Thursday, July 25, 2024

Easy For Type 1 Diabetics To Get Disability

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Can Type 1 Diabetic Get Disability

VA Disability Benefits for Diabetes

I am a Type 1 Diabetic, I have been struggling with it since i was 7 years old and i also have a sleeping disorder currently that has made it hard for me to do every day activities. Can i get disability in any way? I used to be a server and I couldn’t do it anymore since we have to work the floor non stop and me checking my sugar would slip and taking my insulin shots, i couldn’t take good care of myself. My blood sugar is all over the place, my energy levels are all off. Is there any way I can get disability? I am 6’4 and weigh 170 pounds, so i am a slim guy, i struggle constantly with my sugar and i just need help, my server jobs don’t even provide health insurance. I have also broken my finger bones and toe bone in past since my bones are not as strong as others, just by walking my dogs and doing normal activities, i just have to be very careful. I can feel my body slowly deteriorate everyday and i am only 27 years old right now.

Does Diabetes Qualify For Social Security Disability

Claims based on diabetes often focus less on the everyday symptoms of diabetes and more on the damage caused by long-term diabetes.

Does Social Security consider diabetes to be disabling?

How exactly does Social Security evaluate a disability claim based on diabetes?

Step 1: Non-Medical CriteriaStep 2: Severe ImpairmentStep 3: Medical ListingsStep 4: Past WorkStep 5: Other Work

What Can I Claim For

If you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you will be eligible for certain benefits, depending on the extent to which your condition affects your life. For example, everyone in the UK with diabetes is entitled to free eye checks from the age of 12 once yearly screening for diabetic retinopathy. And if youre on any medication for your diabetes, youll receive free prescriptions.

There are additional benefits available to those with diabetes related to disability and long-term health, such as if you need help or if youre unable to work. Whether or not youre eligible depends on factors like additional health issues and how much diabetes affects your day-to-day activities.

Those most likely to be eligible are the young or elderly, people with mental health issues such as depression, those with learning disabilities, or serious complications. Parents can also claim on behalf of children with diabetes.

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Medical Malpractice In Diabetes Treatment

As someone who may have to undergo more medical procedures and receive more prescriptions than people without diabetes, you may also run into malpractice. If a negligent doctor, nurse, or other caregiver has caused your condition to worsen or injured you in some way, you could be able to get compensation.

When treating you, medical professionals owe you something called a standard of care. That is the level to which anyone of their education level and background can be expected to treat you. If they breach that duty, then they are guilty of negligence and are liable for any damages that negligence caused.

A personal injury lawyer in Atlanta can talk to you about your situation and tell you what your options are. We offer free consultations, so dont hesitate to get in touch with our team.

Atlanta Diabetes Lawyer Near Me

General Information About Diabetes Diabetes Bracelets for Men Type 1 Medical id bracelets The ...

Diabetes is a group of diseases characterized by high blood glucose or sugar levels that result from defects in the body’s ability to produce and/or use insulin.4 Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose enter the body’s cells to give them energy. With Type 1 diabetes, the body does not make insulin. With Type 2 diabetes, the more common type, the body does not make or use insulin well. Some women develop a type of diabetes called gestational diabetes during pregnancy when their bodies are not able to make and use all the insulin it needs, but may not have diabetes after giving birth. Without enough insulin, the glucose stays in the blood.5

Although diabetes cannot be cured, it can be managed. Some people are able to control their diabetes by eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, and exercising regularly. Many individuals, however, must take oral medication and/or administer insulin injections to manage their diabetes.6

With nearly two million new cases diagnosed each year, diabetes is becoming more prevalent in the United States and is the most common endocrine disease.7 Today, an estimated 18.8 million adults in the United States have diabetes.8

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Disorganization Of Motor Function

Disorganization of motor function has a broad meaning. It includes difficulty using the hands, standing, or walking, and impairments caused by tremor, weakness , sensory loss, or involuntary movements. In diabetics, the abnormal motor function is usually loss of feeling and loss of position sense in the feet and legs. The upper extremities are less frequently involved.

Should I Hire A Lawyer

You can get through the application — and appeal — process without a lawyer. But appealing a rejection can be hard. So it can be helpful to have an attorney, especially one who specializes in this.

Protection and advocacy organizations can help you find a lawyer who will help you get through paperwork, get your medical records and other necessary information in order, and prepare you for your appeal hearing. They also can represent you in front of the judge.

The SSA must approve your attorneyâs fee, and itâs only paid if you win the appeal. The fee is either 25% of the benefits you earned from the date of your original application through the date your case is decided or $6,000 — whichever is lower.

You can find Protection and Advocacy organizations on the Social Security Administration’s website. The American Bar Association also has information on its website.

