Thursday, July 25, 2024

Just Been Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

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Does Eating Sugary Foods Cause Diabetes

Newly diagnosed with diabetes

Sugar itself doesn’t directly cause diabetes. Eating foods high in sugar content can lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor for developing diabetes. Eating more sugar than recommended American Heart Association recommends no more than six teaspoons a day for women and nine teaspoons for men leads to all kinds of health harms in addition to weight gain.

These health harms are all risk factors for the development of diabetes or can worsen complications. Weight gain can:

  • Raise blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Cause fat buildup in your liver.
  • Cause tooth decay.

Signs And Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Frequent urination and extreme thirst
  • Sudden or unexpected weight loss
  • Increased hunger
  • Dark, velvety patches of skin
  • Wounds that wont heal

If you have one or more risk factor for type 2 diabetes and notice any of these signs, its a good idea to call your doctor, as you may have type 2 diabetes.

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What’s It Like For Teens With Type 2 Diabetes

Sometimes people who have diabetes feel different from their friends because they need to think about how they eat and how to control their blood sugar levels every day.

Some teens with diabetes want to deny that they even have it. They might hope that if they ignore diabetes, it will just go away. They may feel angry, depressed, or helpless, or think that their parents are constantly worrying about their diabetes management.

If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it’s normal to feel like your world has been turned upside down. Your diabetes care team is there to provide answers and support. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctors, dietitian, and other treatment professionals for advice and tips. It also can help to find support groups where you can talk about your feelings and find out how other teens cope.

Diabetes brings challenges, but teens who have it play sports, travel, date, go to school, and work just like their friends.

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Are The Test Results Ever Wrong

Initially, your test results may vary. For instance, a fasting plasma glucose test may show that you have diabetes but an A1C test may show that you dont. The reverse can also be true.

How does this happen? It could mean that youre in an early stage of diabetes, and your blood sugar levels may not be high enough to show on every test. Some blood sugar test results can also based on a variety of factors, like stress or illness.

Remember that your doctor will typically need to repeat any test to confirm your diagnosis.

You should always feel free to ask more questions or get a second opinion if you have any concerns or doubts about your results.

Once you know you have type 2 diabetes, you can work with your doctor to create a treatment plan. This can include a plan for:

  • healthy weight loss
  • regular blood sugar testing

Its important to follow through with your treatments and medical appointments. Talk with your doctor about your blood sugar goal, and how often you should test your blood sugar. Monitoring your blood sugar regularly and tracking your symptoms are essential steps for your long-term health.

Can You Be Born With Diabetes Is It Genetic

If you or someone you know has just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes ...

You arent born with diabetes, but Type 1 diabetes usually appears in childhood. Prediabetes and diabetes develop slowly over time. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Scientists do believe that genetics may play a role or contribute to the development of Type 1 diabetes. Something in the environment or a virus may trigger its development. If you have a family history of Type 1 diabetes, you are at higher risk of developing Type 1 diabetes. If you have a family history of prediabetes, Type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes, youre at increased risk of developing prediabetes, Type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes.

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S For The Newly Diagnosed

Here are 8 steps to take when youre first diagnosed:

  • Get a second opinion. Get tested again to make sure your diagnosis is official.
  • Meet with your doctor and go over a plan of action. Ask as many questions as you need to ask. Your doctor might refer you to a Certified Diabetes Educator to train you in checking your blood sugar levels, and a dietitian to help you with coming up with a meal plan. Both a CDE and dietitian are covered by Medicare Part B.
  • Start on medication prescribed by your doctor to lower blood glucose, and possibly also medication to lower cholesterol.
  • Go on a specialized meal plan. This means eating fewer carbs, fats, cutting portion sizes, eliminating saturated and trans fats and sodas, and keeping a food diary. As a tip, try to fill half of your plate with vegetables or salad.
  • Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise.
  • Monitor your blood glucose to see what types of foods or activities tend to make your blood sugar spike or drop.
  • Get your eyes, feet, and kidneys screened annually.
  • Stay positive and find a support system to help you along the way. Go see a counselor for help in processing your diagnosis and making plans to thrive with diabetes.
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    Gather Your Personal Support Team

    Yes, your family doctor will play a role. But you may also have an endocrinologist, a dietitian, a nurse practitioner, your pharmacist, a personal trainer, a counselor, or any other number of people to help you stay on top of your sugar counts. Your personal support team also needs to include your cheerleaders. This can be your spouse, children, parents, best friends those close to you that want you to succeed.

    Coping With The Emotional Impact Of Your Diabetes Diagnosis

    I Was Just Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes, What Does That Mean?

