Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diabetic Heart Healthy Diet Plan

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Get Your Minerals And Vitamins From Foods

Diabetes and Heart Disease: Healthy Eating with Diabetes

Theres no evidence that mineral and vitamin supplements help you manage your diabetes. So, unless youve been told to take something by your healthcare team, like folic acid for pregnancy, you dont need to take supplements.

Its better to get your essential nutrients by eating a mixture of different foods. This is because some supplements can affect your medications or make some diabetes complications worse, like kidney disease.

Lifestyle Choices And Medications Reduce Diabetes And Heart Disease Risks

At least 68% of people who reach age 65 and have type 2 diabetes will likely die from heart disease. And if that isnt reason enough for you to want to adopt a more heart-healthy lifestyle, having diabetes can increase your risk for certain cancers, too.

“So, as much as you might wish to attribute your predicament to genetics, the simple and honest reality is that improving your quality of lifeby reducing the systemic expanse of diseases commonly arising with diabetesis achievable with a Mediterranean-style diet and attention to other major lifestyle factors ,” Dr. Mantzoros says. That, and taking your medications consistently and without fail.

Here’s to a long and healthy life!

  • Mehta N, Myrskyla M. The population health benefits of a healthy lifestyle: Life expectancy increased and onset of disability delayed. Health Affairs. 2017 36:1495-1502.
  • Mantzoros CS. The role of lifestyle modification in the prevention and management of cardiometabolic risk: Clinical recommendations and underlying mechanisms. Presented at the 2nd Annual Heart in Diabetes Medical Conference, July 13-15, 2018, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Zhang X, Devlin HM, Smith B, et al. Effect of lifestyle interventions on cardiovascular risk factors among adults without impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Barengo NC, ed. PLoS ONE. 2017 12:e0176436.
  • Carrot Methi Subzi Diet Plan

    An uncommon but healthy combination carrots are abundant in vitamin A whereas methi has lots of calcium and iron. Moreover, this dish can go very well with steaming hot phulkas and curds and serves 4 people.



  • Firstly, heat the oil in a nonstick pan and add the cumin seeds.
  • Once they crackle, then add the onions, green chilies, garlic & ginger, and sauté for 2 minutes.
  • Add the fenugreek leaves and sauté for another 2 minutes.
  • Next, add the carrots, turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt, 1 cup of water, and mix them well.
  • Finally, cover and cook the mixture over a slow flame until all the moisture has evaporated and the carrots are tender.
  • Serve the dish hot.
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    Nutrients And Fiber Count

    The best eating plan for people with diabetes has two goals: control blood sugar and protect your heart. It should fuel you with key nutrients and plenty of fiber — 30-38 grams for men and 21-25 grams for women. Build your meals with whole foods — all colors of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy proteins, and unsaturated fats. This approach can help you lose weight, too, which is often a must to manage diabetes. Here are standout choices to keep meals tasty and heart healthy.


    > > > Discover The 1 Green Veggie That Worsens Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms

    Heart And Diabetes Healthy Meals : #1 Food For A Heart Healthy Diabetic ...

    Diabetes can be managed through oral medications. In addition to insulin, metformin, which is a sugar-reducing agent, is also a common treatment for diabetes. It is considered a first-line therapy for diabetes treatment and is often added to insulin. It is important to know the risks of taking diabetes medications. Some drugs can be addictive, so you must consult your doctor before taking any medication. Your physician can prescribe you an appropriate treatment plan based on your medical history.

    Your doctor will prescribe medication and check your blood glucose levels on a regular basis. Your A1c level will be checked every six months and your cholesterol levels will be tested regularly. Your doctor will also look for any signs of retinopathy, which is damage to the nerves in the eye caused by diabetes. You will also be examined for any foot problems. It is important to see a foot specialist regularly. Your feet should be thoroughly inspected for damage to the nerves.

    While the first two types of insulin are the most common treatments, diabetes can be treated in a variety of ways. Your doctor may prescribe medications to control high blood pressure, which can protect the kidneys. Other types of medication include aspirin and other types of anti-platelet drugs. If your doctor is concerned about your blood sugar level, you may need to try a different medication. Some medications can cause side effects. Your treatment will depend on what type of insulin you need.

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    Oats And Whole Grains

    If you have type 2 diabetes, its time to ditch the white bread. Consider purchasing whole-grain bread, pasta, and brown rice instead.

    Compared to refined grains, whole grains are higher in fiber. They may help reduce cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and decrease your overall risk of heart disease.

    Oatmeal makes for a great breakfast. If you want to try something new, consider a recipe that includes whole-grain farro, quinoa, or barley.

    lower levels of heart disease.

    You can simply spread avocado on whole-grain toast and top with olive oil, a bit of salt, and pepper. Or, you can work avocado into many different dishes, like these flavorful turkey patties with avocado.

    Check In With Your Doctor

    You’ll see your doctor about once every 3 to 6 months to check how well you’re managing your diabetes. You may need to visit more often if your blood sugar isn’t under control.

    Those visits should also include a review of your heart health, especially if you already have heart disease. Ask your doctor how often you should have your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels checked. You may need to change your diabetes or heart disease treatment plan if your numbers aren’t in a healthy range.

