Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can A Dentist Tell If You Have Diabetes

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Different Dental Implant Procedures For Diabetic Patients

What your teeth can tell you about diabetes

Dental implants and diabetes conditions for success rest on your ability to maintain your disease as well as being able to keep up with a vigilant oral hygiene routine and healthy diet. You can opt for various dental implant procedures, but consult your dentist beforehand and discuss the success and failure rates:

  • All on Four: All on four is the most popular procedure for diabetic patients. Your dental hygienist will transfer four dental implants into your jaw. If you need a full set of upper or lower teeth, the procedure can support the existing bone you have at a maximum level. Therefore, there is no need for bone grafting and the process reduces damage.
  • Mini Dental Implants: If you have a single missing tooth, having a mini dental implant may be your best bet. Understand that this is not a permanent solution and requires continued repair and replacement. The procedure is not recommended for diabetics because your gums will be more prone to infection.
  • One-Day Process: You can get your teeth replaced in one day, but its not ideal for diabetics because you often need more time to heal in between operations.
  • Single Tooth Replacement: Good for short-term results, a single tooth replacement uses a bride technique. On the downside, it can expose the teeth next to your missing one to tooth decay, which will cause more dental work in the end.

As you can see, your best bet for dental implants as a person with diabetes is to opt for the all on four procedure.

Whats The Best Option For You

Whether you have type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, dental implants still may be an excellent choice to get your teeth back to perfection. With the procedure, though, you must understand you are at a higher risk of infection and may endure a longer healing process.

Hiossen® Implants understands the complex answers to the question, Can diabetics get teeth implants? While you are never denied the opportunity, its vital to be transparent with your dentist about whether its controlled or uncontrolled and other lifestyle habits you may have.

Will The Dentist Coordinate Care With My Primary Physician

If certain conditions are detected during a dental exam, UIC dentists may coordinate prescription of medications, or share medical records and x-rays with a patients primary care physician as requested. In some cases, we will not prescribe medications or perform certain treatments without the physicians consent.

UIC dentists will also work with primary and specialty care providers who wish to refer their patients for our oral care services. For instance, if your regular doctor notices an irregular lump in your mouth or throat, they may refer you to one of our oral medicine / cancer specialists.

A healthy mouth means a lot more than not having cavities. And serious problems in your mouth, such as gum disease, may increase your risk of other serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

What’s in your mouth can reveal a lot more about your health that you might have thought.

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How Can I Prepare For A Visit To My Dentist

Plan ahead. Talk with your doctor and dentist before the visit about the best way to take care of your blood glucose during dental work.

You may be taking a diabetes medicine that can cause low blood glucose, also called hypoglycemia. If you take insulin or other diabetes medicines, take them and eat as usual before visiting the dentist. You may need to bring your diabetes medicines and your snacks or meal with you to the dentists office.

You may need to postpone any nonemergency dental work if your blood glucose is not under control.

If you feel nervous about visiting the dentist, tell your dentist and the staff about your feelings. Your dentist can adapt the treatment to your needs. Dont let your nerves stop you from having regular checkups. Waiting too long to take care of your mouth may make things worse.

A Dentist Can Help Detect Diabetes

4 Reasons Why You Should Tell Your Dentist If You Have ...

It had been years since Jose had visited a dentist when he appeared for an emergency visit.

Jose had been complaining of bad breath and said that all of his teeth felt loose. In our conversation, I discovered he had been keeping a poor diet that had caused him to gain weight. He also complained that he had to go to the bathroom frequently and always felt hungry and thirsty. After examining him, it was obvious that the condition of his gums was poor and that his remaining teeth did not have a good prognosis.

Listening to his symptoms, we decided to check his blood sugar by performing a simple test: a small prick to extract a drop of his blood. We were astonished by what the machine showed. Just to be sure, we did the test two more times, and in effect, his sugar was certainly too high, way above normal.

As dentists, we cannot diagnose the disease for certain, but we can refer patients to doctors and specialists. After further evaluation by Joses physician, our suspicions were confirmed: Jose had diabetes.

Tell your dentist if you suspect that you may suffer from similar symptoms. Diabetes is very common among Hispanics in the United States. Your dentist can detect signs and symptoms during a dental checkup. In our practice, we can detect undiagnosed/uncontrolled diabetes in many patients, including young patients like Jose.