    When newly diagnosed, its difficult to come to terms with the fact that diabetes is a serious condition. It’s lifelong for people with type 1 diabetes and can be lifelong for many people with type 2 diabetes too.

    Changing what you eat, trying to do more exercise or taking medication can feel daunting. But many people with diabetes say that they get used to these changes and find balance in their life.

    Its perfectly normal to feel angry, shocked, numb, low and overwhelmed in the weeks and months following your diabetes diagnosis. We also know that depression is twice as common in people with diabetes, so its important to open up to someone and seek professional help if you feel depressed.

    Everyone is different and how you and your family cope with your diabetes diagnosis will vary. One day you might feel positive about managing your condition and the next you feel less motivated.

    But you don’t need to go through this alone. Getting the emotional support you need is just as important as any other part of your treatment.

    If youre the carer or parent of someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes, you might experience these difficult emotions too. It’s important for you to also get the help and support you need.

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    Register With The National Diabetes Services Scheme

    If youve been diagnosed with diabetes you are eligible to register with the NDSS. Registration is free and gives you access to subsidised products, educational events, and advice via the NDSS Helpline 1800 637 700.

    To register with the NDSS:

  • Complete the registration form, which you can download it here, or ask your doctor, or pharmacy for a printed copy.
  • Have the form certified by your doctor, endocrinologist or credentialed diabetes educator.
  • Email the form to , or mail it to the address provided on the form.
  • Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed

    Type 2 diabetes can be a life-long, chronic disease in which the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells in out body doesnt respond to insulin correctly. Because of these two problems, there isnt enough insulin to move the glucose from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, the bodys cells cant function properly.

    Type 2 diabetes is more likely to occur in people who are over the age of 40, overweight, or have a family history in diabetes. Certain ethnic and racial groups also have higher risk for type 2 diabetes, including black, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American and Pacific Islander. However, over the past decade the incidence of type2 diabetes has been increasing in adolescents and the young adult population.

    According to recent research, type 2 diabetes cannot be cured, but individuals can have glucose levels that return to non-diabetes range, or pre-diabetes glucose level The primary means by which people with type 2 diabetes achieve remission is by losing significant amounts of weight.

    We talk of remission and not a cure because it isnt permanent. The beta cells have been damaged and the underlying genetic factors contributing to the persons susceptibility to diabetes remain intact. Over time the disease process reasserts itself and continued destruction of the beta cells ensues. An environmental insult such as weight gain can bring back the symptomatic glucose intolerance.

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    Wednesday 24 July 2019

    Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes may come as a shock, especially if you didnt experience any symptoms of diabetes. Or perhaps you had suspicions that something wasnt quite right, and so the diagnosis could have brought a certain sense of relief. No matter your experience, theres a lot to take in.

    Know that you are not alone there are approximately 60 people diagnosed with diabetes in Queensland each day. A diagnosis of diabetes means you now have an opportunity to make changes to support your health right now and into the future to live well.

    These tips can help to you know what to do following the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

    Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes

    Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Early Symptoms

    Insulin given by injection is the central treatment for type 1 diabetes. There are fast acting and long acting insulin formulations. It is important to understand when to use these different formulations and the concepts behind choosing the right insulin dose. There is one other injected medication for type 1 diabetes, Symlin, that may be given in addition to insulin.

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    Is Type 2 Diabetes Common

    Type 2 diabetes is an incurable disease that’s mostly preventable, yet the number of people getting it is on the rise. More than 1 in 10, or 34.2 million, Americans have diabetes, of which type 2 diabetes makes up approximately 90-95% of diabetes cases.

    Currently, 1 in 3, or 88 million American adults, have prediabetes and many of them, 4 in 5, don’t know they have it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if we don’t reverse this trend, 1 in 5 Americans will have diabetes by 2025.

    Two of the most common contributors to the rise in type 2 diabetes are being overweight and inactive. As of 2017-2018, 42.4% of U.S. adults were obese.

    Better Diabetes Management Will Also Benefit You In The Here And Now Your Mood And Energy Levels Are Adversely Affected When Your Glucose Levels Are High

    Diabetes can be a life-altering disease and hence requires one to make lifestyle and diet changes. As such, there are many things a diabetic must keep in mind to ensure their blood sugar levels are always under control.

    If you have just been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes, heres some help from Ridhima Batra, certified diabetic educator, sports nutritionist, and founder of Nutrition Defined.

    Recognise that type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease and managing it soon after diagnosis will pay off now and in the long term. It is a serious disease that demands your attention. Ignoring it may not seem to have significant short-term consequences , but over time, elevated glucose levels can damage your nervous system, blood vessels, eyes, heart, and kidneys, she said.

