Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Can Probiotics Help With Diabetes

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Probiotics To Suppress Appetite And Cravings

Can Probiotics Prevent Diabetes? (TGIF Ep.11)

In a study in 2013 at the National Institutes of Health, Maryland USA, probiotics were found to effectively treat obesity and weight gain in mice by promoting the release of GLP-1 a hormone that encourages the release of insulin and promotes the feeling of satiety to reduce over consumption. Increased levels of GLP-1 are also thought to help burn calories and fat .

Meanwhile In study published in the british-journal-of-nutrition investigated the impact of a Lactobacillus rhamnosus on weight loss in both men and women . The study a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial, found that the probiotic taken over a 24 week period helped the Women in the study lose body weight and fat mass together with the appetite-regulating hormone leptin. However the probiotic was not found to have any beneficial effect on the men in the study.

Healthy And Delicious Ways To Use Greek Yogurt

Most people with diabetes have anywhere from 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates to spend on each meal, and snacks should range from 15 to 30 grams. With many nonfat Greek yogurts weighing in at about 7 to 12 grams of carbohydrates per serving, its easy to integrate them into a meal or as a between-meals snack, Ross says.

Greek yogurt can also be used in recipes. Ross suggests using plain Greek yogurt in place of sour cream on baked potatoes or in dips blend in your favorite chopped fresh or dried herbs. You can also try this decadent-tasting dessert: Mix a teaspoon of honey and a handful of chopped walnuts into a single-serving size container of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt. If desired, add in a drop of your favorite extract, such as vanilla or almond, for extra flavor.

This can give you a nice treat without all the carbs youd get with ice cream or other foods, Ross says.

Can Probiotics Help Your Diabetes

You may have heard a lot of buzz in the past few years about probiotics. Probiotics are a kind of bacteria found in our gut that can help with digestion. “They crowd out harmful bacteria and might even be an important mediator for other, more systemic diseases and disorders,” says Rachele Pojednic, an assistant professor of nutrition at Simmons College and a staff scientist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

There’s more and more evidence that probiotics can provide relief from diarrhea or help to repopulate your gut after you’ve taken antibiotics. Researchers are even looking to the benefits of probiotics in foods or via supplements to help with weight regulation, mental health, immune health and inflammatory gut diseases like Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel syndrome, Pojednic says.

There’s also more and more evidence that the flora in your gut can affect more than just digestive health, says Los Angeles-based Vandana Sheth, a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified diabetes educator and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In other words, better gut health could improve your overall health.

Probiotics have become a greater research focus as increased antibiotics use, stress and the consumption of processed food and sugar are changing our gut bacteria, Sheth says.

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Probiotic Supplementation Showing No Positive Effect On Diabetic Condition

Though several studies showcased the potential of probiotic supplementation in the improvement of the health status of DM patients, some of the studies displayed negative results. The consumption of single strain probiotic for six weeks had no significant impact on the metabolic and glycemic status of GDM patients . The supplementation of synbiotic formula showed no beneficial effect on the lipid profile in prediabetic patients . Mazloom et al. also reported the nonsignificant changes in the glycemic status of T2D patients after the consumption of probiotic preparation for six weeks.

Review Effect Of Probiotics On Glucose Metabolism In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta

Best Probiotics for Diabetes in 2021

Abstract Our aim was to investigate the effects of probiotics on glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus using a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Online databases Embase, Web of Science, and PubMed were searched until August 2014 to identify eligible articles. Finally, 7 trials were included. Probiotic consumption significantly changed fasting plasma glucose by 15.92 mg/dL and glycosylated hemoglobin by 0.54% compared with control groups. Subgroup analysis was conducted to trials with non-yogurts control. Meta-analysis of trials with multiple species of probiotics found a significant reduction in FPG . The duration of intervention for 8 weeks resulted in a significant reduction in FPG . Subgroup analysis of trials with species of probiotics did not result in a significant meta-analysis effect. Furthermore, the duration of intervention < 8 weeks did not result in a significant reduction in FPG. The results also showed that probiotic therapy significantly decreased homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance and insulin concentration . The present meta-analysis suggests that consuming probiotics may improve glucose metabolism by a modest degree, with a potentially greater effect when the duration of intervention is 8 weeks, or multiple species of probiotics are consumed.Continue reading > >

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Mechanisms Through Which Probiotics May Improve Glucose Homeostasis

The change in the gut microbiome and its fermentation have been associated with T2DM . It is postulated that the overgrowth of some gram-negative bacteria may influence risk of T2DM through inflammatory pathways. For example, excessive gram-negative bacterial fragment lipopolysaccharide may lead to a leakage of gut barrier and, as a result, chronic systemic inflammation . The gut microbiota may also influence glucose metabolism by modulating the glucagon-like peptide-1 , one of enteroendocrine peptides produced by L-cell in the gut. The secretion of GLP-1 is associated with a reduction in gastric emptying time and food intake, and an increase in insulin secretion .