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Caring For Your Teeth And Gums

If you are a person living with diabetes, it is recommended that you:

  • Follow your doctors advice about diet and medication to keep your blood glucose levels as close to the target levels as possible.
  • Clean your teeth and gums twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • Use dental floss or interdental cleaners once a day to clean between your teeth.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 to 12 months so that they can check your mouth, teeth and gums for any signs of oral conditions, professionally clean your teeth and give advice about caring for your teeth and gums at home. Talk to your dentist about your blood glucose levels and what medications you are taking.
  • Avoid having a dry mouth drink plenty of water and chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow.
  • Dont smoke speak to your doctor or dentist, or call Quitline if you would like some support to quit. Tel. for guidance and support.

More Than A Sweet Tooth

If the sugar level is high in your blood, its high in your saliva too. Bacteria in plaque, a sticky film, use sugar as food. Some of this bacteria can cause tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. If the tooth is not treated, it can also lead to tooth loss.

Gum disease can be more severe and take longer to heal if you have diabetes. If you have gum disease, your diabetes may be harder to manage.

Heres a quick look at how diabetes can take its toll on your oral health:

  • You may have less saliva, causing your mouth to feel dry.
  • Your gums may become inflamed and bleed often .
  • Infections in your mouth can take longer to heal.

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Staying Hydrated And Drinking Plenty Of Water Is Not Only Good For Your Whole Body It Also Helps To Protect Your Mouth From Oral Disease

Why? Because saliva washes away food and neutralizes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. Acids do the most damage when you are very thirsty or have a dry mouth. When youre dehydrated, you lack saliva and your teeth are more vulnerable to acid attacks.

A salivary gland dysfunction can lead to dry mouth, or very low levels of saliva. Saliva helps keep a balance in our mouths to help clean away cavity forming bacteria, from leftover food. Lack of saliva can be due to gland issues, medication, lack of hydration or other external factors.

Hiossen Implants Is Here For You

Sleep Apnea, Type 2 Diabetes & Dental | My Story With CareCredit #Podcast

If you and your dental hygienist decide dental implants are right for you, Hiossen Implants provides cost-effective, safe and effective options. We manufacture our products under strict quality control guidelines and we commit ourselves to increasing your level of health. Hiossen representatives offer one-on-one services to help determine what you need and our implants last a lifetime not to mention they look as natural as your regular teeth.

Contact a Hiossen representative by visiting our website. Or, you can call us at .

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If I Have Diabetes How Do I Prevent Oral Health Problems

Since people with diabetes are more prone to conditions that might harm their oral health, its vital to follow good oral hygiene practices, pay special attention to any changes in your oral health, and to call your dentist immediately if such changes occur. Suggestions to prevent or reduce oral health problems include:

Other oral hygiene tips for people with diabetes:

  • Have your teeth and gums cleaned and checked by your dentist at least twice a year. Talk to your dentist to determine how often you will need checkups.
  • Prevent plaque buildup on teeth by using dental floss at least once a day.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • If you wear dentures, remove them and clean them daily.
  • If you smoke, talk to your doctor about ways to quit.

Diabetes And Dental Health

Diabetes is a serious health condition, where your blood glucose level is too high. It can occur if the body doesnt produce enough insulin, if the insulin it produces isnt effective, or if the body cant produce any insulin at all.

Diabetes is a complex condition that can cause a wide range of different symptoms, complications, and health issues. Over time, high blood glucose levels can cause damage to the heart, eyes, feet, and kidneys.

Diabetics are also at increased risk of experiencing dental problems, such as gum disease. So, if you have diabetes, keeping your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy is an important part of managing your condition.

Well look at how diabetes can impact dental health and the symptoms of dental health problems commonly associated with diabetes.

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Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Please see your dentist immediately if you notice any signs and symptoms of gum disease, including:

  • red, swollen, tender, bleeding gums
  • a persistent discharge coming from the gums
  • gums that are loose and pull away from the teeth
  • a bad taste or bad breath
  • loose teeth this can change the feel of your bite when your teeth are placed together or may make dentures fit differently
  • spaces opening up between your teeth.

How A Dentist Can Help With Diabetes And Dental Health

Can Diabetic Patients Get Cosmetic Dental Procedures ...

You should also make regular visits to your dentist. A good cleaning twice a year can get rid of plaque and tartar buildup. Let your dentist know you have diabetes so they can look for the early signs of oral conditions commonly related to the disease. If you smoke, for instance, and also diabetes, your dentist may recommend you stop smoking not only for your oral health, but overall health, as the effects of diabetes are compounded when combined with using tobacco.

Between visits to your dentist, be diligent about brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. If you suffer from dry mouth, a medicated mouthwash may also be a good thing to add to your hygiene routine.

Diabetes doesnt have to control your life or damage your smile if you dont let it. Know what the risks are and work with your doctor and dentist to keep your mouth in its best possible condition.

If you have been putting off dental checkups, now is the time to find a dentist to help you take control of your oral health. If you have concerns about your current dental insurance coverage, it is important to review your policy.

