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Keep in mind that metformin is a relatively safe drug with side effects that usually go away over time. Any weight loss you may have while taking it should be gradual and minimal and not cause alarm.

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Yes, Ozempic can be used to help people lose weight even though it was originally designed for the treatment of diabetes.

Ozempic isn’t licensed by the UK medicines regulator for weight loss specifically, but clinical studies in many patients have shown Ozempic to be safe for weight loss. We know it’s the most effective drug available for patients with obesity to lose weight in the UK right now.

The drug that’s in Ozempic, semaglutide, is already approved for weight loss treatment in the UK, USA and European Union – the new versions of the product aren’t available for use in the UK yet .

We use Ozempic “off-label”, which means we’re using it for weight loss even though it’s licensed for diabetes, because there’s an abundance of clinical evidence that it’s safe and effective for weight loss too.

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One drawback of the new trial of tirzepatide for obesity is that it didnt directly compare this drug with other treatment options. Hamdy says head-to-head tests against semaglutide and another similar drug, liraglutide, will be needed to confirm whether tirzepatide is indeed the best medication for obesity. Hamdy has also received funding from Novo Nordisk, maker of semaglutide.

Results from the new trial do suggest that tirzepatide at the highest dose may work as well as bariatric surgery, Hamdy notes. But if tirzepatide wins FDA marketing approval, how much patients use this drug may ultimately come down to is price.

Obesity is a serious disease that may lead to many costly complications, including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, Hamdy says. He doesnt expect tirzepatide to be cheaper than other new targeted weight-loss drugs like semaglutide or liraglutide , which retail for more than $1,300 a month, according to prices on GoodRx.

Because of all the health risks of obesity, and how much many patients struggle to lose weight and keep it off, more treatment options are still needed, says Clifford Rosen, MD, a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston and Mainehealth Institute for Research in Scarborough, Maine, who wasnt involved in the study and has no financial ties to companies.

Eli Lilly didnt immediately respond to a request for comment on how soon the company may seek FDA approval of tirzepatide for obesity.

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There are no symptoms associated with prediabetes in most cases which is one reason why it is important to get tested if you think you may be at risk.

If prediabetes is not treated, it can progress to type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes can include:

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If you experience any of these symptoms, its important to see your doctor as soon as possible.

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CLARKSBURG, W.Va. A new weight loss trend is gaining popularity across the nation and in West Virginia with a medication called Wegovy.

The drug has the same exact ingredients as a medication called Ozempic which is used to treat type 2 diabetics. Now, Wegovy is being used by people for its drastic effects on weight.

I knew that if something didnt change we were in big trouble so, I gave it a shot and its the best thing I ever did, Whitney Policano, a West Virginia native and Wegovy user said.

Policano started using the medication in 2021. She lost 141 pounds in less than a year.

I was truly overweight, but a lot of people that have never been overweight dont understand that I didnt sit and eat all day and not do anything, she said. I was overweight just because I couldnt maintain any type of hormonal levels in my body.

Policano was a size 24 and had underlying health conditions that were making it hard for her to lose weight even though she was living an active lifestyle.

I have thyroid disease I have unspecified severe anemia I have a condition called idiopathic inner cranial hypertension, she said about what she called the perfect storm of illnesses.

Shes not a type two diabetic, but she used Wegovy and she saw the pounds fall off.

When used properly, it is a pretty safe medication. There are some side effects as with all medications, Quinn said.

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