Thursday, July 25, 2024

High Morning Blood Sugar Non Diabetic

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How To Prevent High Blood Glucose In The Morning

How to Avoid High Morning Blood Sugars | 6 Simple Tips

We have explored why your morning glucose level might be high. Now, letâs explore how we can take action to address it.

Our team has analyzed thousands of usersâ CGM data, and there are several strategies that consistently improve morning blood glucose levels. The ones that tend to produce the biggest ROI include:

How To Fix High Blood Sugars In The Morning

The Dawn Phenomenon

More than half of people with diabetes are thought to experience dawn phenomenon, and it can lead to significant increases in A1C.

The dawn phenomenon begins when your body secretes a surge of hormones, including growth hormone, cortisol, adrenaline, and glucagon. These hormones start working very early each morning around the same time to prepare your body to wake. Basically, your body is starting the engine, releasing some fuel, and prepping to go for the day.

These hormones trigger the conversion of the livers glycogen stores into glucose, which is then dumped into the blood in a process called glycogenolysis.

This general process occurs in all humans regardless of whether they have diabetes. In people without diabetes, the bodys natural insulin response prevents the blood sugars from rising. In people with diabetes, though, the body is unable to produce a healthy insulin response, and therefore blood glucose levels spike up.

The Mayo Clinic suggests several strategies you can try to combat the effects of dawn phenomenon:

  • Use an insulin pump to administer extra insulin during early-morning hours.
  • Avoid carbohydrates at bedtime.
  • Adjust your dose of medication or insulin.
  • Switch to a different glucose-lowering medication.
  • Adjust the time when you take your medication or insulin from dinnertime to bedtime.

Feet on the Floor Effect

High Blood Sugars from the Night Before

Reactive Hypoglycemia

Here are some things you could try to reduce this occurrence:

Build A Clear Picture Of How Your Blood Sugar Works By Using A Cgm

As weve seen, everyones blood sugar control works differently, so it can be helpful to know whether morning spikes are a problem for you.

Unless you have diabetes, it is unlikely that you check your glucose regularly.

Checking your glucose a few times throughout the day or continuously via CGM can help to show how your body is handling changes in glucose levels during fasting or after meals.

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Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar In The Morning

If you wear a continuous glucose monitor , or if you routinely check your blood glucose every morning, you can see whether or not you are experiencing early morning hyperglycemia. In addition, you may also experience some of the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia, which may include:

  • Frequent and excessive urination

Your Blood Sugar Isnt Just Because Of What You Eat

How to Lower Morning Blood Sugar

Mainstream media would have you believe that your blood sugar levels are impacted only by what you eat and how much you exercise, but people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who test their blood sugars frequently could tell you otherwise.

Its especially important to keep this in mind when looking at your own blood sugars and your goals because there are certain variables and challenges that impact blood sugar levels that you cant always control.

For example:

  • Menstrual cycles: raises blood sugar and insulin needs
  • Adrenaline rushes from competitive sports, heated arguments, or rollercoaster rides: raises blood sugar and insulin needs
  • The common cold and other illnesses: usually raise blood sugar and insulin needs
  • Hormonal changes due to puberty and healthy growth in young adults: raises blood sugar and insulin needs
  • An injury that raises overall inflammation levels: raises blood sugar and insulin needs
  • Glucogenesis during anaerobic exercise: raises blood sugar

While you cant necessarily prevent these factors that affect your blood sugar from occurring, you can work with your diabetes healthcare team to adjust your insulin, other diabetes medications, nutrition and activity levels to help compensate for them when they do occur.

For example, when engaging in anaerobic exercise like weightlifting many people with type 1 diabetes find it necessary to take a small bolus of insulin prior to or during their workout because anaerobic exercise can actually raise blood sugar.

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Obesity And Weight Related Factors

Obesity refers to the state of being grossly overweight. It can lead to inflammation in the body due to excessive build-up of body fatthis inflammation results in insulin resistance.

If you are obese, talk immediately with your healthcare expert regarding this problem. Your healthcare expert or dietician will provide tips to reduce excessive weight like a physical activity routine, diet plan, medications, etc.

What Units Are Used For Measuring Blood Sugar Levels

Doctors measure blood sugar differently depending on where you live:

  • In the U.S., your blood sugar level mostly shows as milligrams of glucose in 1/10th of a liter of blood, also known as milligrams per deciliter .

  • In the U.K., doctors often measure your blood sugar levels in millimoles of glucose per liter of blood .

Whichever measurement a test uses, its to compare your level to a normal blood sugar range.

If you live with diabetes, youll have higher blood sugar levels than someone who doesnt have diabetes. So, a normal blood glucose level for a person with prediabetes or diabetes is higher.

There are other ways to measure blood sugar, such as a hemoglobin A1C test that estimates the average blood sugar levels over the last 3 months.

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/5reasons Of High Blood Sugar In Non

Those diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes know that their blood sugar level fluctuates drastically, and they need to monitor it regularly to keep it under control. But the blood sugar level is also influenced by day-to day-activities, so the rise and fall in it is usual even in those not diagnosed with the condition. It becomes problematic when it remains consistently high.