    Show Sources

    American College of Cardiology: “The Role of Newer Anti-Diabetic Drugs in Cardiovascular Disease,” “Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Toolkit.”

    American Heart Association: “Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes,” “Cholesterol Abnormalities and Diabetes,” “Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol.”

    CDC: “About High Blood Pressure,” “Controlling High Blood Pressure,” “Smoking and Diabetes.”

    Circulation: “Empagliflozin reduced mortality and hospitalization for heart failure across the spectrum of cardiovascular risk in the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Trial,” “Repurposing metformin for cardiovascular disease.”

    Circulation Research: “Obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.”

    Cleveland Clinic: “Working With Your Diabetes Health Care Team.” “Victoza Approved to Reduce Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke, and Heart-Related Death.”

    Johns Hopkins Medicine: “Diabetes Medications That Treat Heart Disease, Too.”

    Mayo Clinic: “Diabetes Symptoms & Causes.”

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    Diabetes Diet Eating & Physical Activity

    In this section:

    Nutrition and physical activity are important parts of a healthy lifestyle when you have diabetes. Along with other benefits, following a healthy meal plan and being active can help you keep your blood glucose level, also called blood sugar, in your target range. To manage your blood glucose, you need to balance what you eat and drink with physical activity and diabetes medicine, if you take any. What you choose to eat, how much you eat, and when you eat are all important in keeping your blood glucose level in the range that your health care team recommends.

    Becoming more active and making changes in what you eat and drink can seem challenging at first. You may find it easier to start with small changes and get help from your family, friends, and health care team.

    Eating well and being physically active most days of the week can help you

    • keep your blood glucose level, blood pressure, and cholesterol in your target ranges
    • lose weight or stay at a healthy weight
    • prevent or delay diabetes problems
    • feel good and have more energy

    Protein Consumption And Diabetes

    Diabetes Matters: Heart Healthy Eating

    The body uses protein for growth and repair. Most people only require 2 to 3 small serves of meat or other protein foods each day. Most protein foods do not directly affect your blood glucose levels.

    Protein foods include lean meat, skinless poultry, seafood, eggs, unsalted nuts, soy products such as tofu and legumes . Legumes also contain carbohydrate, so they may have an impact on your blood glucose levels.

    Some sample serves of protein foods that are low in fat include:

    • one cup of cooked split peas, beans, lentils or other legumes
    • 100 g of cooked fish or other seafood
    • 65 g of cooked lean red meat
    • 80 g of cooked poultry without the skin

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    What Is Medical Nutrition Therapy

    Medical nutrition therapy is a service provided by an RD to create personal eating plans based on your needs and likes. For people with diabetes, medical nutrition therapy has been shown to improve diabetes management. Medicare pays for medical nutrition therapy for people with diabetes If you have insurance other than Medicare, ask if it covers medical nutrition therapy for diabetes.

    More Flavor With Less Fat Sugar And Salt

    Try using herbs and spices for flavor instead of salt, butter, lard, or other unhealthy fats. Here are a few ideas to add flavor to your food:

    • Squeeze fresh lemon juice or lime juice on steamed vegetables, broiled fish, rice, salads or pasta.
    • Try a salt-free herbs and spices. Fresh herbs are also a great choice.
    • Onion and garlic add lots of flavor without the bad stuff.
    • Try marinades for meat with healthy plant based oils, herbs and spices.

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    How Do You Go About Making Needed Behavior Changes

    Admittedly, changing any longheld behaviors is hard on that, we can all agree. If you havent been successful in sticking to a goal, may you can approach it another way so you don’t have to deal with the consequences of , losing kidney function, or requiring an amputation, says Dr. Mantzoros.

    This time, choose just one or two of lifestyle factors to focus on. This can mean the difference between improving your long-term quality of life. After all, your choices are a matter of life or death, he says.

    Sure, you’ve heard this before and can’t resist the temptation to roll your eyes.

    These messages are so important that it can’t hurt to keep hearing them until you heed them, Dr. Mantzoros says.

    Here are a few more lifestyle consideration that may assist anyone who would welcome a bit of extra help with overweight or obesity:

    • Do a daly weigh-in

    • Work with a dietitian to design a personalized diet and exercise plan

    • Seek peer support .

    • Take your medications as prescribed every day

    Diabetes Diet Foods To Avoid

    Pin by LIL RAGGEDY ANGIE on Dr. Hamdulays Cardiac Care

    Saturated Fats: Saturated fat raises your blood cholesterol. You can find it in high-fat animal protein like bacon and sausage, high-fat dairy like butter, full-fat cheese, and ice cream, plus coconut oil and chicken skin.

    Trans Fats: Also called hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil, trans fats are liquid oils that become a solid fat. Ingredients like stick margarines and shortening contain trans fats, as do processed foods like some chips, cookies, and fast food French fries.

    Cholesterol: Your cholesterol count is made up of the natural cholesterol in your blood, plus the cholesterol that comes from food. Watch out for high-fat dairy and high-fat animal products, plus egg yolks, liver, and other organ meats.