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Illnesses Related To Diabetes

Various medical conditions and illnesses are often related to uncontrolled diabetes. The longer you have diabetes and the more poorly managed blood glucose, the higher your risk for any of the following complications. That’s why it’s vital to seek long-term disability benefits by checking these related illnesses:

Filing For Social Security Disability With A Diabetes Diagnosis

Can I get Disability if I Have Diabetes?

Diabetes is listed in the Social Security Administrations impairment listing manual, or Blue Book, as a condition which can qualify a person for Social Security Disability benefits. The SSA makes no distinction between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, however, and no mention is made in the Diabetes listing of any of the severe health problems caused by the condition.

Fortunately, many of these severe health problems are listed in the Blue Book as separate disabling conditions, as the SSAs qualification criteria focus on the actual health problems that affect an applicants ability to function in work and basic tasks, rather than specifically on a Diabetes diagnosis.

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Can You Get Disability For Diabetes In Arkansas

We Fight for Injured Victims in Arkansas Every Single Day

Diabetes is a medical condition where your body is unable to produce enough insulin to control your blood sugar level. There are two forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your immune system attacks your pancreatic cells, making it impossible to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is related to obesity and an unhealthy diet. Either type is a serious condition that will require continued medication and limit the ability to engage in ordinary activities if not controlled. Many people in Arkansas ask if they are eligible for disability benefits if they have diabetes.

You can get disability benefits in Arkansas for either type of diabetes. If untreated or severe, diabetes could result in complications such as loss of eyesight or the amputation of an extremity. An individual who suffers from these conditions, or other debilitating consequences of their diabetes, could qualify for Social Security benefits. However, if your diabetes is controlled and managed, you might not be eligible for benefits unless you have another medical condition that limits your ability to work.

Is Diabetes A Disability Meeting The Criteria For Benefits

With Social Security, there is no distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. To qualify for SSDI, you must be diagnosed with either Type 1 or Type 2 and have at a minimum of one these conditions:

  • Acidosis, which is an irregular increase in your body fluids acidity, that occurs at least one time in a two-month period and is confirmed by bloodwork
  • Neuropathy, which can cause people to have trouble moving their extremities regularly, like standing up or walking or
  • Severe diabetic retinopathy, which causes damage to your eyes blood vessels and can result in loss of vision.

To qualify under diabetes, you must have been unable to work for at least a year. You can also qualify if diabetes is expected to cause your death within a year. Diabetes patients who are under 18 may also qualify for disability benefits if their families have few resources and little income. Minors cannot be working themselves. If you have a child with type 1 diabetes who is under six years old and requires daily insulin shots, they are automatically classified as disabled.

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Disabling Symptoms From Diabetes And Complications

Because many people with diabetes manage their symptoms with minimal disruption to their lives, the Social Security Administration doesn’t award disability benefits based only on a diagnosis of diabetes. Applicants with diabetes are more likely to be awarded benefits due to symptoms from diabetes complications.

Complications from diabetes tend to be a result of damage caused by concentration of high blood sugar affecting certain nerves. Below are some common disorders that can occur from diabetic nerve damage.

  • Peripheral neuropathy. Unchecked glucose levels can injure nerves in your hands and feet, causing pain or numbness. The most severe cases may require amputation.
  • Nephropathy . When high blood sugar damages nerves in your kidneys, they can lose their ability to filter waste products from your body.
  • Retinopathy. Poorly controlled blood sugar can damage the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of your eye, resulting in vision loss.
  • Cardiovascular disease. Over time, high levels of glucose can injure the nerves that control your heart, increasing your risk for stroke.

Symptoms And Complications Of Adult Diabetes


Symptoms of both diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 include frequent urination, unusual thirst and hunger, and fatigue. People with type 2 diabetes also can suffer from tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, frequent infections, and cuts that are slow to heal.

Hypoglycemia, an abnormally low level of blood glucose, can lead to complications including seizures, loss of consciousness, or cognitive problems.

Hyperglycemia, when your blood sugar stays too high, can cause diabetic ketoacidosis . DKA is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by a severe insulin deficiency. It usually requires hospitalization, but the treatment for it may cause other complications, such as cardiac arrhythmias, intestinal necrosis, cerebral edema, or seizures.

Chronic hyperglycemia can also lead to:

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Qualifying For Disability Benefits With Diabetes

If you have diabetes and you have been prevented from working for at least a year , then you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits or Supplement Security Income benefits. It is generally easier to obtain disability benefits if you have developed long-term complications from your diabetes.

Meeting a Disability Listing

The Social Security Administration has created a Listing of Impairments that tells you how you can obtain disability benefits for a variety of medical conditions. Diabetes, however, is not included as a separate disability listing, so you cannot be found disabled under the Listing of Impairments simply by showing you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Instead, the SSA will review your medical history to determine whether you meet the requirements of any disability listings that are closely related to complications arising out of diabetes.