How To Check Blood Glucose

7 Hacks to Lower Blood Sugars | 98% Diabetics Dont Do This

1. Set up your supplies on a clean surface where theyre easy to reach.

2. Have your child wash their hands with soap and water and dry them. Or clean the finger that will be used for the test with an alcohol swab. Let it air dry.

  • Dont use hand sanitizers, gel sprays, or alcohol foam.
  • If the fingers are cold, warm them up by holding them under running warm tap water. Dry the fingers. It is harder to get blood from cold fingers.

3. Load the lancet into the lancet device. Twist off the lancets cap. Put the devices cap back on. Push the test strip all the way into the blood glucose meter .

4. Select a place on the side of a finger to do the test .

  • Choose a site near the fingertip. Do not prick the center of the finger or the very tip .
  • Do not use the thumb for the test.
  • Do not prick skin in a place that is not healed or is sore.
  • Use a different finger and site each time. This will prevent scar tissue from forming at a site. A callous can make it harder and more painful to get blood from that place.

5. Hold the test finger still. Press the lancet device firmly on the side of the fingertip. Push the devices trigger button. The lancet will prick the finger.

6. You should see a drop of blood right away. If you used an alcohol pad, wipe off the first drop of blood with a clean tissue or cotton ball.

7. If the drop of blood is not big enough for the test, gently squeeze and release the fingertip. To help the blood flow, point the finger down towards the floor when squeezing.

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Normal Blood Sugar Ranges In Healthy Non

For a person without any type of diabetes, blood sugar levels are generally between 70 to 130 mg/dL depending on the time of day and the last time they ate a meal.

Newer theories about non-diabetic blood sugar levels have included post-meal blood sugar levels as high as 140 mg/dL.

Here are the normal blood sugar ranges for a person without diabetes according to the American Diabetes Association:

  • Fasting blood sugar : Less than 100 mg/dL
  • 1-2 hours after a meal: Less than 140 mg/dL
  • 2-3 hours after eating: Less than 100 mg/dL

What You Can Do

If the dawn phenomenon affects you, try to:

  • Eat dinner earlier in the evening.
  • Do something active after dinner, like going for a walk.
  • Check with your health care provider about the medicine youâre taking.
  • Eat breakfast. It helps bring your blood sugar back to normal, which tells your body that it’s time to rein in the anti-insulin hormones.
  • Eat a snack with some carbohydrates and protein before bed.

You’ll also want to avoid all sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda, fruit punch, fruit drinks, and sweet tea. Just a single serving can raise your blood sugar — and, in some cases, give you hundreds of extra calories.

If you have diabetes, chances are your blood sugar will be higher in the morning from time to time. That may not be something to be overly concerned about. If it happens for several mornings in a row, check it once during the night — around 2 or 3 a.m. — for a few nights. Then, take those numbers to your doctor. They can figure out if you really have the dawn phenomenon, or if something else is causing those higher morning numbers.

Show Sources

Diabetes Stops Here: “Why All the Morning Highs?”

Mayo Clinic: “What is the dawn phenomenon that some people with diabetes experience? Can anything be done about it?”

American Diabetes Association: “Diabetes Myths.”

Diabetes Forecast: “Why Is My Blood Glucose So High in the Morning?” “Glucagon.”

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Why Your A1c Matters

In a nutshell: your A1c is one of the clearest indicators of your risk for developing diabetes complications like neuropathy , retinopathy , nephropathy , and severe infection in any part of your body that requires healing.

For instance, a small cut on your toe could become infected due to high blood sugars, struggle to heal, and become severe enough that the infection could lead to an amputation.

The general guidelines from the American Diabetes Association recommend an A1c at or below 7.0 percent for the best prevention of diabetes complications. Your risk of developing a diabetes complication continues to drop as your A1c drops closer to 6 percent.

Some people with diabetes aim for A1c levels in the 5s and lower especially those who follow strict low-carb diets like the ketogenic diet and the Bernstein diet. However, this hasnt been proven in research as especially necessary, nor is it reasonably achievable for the larger population of people with diabetes.

Its also important to remember that your blood sugar levels and your A1c are just information that tells you whether your body needs more or less of factors like insulin, other diabetes medications like Metformin, changes in your nutrition, and changes in your exercise.

If you dont like the number youre seeing on your glucose meter or your A1c results, use that number as motivation to make changes in how you safely manage your diabetes in order to get different results.

Prioritize Protein And Non

Fast Blood Sugar Levels Chart

Remember how we talked about the âTrifectaâ of glucose-raising badness: high-fat + high-carb + high-calorie? If we knock out one or more of the âlegsâ of the Trifecta stool, then we can mitigate its adverse effects.

Based on our data, we recommend knocking out the âhigh-carbâ leg and the âhigh-calorieâ leg. Focusing your evening meal around full-fat protein and fiber helps to create a meal that results in stable glucose levels throughout the night and into the morning.