    Sodium: Donât forget to watch salt, too. That’s part of healthy eating with diabetes. Eating less sodium has been shown to help prevent and treat high blood pressure. Read labels and choose foods that are low in sodium. Learn more about reading food labels and grocery shopping with diabetes.

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    Cardiac Diabetic Diet Plan

    Diabetes is a condition thats characterized by high blood sugar levels. When you eat something, its digested and enters your bloodstream as glucose.

    Your blood sugar level rises as the glucose enters your cells and gives them the energy to function. However, when you have diabetes, the body cant properly regulate blood sugar levels.

    As a result, glucose builds up in the blood, where it can cause serious damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves. This is where the Cardiac Diabetic Diet Plan comes in.

    Diabetes And Heart Disease: 5 Lifestyle Fixes For Head

    with Christos S. Mantzoros, MD

    Diabetes and heart disease worsen with obesity, affecting nearly every organ in the body. Here’s what you can do to avoid these diseases and improve your overall health.

    Nearly 8 in 10 people will reach the age of 50 years with obesity, or as cigarette smokers, or both.¹The impact that lifestyle behaviors can have on both the length and quality of your life can be worsened or improved simply by the choices you make.

    Even making adjustments to be in better control of your blood sugar can go a long way in reducing your risk of developing diabetes and assuring you good heart health for years to come.

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    Diabetes And Cardiovascular Disease

    Cardiac Diabetic Diet Plan Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

    Unfortunately, Diabetes has been linked to numerous other health problems. Over time, Diabetes can lead to coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease and kidney failure.

    People with diabetes are twice as likely as those who do not have the condition to die from coronary heart disease.

    Although the exact cause of coronary heart disease in people with diabetes is unknown, a combination of factors may be involved, including high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, smoking and stress.

    Choose The Right Fatsin Moderation

    Diabetic Plate : A healthy diet plan for Diabetic patients (Food portion Plate)

    Foods like packaged snacks, sweets, baked goods, fried foods, red meat and processed meats like bacon and sausage are high in saturated fat that raises your bad cholesterol.Fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruit are low in fat and high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that can reduce your risk of heart disease. Nuts, avocados, and plant-based oils provide you with healthy fats. When cooking, pay attention to the amount of oils and butter you add to lower the total calories to help with weight management. Butter is high in saturated fat, so try to cut back on the amount you use.

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    Overview Of The Dash Trial

    The DASH eating plan was developed as an approach to help lower blood pressure without the use of medication. A multicenter trial, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and published in 1997, was conducted to study the effects of dietary patterns on blood pressure in 459 adults with a systolic blood pressure of < 160 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 8095 mmHg. Subjects in the study initially followed a control diet low in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, along with a fat intake of 37% of calories . After 3 weeks of this run-in diet, subjects were randomized to one of the following diets for 8 weeks: the control diet, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, or a diet that combined fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods. Body weight, physical activity, and sodium intake were held constant during the trial.

    The combination diet reduced systolic blood pressure by 5.5 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 3.0 mmHg, whereas the fruits and vegetables diet reduced systolic blood pressure by 2.8 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.1 mmHg. Subgroup analyses showed that African Americans and individuals with hypertension showed the greatest reductions in blood pressure .

    What Is The Best Diet For People With Diabetes

    Good diets offer well-rounded nutrition:

    1. DASH. Created to help lower blood pressure , the DASH diet goes well beyond that. Its a well-rounded, healthy nutrition plan for everyone, not just if you have diabetes. DASH is rich in fruits, vegetables and grains, and low in fat, sugar and sodium.

    For example, on a 1,600-calorie DASH plan, each day you would eat:

    • Six servings of grains .
    • Three to four servings of vegetables.
    • Four servings of fruit.
    • Two or three servings of dairy.
    • Six or fewer servings of meats . Also, include about three portions of nuts, seeds and beans or lentils weekly.

    2. Mediterranean. Not necessarily a diet, the Mediterranean diet is based on a style of eating of people in Greece, Southern France and Italy. This way of eating is high in vegetables, nuts and healthy fats. For instance, it recommends getting most of your calories from mostly whole grains, then fruits, vegetables and beans, and lastly, dairy.

    You can eat some healthy fats such as those from avocados and olive oil every day. Eat sweets, eggs, poultry and fish only a few times each week, and red meat only a couple of times each month.

    3. Plant-based. Most plant-based diet plans cut out or dramatically limit meat. A vegan diet cuts out meat and dairy. A vegetarian diet cuts meat, but allows foods like eggs and cheese. A flexitarian diet is mostly plant-based with some animal protein.

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    What Else Do I Need To Know About Diabetic Diets

    If you have diabetes, it’s important to eat the right amount of food every day. Your eating plan will include how much to eat, so that you get the right amount of carbs in each meal or snack. You’ll learn how to count carbs and measure your food.

    Eating at the right times is also important. You will want to plan for regular, balanced meals to avoid high or low blood sugar levels. Eating about the same amount of carbs at each meal can be helpful.

    Your eating plan will also teach you how to stick with your plan at home and when you eat out.

    Eating healthy to control your blood sugar does take some effort. But the reward is a chance to live your healthiest life with diabetes.

    NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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