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Can Diabetics Eat Watermelon And Cantaloupe

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Is Cantaloupe Good For Diabetic

Can DIABETICS eat WATERMELON At All in a diabetic diet?

Modified: Nov 29, 2021 by John Coleman · This post may contain affiliate links ·

You’ve probably heard some people say fruits are bad for people with diabetes because they’re sweet and also sources of carbohydrates, but that’s not entirely true. While it a true that despite the many health benefits fruits have, some have high sugar, but not all. Some fruits have low sugar content, while some have less sugar content than others. These fruits both have nutritional benefits while satisfying your sweet tooth one of such fruits is cantaloupe.

Cantaloupes are a species of melon musk, and they are of two different varieties, the North American cantaloupe, Cucumis melo reticulatus, and the European cantaloupe-Cucumis Melo Cantalupensis. Both have distinct features, they are both orange-skinned and nutritious, but the North American variant’s skin has the geometric structure of a net, while the European skin is slightly ribbed.


Many studies have revealed that the cantaloupe has a lot of immediate and long-term benefits with a lot of nutrients beneficial to people with diabetes. That doesn’t mean it is going to treat diabetes though

Facts Related To Watermelon

To begin with, we need to understand some of the facts that are related to this fruit.

  • The fruit is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals, namely, Vitamin A, B-6, C. iron, calcium, and other minerals.
  • The Glycemic Index of Watermelon is somewhere around 72 per serving of 100 grams.
  • The fruit is considered to be high on its fiber content. Hence it is recommended as a very healthy snack.
  • 90% of the content is water in Watermelons.
  • Lycopene is the main ingredient in the fruit from which it derives its color. The pigment is a powerful antioxidant with a number of health benefits.

Can I Eat Watermelon If I Am Diabetic

If you have diabetes, you can still enjoy watermelon as part of your diet.

However, it is always important with diabetes to monitor your blood glucose levels to ensure it doesnt spike.

When eaten at the recommended serving size, watermelon can be beneficial as it is hydrating, low calorie, and can help lower blood pressure. Be sure to speak with your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your diet.

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What Are The Other Types Of Fruit Should I Avoid If I Am Diabetic

If you have diabetes, avoid eating fruit that is high in sugar, such as bananas, dates, grapes, mangoes, and pineapple. Also, remember to eat moderate portion sizes and monitor your blood sugar levels if you do eat them.

To better manage your blood glucose levels, limit your intake of dried fruit and fruit juice as they are high in sugar and can cause your blood sugar levels to spike.

Where Does Watermelon Fall On The Glycemic Index

Can Diabetics Eat Watermelon And Cantaloupe

The glycemic index looks at how fast food sugar enters the blood stream. Each food item is given a value between 1 and 100. These values are determined according to how each food compares to a reference item. Sugar or white bread is generally used for reference.

Glycemic load is the combination of the GI and the actual carbohydrate content in a typical serving of food. Its argued that the GL gives a more real-world value of how a specific food can affect blood sugar levels.

People who are managing their diabetes by carbohydrate counting often use this approach. Foods with a low or medium GI are considered less likely to raise your blood sugar levels.

A GI of 55 or less is considered to be low. A GI between 55 and 69 is generally considered to be medium. Anything over 70 is considered to be high.

A GL under 10 is low, 10 to 19 is medium, and 19 and above is considered high.

Watermelon typically has a GI of 72 but a GL of 2 per 100 gram serving. The GL of watermelon is low, and it can be eaten in moderation like all fruit as part of a balanced meal.

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Healthiest Fruits For People With Diabetes

All fruits have vitamins, phytochemicals, and other things that make them good for you. But some are more likely to lower your chances of chronic disease:

  • Blackberries. One cup of raw berries has 62 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates, and 7.6 grams of fiber.
  • Strawberries. One cup of whole strawberries has 46 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.
  • Tomatoes. One cup of sliced or chopped tomatoes has 32 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, and 2 grams of fiber.
  • Oranges. One medium orange has 69 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.

Can A Diabetic Eat Watermelon And Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe does not raise blood sugar levels. However, if you eat a lot of cantaloupe, you could develop diabetes. This is because cantaloupe is high in fructose, which is a type of sugar found in fruit. Fructose raises blood sugar levels. Eating too much fructose can lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

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Cantaloupe And Gestational Diabetes

Your doctor might recommend avoiding moderate and high glycemic index fruits such as cantaloupe and watermelon altogether if you have gestational diabetes so as to not pose any risks to the pregnancy, even though eating small amounts of cantaloupe or even watermelon occasionally may not affect blood sugar levels at all, especially if there is some meal planing beforehand and there are not dietary excesses. Its best that follow your doctors recommendations closely.

What Is The Difference Between Cantaloupe And Muskmelon

can diabetes eat cantaloupes | Would Melons Really Have Too Much Sugar For Diabetes?

The term cantaloupe is rather ambiguous as it refers to different varieties of the same melon from different regions of the world. Technically, all cantaloupes are muskmelons .