This could look like:

  • Pasture-raised chicken + baked veggies
  • Organ stir fry + Brussels sprouts/garlic/onions

Of course, individual response to food varies, but this food pattern tends to work very well for most people.

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Tips For Signos Users

After applying a continuous glucose monitor and calibrating, you’ll see your blood sugar levels, also known as your glucose, in the Signos app for the first time. You should also see the general suggested glucose range target for weight loss.

Over the next few days, as the app calibrates your individual optimal glucose range for weight loss. For Signos, the ranges look like the following :

  • Fasting glucose target: 72-90 mg/dL
  • Glucose target before eating: Depends on what you ate, what you did, and what you plan to eat
  • Glucose target 1-2 hours after eating: < 120 mg/dL

The best way to use your Signos app is to perform self-experimentsâbecause everyone is so different. As you read above, research shows that meals higher in protein, fiber, and fat can help slow down and decrease the post-meal blood sugar response.

Try eating a high-protein meal with some healthy fat and fiber to see how your blood sugar responds. Then compare it to a high-carb meal. You can even vary the amounts of protein, fat, and fiber on different days to see if it makes a difference.

< p class=”pro-tip”> < strong> Learn more about < /strong> < a href=”/blog/cgm-data-weight-loss”> using a CGM to analyze your unique glucose response< /a> < /p>

Does A Blood Sugar Spike Mean You Have Diabetes

Occasional high spikes donât mean you have diabetes. Itâs normal for your blood sugar to go up after eating a meal high in carbohydrates or even due to lifestyle habits and events. Besides food, your blood sugar can be affected by stress, lack of sleep, age, menstrual cycle, physical activity, and even being sick.

What affects one person’s blood sugar may also affect yours differently. We can all have different responses to food, so monitoring the overall trend of your blood sugar gives you the most insight into your overall health.

However, while infrequent spikes aren’t a problem, if they happen more regularly, it’s time to take a closer look at what’s contributing.

< p class=”pro-tip”> < strong> Learn more about < /strong> < a href=”/blog/mitigate-high-glucose-spikes”> how to mitigate glucose spikes to avoid fat storage< /a> < /p>

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Translating Your A1c To A Blood Sugar Level

Using this easy calculator from the ADA, you can translate your most recent A1C result to an eAG or estimate average glucose level.

You can also use this translation when working to improve your A1c and achieve closer to normal blood sugar levels.

If you know an A1c of 6.5 is an average blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL or a range of 100 to 152 mg/dL, then you can look at your current blood sugar results on your CGM and meter and pinpoint which time of day youre frequently higher than this range.12% = 298 mg/dL or range of 240 347 11% = 269 mg/dL or range of 217 31410% = 240 mg/dL or range of 193 2829% = 212 mg/dL or range of 170 2498% = 183 mg/dL or range of 147 2177% = 154 mg/dL or range of 123 1856% = 126 mg/dL or range of 100 1525% = 97 mg/dL or range of 76 120

Normal blood sugar levels in a person without diabetes can result in an A1c as low as 4.6 or 4.7 percent and as high as 5.6 percent.

Just a decade or two ago, it was rare for a person with type 1 diabetes to achieve an A1c result below 6 percent. Thanks to new and improved insulin and better technology like continuous glucose monitors and smarter insulin pumps, more people with diabetes are able to safely achieve A1c levels in the higher 5 percent range.

How To Control Blood Sugar Levels In The Morning

Lower Morning or Fasting Glucose Fast, No Meds!

Treatment options will vary depending on the data the CGM or individual glucose checks provide. By tracking when the highs and lows occur, a doctor will be able to recommend suitable strategies.

If the data shows that a person has high blood sugar at bedtime, then it is likely that food and medication are responsible. If a person has hyperglycemia before they sleep, it can persist until morning. Either a large meal close to bedtime or using too little insulin may be the cause. A person can adjust this by changing what and when they eat and slightly increasing their insulin dosage.

If a person is within their target range at bedtime but wakes with high blood sugar, they may be using too little basal medication or using it too early. Changing the timing of the long-acting dose, switching to a twice-daily basal insulin, or using an ultra-long-acting basal insulin may be beneficial.

Data demonstrating that a person has high blood sugar between roughly 38 a.m. suggests the dawn phenomenon. In this case, a doctor may recommend that a person does not increase their long-acting insulin, as this could cause hypoglycemia during the night. It may be advisable to consider an insulin pump, as a person can program it to automatically deliver more insulin in the early morning hours.

Some research that the following lifestyle changes may help control morning glucose levels.

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Type 2 diabetes can High Fasting Blood Sugar Non Diabetic typically be managed with healthy consuming and common train alone, but may also require medications or insulin therapy Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and is also known What Is Normal Blood Sugar as insulin dependent diabetes People with kind 1 diabetes aren t in a position to produce their very own insulin and can t regulate their blood sugar as a end result of their body is attacking the pancreas Roughly 10 per cent of people residing with diabetes have type 1, insulin dependent diabetes Type 2 diabetes is the commonest analysis, followed by sort 1 diabetes Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy, and is often momentary.

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