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You May Have An Eating Disorder

“Many patients are surprised that their dentist is the first one to ask about eating disorders,” says Chase, “but bulimia exhibits a very distinct pattern of tooth wear that your dentist can easily identify.” Stephenson notes that, “This erosion happens almost exclusively on the tongue-side of the front teeth and can contribute to increased cavities.” But Silverstrom is quick to point out that acid erosion on the back of a patient’s teeth does not always indicate an eating disorder. He says other possibilities include acid reflux and the use of antidepressants or mood-elevating drugs, both of which reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth, thereby upping the odds of acid damage.

Diabetes Detected By A Dentist

A Michigan State University diabetes expert and a local dentist have teamed up to create a screening tool that dental offices can offer patients to determine their risk for diabetes.

Saleh Aldasouqi, an associate professor of medicine and chief of endocrinology at Michigan State University, and Susan Maples, a family dentist in Holt, Michigan, are working together to educate patients on how diabetes can influence gum disease, as well as help other dentists and dental hygienists around the country recognize what diabetes looks like in the mouth.

There is documented evidence that says diabetes significantly worsens gum disease and bone loss around teeth, and active gum disease impairs the patient’s ability to get blood sugar levels under control.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in three American adults will be diabetic by 2050.

Aldasouqi said studies have shown that more than two thirds of people in America visit their dentist at least once a year, many of whom do not see their regular doctor.

In other words, theres an opportunity for patients in the dental clinics to be screened for diseases, Aldasouqi said. Diabetes and prediabetes are a very difficult public health problem.

Maples said she would like to influence dentists across the country to start screening for diabetes and help stop the deteriorating health of America. By doing this, it may also help prevent gum disease.

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Type 1 Diabetes And Your Mouth

Unfortunately, diabetes can negatively affect dental health in a variety of ways. People with diabetes are more susceptible to infections, and persistent high blood sugars can lead to not only dental caries , but bigger issues like gum disease and tooth loss later on down the line as well.

According to the American Dental Association, 1 in 5 cases of total tooth loss are due to diabetes.

Research shows that people with T1D are also at a greater risk of developing both the gum disease gingivitis and tooth loss, especially in youth.

This is because people with diabetes have a greater inflammatory response to the bacteria in their mouths than people who dont have diabetes. This, combined with high blood sugars and more difficulty fighting off infections, can lead to trouble.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to deterioration of the jaw bone, periodontitis. This can lead to damaged gums and tooth loss, if its not addressed.

All of this is cyclical. If someone is struggling with advanced periodontitis, it makes blood sugars harder to control, which in turn can worsen dental health even more.

In fact, periodontal disease is the most common mouth ailment affecting people with diabetes, touching nearly 22 percent of those with the disease.

Juggling not only diabetes management, but the cost of the disease can also negatively affect oral health as well because people tend to put off expensive dental treatments.

How Does Diabetes Affect Oral Health

Diabetes and Dental Health

Research shows a higher prevalence of gum disease among people with diabetes, adding gum disease issues to risk factors and heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.

In the U.S., 5% of people have Type 1 diabetes, starting in children and young adults. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, converting sugar, starches, and food into energy.

Type 2 diabetes is the more common type of diabetes in the U.S., with 29.1 million people who have this disease. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not make enough insulin, and the body has higher than normal blood glucose levels. Men are at a higher risk of developing diabetes than women.

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Reasons Why You Should Tell Your Dentist If You Have Diabetes

Did you know that diabetes can play a major role in your oral health? We often think of diabetes as being a condition that affects the rest of the body, but the truth is that it can have serious ramifications for the state of your teeth and gums. If you have diabetes, you should let your dentist know that you have it as soon as possible.

At Imagine Dental, we know how much of a difference that knowledge can make. Here are four reasons why you should tell your dentist if you have diabetes.

You’ve Got A Health Condition

“General bad breath can be categorized as halitosis,” says Arbeitman. But dentists are also trained to identify “fruity” smells and “fishy” smells, which can mean numerous things. “‘Fruity’ breath could indicate uncontrolled diabetes or a dietary fast that has gone too far, while ‘fishy’ breath could be a sign of kidney or liver failure,” he explains. If the smell is “very foul,” says Arbeitman, it could be anything from gastroesophageal reflux to an underlying lung abscess and bronchitis to a tonsil stone. Timothy Chase, D.M.D., of SmilesNY in New York City, adds, “The first thing the dentist should do is rule out the odor coming from the teeth and gums. After that, he should recommend that the patient see an ENT to rule out sinus issues, and a GI doc to rule out reflux issues.”

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