The European variety is considered the original cantaloupe and distinguishes itself by a thicker, but more finely netted to smooth, pale or light green, tan or grayish skin.

When present, ribs are more delicate. The North American variety has a thinner, but more reticulated skin and is light grey to pale yellow in color. Ribs may or may not be present. Both varieties have a sweet, flavorful, fragrant, light orange flesh and similar nutritional profiles, especially macronutrients profile.

When looking to determine if you can eat cantaloupe with diabetes or not, there are several nutritional aspects to consider: carbohydrate, sugar and fiber content, energetic value, glycemic index and glycemic load.

These are the major factors that will determine serving size. In theory, most diabetics can eat almost any fruit as long as amounts consumed are small enough so they dont cause any significant raise in blood sugar levels.

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When Should Diabetics Not Consume Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is almost always safe for diabetics to consume. However, it should not be eaten in instances where your blood sugar is already high, or along with other foods that can raise your blood sugar.

Although consuming the fruit on its own is typically safe for those with diabetes, as it wont really raise your blood sugar, its probably not a smart thing to eat when you already have high blood sugar. If you have high blood sugar, youre supposed to only eat things that may contribute to bringing it down.

Like I said, cantaloupe will not raise your blood sugar considerably on its own. However, it will not bring it down either. So its not a recommended food to eat when your blood sugar is already high. Besides that, though, overall, cantaloupe is pretty safe for diabetics to consume.

Precautions For Diabetes Patient While Consuming Watermelon

How much watermelon can a diabetic eat? As seen above, Watermelon can prove to be harmful if regularly consumed by a diabetes patient without taking appropriate precautions. Some of the precautions that should be maintained are listed as below:

  • Since the fruit is high in GI index and has a good amount of carbohydrates, one should try to balance it out in the overall meal. This means that a diabetes patient should count the total number of carbs in his or her meal and reduce the intake of carbohydrate rich food if one is taking Watermelon on a daily basis.
  • Know from your doctor the amount of Watermelon that you can consume regularly. Each patient is different and an expert will recommend what is the best moderate quantity for you.
  • Also, remember to check how your body is reacting to the intake of this fruit. Do make it a point to check the increase or decrease in blood sugar levels after and before the consumption of the fruit. Only make is a part of your diet if you do not experience any undesired changes.

Hence, as is clear from the above post, Watermelon is a healthy fruit for patients suffering from diabetes if adequate precautions are taken while consuming the same. However, an expert advice is always recommended as what is beneficial for one patient may be harmful to another. Your doctor can best guide you with the recommended quantity and frequency of the consumption of the otherwise healthy fruit!!

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Tips For Picking The Best Watermelon For Diabetics

Watermelon is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When choosing a watermelon, diabetics should look for a variety with a dark green rind and deep red flesh.

These watermelons have the highest concentration of nutrients. Watermelons with a white or yellow rind and pale flesh have fewer nutrients and can cause blood sugar levels to spike.

When eating watermelon, diabetics should:

  • Eat watermelon in moderation
  • Monitor their blood sugar levels carefully
  • Choose watermelons with a dark green rind and deep red flesh
  • Avoid watermelons with a white or yellow rind and pale flesh

If You Have Diabetes Dietitians Stay You Should Consume Fruits With Caution When It Comes To Watermelons For Diabetes Experts Say Patients Should Keep An Eye On The Glycemic Index Of The Fruit

Can Diabetics Eat Watermelon And Cantaloupe

Watermelon is known to be the favourite fruit of many people, but if you are a diabetic, you are bound to ask whether it is safe for you. We dont want our favourite fruit to end up increasing our blood sugar levels right?

The watermelon belongs to the gourd family, and has good nutritional value and is a great source of lycopene, which reduces your risk of cancer and heart disease.

So considering that it has a high glycemic index and is a source of carbohydrates, should it be avoided by diabetics?

Watermelon is a fruit with high water and fibre content. However, people living with diabetes should consider in what proportion the fruit must be eaten. This is because watermelon has a glycemic index of 72 per 100 g serving. Those with diabetes should usually think twice before consuming any foods with a GI of 70 or more. Large quantities may cause blood sugar levels to rise considerably, says Anshika Gupta, who is a diabetes educator on the app BeatO, and is based out of Delhi.

So how much watermelon is good for those with diabetes?

As watermelon is 70-80% water, its glycemic load is low . People with diabetes can consume 150-200 gm watermelon at one time. It will give you around 15 gm of carbohydrate, explains Gupta.

For the rest, it is important that they understand the various benefits that watermelon has to offer.

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Health Benefits Of Cantaloupe Melon

Even if youre aware of cantaloupe melon, its possible that you could be unaware of all the benefits cantaloupe really has. There are many benefits this fruit holds due to the nutrients in the fruit.

Some of the top health benefits are below:

1) Helps lower blood pressure

Cantaloupe has been shown to contributing to lowering blood pressure in those who have relatively high blood pressure.

