populations who are not enjoying optimal health.

So what does a healthy daily glucose response look like from the perspective of preventative medicine?

On waking: Research indicates that your optimal glucose after waking in the morning should be between 82-88 mg/dL . This level is associated with optimal aging, the lowest risk of chronic disease, and the lowest mortality risk.

After meals: Blood sugar peaks between 1 and 2 hours after the meal and should be back down to fasting levels by 3 hours post-meal. From the perspective of optimal health, you should avoid regularly eating foods that raise your blood sugar over 100 mg/dl .

One strategy to test the impact of your diet on your long-term health is to measure your blood sugar before and after meals.

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Treatment For Low Blood Sugar Levels

For those with low blood sugar levels, management and treatment is a little easier to do yourself. If you find your blood sugar is too low and you notice symptoms, always seek medical attention. They will aid you with what necessary precautions to take if the reading is extremely low.

Most of the time, the following treatment methods are advised to do at home yourself. Having a sugary drink or snack can help increase blood sugar levels and balance out and improve any symptoms. Even a small juice of juice or sweets can improve weakness and similar symptoms.

After youve consumed a sugary drink or snack, it is recommended to test your blood sugar level again. If it has increased and you feel better then you should consume a carbohydrate containing meal, such as bread, biscuits or milk. It is advised to eat a small meal to prevent any further drop in blood sugar.

For normal people without diabetes, it is sometimes advised to consume daily supplements that are beneficial for increasing insulin sensitivity and balancing your blood, its sugars and pressures. You can seek medical advice for those from a doctor. Some options may include supplements such as Garcinia Cambogia, which has shown results for increasing insulin sensitivity.

You may be wondering exactly how you can read and calculate your blood sugar level, as it advised to do so for both treatments. If you wish to calculate your blood sugar level, here is how to do so:

How Balancing Blood Sugar Can Make Burning Belly Fat Easier

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Do you eat instant oatmeal each morning ? Well, many other refined carbs respond very similar. Even things like white rice, white bread, apple juice and other fruit juices. They hit you with a double whammy: High GI and High GL. Not a lot of studies are conclusive that this causes excess belly fat. But for me personally, I know it does! Im not alone either. Theres a reason why many fitness experts who actually have ripped abs are mindful of GI and GL because it has a profound impact on belly fat storage in real world application. Sometimes the only way you know if its true is just to experiment on yourself. Im convinced of it! Well, when you eat carb rich foods your body releases a hormone called insulin in order to help your cells absorb all that extra sugar in your system. Generally speaking, the higher the glycemic load of the carb, the more insulin your body must secrete in order to counter it. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, if you are eating healthy carbs and working out regularly , the impact can be mitigated. However, continued daily consumption of high glycemic load foods and the resulting insulin fluctuations can lead to insulin resistance and increasing difficulty losing belly fat. Well, coke is sweetened to date with high fructose corn syrup. That fructose causes a nearly immediate spike in blood sugar. As a result, behind the scenes your brain sends an electric signal to your pancreas saying its time to produce insulin. InsuContinue reading > >

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How To Measure Ketone Levels

The most reliable way to measure your ketone levels is to use a blood ketone meter.

These devices work similarly to blood sugar meters, as you use a lancet and a blood testing strip to collect a small blood sample from your fingertip, which the device then reads.

Although your body produces three types of ketones, most blood ketone meters check for beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the most prevalent type .

Theres some disagreement among researchers about the best time of day to test ketone levels. You should pick a time and consistently test at that time to get the most accurate readings.

When you last ate appears to be a major contributing factor to your ketone levels, so you may want to do your ketone testing 3 hours after eating a meal .

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