The 7 Best Probiotic Foods For Diabetes

by Patient Advocate

Probiotic foods are fermented, but not all fermented foods are probiotic. Beer and wine are fermented but arent probiotic, which most of the scientific community defines as live microorganisms that can confer a health benefit. Just about all cuisines include probiotic foods because they preserve and enhance food by harnessing the benefits of good bacteria and yeast. They populate our digestive tract and help us break down our food.

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Effects Of Probiotics On Pre

The concept of probiotics was first proposed by Ilya Ilyich Mechinikov, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908 . The word probiotics comes from the Greek word probios, which means for life. Currently, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and WHO, probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that can confer health benefits to the host when administered in adequate amounts .

The main advantage of probiotics is to ensure the proper balance between pathogens and bacteria that are necessary for the normal function of the organism by affecting the development of the host microbiome . Previous molecular and genetic studies provide four mechanisms of the beneficial effect of probiotics: Antagonism through the production of antimicrobial substances Competition with pathogens for adhesion to the epithelium and for nutrients Immunomodulation of the host Inhibition of bacterial toxin production . Nowadays, several studies showed that probiotics could exert antidiabetic effects, improve glucose homeostasis and delay the progression of diabetes .

Mahboobi et al. found that probiotics can improve systolic blood pressure compared with the placebo group, but there was no statistical significance after adjusting for confounding factors. However, Naito et al. found no differences in blood pressure between the probiotic group and the placebo group and at any time point at baseline.

Differences Between Gut Flora In People With And Without Diabetes

Probiotics, Blood Sugar, and Diabetes

The relationship between the gut microbiota and human health is becoming increasingly recognised. It is now well-established that a healthy gut flora is largely responsible for overall health of the host. The normal gut microbiota has specific functions in host nutrient metabolism, xenobiotic and drug metabolism, maintenance of structural integrity of the gut mucosal barrier, immunomodulation, and protection against pathogens.13

It is reported that the gut microbiota between adults with T2DM and nondiabetic adults is quite different.14 In landmark research from a European Union supported research team with European and Chinese researchers, MetaHIT clearly showed that specific imbalances in the composition and function of the intestinal bacteria led to insulin resistance and thereby increased the risk of developing T2DM.15 Gut microbial dysbiosis and an increase in opportunistic pathogens, along with a reduction of butyrate producing bacteria, were seen in patients with T2DM.16

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May Reduce Minor Digestive Discomfort

Dannon also claims Activia probiotic yogurt may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive discomfort.

Minor digestive discomfort?

According to Dannon it means

  • abdominal discomfort
  • bloating
  • gas

These claims are based on the findings from two double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies were participants consuming Activia twice a day for two weeks as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

However, I couldnt a link to these studies on the Dannon website.

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Probiotics And Diabetes: Should You Be Taking One

If youâre reading this article it probably means that at some point youâve asked the question⦠Can people with diabetes take probiotics? And most likely whether or not you yourself should be taking one.

More and more research continues to support the role of probiotics for diabetes in blood sugar management, heart health, and GI health. All three of these areas are critical to managing diabetes. Probiotics may help lower insulin and glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes, and may also support a healthy immune system, a healthy GI tract, and may possibly promote a healthy heart.

Managing your gut health is a key component of managing diabetes. And, many of the same behavioral strategies we use to manage diabetes also impact gut health. We also know that poorly managed blood sugar levels can impact the bacteria in your gut.

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How The Gut Microbiome Affects Diabetes

Though additional research is needed, probiotics may be able to improve many health issues. In regards to probiotics and diabetes, one study found that probiotics and a healthy diet lowered participants A1C by 8.9% after three months. In comparison, participants solely following a healthy diet lowered their A1C by 3.4%.

Along with this, research suggests probiotics may decrease glucose and insulin levels in people with diabetes. Studies of animals found that probiotic bacteria strains helped to boost glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia. Human studies have also been encouraging but have usually been limited to fewer than 20 participants. As a result, its still challenging to determine what factors contributed to the improved glycemic control in these studies.

Can Probiotics Help Blood Sugar Issues And Diabetes

Best Probiotics for Diabetes in 2021

Diabetes may be considered as one of the most notorious chronic problem that one can have. Having this condition comes with a lot of problems that will involve issues with wound healing, nerve functions, physical endurance, and organ efficiency . Read on and Ill show you the wonders of probiotics that can help you manage Diabetes.

What can probiotics do to help improve your health?

Experts are still unsure on how exactly probiotics help aid in managing Diabetes, or any other condition. However, there are two main mechanisms that make probiotics work to help you manage Diabetes.

First, probiotics help replace the good bacteria in your gut. This is especially helpful in people with Diabetes because they have trouble absorbing the nutrients from the food they eat. Somehow, probiotics help improve this area by making sure that the gut functions are optimized.

Another mechanism of probiotics is balancing out the ratio of bad and good bacteria in your gut. When a good balance is achieved between these two, you do not only boost the nutrient-absorbing capabilities of your stomach but also ensures that your system will develop some resistance against gut-related illnesses.