Chronic Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia

Your diabetes might have caused hyperglycemia, which is an unusually high level of glucose in your blood, or hypoglycemia, which is an unusually low level of glucose in your blood. Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can lead to several other conditions, such as the following:

Keeping Medical Information Confidential

With limited exceptions, an employer must keep confidential any medical information it learns about an applicant or employee. Under the following circumstances, however, an employer may disclose that an employee has diabetes:

  • to supervisors and managers in order to provide a reasonable accommodation or to meet an employee’s work restrictions
  • to first aid and safety personnel if an employee may need emergency treatment or require some other assistance because, for example, her blood sugar level is too low
  • to individuals investigating compliance with the ADA and similar state and local laws and
  • where needed for workers’ compensation or insurance purposes .

8. May an employer tell employees who ask why their co-worker is allowed to do something that generally is not permitted that she is receiving a reasonable accommodation?

No. Telling co-workers that an employee is receiving a reasonable accommodation amounts to a disclosure that the employee has a disability. Rather than disclosing that the employee is receiving a reasonable accommodation, the employer should focus on the importance of maintaining the privacy of all employees and emphasize that its policy is to refrain from discussing the work situation of any employee with co-workers. Employers may be able to avoid many of these kinds of questions by training all employees on the requirements of equal employment opportunity laws, including the ADA.

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Contact Our Arkansas Disability Lawyers If You Have Diabetes And Require Social Security Benefits

According to the CDC, approximately 34.2 million Americans have diabetes. While diabetes can be managed, many people suffer from debilitating complications. If your diabetes makes it impossible to earn a living, you could qualify for disability benefits. Your first step in receiving the payments you and your family need is contacting our Bentonville Social Security Disability lawyers. Call 316-0438 to schedule a free appointment.

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How Does The Social Security Administration Decide If I Qualify For Disability Benefits For Diabetes

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If you have diabetes, Social Security disability benefits may be available. To determine whether you are disabled by diabetes, the Social Security Administration first considers whether your diabetes is severe enough to meet or equal a listing at Step 3 of the Sequential Evaluation Process. See Winning Social Security Disability Benefits for Diabetes by Meeting a Listing.

If your diabetes is not severe enough to equal or meet a listing, the Social Security Administration must assess your residual functional capacity , to determine whether you qualify for benefits at Step 4 and Step 5 of the Sequential Evaluation Process. See Residual Functional Capacity Assessment for Diabetes.

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What You Need To Know About Diabetes Can A Type 1 Diabetic Get Disability

One of the most common signs of diabetes is excessive thirst. You may also feel more hungry and pee more than usual. Its important to check your blood sugar as soon as you start to notice these symptoms. If your blood sugar drops below 70 mg/dL, you should immediately eat 15 grams of carbohydrates. Then, check it again fifteen minutes later. If you cant eat that much carbohydrate at once, you can try oral glucose.

Despite the many complications of type 1 diabetes, you can still find ways to manage it. By reading about diabetes, youll be better prepared to live a healthy and happy life. You can avoid diabetes by making healthy choices. In fact, there are many treatments available for type 1 diabetes. In some cases, a patient may even experience an improvement in their overall health after the transplant. In some cases, you can even reverse your diabetes through a simple procedure.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type. Most people with type 1 diabetes have type 2 diabetes. They both require insulin to regulate their blood sugar. If youre overweight, you may have type 2 diabetes. If youre concerned about diabetes, its important to learn about it. Your doctor can provide you with more information on your condition, including tips on how to cope with it. You should never be afraid to ask questions. Just remember, youll have to answer them. Youre not alone.

What Health Plans Does Medicare Offer

Medicare has four parts:

  • Part A, or hospital insurance, covers hospital stays, skilled nursing homes, hospice care, and some home health care. Part A has no premium for those who have paid enough Medicare taxes. Part A has a deductible, which is an amount you pay for your care each year before the plan begins to pay.
  • Part B, or medical insurance, covers doctor visits, outpatient care, some home health care, medical equipment including insulin pumps, and some preventive services. You pay a monthly premium based on your income. After you pay the deductible each year, Part B pays 80 percent for most covered services, and you pay 20 percent.
  • Part B covers the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program for members with prediabetes. The MDPP provides healthy eating and physical activity training sessions and support over 12 months, which research shows can sharply lower diabetes risk.
  • Medicare Advantage Plans are private insurance plans that combine Medicare Part A and B benefits with extras such as medicine coverage. The Federal Government sets the basic rules for Medicare Advantage plans. However, youll find many options for extra services, along with different premiums and copayments. Covered services can change from year to year. Ask about
  • whether you need a referral to see a specialist
  • whether you must use doctors, clinics, or suppliers that belong to one plan, also called in network providers
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