    Which is why, managing your blood glucose levels now, along with other health risk factors , is necessary for preventing these complications. Losing even a small amount of weight and keeping it off can improve glucose control as well as have other clinical benefits. Better diabetes management will also benefit you in the here and now your mood and energy levels are adversely affected when your glucose levels are high, the expert added.

    She added that food has a major impact on blood glucose so optimising your mealtime, making informed food choices, and exercising portion control play a huge role in blood glucose management.

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    Foot Problems And Amputation

    The problem: Diabetic neuropathy results from nerve damage caused by diabetes. It causes pain, numbness and tingling, especially in the legs and feet. Also, because diabetes damages blood vessels, it can cause reduced blood flow to the legs and feet. The resulting loss of feeling from nerve damage can be dangerous for diabetics because they are also more susceptible to infections, nonhealing wounds, sores and ulcers. Without “feeling” the warning from pain, these conditions and accidental cuts can go unnoticed and worsen. This can lead to tissue damage or tissue death, resulting in the need for amputation. Diabetes increases a person’s risk of amputation by 30 times.

    What you can do about it: Check and wash your feet daily. Be careful when cutting your toenails, which should be cut straight across. Also, protect your feet from injury by wearing shoes and socks. If you notice any sores, wounds or infections that aren’t healing properly, contact your doctor immediately.

    You Dont Need Special Foods

    Diabetes: What to Expect | IU Health

    There is no such thing as a diabetes diet. Your doctor will most likely tell you that you should eat the same way everyone else should eat. Eating healthy foods that are lower in carbs, added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium will be key to managing your blood sugar. You can work with a diabetes care and education specialist to make a meal plan that works for you. With some small changes, you can still enjoy many of the foods that you love and grew up with and manage your diabetes too. And dont be afraid to try new foods. For those of you with a sweet tooth, with a little planning ahead, you can still keep dessert on the menu.

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    What Types Of Diabetes Require Insulin

    People with Type 1 diabetes need insulin to live. If you have Type 1 diabetes, your body has attacked your pancreas, destroying the cells that make insulin. If you have Type 2 diabetes, your pancreas makes insulin, but it doesnt work as it should. In some people with Type 2 diabetes, insulin may be needed to help glucose move from your bloodstream to your bodys cells where its needed for energy. You may or may not need insulin if you have gestational diabetes. If you are pregnant or have Type 2 diabetes, your healthcare provider will check your blood glucose level, assess other risk factors and determine a treatment approach which may include a combination of lifestyle changes, oral medications and insulin. Each person is unique and so is your treatment plan.

    Type 2 Diabetes In Children And Teens

    Childhood obesity rates are rising, and so are the rates of type 2 diabetes in youth. More than 75% of children with type 2 diabetes have a close relative who has it, too. But its not always because family members are related it can also be because they share certain habits that can increase their risk. Parents can help prevent or delay type 2 diabetes by developing a plan for the whole family:

    • Drinking more water and fewer sugary drinks
    • Eating more fruits and vegetables
    • Making favorite foods healthier
    • Making physical activity more fun

    Healthy changes become habits more easily when everyone makes them together. Find out how to take charge family style with these healthy tips.

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    Learn About Diabetes Blood Glucose Monitoring And Medications

    Some people may manage their type 2 diabetes with a healthy eating plan and physical activity for many years before requiring any diabetes medication. Other people might need medication as soon as they are diagnosed.

    Regular blood glucose monitoring can assist you and your health care team to understand how your body responds to changes with food choices, physical activity, stress and whether you may require medication or changes to existing medication. Talk with your healthcare team to find out more about how to monitor your blood glucose levels.

    Growing Up With Diabetes

    Type 2 Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Diagnosis

    For Gail, there are good and bad signs about the state of her diabetes.

    At her checkup, Belapurkar was concerned that Gail had occasionally blurred vision and irregular liver enzymes. But she also gave her a high five for losing weight in the last few months and reported that her A1c levels were back down.

    But the teenager is also having trouble staying on top of her medication. Between getting ready for school and needing to prep a healthy breakfast to eat before taking her medication, Gail says she often forgets her morning insulin pill.

    At that point, Gail got a little quieter when Belapurkar followed up with a question about school, asking if its stressful.

    Yes, Gail said.

    Belapurkar found a new type of insulin for Gail that she can take at night with food, so she doesnt have to worry about her morning routine. But Belapurkar stresses that the teen needs to be on top of her diet and her medication schedule to stay healthy.

    All while also surviving her senior year of high school.

    Im trying to go back to what I usually do, but Im lazy, she told Belapurkar softly. Life is hard.

    Belapurkar paused before answering.

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