What are some benefits that you can get from probiotics?

The following are just some of the good things that you can get from eating probiotic-rich foods:

Is there anything else that you have to be concerned about?

In a nutshell

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Type 2 Diabetes And Probiotics: What Does Science Say

Probiotics are the teeny tiny bacteria that control a lot more in our bodies than we ever knew! Trillions of these guys are currently living inside of your digestive tract and impact things like blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance, cholesterol, and many other things associated with diabetes. These little bugs are even referred to as a separate organ because they influence SO MUCH in our bodies.

There is a lot that is unknown about our gut bacteria but research is beginning to show how we can improve our gut health by including more of these healthy creatures in our diet. The trick is making sure we are getting the right bacteria into our gut!

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Probiotics: The Good Guys

Of course, we all want good bacteria in our gut. But how do we get it? Probiotics are usually bacteria, although yeasts can be probiotics, too. You can affect the balance of bacteria in your gut in three ways: via the environment, by food, and by taking supplements.

The environment: Believe it or not, the more were exposed to dirt, the better our microbiome may be. Now, no one is saying that you need to live in filth, but our culture tends to promote excessive cleanliness, and that may not be such a good thing, especially if you have kids in the house. Studies show that being exposed to a variety of microbes, especially during childhood, helps to strengthen your immune system. So dont be afraid to dig in the dirt, go camping, or be outside, in general. Other things that can help include having a pet , avoiding antibacterial cleaners, and occasionally washing dishes by hand versus using the dishwasher.

Food: Eating certain foods is a great way to get your probiotics. Choose foods that contain live cultures, such as yogurt, buttermilk, acidophilus milk, kefir , kimchi , sauerkraut , tempeh , miso , olives, and kombucha . Some cheeses may contain probiotics, too.

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Probiotics Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

Diabetes increases blood pressure as sugar levels spike.

Probiotics support fluctuating blood pressure by creating more short-chain fatty acids that have been shown to address metabolic disorders and heart risks.

This means that people who are predisposed to high glucose blood levels can greatly benefit from probiotic supplementation. .

Can I Eat Yogurt That Expired 2 Months Ago

Probiotics for Type 2 Diabetes?

The short answer is basically yes. You can eat yogurt past its expiration date or, at least, the sell-by date thats listed on the yogurts packaging. You should still be on the lookout for the signs of spoiled yogurt, though. By far the easiest way to tell if your yogurt has gone bad is if you see mold.

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Engineered Probiotic Reduced Blood Glucose Levels By Up To 30%

Each day for 90 days, the team orally administered the modified probiotic to a group of diabetic rats. They monitored its effects on blood glucose levels, comparing the outcomes with diabetic rats that did not receive it.

At the end of the 90 days, the researchers found the rats that received the modified probiotic had blood glucose levels up to 30% lower than those that did not receive the probiotic.

The team says the probiotic appeared to convert the rats upper intestinal epithelial cells to cells that acted a lot like pancreatic beta cells, which in healthy people secrete insulin and regulate blood glucose levels.

The amount of time to reduce glucose levels following a meal is the same as in a normal rat, and it is matched to the amount of glucose in the blood, just as it would be with a normal-functioning pancreas. Its moving the center of glucose control from the pancreas to the upper intestine.

On giving the modified probiotic to healthy rats, however, the team found that it did not appear to affect blood glucose levels. If the rat is managing its glucose, it doesnt need more insulin, says March.

The team says they now plan to test higher doses of the engineered probiotic in diabetic rats in order to see whether it can completely reverse the condition.

Schiff Digestive Advantage Probiotic

Schiff Vitamins is a well known and respected brand in the world of digestive supplements and their Digestive Advantage probiotic is a very good choice.

Even though the probiotic is relatively simple with only 2 main probiotic ingredients, it still is quite effective.

What I liked in particular about this probiotic is that its a lot milder, which is great for those who have a sensitive gut.

I also really liked that the probiotic is 100% FREE of added sugar, yeast, gluten, wheat and salt, but unfortunately it does contain soy.

If you feel like you need more info, feel free to read our full Digestive Advantage Probiotic Review.

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Melissa Joy Dobbins Ms Rdn

The utilization of probiotics is relatively new for Type 2 Diabetes management, but perhaps not surprising given that diabetes management has evolved over the past few decades.

Evidence indicates that those with Type 2 Diabetes lack the proper balance of bacteria in their gut needed to promote glucose and insulin homeostasis. Recent research shows that there is the potential to correct this by introducing specific probiotic strains that can alter the gut microbiota to facilitate butyrate production and gut barrier stability.

While the specific strains of probiotics that will help each individual struggling to better control their Type 2 Diabetes need further investigation, there is promise according to both Dr. Mueller and Dobbins with the species Akkermansia muciniphila. This bacteria is one such strain that may actually lower postprandial glucose control in subjects who took this in a specifically formulated probiotic supplement which also contained the strains Clostridium beijerinckii, Clostridium butyricum, Bifidobacterium infantis and Anaerobutyricum hallii.

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