Its a fruit thats rich in potassium. Most foods high in potassium are known to help lower blood pressure, and cantaloupe isnt the exception.

2) Hydrating

Just like most fruits, especially other melons, cantaloupe is high in water. Its almost 90% water. Not quite as much as watermelon, but its very close.

However, the fact that its mostly made up of water is not the only reason that this fruit is hydrating. Its also filled with electrolytes, which help hydrate you faster.

3) Beta-carotene

Cantaloupe has lots of beta-carotene in it.

When beta-carotene enters the body, it either gets converted to vitamin A, or it acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off free radical cells that attack cells in your body.

Either way, its a win, win, Cantaloupe has more beta-carotene than the majority of fruits, including: apricots, mangoes, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, peaches, and nectarines .

4) Anti-inflammatory

Cantaloupe is full of a compound called phytonutrients, which is known for being anti-inflammatory, and sometimes helping to fight off diseases.

5) Low in carbs

How To Choose A Good Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes are available all year round but are sweetest in season, which is summer. When you’re picking cantaloupes, look out for ones that are symmetrical and also a little heavy. They should also be firm and creamy, light yellow-orange. Try to pick ones that have no greens. Ripe cantaloupes have this summer-like smell, sweet and a little musky. Also, try to eat it within 3 days of purchase while it’s still fresh.

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Watermelon Effect On Diabetes

Does watermelon cause diabetes? The answer is no. Consumption of watermelon greatly helps in lowering the risk for certain diabetes-associated complications. The fruit consists of moderate amounts of lycopene, a pigment offering watermelon its rich color. It is a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene also helps in decreasing the risk of certain cardiovascular disorders. Studies suggested that lycopene present in tomatoes is also directly related to a decreased risk for heart problems. About 68% of diabetics with age 65 years or older die from some kind of heart problem, and about 16% of these people die of stroke.

Diabetes is an ailment characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. This can happen when the beta cells in the pancreas get damaged. These are responsible for the secretion of the hormone insulin, which helps control the blood glucose concentrations. On intensification of these blood sugar levels, many serious complications like eye damage, kidney failure, neuropathy, or heart problems can occur.

Additionally, watermelon seeds, which individuals normally tend to throw away, can indeed be crushed, made into thin powder, and can be taken by diabetics. Watermelon seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients like omega 3s, omega 6, proteins, potassium, zinc, and various vitamins.

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Is It Important For People With Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes To Be Careful About How Much Fruit You Eat

Can I eat watermelon with diabetes? Dietitian reveals the truth!

Yes. For all people, and for all people with diabetes, fruit can affect your blood sugar level. That doesnt mean that you shouldnt eat fruit at all fruit still includes important nutrients that your body needs, some of which can lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

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Diabetes Diet: Should I Avoid Sweet Fruits

I’ve heard that you shouldn’t eat sweet fruits such as strawberries or blueberries if you have diabetes. Is this true? Answers from M. Regina Castro, M.D. It’s a common myth that if you have diabetes you shouldn’t eat certain foods because they’re “too sweet.” Some fruits do contain more sugar than others, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them if you have diabetes. The total amount of carbohydrates in a food affects blood sugar levels more than does the source of carbohydrates or whether the source is a starch or sugar. One serving of fruit should contain 15 grams of carbohydrates. The size of the serving depends on the carbohydrate content of the fruit. The advantage of eating a low-carbohydrate fruit is that you can consume a larger portion. But whether you eat a low-carb or high-carb fruit, as long as the serving size contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, the effect on your blood sugar is the same. The following fruit servings contain about 15 grams of carbohydrates: 1/2 medium apple or banana 1 cup blackberries 3/4 cup blueberries 1 cup raspberries 1 1/4 cup whole strawberries 1 cup cubed cantaloupe or honeydew melonContinue reading > >

How Diabetics Should Consume Cantaloupe Tips For Diabetics

Like I already said, cantaloupe is actually recommended for those with diabetes, and even foods that are recommended for diabetics usually have some tips or guidelines to following while consuming them.

Although that is still true, even for cantaloupe, its not a food that has very many tips when it comes to diabetics consuming it.

One tip that it does have though, is to get it into your diet by snacking on it, or maybe throwing it into a fruit salad, smoothie, or yogurt.

Remember, if you decide to add the fruit to something, make sure its not mixed with other fruits that raise blood sugar, as that can defeat the purpose that cantaloupes have for diabetics.

Fresh, local, and ripe cantaloupe is a lot better for those with diabetics, as its healthier in general and its more beneficial. Plus, cantaloupe thats not local may have travelled all the way from Central or South America, and it probably wont be as fresh since its travelled such a long way.

Those are the two big tips for diabetics consuming cantaloupe. Cantaloupe, due to all the benefits, is not likely to harm diabetics because of their diabetes. There are still, however, select situations in which diabetics should not consume cantaloupe.

There are not very many situations in which this is the case, but theres still some. So, thats what we will be going in-depth about, and discussing right now.

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